@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Owner Tom Gores Speaks! Changes Coming In “Near Future”, Troy Weaver Job Is Safe

Detroit Pistons Owner Tom Gores Speaks! Changes Coming In “Near Future”, Troy Weaver Job Is Safe

Tom gors finally speaks to the public what did he have to say and what he had to say was it good enough we’ll talk about that in today’s episode of the locked on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team

Every Day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making locked on Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free

And available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at ldon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on it’s another great way to support the podcast and I

Want to say Merry Christmas to all of you guys I hope you guys had a great Christmas I’m actually recording this at 2 pm on Christmas Day I’m going to try to get this posted before the end end of the day I wanted to have a Christmas

Episode out but I was busy last night with family um so if not this might be posted the day after Christmas either way Merry Christmas all you guys hope you guys had a great one with family friends um hope you guys had a great time um over the weekend though Tom gors

Finally spoke to the public he finally spoke to Pistons fans to the Pistons media um was what he said good enough we’ll talk about everything he said um later on we’ll talk about how sh how soon should we be expecting changes and will the Pistons avoid the all-time

Losing streak that’s right around the corner this week we’ll talk about that too um but obviously the big thing is Tom gors we had been waiting everybody not even just in the Pistons Community just everyone across the NBA Community I feel like was just waiting to see when would someone in the Pistons

Organization speak up say something about what’s going on whether it be Weaver whether it be ar tellum whether it be Tom gors somebody had to eventually speak up and Tom gors did and I’m obviously not going to read every single answer he gave and you know every

Single question he was asked just gonna highlight some of the things I thought were interesting so obviously the big thing that that he said in this was there is going to be no changes right right now to the front office and to Monty Williams that Monty Williams is St

Troy Weaver are tell him those guys are saying they’re not going anywhere um you guys remember I believe last week or two weeks ago I said by Christmas Day if there were not changes I was going to come on the podcast and ask for people’s

Jobs this is what I’m going to say to you guys I am not I’m not gonna come on here every single day and say fire fire fire this is what I’m going to say to you guys right here I do not believe Troy Weaver should still have his job I

Don’t think Ellum should still have his job I think there should be serious question about whether Monty Williams should still have his job I stay true to it December 25th I don’t think these guys should have their jobs but with the owner coming out and openly saying they’re not going to be

Losing their jobs I feel like now it’s a it’s it’s a waste of time now to be coming on here saying hey these guys probably shouldn’t have their jobs because Tom gor is basically told us they’re not going nowhere so it’s it’s a waste of time now I thought beforehand

We we might see some change but I Tom gor has made it clear they’re not going anywhere do I agree with that no I think at this point I don’t believe Tom or Troy Weaver probably should have his job still I don’t think arel should probably have his job still I think Monty

Williams yes in his first year of a long deal should be heavily on the hot seat but it doesn’t look like that’s going to be the case with Tom Gores um the other thing that Tom gors said and something that we’ve been hearing from the Pistons front office way too

Much and I don’t think everything Tom gor said was bad we’ll get into some of the other stuff I thought was okay but they he keeps him and Weaver they keep talking too much about cap space he says here I think the thing that probably can’t be seen right now is

That we cleaned up a lot of stuff with with our player contracts in the last two years one of things that’s been on my mind within all the losses that we still have a very good future and they go on to talk about how they cleared up

Cap space and um he said number two we have set ourselves up in a way that the contracts are flexible I it’s been four years they cannot continue to point out the fact they were able to shed Blake Griffin’s contract and how they were able to take what the cap situation was

The year before Weaver was hired and what it is now and take has some big Victory lap because of two things one it’s not that hard to do they traded away Drummond for nothing for basically nothing now I don’t know how much his value actually would have if you didn’t

Want just expiring contract but they just got rid of him for nothing so they could just get cap space to the Cavs did the same thing with all their other players that was not a hard concept to do that was not like some you know next level GM moves with Blake Griffin you

Just bought him out like you just you just bought him out and after four years all those guys count cont would have been off the table anyway so even if you would have not done anything if you would have done nothing with the contracts as of right now those guys’

Contract would have been cleared off and you would have been in the same spot you’re in right now like getting off those salaries were not some big crazy move that you did that was not some big Victory lap that they can’t keep continue to take right now because the

