@Dallas Mavericks

Desperate NBA’s Ratings COLLAPSE As Mark Cuban Sells Mavericks | OutKick The Show with Clay Travis

Desperate NBA’s Ratings COLLAPSE As Mark Cuban Sells Mavericks | OutKick The Show with Clay Travis

I didn’t talk about it because I didn’t care and most of you didn’t care I put up a poll question were you paying attention to the NBA’s inseason tournament and I think 82% of you said you were not it ended on Saturday the Lakers won and evidently they’ve raised

A banner and everybody is ridiculing them for raising a banner at Staples uh Center for winning the inseason tournament and and this is important I think why did the NBA decide to do an inseason tournament and why does so many of the boot licking NBA media immediately claim that everything the

NBA does is a huge success the these NBA media members are complete and total propagandist for the league doesn’t matter what happens they come out and they tell you oh this was amazing you know what I did I went and looked I was like how many people actually watch this

Because everybody I know is watching the NFL or watching college football nobody cares about a stupid in-game tournament I was like maybe I’m wrong I asked you in that poll most of you were not paying attention then I went and looked at the ratings the ratings for the NBA n Season

Tournament were up 4% over last year’s average ratings for NBA games let me repeat that they were up 4% the NBA spent tens of millions of dollars maybe even over a hundred million hyping up how much this NBA n Season tournament mattered and the ratings were up 4% and it ended with

Everybody mocking the Lakers for actually caring about winning this championship and trying to raise a banner who cares about a flipping inseason tournament now I understand if you pay people more money nobody watched nobody cared everybody in the media claiming to you that it’s a success is a

Liar and you should understand that they are propagandist boot lickers of Adam Silver and the NBA but I really kind of went back and I said okay like let’s be reasonably intelligent about this why is there an NBA n Season tournament at all well the reason is because nobody cares

About the regular season in the NBA and so Adam Silver is desperate the commissioner of the NBA to try to Jin up interest so he comes up with this random inseason tournament and decides that there’s going to be a championship and they’re going to play it in Vegas and by

The way they had to give away tickets nobody wanted to buy tickets why is this going on it’s a failure of NBA ratings that this was designed in the first place and what actually ended up happening and this is really important ratings only went up 4% basically the exact same rating that

They got in the regular season anyway which means nobody out there bought in outside of the people who were already watching the NBA already which is which is a big deal because the goal was let’s expand the audience let’s create more value let’s create more brand uh value

Why are they doing this because nobody’s watching the regular season NBA but look bigger picture here the NBA is desperate because nobody’s watching their product the ratings have collapsed you can go read about it at outkick the number of people that watch the NBA now compared to when Michael Jordan played with the

Chicago Bulls is a pen prick the NBA’s lost like 70% of Their audience since 1998 it’s unheard of their rights are coming up television rights and ESPN and TNT because both of their cable businesses are collapsing can’t afford to pay a substantial increase this is important the NBA is like you’re going

To have to pay us triple what you pay us now because we’re so so successful and ESPN and TNT are looking at the ratings and they’re like actually way less people watch your product now than used to watch we should be paying you less based on the amount of people that are actually

Watching so Adam Silver starting to panic I think and so he says okay we’re going to create a brand new inseason tournament it’s going to be super popular and we’re g to sell it to either Amazon or apple we’re going to get them bidding on this brand new in season

Tournament cuz it’s going to be super popular and everybody’s going to have to watch it and then the ratings come out and it basically had the same viewership as the regular NBA which is to say not very many people at all cared but this is what’s going on the NBA is trying to

Sell a bill of goods to ESPN to TNT to Apple or to Amazon to get them to pay more money for a product that people are watching less and so they created this NC season tournament they’re probably trying to sell it to Amazon or apple and saying

Look you’re going to get a brand new asset that everybody’s going to care about the End season tournament it’s going to be so popular and then if you actually have a functional brain and you look you see wait a minute nobody cared and that’s even though LeBron James and

The Lakers probably still the best draw for the NBA made the finals 4% increase overall in viewership compared to the regular NBA ratings last year 4% nothing okay now this also ties in with another question which if the NBA media wasn’t filled with such bootlicking propagandist somebody would be saying

