@Toronto Raptors



Y’all can say whatever y’all want about Doo I still like him that’s still my guy and the more I see the more I like cuz he’s starting to realize the F see what people aren’t understanding is he’s getting past the honeymoon phase remember when you dream of a job and you

Dream of an opportunity you still have that that love affair with the fantasy of it all and as reality starts to crash into your fantasy the honeymoon phase starts to de integrate right before your eyes and you get to see the real of it all and then you get to make real

Decisions I think he’s a he’s he’s almost past that honeymoon phase to the point where he’s starting to realize wait a minute these [ __ ] is starting to blame me for this [ __ ] wait a minute hold up y’all are starting to blame me for this it’s my

Fault oh you out your rabbit ass M ain’t no way I told it’s my fault PR the chea [ __ ] up for three straight possessions that’s my fault it’s my fault we got inconsistent players who are consistently inconsistent and want us to accept that inconsistency as a normal as

A new Norm that we got to accept and look at it and and keep it and speak to it and have the same energy as if it was coupled with Excellence you can’t talk about players being shitty anymore you got only talk about the good and you got to exaggerate

It when the bad comes sometimes you just got to tell the truth but me I like you know being an elder Statesman I give it a little bit more time before I say what I gotta say because what I gotta say hits a little harder than everybody when

You hit like Mike Tyson you kind of you give it a second you let your opponent you let just throw I’ll let you throw two more Jabs maybe an uppercut I’mma hit you and I’mma hurt you and now I get my Mike Tyson moment the reality is he’s

Not going he’s past the honeymoon phase where he’s he’s just feeling the love of the moment and enjoying it now he’s like yo it ain’t me you you can say whatever you want about me switching players in my rotation they still got to play and

He knows he knows how to blame game goes he’s prepared and he’s very Savvy very smart he been around 28 years as a coach he knows how that blame game goes he know how this [ __ ] ends he’s been fired before you cannot exist as a professional coach and not be let go at

Least once even in the infancy of your journey you’re going to be a casualty of war from time to time you’re to be a part of the collateral damage that’s just how it goes he knows how this [ __ ] goes he is not going to let these players [ __ ] up

This opportunity and [ __ ] up his reputation and his name he has but so much control and he has to let that be known before someone he knows he has to tell his side of the story before someone else starts to tell what they think his side of the story

Is a lot of this rest on the player shoulders he understands that he has he gives a directive he has a game plan he has philosophies we understand that not everything that that he thinks of is going to translate well on the court but a game plan and a strategy is

Sometimes only as good as the Personnel executing it guys listen you got guys who wanted more opportunity they’re getting more opportunity and now you’re seeing why Nick ner didn’t give them that many opportunities and we saw it from the gate like most guys were just we were

Hoping in the 150 days that they had to work on themselves and improve themselves for this new part of the journey that they would come back better and they didn’t we got so many guys who remained at their level of play they they’re not gauging or looking at the

Competition in totality they’re not gauging the NBA landscape in totality they’re simply saying I’m going to do what I want to do to be the player I want to be and in all actual uality you’re paid to do a job to be the player

We need you to be to be the team we need to be to achieve the goals we want to achieve we’re looking at guys who did what they wanted and gave their approximation of what hard work looks like the reality is what you did enabled you to survive and be you

But what if being you isn’t good enough for the team what if being you isn’t even good enough to be in the [ __ ] NBA the goal was for you to work hard enough to be the player we need you to be which means you have to get out your

Comfort zone we look some one of the one of the uh subscribers said something real real made a dope point in the comment section guys are too comfortable you can tell they only did what they were comfortable doing very few stepped out of their comfort zone

You can tell Scotty stepped out of his comfort zone because the production looks like it Pascal a long time ago step out of his his comfort zone he’s on a whole another level so the expectation is higher for him to get back to that that space within a new system while

Being held under control so we can afford him numerically right the other guys just have they’re getting more opportunities than they’ve gotten in years and now they’re showing that be careful what you ask for because you just might get it and you can’t blame coach there’s but so much you