Whole point and moving on to point two of creating cap space is to do something with the cap space and they’ve chosen to do nothing with their cap space this past offseason they chose to quite literally do nothing with their cap space they have how much we’ve talked

About it many many times what their salary yes they don’t have long-term salary okay yes they’re long-term salary-wise yeah they’re they’re they’re freed up but as of right now they have 20 million dollar tied up in Joe Harris who is unplayable that’s not a good contract to have if you’re not gonna get

Nothing with it that’s somebody who’s not playing you have $25 million tied up in Marvin Bagley and James wisman you just gave Isaiah Stewart a four-year 15 million extension which I know a lot of St fans think were a really good extension but I think as how you’ve seen

The team play this year you at the very least should have done what I said in the offseason which was wait till the this upcoming offseason where he’s a restricted free agent and wait till then to pay him and see what his Market actually was so you have all these all

This stuff with the salary cap along with Monty Morris not playing that’s $9.8 million of Sal that’s also just not playing so yes they have long-term cap flexibility but it’s not like their contracts on the on the roster right now are helping them they have a ton of

Salary that’s just unusable for them right now that’s not impacting anything about $45 million of cap that just is is basically incapable of helping you win games that’s not a good cap situation and the whole point again of having open cap and having cap flexibility is to do something with it

And they’ve chosen to do nothing with it so stop taking Victory laps about clearing up cap space it was not that hard of a thing to do it was not I promise it’s not this big deal it’s not the next thing that Tom gor said that I I just really did not like

Seeing was that again is what we mentioned at the beginning is that he’s not making any changes to the front office and that they have a plan and I know later on we you know I’m about to get to it but it kind of felt like he

Was going back and forth between yeah there’s GNA be some change and also saying to the team or to the fan base be patient there’s more be patient kind of ideas the you know we have a plan we’re sticking to it Troy Weaver is going nowhere Monty Williams going nowhere we

Have a plan we believe in it we think we can get things done that’s basically telling the the fan base be patient it’s coming hey 26 game losing streak hey breaking the alltime losing streak doesn’t matter we have a plan just trust that we have a plan you’re basically

Telling them to be patient and I very much did not like that at all I don’t I don’t understand how Troy Weaver and again I don’t believe I’m being unfair by this with by saying this at all you’re on a 26 game losing streak I don’t think anything’s unfair at this

Point so miss me with that I think at the very least there he should have said that there is consideration of weaver or he’s on a hot seat or he has to get things done I’m looking at it is not how I wanted it to go you know I’m looking

At him carefully right now like something along those lines not basically guaranteeing his his seat’s safe not basically guaranteeing that Monty Williams seat is safe for the rest of the year I don’t know how you can say that on a 26 game losing streak the other thing that that Tom

Gore said during this game during this interview was he basically guaranteed he said that there will be changes and when they pressed them on when these changes are coming he said in the near future now that is a good thing to me if the only there’s only two things Tom Gores

Could have done in my opinion in the when he came out and spoke either one he comes out and he says that Troy Weaver and Monty Williams are fired that’s one option either Troy Weaver Monty Williams they’re fired they’re gone that was one of his options the only other option he

Could have done the only option he could have done if he wasn’t going to do that was say they’re going to make some changes and say that they were going to do some things in the trade market and that he that basically is what he said

My I’m again like I said I’m cool with that I’m happy with that because I think you cannot continue to trck truck out this team every single day act like nothing’s wrong and just continue to go about your your you know go about your day every single day the same way this

Team’s sinking they need big changes my there’s two issues I have with that though while I’m happy he said that there seems to be changes coming in quote unquote the near future there’s two problems with that that are going to come up now one like I said earlier with

Throughout this entire interview it felt like he was saying be patient while also saying yeah we acknowledge that changes need to be made so I don’t know if near future means within the next few weeks before the deadline or could he just be actually saying yeah near future means

This upcoming offseason just be patient we have a plan this offseason we’re going to do some things but you’re just gonna have to stick it out for the rest of this year and if that’s what’s happening if they’re just sticking out the rest of this year not doing anything

And they’re talking about this offseason that that’s just catastrophic that that that’s just unacceptable dude that that would be insane so I hope that’s not the case that’s first and second which is a point I’ve had many listeners and many fans point point out to me which is a

Very fair point with what Weaver’s done to this point why should fans trust him to be the one that makes this big game-changing move before the deadline why should fans trust that he’s going to be able to go out and make a deal that’s going to help this team not just now but