Wait a minute why is Mark Cuban selling the Dallas Mavericks and why is he selling the Dallas Mavericks for $500 million less than the Phoenix Sun sold for last year am I the only person asking this the Phoenix Sun sold for $4 billion the Dallas Mavericks are in a

Bigger media market and they have probably the best young star in Luca donic that anybody could hope for in the NBA right now why would the Maverick sell for $500 million less in a big Market Market with a star player who is Young and under contract for years to come

Than the Phoenix Suns just did and why would Mark Cuban sell you guys know Mark Cuban has been jumping into my mentions for years now arguing that whenever I share NBA ratings data that I don’t understand and the NBA is in an incredible place and the NBA is so popular and so

Unbelievably uh fortunate for what they their demos look like and how the future is going to be has anybody asked Mark Cuban why he decided to sell if all that’s true why has Mark Cuban been jumping in my direct messages uh sorry in my uh messages on Twitter where all

Of you can see it publicly and arguing that the NBA’s future is so bright if he’s deciding to jump off the NBA train and take way less than what the Phoenix Sun sold for last year there’s only two reasons really that I can think of one Mark Cuban

Thinks the NBA Marketplace is peaked he knows that the television rights deal is not going to be that good he sees that cord cutting is going on he sees that there are major issues with the NBA brand and he’s been lying to all of you publicly while privately he’s going to

Go try to put all the money he can in his pocket I think that’s probably the most likely that deep down Mark Cuban actually agrees with me he’s looking at the data he sees that he made a good profit he thinks the best days of the NBA are passed because he’s taking less

Than Peak value pigs get slaughtered Hogs get fat and he’s deciding to cash his money in why is anybody asking this Mark Cubans made a lot of money if he really loved the NBA why would he be selling out right before they’re about to do a new media

Contract now Mark Cuban what would Mark Cuban say oh he would spin it he’d be like I love the NBA’s future I just got such an incredible offer I couldn’t turn it down okay well if you love the NBA’s future then the offer would have to be

More than the last franchise sold for to actually be an incredible offer right well he’s like well I get to stay on and be president so I basically I get all the good stuff with none no Mark cu thinks that the NBA Market has peaked that’s the reason why he sold he’s not

An imbecile why isn’t the media covering this story why isn’t the bootlicking NBA propagandist media that tried to tell you that the End season tournament was super successful why aren’t they covering the actual ratings up 4% and why and nobody cares and the Lakers are getting made fun of for

Raising a banner and why aren’t covering Mark Cuban selling the Dallas Mavericks in a bigger Market with a bigger star for $500 million less valuation of the franchise than the Phoenix Suns just got seems like a really big deal Mark cubin directly to you I’ll ask you you’ve been jumping in my mentions

Telling me that the NBA’s future is unmatched for years now why did you suddenly just decide to jump out I said one he got such a good price the other one and this is probably being uncharitable but it’s the only other hypothesis I can come up with the other

One is that he’s got some charge based on the way that he’s run the MAV sexual harassment or otherwise of which there has been ample uh stories in the past and this is a secret punishment that is being uh undertaken by the MBA and they are forcing him to

Sell and don’t want him to be a managing owner anymore that’s the only two things I can think of and I don’t think he would get to stay on and manage the team if that were the case so the only thing I can think of is Mark Cuban despite what he’s

Saying publicly recognized that the market has peaked it’s not like he’s 85 and he’s trying to put his financial house in order he’s 65 only thing that makes sense is he thinks all the money has been made that’s going to be made and he’s tapping out but these are are questions that a

Reasonable honest intelligent media would be asking and you should be asking yourself wait a minute why am I only hearing this from Klay Travis why is nobody else asking these questions why is nobody else even talking about this if the NBA’s future was so bright why is

Its most famous owner deciding to sell the team and why are they so aggressively trying to tell you that an in season tournament which sports fans overwhelmingly didn’t care about and that feels desperate at its Inception because it’s designed to try to ring out more value from a Marketplace that

Doesn’t have much or doesn’t see much value for the MBA why isn’t that all being talked about very important

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  1. No one watches the NBA. Get rid of the 3 point line, flopping, traveling, shining woke messaging, then maybe people would start watching. Oh and they are way overpaid, causing advertising to increase and our products cost more. Then they wine about playing. If they sit you, they do not get paid.