Could put on the coach cuz it’s the player’s responsibility to win every day to understand that what you what you think is enough might not even scratch the surface of what’s enough that’s why that’s why if you notice certain players practice with a certain Maniac type of

Pace because they know they didn’t have a lot of time to prepare and they didn’t know exactly what would transfer from what the practice was to what the game is and what they can do in the game you don’t know so some guys have this

Anxiety where they try to do as much as they possibly can in hopes of being enough or more than the basketball circumstances they’re going to encounter or the basketball moments they’re going to be involved in throughout that battle for 48 minutes a lot of guys are complacent you know they they’re not

Trying to step out of their comfort zone They think what they because what they did enabled them to get there in the first place but what do you do when you’re in the NBA and everybody’s like you and some of the guys have a have a better information base where they have

A better idea of what the how they can improve and be the player the team needs them to be while still keeping their identity as a player without losing themselves cuz that’s that’s one thing as a ball player that’s that’s very very it’s it’s frustrating because you want

Your identity but you want to win and sometimes you being a player that you are isn’t enough to win you have to be what the system needs you to be and playing for certain coaches the system trumps your identity like you look at guys at North Carolina guys that doke

Guys that play for St John’s and UNLV like it’s rare that you get a chance to merge your personality with the job description and your responsibilities sometimes you just got to be a car in the wheel sometimes you just have to play your position in like a Indiana or a

Kansas or Kentucky back in the day or Arizona you know what I mean Loyola maram Mountain all these teams back in the day is LSU at times like it wasn’t a lot of wiggle room there’s only certain like schools that enabled you to be explore your great

While other teams you just had to be in hope that you achiev some form of greatness within that system and you got to live with that because that’s a decision you’re making B for your future you know what I mean so it’s I get the I get the frustration on

The players part sometimes you know trying to figure that out but when you are a professional and you recognize from the gate we don’t have certain things that other teams can rely upon when things don’t go right when things are going well we can compete with anybody the

Problem is when things don’t go right we don’t have enough of the intangibles to make up the difference it goes from bad to worse really quick and now we’re pointing fingers [ __ ] want to know who’s the problem and the coach he let it be known like I it’s the same

Guys it’s the same people you seen get the 17-point lead that’s still on the court it’s the same guys he don’t understand it either like how how are we having these highs and lows and how are we having these slow starts and these these moment towards

The end of the game and how are we how are we not and there’s so many professionals that have been in the NBA long enough to understand the assignment without even being like the best part of being an employee or a player or whatever is to one be coachable and also

Know what to do next without being told what to do that’s when you become valuable that’s when you become in like you become so valuable that they can’t do without you because you learned how to think on your own and be a professional on your own

And we’ve all had jobs and we’ve all had occupations where we had to we couldn’t we didn’t want to be micromanaged we didn’t like that it’s it’s a it’s a frustrating feeling as an adult to have someone tell you what to do every second on the second or every

Hour on the hour no you should know what to do next when I finish this I’ll start that and when I finish that I’ll start this if I’m asked to do something I am I in it’s it’s already implied to me that you want me to do it right now not when

I feel like it not when I get to not when I get a chance to but right now I got to go let I’ll drop what I’m doing to take care that right now and that makes you valuable in the workplace you know what I mean and for

And for NBA players they act as if like you don’t know what to do next like they don’t know how to play it’s the same basketball game nothing has changed nothing you’ve seen the same zones the same traps being the just a variety of talent but you’ve been in that mix for

Years most of these people you know you played against been around these is your peoples how are you this uncomfortable playing against them that you don’t perform at least at League level we don’t shoot like we do shoot what 47% that’s League level but the three-point shooting and the free throw shooting are

Way below League level which is what 37 36% from three hitting 13 threes a game and shooting at least what 79 80% from the free throw line that’s the league average we’re nowhere near that as professionals who’ve been doing the same thing since we were kids I can

Understand if it’s your first time at the free throw line when you get to the pros no you’ve been shooting free throws whether in practice or in games your whole time it’s your job it went from a Pastime hobby to a passion to something that you want to do

For the rest of your life now you got a chance to and you can’t hit free throw you you have not mastered the fundamentals and as a professional group or Collective we’re 11 and 18 and we just lost to the Utah Jazz who were also 11