Help them moving forward how how can they trust him to do that the last trade he made was sadique Bay for James wisman and James wisman is not playable for the Pistons and sadique Bay has found a role where he’s just a spot up shooter and

They’re not asking him to do all this other stuff and he’s playing really well we don’t need to talk about the Bruce Brown trade we don’t need to talk about the Luke Canard trade we don’t need to talk about how they gave up a first- round pick to get Isaiah Stewart

We don’t need to talk about all those other moves we all know that happens so I think that’s a very fair point to bring up one are the moves even going to happen before this the end of this season can they try to salvage anything are they just going to make us wait

Again and also too why should anyone trust that Troy Weaver is able to make a move that is worth anything that is not going to this team both points are fair to be honest this is what I’ll say to end off what Tom Gore his interview I’m happy that he

Came out and spoke up I’m happy that he came out and faced the music and took accountability because they did take he did take accountability in this multiple times he said we wanted to be better this year and they have him that’s on us that’s on me that’s on Troy he said that

So I’ll give him credit for that he took accountability I’ll say but other than that I’ll say this I don’t think there was much he could have said to win over people and and and and make people satisfied with what he said outside of firing Troy Weaver Andor Monty Williams

And or ar tellum there wasn’t gonna be much he could have said besides doing that and the fact that he went out of his way to say those guys are not going anywhere that really made a lot of people mad so I don’t think he was in a

Win wiwin situation a very you know good situation with whatever he said if he didn’t say one of those guys were going anywhere um and then this will be the last thing I say actually here and then we’ll wrap it up he said that you know when people are

Chanting selda team that that’s ridiculous because aside from winning we’re very active in the community that’s just an insane thing to say that that is that is one of the most ludicrous things I’ve ever heard it’s like when for example it’s like when when like uh Sports panels a sports

Analyst criticize a player like Russell Westbrook when someone criticizes Russell Westbrook and then he comes in the postgame presser and he says well I’m a great man I’m a great human being I have kids I have a great wife I do great things in the community bro no

One’s talking about that no one car no one’s questioning whether you’re a good person or not no one’s talking about whether you do community community service or anything we’re talking about what we’re seeing on the basketball floor you’re not doing stuff same thing with Tom Gores you’re the owner of a

Basketball team no one’s questioning what you’re doing in the community no one it’s not that no one cares no one actually it really is honestly no one cares at this point what you’re doing in the community how many basketballs you donated to a school like that’s not what

You’re an owner of a basketball team aside from winning winning is the whole point of being an owner of a basketball team so you can’t say aside from winning I’m doing my job no you’re quite clearly not doing your job so that right there just ruined the entire inter I could not

Believe he said that aside from winning bro that is the job that that’s the purpose you’re supposed to be you’re supposed to build a winning program especially for a franchise with the decor history like the Pistons that is literally the whole point I I I I couldn’t like oh my I couldn’t believe

He said that that is that’s crazy um but whatever all right when we come back how soon should you guys be expecting change we’ll talk about that in a minute um stay tuned first you guys got to hear from some of our sponsors so Oman thank you you guys

Again making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re freom webinar podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a festar review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to

Support the podcast um we’ll talk about some changes when you guys should be expecting them when they should happen um but there are a few other things from from uh Tom Gore’s uh interview some articles that were written that I want to talk about first thing is if you guys have been

Listening to the podcast over the last few days over the last week or so I I I this is what I’m gonna say to my listeners right now when I say some things so I there’s some things that you guys need to read in between the lines

About and since it was confirmed and it was leaked out already I can go ahead and confirm that this is what I was referencing over the last week or so last week and a half I believe in Omari sova’s article or James Edwards the third article one of the two about Tom

Gor’s interview I I’m sorry I don’t have it in front of me right now um but I believe it was one of those two um basically confirmed that Tom G met not only with Weaver this past week but met with Kate Cunningham earlier in the week

And I can confirm that I had known about this meeting that Kate sat down with Tom Gores earlier last week and you guys if you guys want to know what I have heard that it’s about what was said I’d just say to you guys can’t come out and say

Outright I would just say to you guys go listen to the last week’s worth of podcast and read in between the lines that’s all I can say to you guys but I am aware I was aware of it and again reading between the lines of some of the

