@Los Angeles Lakers

ESPN Insider Reveals Stunning Development Surrounding The Future Of Lakers Head Coach Darvin Ham

ESPN Insider Reveals Stunning Development Surrounding The Future Of Lakers Head Coach Darvin Ham

Hey what’s up everybody it’s is Charles abans to welcome you guys another episode of The Dreamers Pro show where we cover everything from Sports Hot Topics classic debates entertainment and we give you guys a fresh perspective on things and I we stre in today we have a

Pretty interesting show for you guys but before we get into it please make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel also if you want to follow me on Instagram my name is Charles tansy my handle is CT B ANZ if you want to follow

The channel Instagram same name of the channel dreams Pro and also if you want today’s full show before it comes out on YouTube it’s streaming for free on the dream Pro podcast that we have pinned below anyway let me get into this topic here so apparently we’re back where we

Started as usual which is the Lakers are now about to fall off the cliff and oh my Lord we need to figure out what to do next this is the reoccurring story with the Lakers over the last few seasons and oh my God it’s it’s it’s like it’s

Turning into a broken record I do my best not to even listen to any of these stories because it’s so nauseating at this it’s like this is the only and we’re now going to spend the entire season trying to figure out what’s wrong with the Lakers and to me as you do the

Entire NBA such a total service but then again some people can say but you’re talking about it too so I guess I’m part of the problem anyway uh as you guys know the Lakers have been having a tough go uh added ever since the playin tournament not the playin tournament the

The inseason tournament sorry they won the championship uh since then they’ve been I think uh one and four um and right now they’re currently on a four game losing streak in the last 10 they they’ve lost six out of the last 10 games so they’re not doing very well

Going into that thing they were the number six seed now they plummeted all the way down to the number nine seed and then when that happens we now start to revisit the old tried and true what’s wrong with the Lakers who do we need to

BU who needs to get fired who needs to get that’s been a new conversation and if you look all over Sports throughout Sports media that’s what people are talking about people in independent platforms that’s what they’re talking about like oh my God here we go again so

What happened today I I I jump on YouTube and a video gets recommended to me uh from ESPN and it has Kendrick Perkins uh on there and he’s talking about the state of affairs with the Lakers and that’s essentially that’s what they they were talking about and

Then he gets a particular point where he begins to hint that hey wait a minute this is a very very serious issue and I think people need to start paying attention to it and by people he was referring to head coach uh Darin ham and he was basically saying that Darin ham

Could potentially be on a hot seat if these Lakers uh don’t turn it around so that’s really what we want to focus on but before we even get into that this video is brought to you by our sponsor Aura do you know what the fastest growing crime in America is today it’s

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In the description below also know that you’re supporting this channel thank you so what we want to do is want to play exactly what Kendrick Perkins had to say about some of the things he’s been hearing around the NBA and then we’re going to come back and continue on the

Show take a listen to what Kendrick Perkins had to say here and perk 2024 is right around the corner at this point we are counting down the final days of 2023 here and and there’s a real chance that the Lakers can enter January with a losing record here so how long can they

Just afford to trust that they have enough right now not long at all and especially Darin ham look I’m not I’m not going to go out on the ledge right now and say that dham is on the hot seat although I want to but I will say this

Don’t get too comfortable if I’m dvin ham when you talk about LeBron James and Rob Pik and Anthony Davis you got to be on your best stuff they want greatness and a lot of people have been questioning his rotations a lot of qu people have been questioning you know uh

His play calling you know and here’s the thing right when you’re dealing with a organization like the Lakers we have to remember they F they fir Frank voger Frank voger helped them hang a banner they won a championship for for Frank voger is what are you doing for me right

Now hey Darin ham just hung a banner last week you I knew you going there me started so you heard his comments essentially Kendrick is saying that listen Darin ham shouldn’t get too comfortable uh because he could be gone next and to me I’m like how is this even

Possible how is this even possible to me the and and I said it in one of the recent post this why I can’t support the Lakers right now with the way it’s constru constructable LeBron and all of this it has turned into one big drama aess assess pool of

Drama that’s all it’s been for the past four years dating back all the way to the Russell Westbrook trade that year it was supposed to be the I mean that was supposed to be the team that won the championship ended up being a total disaster the rest of the season was

Drama the following year drama you trade W wuss Westbrook they’re playing well they make it to and now here we are again everybody was sitting there sitting over there twerking it up oh the Lakers look good and funny enough I thought the Lakers would be good this

Year I was one of the people that thought that the Lakers were going to be good but the problem is they’ve had to deal with injuries like most teams in the NBA so I’m not going to I’m not going to you it’s a it’s a factor in sports right it happens but sometimes

They’re just not playing well but I never thought okay you know what time him to blow up the team time to trade this person away time to try time to fire this per and that’s what we are that’s where we are to reference what Kendrick Perkin said they just fired a

Championship coach in uh um um uh Frank vog two years ago you hire Darin ham when Darin ham was getting him to the Western Conference Finals he’s a fantastic coach now they can’t figure it out now we need to fire the coach okay you’re G to fire

The coach and then what’s next what’s next how about we start looking at the team how about we start looking at the way the offense is being ran how about we start looking at the Players we’re not going to do that and to me is like the process of elimination we can’t

Blame him it’s like okay blame him blame them okay he’s gone now next one blame and if they get rid of darham they get a new coach two things are going to happen they’re going to blame Anthony Davis or they’re going to blame the new coach and

To me I think that we need to get to the point where we understand that listen in sports sometimes it’s a process you know sometimes a process is involved and the Lakers seem to be running away from that reality it is a process involved you look at the Clippers they haven’t won a

Championship yet they still got tyou there trying to figure it out but with the Lakers they always want it’s like this microwave solution okay we’re going to throw this on the microwave and we need results right now and it’s to me it’s like I’m just sick of the drama man