And 18 before last night now they’re 12 and 18 and we had a 17-point lead at home you can’t ask for a better opportunity a better scenario going into Christmas going into the Christmas break this was the perfect scenario or was it the perfect scenario for some for other

Reasons maybe this is a necessary evil maybe this is a a a truth that we have to deal with and we’ve been saying like I didn’t I just didn’t want to be a dick once I saw what I saw I always want to leave an opportunity for things to change and

Improve so I left a lot of things alone for the first few weeks actually the first couple months of the season I didn’t it’s a lot of stuff I wanted to say but it’s like nah let me just in case it’s too early they might uh you

Always get that that that that that one thing that makes you say damn there’s potential there there’s a possibility for a change or pivot into the right you know going in the right direction again we started out strong wrong now we’re 22nd in scoring 17th in shooting 27th in shooting threes 29th in

Free throw shooting 18th in defense and 25th in [ __ ] three-point defense after being what 10th at one point or fourth we was we was we was top 10 for sure mind you we don’t have we don’t have like all bums on this team like we got a rookie of the year who’s bowling

All NBA Allstar who plays at the level most SS a center who’s shooting 73% from the field we not feeding them enough we got the we got one of the best three in D guys and people are like you can’t say he’s three and D until he

Could go off the dribble pass grab more rebounds he’s doing he’s he’s going to be described according to the attributes that that are highlighted that make his game hitting threes and playing incredible defense which we really haven’t seen this year because he got Darko got everybody switching off but

Even with that it’s like you can’t have guys switch off and without understanding the responsibilities that it takes to be a defender in the first place lock your man up then if you do get beat you got another guy who can lock a man up you can’t be a liability

Let your man go and have him led to another liability so now you got a two-on-one situation with another guy who’s a liability on defense all you got to do is hold the fort till Scotty comes or until OG comes or Pascal comes you just got to hold the

Fort most guys can guys are going in for layups getting dunks and [ __ ] it’s a lot going on unnecessarily unnecessarily and we still got guys who haven’t mastered you know certain fundamentals [ __ ] don’t know how to score how did you get to the league guys don’t know how to crash

Boards or win the crash boards guys are coming in the same size they were the year before while the rest of the league has been hitting weights the average weight what is like 218 for teams we’re like 213 214 like we got guys that are just when it comes to teams imposing

Their will physically we have no match with the exception of Scotty Pascal we got yako perto and and we got OG at times you know what I mean but most of his comes on the defensive end as oppos he doesn’t post up he doesn’t have a post up game he’s only

Going to hit threes go to the basket on you know in transition mostly he doesn’t really use his strength to his Advantage as often as Scotty does and and in the offensive sets that aren’t in transition or fastpac or you know what I mean even broken plays but we got guys that just

Lack fundamentals at the at the NB and we’re saying when we saying master of fundamentals we don’t mean at the regular level that we’re on as regular [ __ ] civilians we’re talking at the NBA level Master the fundamentals as an at the NBA level we got guys who can’t make

A chess pass who can’t make a bounce pass who can’t throw alleyoop who can’t go to their left who can’t shoot what they left or finish what they left who can’t go to the basket and get hit and then hit free throws like it’s it’s we lack the professionalism in the

Execution but guys want to be respected and regarded in the same light as their peers who are also professionals who do those things you can’t be a part of certain conversations if you don’t have the ability and qualifications to be a part of those conversations and you

Can’t put that on Coach it’s your responsibility to go and put the work in but like I said throughout their whole journey as ball players they hit a growth spurt they had more coordination more athleticism than their age group than their peer group they got paired up

With other superstars they were able to skip steps and hide a lot of their inadequacies then when you get to the pros what do you think the opposing coach is going to do he’s going to expose what you haven’t been working on your whole time force him left and guess

What happened [ __ ] can’t go left you know how many of our players that they actually just forc to their left and turn over or Miss basket they they invite and allow our players to go left they invite and allow our players to shoot threes they have no

Problem with putting our players on the free throw line because they’re not fundamentally sound to the point where it’s automatic that they finish around the basket it’s automatic that they finish through a foul it’s automatic that they know how to score whether it be knowing when to