Things I say on here so I think it’s a good thing that they’re meeting with Cade I think it was a good thing he sat down with Kade and I hope some things come after sitting down with Kade and sitting down I believe they said also Jaylen

Durren I hope that something comes of this something has to come of this especially at this point of the Season where they’re at something has to happen they lost this losing that game to the Utah Jazz was just pitiful that should have been the day that everybody like I don’t

Know how people didn’t I’m not going to lie to you I don’t know how changes within the organization didn’t happen after that I I I don’t understand how they can look people in the face and say no changes need to be made they’re about to be the worst team in NBA history

There’s no way people should be keeping their jobs but I whatever maybe I’m being unfair maybe I’m being unfair by saying you shouldn’t be the worst team in NBA history but whatever um how soon should everybody be expecting changes well and when I say change I mean trademarket because that’s what uh

Tom Gores was basically referencing in his interview that they’re going to be active in the trade market uh the beat rers have leaked out and also reported multiple times that they’re looking to make a splash in the trade market whether it’s one two or even three moves

Whether it’s one big move that they’re going to be very active in the tradem market Market whether that ends up happening before the trade deadline or this offseason apparently they are going to be active in the tradem market I’m going to hope and pray and I honestly I

Believe based off what Gore said at the end that it has to be happening pretty soon before the deadline that they’re going to be making at least one or two trades before the deadline it’s not going to be an offseason thing and if is offseason thing this everyone just just

Lose hope it’s it’s over with I’m sorry I’m sorry to tell you guys that but if that’s what’s happening it is what it is um if it is going to happen before the trade deadline these are the dates that everyone needs to be paying attention to I believe December 15th was the first

Date uh when the free agents from this past year can be traded I believe the next date is either January 15th or January 17th when guys who I believe signed extensions uh or something of the sort like that also become available and can be traded so I believe after January

17th literally anybody can be traded under no um restrictions kind of thing um I don’t think that can will stop the Pistons from being active and could there be a trade that happens between now and January 17th absolutely a guy that I think everyone should be monitoring uh Tobias Harris I

Think he’s a real option um but I also think there G there’s some guys that maybe aren’t being actually let me not say not think I know that there are some guys that aren’t necessarily in the big reports or in the big trade rumors that the Pistons

Are interested in and that they could go after and again you’re probably not going to hear about it and it wouldn’t shock me at all in the next few weeks you guys hear the Pistons trade for somebody that we haven’t even talked about that hasn’t been in the news um it

Wouldn’t shock me at all if that’s what ends up happening I can it is for 100% correct that the Pistons are very active right now in the trade market they are looking at multiple moves whether they actually pulled the trigger on something who knows that’s been the biggest I mean

That that’s why this front office I believe another one of the reasons why they should be gone why they should be losing their jobs because there’s two different actually there’s not just two but there’s many different reasons or ways to look at front office and say they’re

Failing one is making the wrong moves obviously making the wrong moves ends up getting you can the other thing is which is another situation that may be happening in the business front office is having too many different plans instead of having one concise you know agreed upon plan you have multiple

Different voices and you don’t really have a plan when you have multiple plans you don’t have one you don’t have any when you if you have one plan at least if you if you get fired on that one plan at least you saw it through and you gave

It everything you C you had and it just didn’t work out you can live with that to be honest when you don’t when you have multiple different voic and multiple different plans that just means that you don’t really have one plan and I think that’s a scenario that the

Pistons could be dealing with I know Tom Gores came out and said in this article that it’s just him and Troy who have any voice with things that’s I’m call it’s cap that that’s just straight up cap AR telum has some say in some things that’s just just straight up cap it’s that’s

Not true it’s not true I know he’s trying to take accountability and put it on him and Troy the public people you know the people everyone sees the faces of the organization whatever I get that you want to take accountability you don’t want to push it on anyone else

That’s cool but the truth is that’s just not true Ain has some saying some things he definitely has a voice so that’s another thing but what I’m trying to get to is another way you can get yourself canned is being too scared to do anything and that’s where the Pistons

Have found themselves the last year they have been too scared to pull the trigger on literally anything they were too scared to pull the trigger on any free agents they were too scared to pull the trigger on any kind of BigTime trades any kind of Trades that involved moving

On from somebody maybe that the fan base likes maybe moving on from someone that the fan base wouldn’t have light seeing go maybe moving on from a guy that maybe you really liked the the front office really liked and wanted have to move on from him to get something that helps the

