@Sacramento Kings

The Run | S2E1 | ‘The Next Step’ | 2023-24 Sacramento Kings All Access

The Run | S2E1 | ‘The Next Step’ | 2023-24 Sacramento Kings All Access

Keegan Murray a lot of noise about Keegan here in Sacramento this past season what do you think his ceiling is as an NBA player and and did that ceiling change for you throughout this past season at all uh he had a very impressive rookie year to me um in terms

Of what his feeling is I’m not entirely certain because we don’t know a lot about what he would look like if he becomes more of a primary offensive Creator I think this year the Kings would be wise to to give him some of those opportunities and kind of see if

He has the the juice to develop in that Area hey hey the wild west ain’t let who are you looking forward to stepping up this year he he got to earn it but he got the chance to Wi I see it I see it this is a guy who who led the country in scoring his last year in college and

He comes out and just has one of the most uh efficient rookie Seasons as a you know third fourth fifth option because that’s what was was needed of him that said how is he going to create more for himself create more for others be more of an initiator than maybe a

Play finisher and summer league is a great a great opportunity for him to do that Keegan emotionally has taken a huge step um and and we’re going to need him too I think think fox has done an unbelievable job being a big brother to him um and those two working together to

Me is pretty special I knew he was going to be in town he knew how was going to be in town and we just let both our coaches know and we wanted to get some individual work together and stuff like that and know that it benefit not only

Him but me um a lot so um it was really cool for him to be here obviously he just had a newborn um so that played into the factor of him being here Too if we weren’t here if we like went somewhere yeah we’ve seen Keegan just about every day and they’ve worked out every day together we play one-on-one three four times a week and so I feel like that just helped me a lot um in different areas on the court um and it’s

It’s rare to have a vet take in someone uh especially a rookie um as their own and I think that’s just something really cool that he’s allowed me to do got make I think Keegan’s going to be so much better this year than he was last

Year um like he’s gotten a lot more comfortable dribbling the ball and creating for himself like you can work on stuff and work on stuff one-on-one but doesn’t translate let’s go a little bit of pace come on a little bit of pace Corner three find a way find a way driving kick Corner

Three it’s the we just got start I think the whole organization um knows he’s going to have to take a Next Step for us to take a next step I mean obviously I proved that I’m a really good shooter but there’s a lot of areas

That I’ve I want to work on have worked on so far this summer and just trying to exp spend my game as much as Possible oh wait wait wait wait Keegan what do you got for us Keegan I mean we dominated the c classic last year so why not do it this year hey Here We Go Together on three 1 two three together and welcome to Downtown Sacramento on this Monday evening tip all set to come

Between the Golden State Warriors and Sacramento King right here on esbn possession of the [Applause] game little wiggle his jig quarter three see what he has in the second half as keeg continues to attack oh Dagger from pegan Murray and the fou Mur 29 I challenged him before the game and

Uh in front of the team and said this is your last summer league game it’s the last time you get a play in a real game until next season and obviously he took it in with working on hockins oh step back [Applause] three attack Keegan Coach Brown

Challenged keegin and said I want you to grow your game this summer and one thing I want you to do is play a couple games in summer league where you could be the guy Keegan being Keegan he just comes out and drops 70 plus in two games and

Says yeah coach I got that obviously Keegan had a hell of a game good job great summer league all right good job he was the best player on the floor every time they stepped on the floor and he showed us more tonight 41 points he looks like he’s taken a serious step

Again I I can’t speak highly enough of Kegan he’s um just for him to show up with a good attitude and Lead this group for a couple of games I mean it speaks volumes and it it speaks to his character thanks guys okay see you in Vegas rebounds in your foot I don’t care who it is one through five other guys are getting to the corners you just pick a side and we’re going strong side dho and we’re attacking off this trust Mike a lot with his feel for his staff I think for Luke

Being able to be a head coach see all the pressures all the different things that go into that whether it’s in a game whether it’s the media whether it’s practice what’s up Kobe what’s up Charlie you guys want to come up here okay come on you know I think not just