Maybe they’re just not playing well maybe this won’t be their year and then you move on you know you move on but I think if you fire darham you go get another coach then that doesn’t work out or if it does work out they get it to

The playoffs they do well and they don’t do well again and then they’re going to come back the next season and say okay who are we going to fire who can we get rid of it’s like when does it end you know when does it end when does

It end now I understand these guys have to talk about the Lakers because they’re a huge Market uh they have a they have a very huge fan base but my God is this the only story we can come up with you know about this team who how can we

Solve it who do we need to M I don’t even know what to say it’s still a long season who knows maybe they could turn it around I don’t know they have a very big game coming up on Christmas they’re going to be playing against the Boston

Celtics if I look at the NBA standings yeah it’s going to be a tough match up yeah they may lose it because they’re going they’re going to be playing against the Boston Celtics uh the Boston Celtics currently have the number one record in the East um that may be a

Fifth loss in a row but hey you know who never know you may turn turn it around later on in the season when the Clippers lost six games in a row I was I was tough on them but they figured it out so who knows maybe the Lakers have figured

Out maybe they won’t who knows I guess we’re definitely going to find out about it because they’re going to talk about it so these are my thoughts so the question for the audience is this do you think that the Lakers should fire Darin ham do you think they should retain him

Or do you think they should make another move whatever you guys think please leave your thoughts and comments in the comment section and we catch you guys on the next show peace

Thank you, Aura, for sponsoring this video.

ESPN Insider Reveals Stunning Development Surrounding The Future Of Lakers Head Coach Darvin Ham.


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  1. Why??? Why oh why does this narrative follow Lebron everywhere he goes. When they win it’s because of Lebron, when they lose it’s not Lebron. “He needs more help” “he needs a different coach” the superstar next to him who was effective on his own team prior to Lebron is trash”.

    The warriors lost for a few years before winning their 4th. If Lebron was on that team, Steve Kerr would’ve been fired.

    Conclusion: The problem is Lebron!!! He makes no one better. I think folks forget that he doesn’t move well without the ball and he doesn’t play defense. He’ll have an explosive night but it’s not consistent. He never played college ball and it shows because his game is limited. Kwame and Jordan pointed it out but ppl called it hate.

  2. All coaches are in the hot seat when the team is losing. I don't think Coach Darwin is the blame for it all, but it starts with the coach. I would like to see the Lakers give Mark Jackson a chance. I think he can provide better play calling and motivation for the team.

  3. I predicted this when Bron first came to the lakers . It’s the same wherever he goes . If the team is losing the coach and teammates are always the chopping block .

  4. LeBron left a great organization with MIA that coulda reloaded, to superteam his 2nd Franchise, James brought this on himself, and is lucky the LeMedia does not hold him accountable

  5. Amazing! You actially produced a video about the Lakers, and didnt LYNCH LeBron. For a moment, I could've sworn, Skip Clueless was slipping you cheddar under the table, to BASH LeBron. 🤔🙄

  6. The annual “LeBron needs help” and the coach gets fired.
    Spo was the only coach to survive LeBron. Meanwhile MJ and Kobe didn’t wanna play without Phil. See the difference?

  7. You make a great point about the Lakers management. They do anything to avoid any kind of process for long-term success

  8. Perkins is right Ham’s coaching and rotations are terrible. It does seem like he doesn’t coach at all. Coaching plays a big part in winning along with the players and a superstar player if a team has one. Lakers are a good team but Hams coaching is questionable at times.

  9. Hahaha – you are complaining about something that you do yourself 2-3’days per week…you’re looking cartoonish man.

  10. All the murmur is always LeBron. Now that hes not on the Cavs, people are barely aware of their existence

    But i do think the murmur is always somebody speaking on behalf of LeBron. It wouldnt be out if LeBron didnt support it. Take the hate Westbrook was getting – LeBron snaked him

  11. Lakers organization and fan base expectations on humans and winning are way too high for basic logic and reason. lol .. sometimes they be acting like cowboys fans 😂

  12. So, Charles you believe what Kendrick Perkins says?? Did Pelinka say he will fire Ham? You are the one insinuating rumours, because you don't have content.

  13. For somebody who hates lbj and just recently said he is not a laker fan anymore he sure has laker topics one after the other never seen a man talk about the same man everyday

  14. Too bad the Lakers can’t get their franchise back to the Kobe championship level. And don’t mention the virus banner or the pickup game title recently won. 😂😂😂😂

  15. Ham is not a great coach. He's mid and his rotations are questionable at times. And the reason the Lakers are in Microwave mode is because their best player is old AF. It's obvious they're trying to win RIGHT NOW before LeBron hangs it up.

  16. If you can’t see he’s not a good coach from his sets offensively and lineup rotations then you just don’t know ball Gilbert was right I guess

  17. Throwing players together and forming super teams isn’t working anymore. The teams that have won the championship the last few years were teams that’s core has been together for awhile and they’ve formed basketball chemistry. The Nuggets, The Warriors and The Bucks.

  18. The problem is LeBron James I will get rid of LeBron James fastest then his head can spin around yes throat LeBron James up under bus some qualified pieces. First of all he hoggiñg up a lot of money I don't care what his name stand for and I will get rid of Anthony they just money hogging, not worth a damn that get some quality pieces that can listen to the coach. And the reason I say all because I really believe LeBron James is the the unbalanced piece of the NBA, not buy play but by his name. His name carry a lot of wait but he is half as good as they say he is.😢

  19. I wouldn’t be surprised if Klutz Sports is putting that narrative out there like the did the Russell Westbrook situation and the GOAT debate. I’m pretty sure Kendrick Perkins is a Klutz guy. Jeanie Buss, it’s time to get back control of your franchise.

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