Shoot off the backboard I’m starting to see that more but [ __ ] use the backboard everybody want that [ __ ] to go through the net [ __ ] your form ain’t like that a lot of these dudes constantly hit the back of the rim back of the rim use the backboard [ __ ] you all just shoots the

Backboard put a little bit more on it a little bit more eyes hit it kiss it off the backboard I understand when you shooting from the corners or you shooting from the shoulders from three yeah you want to hit your mark but when you’re in the perimeter you got to use

The glass especially when you’re close to the paint and below the free throw line you got to use you got to use the the backboard it’s easy you’re [ __ ] 6’9 you’re right there you’re six L yo they’re playing on a bitty Rim let’s be realistic we’ve already talked about it

They’re playing on a bidy rim it’s not like your 5 foot s playing on you’re 6 foot six 6’4 you can hop and dunk you can reach on you can touch the backboard just stretch come on now the basketball is like a little bitty ball in front in

Your hands it’s like come on now like what more like how much easier does it have to be for you to do the job it’s you’re right there you are literally right there now if you’re talking about the speed of the game being too fast for you that’s you gonna have to watch

Film watch film and and really get your mind wrapped around the execution of a play but the fundamentals need to be mastered in order for you to even have a a base to [ __ ] execute from that’s not on the coach how you execute what he tells you

To do is not on him that’s on you as a player as a professional that’s your [ __ ] job that’s what you’re responsible for not him his job is to come up with something Innovative come up with something fresh come up with something fly it’s your job to execute

It it’s your job to be good enough to execute it at the highest level possible not how you feel like executing it but at the highest of degrees and highest of levels of operation these coaches don’t Implement these plays without perfection in mind you’re a professional they’re not

Looking like the amatur mistakes for guys getting paid 18 129 million is crazy anywhere else with any other job you would have been fired a long time ago they would have [ __ ] fired you you can’t make those type of fundamental mistakes they’ll question how you got here immediately immediately you’ll be you

Got you’ll have to go to [ __ ] human resources early and they be like listen I don’t know your qualifications how this is the only profession or one of the only professions where you can skip as like you just skip a lot of major steps in development just to get

To the end result and then you’re competing against guys who actually have developed a lot more as players and then they know how to continue to get better you’re competing against that and we like I like I said before we got guys that are too good for the G

League but not good enough to be in the NBA so we’re stuck in this this space there’s no reason for us to be [ __ ] it’s a Shooters like it’s a Shooters League everybody’s shooting it’s a Shooters league in a scor is Paradise everybody’s looking to get Buckets

Everybody wants to shoot how are we this bad how 27th in three-point shooting and 29th and free throw shooting 22nd in scoring 17th in shoot how this is all everybody’s doing all everybody’s doing is shooting it’s been in Shooters league for almost what eight years it’s on the back nine

Of it also but [ __ ] you would think how how did you not develop a superior shot and ability to score you’ve been you’ve been here for the for years like it’s not like you just got here my [ __ ] and you’re adapting going from college to

The pros or the G League to the NBA you’ve been actually on the main stage the part of the Big Dance The Big Show for years how the [ __ ] you still look like this how did you last that long here how did you survive and you’re comfortable with being an inadequate

Professional but when they’re around civilians like us they want us to put them on a pedestal and speak about them in the same regards we do the greats no there’s a top 75 for a reason there’s a reason why they sep it’s classism in the NBA everybody knows it it’s major

Classism so many different levels of there are societies within Societies in the NBA there’s certain classes of players that don’t even associate with certain players if you’re not all NBA don’t talk to me if you’re not all if you’re not allar don’t talk to me we ain’t got

Nothing in common if you ain’t a top 75 player I don’t know what you’re talking about if you’re not a champion like there’s classism it’s division all players ain’t created equal but they’ll tell us different [ __ ] y’all ain’t all family I know that for a fact some of y’all can’t stand each

Other they don’t like y’all you don’t like them but you still got to compete and you wear that you part of the shield you part of the Brotherhood y’all can say what y’all want against each other but you know y it’s y’all against the world we get