Team more you you have to make moves you have to take risk that’s the only way you can build a basketball team and this team has not taken any risk they didn’t sign any free agents they haven’t moved anybody the only trade that they’ve made that maybe could be considered a risk in

This contest it definitely was a risk but in the context I’m talking about was this was the sadique Bay for James wisman trade but it wasn’t even a risk in that context I’m talking about it was really a risk simply because James wisman isn’t good and sadique Bay at

Least has a role in the NBA moving forward that’s why it was a risk you were taking a chance on a guy that maybe was going to be out the NBA in two years where you’re giving up a guy who definitely is going to be a role player

At the least for the next five to eight 10 years that’s what the risk was that not the risk I’m talking about but like that’s what gets you canned and that’s where the Pistons have been at they’re too scared to do anything and whether that’s because they have too many plans

They can’t decide on just one or if they’re literally just so they have such PTSD over Blake Griffin’s trade that they just don’t want to do anything else whatever it is that’s what’s killing them right now so how soon should a change happen it should happen immediately I was saying that it

Had to happen by Christmas and it’s Christmas and it hasn’t happened so every single day that passes by is a day too late that you should have been made a change that’s where I stand every day that passes after Christmas is a day too late January 17th after then it probably

Becomes even more likelier that a trade happens and I just pray that by the deadline there should be multiple moves that happen but I would be shocked I’m going tell you guys this right now I would be absolutely shocked if a trade is not is not made within the

Next three weeks I I would be utterly shocked if they allowed this team to break the losing streak record continue to lose after it and extend the losing record and not make any moves there I would be maybe I shouldn’t be shocked because they let it get to this point

Without making any trades but after what Gore said saying in the very near future that changes were going to be made along with the fact that they’re facing history in its eyes right now I I would be utterly shocked if they did not make any moves within the next three weeks

Well 100% before the deadline but that’s too late to make one that’s way too late to make one within the next three weeks even that’s late but I think that has to be the time frame when you make a move something has to happen soon soon so

That that’s where I stand with all that man there’s a bunch of other things said in Tom gor’s interview um you guys definitely should go check it out read either Amari sova’s article on it with the Free Press you can read James Edwards I thir article on it um with uh

The athletic um definitely check those out um that’s all I’ve got on it man I I it’s a it’s just a terrible trashy crappy situation the Pistons are in right now and it’s sad it’s sad that it seems like that there’s going to be nothing done right now to anyone to the

People who put this product on the floor I I could understand coming out and saying this after a 10 game losing streak a 13 game losing streak a 14 15 game losing streak you’re facing the chance of being the worst team in NBA history there’s no reason why your owner

Should come out then and guarantee the safety of people’s jobs when you’re potentially being the worst team in NBA history there there’s no way that’s just that’s crazy to me that’s just crazy I don’t care what plan you had the plan you had is not working it’s crazy when

We come back will the Pistons avoid the losing streak or will they break the record making final predictions right here when we come back but first you guys got to hear from some of our sponsors soone thank you guys again for making lock on Pistons your first list of every

Single day freom webari podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at laon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review weever pcket platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast the Detroit Pistons 26 game

Losing streak they are two games away from tying the losing streak record they are three games away from breaking it and by the way I didn’t know this until just now or not just now but like yesterday I think it was or two days ago um the Pistons already broke the single

Season losing record like most losses in a row for a single season they already broke that they broke that with the last loss now they’re competing with the through two seasons losing streak which happened to I believe the 2013 Philadelphia 76ers they ended the season on losing streak then started up the

Next season like a five game losing streak and that extended to like 28 that’s what they’re competing with the single season one they’ve already broken that one that that one’s already Detroit Pistons put the banner up single season losing record they they won it they they

They they they broke that one will they avoid the 28 game losing streak record through two seasons and just one season doing it well this is what their schedule looks like Brooklyn Boston Toronto those are their next three games if they lose those next three they will

Be on a 29 game losing trick and they will have broken the record the only game yeah I think the Pistons have a chance at winning if they don’t win this game I don’t really think they have a chance to win any of these games let me

Say that because you know if you they haven’t been able to beat anyone so I I don’t expect them to beat anyone but their best chance I think is Brooklyn at home tomorrow at seven o’clock on the 26th of December that’s their best chance they’re at home against a

