@Miami Heat



What’s up YouTube it’s your boy J Breezy myiss TW and I look haw he let’s get straight to it um y’all know Trey Young Atlanta hwks that’s my favorite team in the NBA um we playing Miami we could win this we beat Miami in the playing game

Last year even though everybody wants to conveniently forget about that Trey been on the tear lately I don’t see Jimmy Butler out here oh yeah we should be the favorites we should definitely win this come on bro Tyler hero he the best player on the team I’ll give him that

He’s definitely the best score on the team I’ll give him that but why is he giving us buckets bro it’s the first quarter game just started dude we can’t it’s 11 to1 one point we got the best point guard in the NBA and we scored one point in the first three

Minutes yeah let T Cook up Trey had 50 on the heat back in the day step back Fiji Water Trey had 50 on the heat back in like 2020 back in like 2020 2021 you can’t tell me Trey can’t cook the heat again and we got Patty Mills getting

Playing time you know what get to your mid-range Fiji Water okay I’ll take a three I’ll take a three that’s more points anyway who am I to complain bro Patty Mills why is he even out there bro Patty Mills is too old for the NBA Patty Mills got to take up other

Hobbies start a garden bro do something the NBA is no longer your calling my boy I’m sorry to inform you hey woman one that’s break let’s get it to Dante let’s go Dante come on bro you got to be kidding me I’m about to throw up I

Know Tyler hero is good like I’m not a Tyler hero hater I know Tyler hero is good but why you got to be good against my team why you got to be good against the Hawks why can’t you take a day off bro come on bro this is not

Fair this lowkey is best game of the season too he got like 12 in the first first quarter we’re still in the first quarter that is insane Trey easy yeah let’s get it Trey I told you Trey can heat up they let Trey start hitting him bro what what do who is Trey

G Trey you got to play defense bro at least at least try at least position yourself to play defense Garrison Matthews out there are they play running zone are the Hawks running in zone Trey G live easy Ana that’s the best Connection in the league right now

That’s the best live point guard of big man live threat Connection in the league right now Jay Rich is getting bro somebody got to guard somebody bonovich you six Man of the Year my eyes I love you bogey but you got to guard somebody

This is no adab bio I don’t think I see bam okay bam is out there about to say but this is no Jimmy the he are barely good with Jimmy BG water we got to win without Jimmy I know we don’t got I know we don’t have um Jaylen Johnson still

Bro where Jaylen Johnson is he’s hurt when is he coming back I have no clue when do we need him back as soon as possible get the ball to Trey yeah Trey make a play Trey make a play O TW good pass bogey shoot it man Fiji Water I

Don’t know why you hesitating bro if Trey pass you that rock you better be shot ready yep easy steals we’ll take those J Rich and I love you J Rich but we got to take those compell beautiful baskball right there that’s nice man that’s nice that’s beautiful man you help but smile

Be honest you smiling on the other side of that screen you smiling on the other side of this video be honest man capella please don’t get cooked capella it’s a rookie it’s a rookie Clint Clint Clint Clint Fiji Water I love you bogy I love you bogy you will never fail me

Bogy has never failed me now try pull it from the logo actually bogy Fiji oh oh oh oh my Lord okay so we just stroking that thing pause pause pause we just heating up yep easy let me get that Ste Easy Pass did Dante win me or yeah I’ll

Just take a dunk matter of fact you win me you might miss 58 to 58 okay let’s go on the Run okay seas2 to 58 Trey good pass Dante wide open Fiji what bro is Dante Murray you got to make shots easy leg hey hey Second Chance opportunity right

Before halftime oh yeah that’s beautiful right there I thought the Miami Heat hustle I thought y’all get to offensive rebounds what you doing sad piji water water oh yeah and when we win this when we win this game I’m going react to S I’mma see what suy gotta say I’mma see

What my boy suy gotta say o Trey Fiji Water Water that’s MVP Trey young bro I’m not going to lie if the Hawks had a better record I’m telling you Trey would be an MVP conversations I’m telling you Trey would be in MVP conversations if the Hawks had

A better record I’m telling you 73 to 7 don’t don’t let him come back now hold on can we chill can we chill out with it Kevin Kevin I don’t love it Kevin I definitely do not love it Dante get use the screen in and out Go pass sad Bay all the

Sad let’s get it anyway um good defense come on bro Tyler hero is raw I’m not gonna lie Tyler hero is raw hey y’all Y y’all give us Tyler hero and we’ll give y’all I don’t want to give a bogey I definitely don’t want to give a Dante

Cuz Tyler we can’t have Tyler and Trey somebody got to play defense in the back court I’ll give y’all I’ll give y’all Wesley Matthews two Subway sandwiches and a first round pick and y’all could have the rookie we got Kobe his name Kobe right the Kobe no I thought the

Clippers got Fiji Water I thought the Clippers got Kobe whatever young rookie we got that we wasn’t trying to trade for seaka we’ll trade him for Tyler hero two Subway sandwiches and Wesley Matthews take it or leave it I know I know but at least y’all get off cat space y’all can

Start a rebuild cuz this team not going to win oh that’s a pull that’s yeah Fiji Water that’s a pull yeah he’s better than bro I’m so tired of y’all talking about Stephan Curry is better than Trey young as a shooter but when y’all see the stats when y’all look at the stats

From Deep Trey shoots like 40% from 35 Plus 40 step shoot like 25 it looks cute but who really making them who really making them for game who’s really clutch wait we’re down by seven please come on yeah could get rebound Trey somewhere Dante Fiji W that’s beautiful that’s the

Extra pass right there that’s that tra Dante connection 94 96 let’s get lit bogey bogy bogy bogy bogy bogy bogy bogy 98 96 um I don’t know what type of defensive Center gives up an and when Duncan Robinson I’ll be honest man Ana I want

You to have a job but you got to help me help you bro 10498 we really about to lose to miat dude no Jimmy Butler Tyler hero can’t miss get the ball to Trey get the ball to Trey get the ball to Trey get the ball Trey stop

Pop fij water thank you beautiful bro Trey on a tear they can’t stop Trey they can’t please why would you shoot they can’t stop Trey they can stop you they so sorry they missing the layups can’t even get the rebound get the ball to Trey sadik they

Can stop you they can’t stop Trey they can’t stop Trey bro that’s the ugliest bro whatever just give us the two points that was the ugliest shot ever please please please please there’s no way bro why me bro why the Hawks bro I don’t understand I really don’t I try

To be nice to everybody I try to be nice to people bro I Tred to treat everybody with love respect kindness bro and then this the thanks I get like Fiji Water they can’t guard Trey why were y’all not giving Trey the ball they can guard y’all are [Applause] scrubs

Thank you Trey thank you Trey they can like bro they can’t guard Trey they can guard you sad Dante bie I can guard man I talk about no money quarter like subscribe you peace Bree

I don’t own any of the footage I am reacting to
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