It but I still don’t understand how we keep putting out this inferior product and guys have been Professionals for years and understand what it takes and they understand the assignment either they just don’t want to do it or like I keep saying want to give the minimum

That they want to give to get the maximum out of the situation they in out of out of the relationships they have because these kids have figured out I don’t have to be the best in the NBA anymore to get rich I only have to be

One of the best on my team and with that thinking there’s going to be a lot of teams that aren’t going to be good that’s why they can’t find the face of the NBA because there’s nobody that truly wants to step out and be that guy

You want to know why because it’s a it’s Lonely at the Top they don’t want to be separated from their group they don’t want to be separated from their peers in order for you to be the best player in the NBA they your friends can’t go with you you’re around a

Different class of people you’re treated differently you’re separated from your peer group Michael Jordan wanted to be separated from them [ __ ] he a like them no way the ultimate competitor same thing with magic and bird they didn’t care they wanted to be separated they liked it they loved it made them feel

Special you always want to be the best player because the best there’s perks of being the best especially like some guys are happy now with just being one of the best on their team just imagine if you’re one of the best in the league the perks that come along with it is [ __ ]

Ridiculous like we’re talking even though the NBA you know extends these you know luxuries to everyone where you have your you know security they they book your hotels they book your your your your [ __ ] reservations at restaurants and all the other [ __ ] they’ll set your whole night up you know

I mean they’ll set the car service up your security the whole nine yards they make sure you’re taking care of wherever you are in the world if if you are stranded or if you need help the NBA will send someone to come get you lawyers and

All NBA players don’t get caught up in you know how many NBA players that could have gotten indicted David Stern ain’t play that [ __ ] Adam Silva ain’t playing that [ __ ] either like n you got to protect this y’all ain’t going nowhere whatever scandals we gonna deal with it a lot of

Y’all like yo why you ain’t talk about homie from OKC I was like cuz the NBA is going to make it go away it’s not going to be in story in two weeks where’s the story at that OKC story where’s that story at now shit’s disappearing as the days get

Longer as the days go by it’s going to be gone it’s going to be afterthought that’s not even the first of there been I’ve seen tons of those I’ve heard of a lot worse a lot worse whole lot worse they protect their players the better you are the more they protect you

Hell that even help you cheat them [ __ ] that help you keep your dirty little secrets a dirty little secret they do whatever it takes but um I don’t see why guys will be like professionals and just don’t in other professions when they’re professionals you can tell by the way

They talk by the way they handle business the way they execute their daily routine like you just see it’s just exudes a certain level of upper echelons it’s just they’re better that’s the difference there’s a when you think of professionals and amateurs professionals are better if you’re not a professional

In that field and somebody else is it’s because they’re better than you and you and you feel that way and that’s you should feel like when you’re around somebody who is a true professional and they start talking about their their profession you should feel inferior unless you’re part of that

Profession because you don’t know [ __ ] you definitely don’t know what they know and they gonna talk to you like [ __ ] you they gonna talk to you like you don’t know [ __ ] even if you got an idea unless you were a part of that journey and you got off at a certain

Stop and you I know enough I just didn’t go as far as you I have a better I have an understanding of the whole thing then they’ll respect you and then they’ll let you in and you’ll get more information and make your conversation more sound to make you more of a a

Counterpart than just somebody that they have you know small talk with right you can have a deeper more eventful dialogue with them you look at the NBA players you just be looking at these [ __ ] they be trying to throw that terminology around and it mean the same [ __ ] it

Meant when you was in the fifth grade all this [ __ ] they it’s just renamed it’s repackaged dope [ __ ] you g why don’t you just say cut to the basket why don’t you just so you mean and they’ll come up with a funky terminology and you like my [ __ ] you mean cut to

The basket yeah oh then why you just say cut to the basket or come off a screen they got some new exotic language that a coach just created to make it sound spicy n he means when your man double teams you cut behind them that’s everybody knows that that means when

They’re playing the zone you supposed to be in the middle of it we going to dump it to you as the center and then you going to pass it that way it’s a three on two in any direction or two onone at the angles but I mean it’s just how do they