Brooklyn that’s team Mel Bridges had been struggling now he did have a great game against them on the 23rd so maybe that snapped him out his you know his struggles but he was he’s been struggling over the last like three weeks so maybe that was just a one-off

They’re at home against Brooklyn I think that’s their best chance they’re not being Boston in Boston that’s not happening and I don’t think they’re being the Toronto Raptors the Toronto Raptors pose an issue for the Pistons that they just don’t have an answer for and the fact it’s the fact that they

Have so many big wings Pascal Scotty Oobi and they have good big men teams like that actually any team in the NBA POS problems for the Pistons but especially teams who have wings like Scotty like Pascal like OG they are going to really cause issues for the Pistons last time they played the

Pistons Chris bue prua like those guys were even causing the Pistons issues simply because they are bigger than the Pistons wings and then that’s not even speaking about yakob podal who had a tremendous game against the Pistons last time they played I so I just don’t think they matchup

Wise again like I said 26 game losing streak the Pistons don’t match up with anybody good but I think they especially don’t match up well against the Raptors I think the Raptors are going to destroy them um and last time they played the Raptors where let me scroll up when was

The last time they played the Raptors yeah last time they play Raptors they lost by 30 so like I think they’re gonna do the same thing to him again they just don’t have the Personnel to match up with them and they’re not being the Boston Celtics so their best possible

Chance is against the Nets and they were within two in the third quarter this past on the 23rd against the Nets and then they just fell apart like they always do so I I think that signals that they could try to push the Nets to the brink so I think that’s their best

Chance um if they don’t beat the Nets tomorrow it’s over with they’re breaking the record and I think they could even move it forward like I think they they’re gonna lose to the rockets on the first I think they’ll lose the jazz on the third definitely the Warriors in the

Fifth nuggets on the seventh Kings on the ninth like if they don’t beat the Nets tomorrow I think the next pass win is the Spurs and that would be uh so was this 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 that would be that would be hoping to stop it at 35 straight

Losses like I I this is why I’m gonna wrap up the podcast man do I think they’re gonna break the losing streak yes I I think they’re gonna break I think they’re gonna get to like 33 straight losses before they get a win I think even at that point it’s a chance

They don’t even get that break it at that point I think it could go even longer that’s how bad this is this is where I’m going to end this I promised you guys I was going to do this I’m going look directly in the camera when I say

This this team is on a 26 game losing streak it is very possible that they are going to go above 30 straight games lost in a singular season the all-time record is through two seasons the Pistons are going to do it in one season the Pistons

Are going to do it within the first two and a half months of the NBA season we are not even halfway through the NBA season are we even technically a third of the way through the NBA season right now if we are it’s just barely not even halfway through the NBA season the

Pistons are about to break the record they are competing with the 1973 Philadelphia 76ers as the worst NBA team of all time the NBA has been around for nearly a hundred years they are competing for that that’s where this team is before the halfway point of the

NBA season before the the NBA season just started two months ago and they are already breaking losing streak records and competing for the worst team in the NBA of all time Tom Gores the fact that you did not put to Troy Weaver on the hot seat the fact you

Did not take away his job title or at least come out and say that he is on the hot seat or reference the fact that he needs to turn this around immediately or he is going to be moved off of that is a spit in the face to all Pistons fans I

Believe Troy Weaver what you’ve put on the floor for the Detroit Pistons this season is a spin the face to all Pistons fans across the world it’s not just in Detroit I’ve spoken there’s many pistons fans that listen to this podcast across the world everywhere Pistons are a loved

Franchise across the world they are well decorated franchise with three championships in the back toback in the 80s and one in 2004 they made eight straight Eastern Conference Finals in the mid 2000s it it doesn’t even feel like it was that long ago that they were on top but it really

Has at this point if 26 straight games is not enough to force a change if breaking the losing streak in a week is not enough to force change if getting to 30 plus 30 plus losses in a row is not worthy of making change if competing

With the worst team in NBA history with the 1973 Philadelphia 76ers is not enough to force change I want you to tell us what is enough to force change and lastly why should any of us anybody not just fans people who cover the team why should anyone give a single damn

About anything you do with this team why should anyone care about this team or anything that they do win loss trade signing anything why should anyone care at that point because you told everyone else you don’t care about them through 30 Games why should anyone care at that

Point why should anyone believe anything that comes out of your guys’ mouth why should anyone trust anything you guys even do at that point if at that point that’s not enough to force change if that’s not enough what is what is and why should anyone care at that