  2. The game is boring. In addition to not calling travelling, palming the ball, and other infractions, the game has become a three point shooting contest

  3. Nba needs to get off Disney stick to just basketball let teams play defense have better analysis calling games then mayb fans will come back

  4. People had enough of a bunch of spoiled prima Donna thugs that hate white people, play basketball where nobody can foul even. Garbage sport that is exclusively made for Woke audiences.

  5. Stop it,, it has nothing to do with the being WOK.
    Call it what it is Racist league.
    Mad because white European players are coming over and competing at a top-level.
    Black privilege out of control in USA

  6. Lets see
    Anyone think disrespecing spitting in the face of then shitting all over those that account for over .70c of every dollar the NBA makes JUST MAYBE had something to do with it?
    The face of the NBA is one of a racist race bating POS the fact that there are openly racist black players in the NBA isnt news neither is the fact the NBA will do nothing about it
    So shall one sow
    So shall one reap

  7. Between LeBron, bowing to China, most of the black players being BLM supporters, racists, or thugs, Adam Silver being one of the worst commishioners ever…and the game itself not being interesting because of no defense and 3 point shooting…there's no reason to watch.

  8. NBA went woke and now it's a joke. Espn has all clowns as "analysts". The people covering the nba for espn are about as likable as a hemmorhoid. I don't spend one penny on the nba I won't ever again. Why? I get all the game highlights free here on Youtube after they end without pukey commercials and commentary. Thank you Youtube, for screwing the NBA.

  9. I am proud to have never watched an NBA game. I sleep well at night knowing that I am not paying 300 bucks for a pair a 10 dollar shoes.

  10. Until players are allowed to play actual defense, and are willing to do so, I probably wont ever watch anything except occasional finals

  11. Watching five minutes of the NBA today and it's like nobody plays any defense.. The stands still looked full.. People are crazy to spend Christmas day at the NBA..

  12. The question i have is: are all of your millionaires? Do you consider yourself wealthy? Still work for paychecks?

    Then why do you spent your significant life energy watching those that make millions for playing an insignificant game?
    Why do you care? What kind of advanced brainwashing did you get that makes you view players and sports lives more than your own wealth and building that withing yourself or your family?

    How many of you, at any age, still have the physical capacity that makes you feel great?

    They got you, all of you, while they, meaning the players, the owners, etc. while THEY make tons of money. Heck, your cities even PAY for their stadiums in part or YOUR taxes. (Usually the land rent on your homes).

    I hope these sports go broke, maybe then America will Wake the fuck up and start doing something about all the bullshit rolling around. In the mean time, I won't waste my time watching this crap. Maybe tennis every once in a while, but, hey I can still play and it keeps me fit and super strong and healthy as i age. i cannot say that about football, basketball, hockey and other sports fans i have seen in my life.

    Wake the F up.

  13. It's been documented that the refs are told to rig the games. I'm not sure why no one in the media pays attention to this. Why would anyone want to invest in watching 82 games + playoffs when the NBA executives are trying to skew the outcome of the finals to a large market team so they can make more money? It's absurd.

  14. Cuban only sold 70% of the mavs. So maybe that’s the extra $500 million. Plus he’s trying to build a casino/resort/arena and he’s partnered with a casino mogul so maybe that’s why he sold.

  15. F the NBA. Quit watching long ago. Players way over paid, and Cuban is a dbag… rich one at that, but royal dbag

  16. Between the overpriced tickets for even small ball markets. And the fact the NBA has made it clear they hate White Heterosexual men. Is it really a surprise this has happened, being a Pistons Fan for 35 years. I was never a fan of Micheal Jordan or Isiah Thomas as far as their personal views. But they knew the fans paid the salaries they enjoyed and acted in the best interest of the league. LeBron changed all that and it is very evident that this league sucks.😢😮

  17. Clay, you're Trump cult members don't like the NBA, that's fine don't watch, nobody watches the NHL, that's fine if you don't like it don't watch, if you like it watch.

  18. The game is soo weak now. The players are athletic, but do not know the game.

    I play the game now and take side steps without putting ball on the ground. In addition, they obviously dip their should into you. All to have more scoring and less defense.

    LeBron is boring as hell to watch.

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