Not perform and then they want the coach to take the blame and it’s unfortunate because like I said you’re going to be a casualty of War once the blame game starts the players are the last to get blamed cuz it’s like No No Child Left Behind and the fact that you you

Invested so much into that you don’t want to look like a [ __ ] for giving somebody $75 million that would have probably be doing the same job that they’re doing for you right now for two million the only reason why guys expect so much money is because other guys are

Getting it if they was only getting 2 million they would still create a great life off the 2 million and and give you the same effort you’re overpaying for limited production that back in the day they only paid 500,000 a year for you paying 15 million for what

[ __ ] used to pay 500,000 a year for but you know coach ain’t gonna let you blame him but so much and he’s right you shouldn’t [ __ ] have to take the blame he’s not the one on the court he’s given a directive it’s your job to execute and figure it out on the court

It’s your job to to understand that your portion of the journey is the execution find figure out how to get it done figure it out I told you what to do all right they jammed us up by counter punching this way you should already go

To plan B and C we still need production you got to learn how to improvise you have to have the fundamentals and be like be a professional work days don’t go perfect for everybody sometimes [ __ ] you got all yo you can’t take lunch oh listen instead

Of taking lunch at 12 you got to take it at 11: cuz I’m going to need you to work you know what I mean get back to work a little sooner all right cool or it’s going to be a short day you got to figure out how to Crunch 8 hours

Worth of work into four hours you know what I mean or or you got to figure out how to Crunch two weeks worth of work CU you’re going on vacation in 3 days of production and maybe some of that vacation you got to work to get some of that work done like

You really got to you got to figure it out you got to get it done there’s no excuses but athletes they want to give you the minimum and they created a culture where it’s acceptable to give the minimum and explain the [ __ ] as long as you say those key words in

Conversation people think you you’re trying to make strides to improve and the product looks the same there is no improvement we’ve seen a lot of players in the NBA improveed over the last few years we’re looking at players that we’ve been looking at doing the same [ __ ] they’ve been doing while everybody

Else got better and got stronger and got smarter everything ain’t on the coach the players at some point got to look themselves in the mirror and realize what they’re not like really say you know what am what am I not doing how can I get better instead of talking about what

You’re working on like [ __ ] it’s not at an NBA level how do I get there start asking different questions so you can get different answers [ __ ] is crazy though

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  1. Og wanted a bigger role he the 3rd option on a bottom feeder team avg 14ppg..og can gtfoh bring some pieces back.. im now at a point resign siakam trade og.. everybody gonna bug out og making 40 plus still cant dribble

  2. I hope he’s looked enough videos to finally realize the Bench Unit ain’t it! As an expert in development, doesn’t he see some of them CLEARLY lack basic skills? Send them to 905, bench them, do whatever to send a message!

  3. Like I said he will grow from this. He creates so many open looks for these players. We are literally #1 in open looks. That said he needs to stop that friendship shit with Dennis.

  4. Thad young
    Garret temple
    Gradey dick
    Otto porter
    Porter jr
    Boucher some nights 🌙
    All dnp's thats on front office whole lotta nothing coming 70%roster.. all them ninjas combined average a cool 8ppg

  5. You called my bro the honey moon is starting to be over … I love how he said I don’t have Steph Curry there and he squashed this back to back excuse! Finally Darko is starting to flex his 5’5” frame

  6. I cant lie you was right scottie needs siakam we could possibly be the pistons without him…trade og to highest bidder get some pieces that fit barnes and siakam and what coach wants to instill.. no reason why barnes and siakam cant both be all nba next year

  7. The two best career three point shooters on the team are Trent and Porter. I would be riding those two like a mule until they break down

  8. We're in big trouble. Massive and Bobby have been fleecing the fans for years including last year. We lose Fred 4 not and get Dennis who looks burnt out for 13mill. Keep fleecing the lamb with no new growth it will die of exposure. Where are the new recruits for the pros we've let go 4 notta. Many because Masai didn't or MLSE want to pay. Norm, Danny G, Kawaii, Gasol, Serge, Kyle, Fred. Yes a chip but no relevance since. Would you give 2 first rounders for Yak? I would taken Sabonis based on pedigree. No wonder Nick wanted out. Thay will fire Masai b4 they win another chip. There drafting blunders are legendary aside from Scottie, mostly we have gotten a Young Dick. Rookie head coach maybe we're moving to Vegas. Trade everyone not named Scotty and rebuild so when he is in his prime we can compete or fire up the treadmill.