For Luke to get the experience for himself but to be a better assistant coach uh for Coach Brown going forward all right quick quick thoughts the scrimmage it’s this guy’s option if he hits the five it’s so great for my growth to understand what he goes

Through I told Mike a couple days ago that I will bother him much less because you’re you’re just getting pulled in every different direction Jordan two for one Jordan two for one Jordan two for one let’s go attack 33 get up and down here we go here we go what’s

The one word I keep saying physicality come on baby it without a doubt will make me a better assistant coach and I think for our whole staff in terms of their responsibility jump now transferring next year will make them better as a as a staff and and um you know all their respective

Roles oh nice pass good cut by kby Jones tonight Ford nothing but the bottom of the de Ellis got the three all the way in Strong finish and transition Sacramento wins it 9284 had a our guy guys got better and they’re a little bit more prepared for

The season than they were 3 four weeks ago um so as a staff as an organization you know I thought it went really [Applause] well I commend you guys great job all right 5 and two 5 and two 2 and0 in California 3 and two here all right we dropped two games they

Weren’t pretty you guys fought back and won the last two great job great family on three 1 2 three NBA free agency is near and the Kings aren’t playing around they’re making news left and right the King’s first move of free agency was to resign Trey ly Harrison Barnes has agreed to a

Three-year extension with the King Sacramento Kings and all NBA Center damont sabonis have agreed to a contract renegotiation and extension Morgan your first reaction to the Kings adding Chris dwart the Sacramento Kings they have officially signed Sasha venkov the Kings have resigned Alex Lynn he is back and

He’s back for another year according to reports the Sacramento Kings are now signing three-time NBA champion big man javil M how you doing every offseason is just another chance for us to um you know not just improve the team now but you know for the future

As well so what we’re what we’re looking at in the offseason is okay what do we need for our team this year that’s Priority One but priority 1B is how do we then set ourselves up for success and that’s a combination of drafting a young guy that may help us down the road

Setting up our flexibility on the cap so that we can you know have the maneuverability to go get what we need as things inevitably change and we’re hard at work over that we’re able to benefit from from some of those things and you know put oursel in a position

Where we think we’ve we’ve got a pretty good and deep team this year but also we’re set up for years to come last year their goal was to address their shooting this year their priority is going to be retaining their own free agents you know I think coming into this year we at

Least had on the table we could bring a lot of this group back because we achieved a lot and we have guys that can continue to grow they weren’t just good last year they had incredible Vibes and they were fun they had a great thing going it’s like you know I don’t blame

Them for not wanting to mess with it so I I think that you did get Improvement on the depth um but overall you’re kind of staying the same here and betting on internal Improvement and while they mention um maintain improve a lot the other wording that I I catch a

Lot is aggressive yet discipline and I think that this is one of those discipline moments you know look our our job now is uh it’s going to be harder we know we got a tough task ahead of us there’s a ton of star power up and down the

Conference but we want to be in there for a long time you know whether it’s next year or 3 or four years from now we want to give ourselves as many shots at it as we can very happy step one’s checked off but uh step two and three

And four going to be really hard and uh we’re up to the Challenge try to bring Jay a little bit of Canada Canadians supporting each Other a little bit of can for you there we go there was a little Canada Yeah I know you know the words Where the M God bless glorious and here you go oh we stand on guard for the Canadian is Back the West is only getting tougher we’re going to have to get better just to match that let’s win this day we know that the expectations out there are high from our fans because we’ve shown we’re a good team nobody’s expectations are higher than ours go let’s go let’s go be good talk

Doas yes sir on come on finish 3 minutes

After weeks of training with De’Aaron Fox, Keegan Murray lights up the Sacramento summer with back-to-back impressive games, Monte McNair opens up about the team’s offseason strategy and Summer League Head Coach Luke Loucks gives fans an inside look as he prepares the squad for action in Las Vegas.

Fueled by ARCO.

#TheRun Season 1

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  1. Personally, I believe that this team goes as far as Keegan develops. Fox and Sabonis will be the all stars, we know that, but Keegan is the key to all of this

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