Point I’ll tell you this right now all Pistons fans listen to this podcast this is why I’ll tell you guys if this thing gets to January 1 and no changes have been made the Pistons have lost have broken the losing streak and they get to 30 straight games

Lost you guys should not tune into a single Pistons game the rest of the year you guys should not purchase a single Pistons ticket for the rest of the year you guys should not watch a single game for the rest of the year and Tom Gore

Said in his interview last thing I said he said don’t blame don’t don’t take down the players show up to the game still support them take it out on me nice one slick showing up to the game and paying those tickets is not helping the players the players GNA get paid

Either way that is directly helping the franchise that is directly helping the ownership that’s not anything to do with the players don’t show up to any games don’t watch any games if this if they don’t make a change by January 1 by the or actually when when is it they can

Break make break the loing streak the 30th yeah

Tom Gores spoke to the media over Christmas weekend and had plenty to say. The Detroit Pistons owner took accountability for the atrocious season and promised change would be “in near future”, however, Gores revealed Troy Weaver and Monty Williams’s job is safe as of right now. Was what Gores had to say good enough for Pistons fans?

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  1. Hang in there Kuka, is painful but thanks to keep inform about this ass death team

  2. There is one way change will come. Everyone in Pistons Fandom has to collectively decide not to spend a dime on Pistons merchandise and games. Start hurting profits and owners start getting serious about building a winner.

  3. Pistons, Heat, Raptors are perfect trade partners right now. The heat want Anunoby and Herros name is back on the rumor mill. The Raptors allegedly are high on Ivey and The Pistons need a explosive shooter scorer like Herro next to Cade. Perhaps they make something happen.

  4. They said enough is enough and shut you down. I agree with you on almost everything. I do think Cade is gone and they know it.

  5. What happened? You were talking about not showing up into games and all of a sudden you were cut off. Did "someone" have a hand in getting YouTube to pull the plug before you finished saying your piece? Who ends a podcast right in the middle of saying something or without any kind of sign off? Or is that another conspiracy theory?

  6. I’m convinced Troy and Monty resent one another and this is really an ego match between them. Troy obviously wanted Ollie to be our next coach and he was overridden. In retaliation, he basically said he would blow the cap space on junk because if Monty is such a great coach, the team should win. From Monty’s angle, he realized quickly this team was constructed horribly, so he purposely put out some wonky lineups to make his point. Basically, it seems like Monty and Troy are sabotaging one another.

  7. Only way to logically change this team is fire GM or HC, and if not the GM that leaves the unthinkable HC for a big loss. Obviously Managment does not know how to build a team unlike the Lions with a logical plan.

  8. Every owner does “community” things it’s a tax write off. If he sold the team they to would do “community” things

  9. This team had no assets, so this team is being constructed from scratch whici is very tough to build on. That being said, we've also just need to fasten our seatbelts cause this year is looking like the 0 – 16 Lions 😂😂😂. If so, winning is around the corner. But the corner might be well down the street. 😢😢😢

  10. Your Russell Westbrook analogy was wrong. You had Dave McMenemin, That fat azz White Woman and Windhorse call Russ "soul less"! That had nothing to do with basketball. But I still enjoy your podcast

  11. I would definitely entertain Cade being traded, especially since Cade can only excel at the 2 spot. But problem is his stock is unproven as Pistons ruined him. Best they can do is get a number 4/5 pick in this weak upfront Draft. If they smart package him in a fire sale that includes old Bojo and Stew which has value to the right team for pieces that work together. Only untouchable on this team is Duran to me. Ivey has disappointed but again he needs be given the green light to do what he wants to develop, so he is arguably being ruined too.

  12. Steven Silas, Monty Williams, and Troy weaver should be gone!!! There is no question. The defense can be cleaned up and tweaked just by coaching alone. They are making elementary defense mistakes that coaching would fix and they don't. All those guys I mentioned should be gone immediately!

  13. They had to shut Ku down he was telling the truth. If they don’t make a move by the 1st forget supporting the team.

  14. Ku you tripping clearing up cap space is a victory lap you have to have cap space to sign Pascal Siakam or Og Anunoby it wasn’t no one worth spending cap on this year

  15. How long do yall mfs think a rebuild take this shit ain’t no overnight thing so you damn right be patient n trust Troy work

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