@Detroit Pistons

Pistons fan reacts to having tied the NBA record for most consecutive Ls

Pistons fan reacts to having tied the NBA record for most consecutive Ls

No no ain’t you going to scream good luck let’s get this over with thank you got to stretch got to get the Kinks out you know losing it’s a lot of work it does a number on the body so I didn’t expect to win this game game

There’s no reason to really get angry other than the situation that we now find ourselves in a Joe Harris tribute Joe Harris tribute give anybody tributes nowadays I guess look at them raring the go ready to lay Foundation as of this loss we have officially tied the record for most

Consecutive losses in NBA history I’m not clapping for that I can hear you guys clapping look at look at you all just so giddy so happy so joyous yummy yummy in my tummy it’s all fun and games until someone has a stroke Tom gors has been cited he has

Finally spoken he had to be Pride from the tunnels of Afghanistan but we now have him saying we’ve done a lot to make ourselves in blah blah this position and we have to make sure we don’t make a mistake and we don’t do anything wrong

If this isn’t wrong I don’t know what is I don’t want to hear that from you let’s watch some plays let’s let’s gather around spectate a landfill what is that what the screen is glitching another sport popped up in the middle of the one we should be watching

They’re trying to switch Sports the TV doesn’t like what’s on it look at this play look what in Larry Bird’s leggings is that it’s not a basketball it’s a boomerang it’ll come back eventually when no one knows no one cares at this point if the game could

Have end it right here it’s the only lead we had 6 to zero once this three was made right here I knew it was over you can see how dejected everyone is you can see the air go out of what lungs we still have at this point you see the eye rolls the

Head rolls and then the customary timeout to talk about what get involved guys come on let’s not be the worst team of all time okay not worst team on three one two you’re you come on you guys you’re you’re not counting cu no one cares then we got

Boan over here missing two free throws back to back how if some of you haven’t already known my biggest pet peeve within the game of basketball within the court of play is flopping number one I will two missing free throws how are you a shooter and you miss two free throws back to

Back why are you five for 13 why can we not make things worse than they have to be please can we at least play average for a quarter can’t even do that can we play somewhat better than bad I would settle for bad at this point

Because what is going on here and what’s going on so far this whole season there’s no word to describe it it’s not bad bad doesn’t do it justice imagine not winning a game in two months that’s what’s about to happen two straight months without a single win

That’s not even possible to do on 2K on Hall of Fame difficulty whether it’s the computer or it’s yourself it’s not possible it’s Nary a thing until now then they got nerved to cut to Pistons over here Christmas shopping what and then who do they cut to First Isaiah appendix once again why

If anyone deserves Cole in their stocking this year it’s him he would have to get in line though because Joe Harris and James wisman would be there well James wisman had two or three good yeah could you have a good season not just two three good games maybe the

Whole season is my asking too much gift the lot of this team the entire Co mine no one deserves anything ever until we win a game 26 losses just failing at something 26 times you have a kid and you teach them to ride a bike and they fall off that

Damn thing 26 times in a row like you look at them like you can’t even stay balanced for 5 seconds and then they say I I just don’t want to do this no more I was like hey you fall that many times in a row I mean

Maybe you just shouldn’t ever ride a bike for the rest of your life then you got plays like this plays like this are strewn all about Pistons games this roster is Boo Boo and doooo dog water but effort is something that you must showcase I don’t care how bad

Your roster construction is if you don’t want to be there and you start playing like it it’s going to make fans even more irate there’s not a lot of energy that’s out there on the floor you mean like look at this seriously look at it you cannot tell me any of you watching

This couldn’t have scored a bucket on that defense right there that’s not defense that’s just offense there’s no D involved with anything this stand there I my hands up officer you’re not doing anything he shouldn’t be able to just go over there and reach and then get the

Bucket and then there’s three Pistons stand there and then they go look missed assignment no no you’re missing Hearts they’ve been plucked out of your very chest I’ve never I never thought not my team not us somebody else anybody else not us having this

Happen I I hate it I hate it I hate hate hate hate it Wings every time the Pistons win wings that no one will ever eat and ever see people are dying Brooklyn just I’m desperate I’m really desperate please just just let us win the next game please just you Maj your point

You’re better than us Mel Bridges is better than our whole roster we get that let us win the next one please I am begging you do I have to get on my knees I will shine your shoes I will do what needs to be done so we don’t lose this next oh my

God if you guys win this next game you guys are so sad selfish guys it’s it’s Christmas it’s Christmas please you don’t need this NE next win like [Applause] please I don’t I don’t I didn’t I didn’t want this to happen I really didn’t this is there’s no way out

Either as I’ve said before there’s no draft pick there’s no coaching change there’s no general manager change really that could undo this in a timely fashion it’s going to be Years Years with a z before anything is corrected in this cess pool appreciate you for watching like And subscribe get out

Detroit Pistons have tied the record for most consecutive losses in an NBA season with their loss to the Brooklyn Nets. Detroit Pistons CANNOT BEAT ANYONE!!! It is an utter travesty to be a fan of this franchise with the state that it’s in. Pistons are looking to become the worst team of all time in just another game and I am a shadow of my former self. I was so hopeful for the season and could never have predicted this apocalyptic event in the NBA to befall my team. I have run out of tears to weep.



  1. Joe Harris is a 43% career shooter from 3 and shoots 47 from FG. I don't know what's going on with the team. I don't think they're using him right or put him in the right position to succeed. Maybe he don't wanna be there.

  2. imagine crying over a sports team. this man tied his entire life saving to the detroit pistons on draftking?

  3. Man phone was sliding from my knee and i slapped it to stop it from falling and when i looked at it it was 01:56 my heart stopped and then i heard commissioner even the screen is glitching 😅😅😂😂

  4. Who is this season's LVP? Nobody can stop the pistons now from making history. They've got a date with destiny

  5. Crazy how it's still a loss on 40+% from 3 and on top of that Brooklyn was not playing good at all. A team comprised of the corpses of the jazz and the lunchlady leading the charge before that. I really don't know what it's going to take for the Pistons to get a win. Like at some point a team will drop a game to them but it's going to take a minor miracle for it to happen 2-80 is possible but 5-77 is realistically happening

  6. Imo if the Pistons actually do win the next game, not many people will focus on "tying the worst record" of consecutive losses. But if they set a new record, it'd be on the books. Of course someone may beat it in the future – but more than likely the first to beat it will be this same Pistons team in this season, one game later.

  7. Hey Dynamo, a fan of the channel, I just wanted to say that you shouldn't watch the next Pistons game, regardless of the result, and take a couple of days off (at least), for you own well being

  8. At one time people hated Reggie and Dre pistons. Sorry but I prefer those times and not being this pitiful

  9. This streak has put pistons on the map for non piston fans. If Rockets not playing I'm automatically tuning into Pistons to see history made. Must see tv….

  10. 25k views in 14 hours? Yeah, I guess we really tryna see your health decline in real time 😭💀. I don't see how you have Monty Williams as a coach and do this. Ayton rubbing his hands like Birdman rn

  11. Lol 5:48 if that was Lebron scoring, that would be an amazing play between 3 defenders 😂 amazing athleticism even for his age
    – lol that argument is insuferable to hear –

    Lazy bum defense, thats what it is… no effort , no initiative… just follow the ball. No wonder todays stats are being ridiculously inflated

  12. I feel your pain….I was there for the 11-71 Nuggets team in the 97-98 season and we went on to pick Raef LaFrentz ahead of Dirk, Vince Carter, and Paul Pierce.

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