  9. Achua and Boucher look like lost souls out on the floor together. Ditch them. OG will never be the player people think he can be. Trade him. Getting sick of giving these players my time.

  10. Darko should just use 7-8 man rotation and bench Dennis , Gary should take his place. No more time, no more experimentation. Just maximize the first five( barnes,paskal, poetl,gary & og)& for the bench just use dennis, boucher & porter.

  11. I like Darko, this is a smart savvy dude. He'll get it all figured out eventually. He just needs his team in place and we don't have his team on the court yet. This is still the Casey and Nurse team we're going to create a lot of seperation from those teams after the changes are made. He was tight to say we dont have a Curry because we don't and that's the biggest problem for our team going forward.

  12. The q? Is has darko tried everything…like nurse hhe hasnt.
    Starting (and closing) Barnes as PG is the only solution neither coach never wanted to try. noones asking.barnes to be fulltime PG ..its why u have a quality backUP PG for,

    U start barnes so u can get OG/trent involved in the game early while havinf only 2 COOKs in the lineup. kidd was a TD machine, payton would stay on the paint…doncic xould be a TD machine , Magic Penny Hill Lebron all grab boards.

    Schroder.takes away from barnes/siakam like FV did.

    And its taken darko 25gms not to see this schroser would be a.great sixthman like FV.

    And darko has taken 25gms not to see flynn/achiuwa as bad combo, let alone nixing 6'9…
    He needs to be fired for a coach who isnt dep on his 6'1 guard….elite guards like murray curry ja and jrue and fox will torch them

  13. Scottie's making shots bc he's confident, he wants it, he stays positive and loves the game. A lot of the other players are so obviously not confident, they just shoot to shoot, but it's like they don't really want to make the shot, as if they're willing to shoot but afraid to miss. They should be thinking when there open on their spot, there's my bucket, gimme that!

  14. Scottie wasn't comfortable shooting 2s his first 2 years now he's dropping 3s as good as OG.
    All Precious is comfortable doing is being a lob threat, turning the ball over and being a shitty screener.

  15. Darko came in with an idea. His schemes with shooters probably looks good, but he realizes we do not have the personelle. It should look better after a few moves.
    The assists and open looks are actually good. The defence not so much though

  16. Apparently – they are trying to control his value- I find this is so stupid! As a player I hear this …. I BOUNCE…

  17. They are playing soft like they in wnba starting to believe Pat bev.. no Dogs on the TEAM they are playing like some Puppy up 17 point lead disappointed

  18. I’m sorry but being up 15 and loosing by 15 2 games in a row , a lot of that should be on him. Simply calling a timeout too stop a run, playing Flynn ; precious and potter jr together
    Precious is the most inconsistent player we’ve had, the worst part is he can’t average 15 16 points

  19. Thanks Chev for mentioning the weight room. Some players on this team lost the weight they put on last year?!?! 🤷🏽‍♂️🙄😤

  20. Cut 2 bums off the bench and add John Wall and Rudy Gay. Then see what 's good on the trade market for anyone not name Pascal and Scottie

  21. Management fucked up…the man has no bench…and pros who cant shoot…i think they thought the players they had was going take that leap..well they sure did, off a cliff 😂 precious trash,Boucher trash, Flynn small and trash. Gary inconsistent 1 trick pony..should have traded OG when his stock was bullish.. great defender outside of that trash…hell cud barely’s madness to me they compare him to pascal like we watching the same game?? Og has zero bag.. the steph curry reference literally him saying the bench is trash..

  22. I feel sorry for Darko these guys stop trying. Dennis is hurting Darko, I trade Dennis for young assets, Malachi is a better basketball player then Dennis, the only way to unlock flynn is to play him 30 minutes.

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