@Toronto Raptors

Our Win Streak Begins TONIGHT! Toronto Raptors vs. Utah Jazz – Live Watch Along!

Our Win Streak Begins TONIGHT! Toronto Raptors vs. Utah Jazz – Live Watch Along!

[Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] He [Applause] [Applause] what’s good digest family happy holidays all that good stuff we’re here it’s Saturday Utah Jazz Toronto Raptors you see the score below the boys are getting at it Scotty Barnes has been shooting the lights out putting in that work how y’all doing how y’all doing it’s Saturday we’re here after that tough

Loss to the 76ers on Wednesday we’re back hopefully we can get a little winning streak going against Utah and then when do we play the Wizards when whenever we play the Wizards next that that’s the next thing that that we play let me see here we play the Wizards on

Wednesday so hopefully today and Wednesday we can get some dubs get little win streak going get the boys feeling good build up that that confidence in that morale because on Friday we’re playing the Celtics I’m not looking forward to playing the Celtics at all on Friday so

Hopefully we can get a little win streak going everything exactly where it needs to be how y’all doing I just kind of woke up honestly from a nap I am exhausted didn’t get a lot of good sleep last night um I don’t typically drink energy drinks but I’m drinking an energy

Drink today to try to stay up cuz I’m exhausted had a long week long month how y’all doing talk to me is Koko playing today I don’t think Koko is going to return to action for the Raptors I’m not too sure on that Kevin or Len Savor jontay Porter’s available I

Like what I’ve been seeing from jonte Porter I’m not going to lie to y’all excuse me may have to may have to see him get some run with the with the Raptors here to leave my like let’s go raps the Bills game is my priority tonight but I’ll be hopping in when I

Have time big love to dig Community best of luck Marc I appreciate you Bruce W uh go bills I guess I’m I’m a Saints fan but hopefully that is a good game for you because we’re trying to have a good game over here ourselves hopefully the Raptors start

Winning some games so we can like have a proper live stream where people are like looking forward to like tapping in because I feel like that’s why these live streams we’re not we’re not cranking out big numbers cuz a Raptors don’t know how to win and I don’t blame

Y’all they have not been easy to watch some I saw something the other day I keep meaning to like screenshot certain tweets that I see with like stats to show you guys I might be able to pull it up during halftime um but there’s a stat that showed like OG’s efficiency lately he

Has been playing horrible and just from the ey test alone watching him these last few games with you guys here I made a comment other day that his defense has not been top tier lately and the numbers prove it I don’t know what’s up with ojan anobi I remember it was one game

Where I was just giving them all the praise of being our most consistent player and then boom he drops off so hopefully I didn’t Jinx him because at the same time I was talking crap about pre a was play now pre is playing pretty well so I don’t know Colin SE for three

No good rattles in and out rebounding by yakob purle we got Dennis schruder the high usage man himself bringing in but he finds Scotty in the low post for a twoand slam I think I think Scotty is going for a 30 bomb tonight Scotty is

Going crazy he’s got to have at least 10 points already Scotty is going Banas right now and the Jazz can’t like I don’t think there’s a player on the Jazz team that can hold him Lori Markin with the he’s been playing pretty well scoring at will passes it over is that Chris Dunn

Back to Lor Markin in for three gets it to go I would love to see Lori marinin on this team I think Lori marinin would help Scotty so much with spacing the floor hot take I Gotta Throw the flames on for myself hot take I think I’d trade

Pas galaka for Lorie marinin not gonna lie to you I’m I’m just saying I’m just saying OG gets a tough bucket good to go let me know how y’all feel let me know how you feel Ruben what’s good Ruben how you doing Porter get shoot those threes

Give him some minutes I agree I like what I’ve seen from jonte Porter it honestly it wouldn’t hurt us I don’t think it would hurt us it would probably help us more than it would hurt us if we called jonte porter up I’ll see this time if I can watch this team past

Halftime I don’t blame you bro Scotty for three cuz why not uh no good but rebound by yaka per we keep it alive OG for three no good rebound by Colin SE no that’s not Colin SE by John Collins wron Collins John Collins trying to go right up at Pascal get stopped because

He’s too strong pass out to Kell lenck inside pass is all over the place we got a jump ball between Scotty Barnes and John Collins because Scotty’s too strong oh yeah I heard Porter used to be on Detroit g- League team makes sense because um Detroit sucks poror join Toronto to

Retire don’t blame him Messi and Bobby probably started their vacation already man they started their vacation like the beginning of this season who’s getting traded before deadline OG or Pascal it probably be Pascal I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know who will get traded first I don’t

Know if we’re going to make trades like I really can’t predict what this team is going to do I’m just I get baffled so much by what Messiah and Bobby end up doing I can’t I can’t call it I can’t guess it but I mean I would like to keep

Them I like to trade him to get some some something back to help the team I don’t have a problem with any of these guys I just we need to we we need structure and we have no structure right now a little floater from Jordan Clarkson

Goes in pass out over to OG OG’s on an island for three gets it to go OG Oh Me Oh My let’s go hit them shots baby OG seems like the kind of guy where all this trade talk would weigh on him I feel like the trade talk does not bother

OG because he’s been in trade talk every single year John Collins with a little layup right up on Scotty Barnes W just going the other way 1922 wraps up slightly early feels good but generally hasn’t in W for as well we’re we’re being efficient yaka perar

With a nice little touch of the rim we’re playing very efficiently our defense could be a little bit better but we’re play but I mean the efficiency is what I see and I like it so far my mustache is like in my nose I need to shave n they ain’t trading Lori

I know they’re not well I heard that if they were to trade them they’d want like five first round picks not realistic not going to happen at least not from us at least but I heard that’s the asking price garon junor OG earned more than Lori right

Now yeah OG and Gary make more than Lori and Lori Lori might be better than one of those guys Marcel do you think sexing gets with a name like that I’m pretty sure it’s it’s it’s a corny pickup line to use I guess we could use Kelly or linck I

Would agree maybe a few years ago I got I’m not saying Kelly’s bad I like I would have liked Kelly lck on this team maybe when we were in Tampa you know what I’m saying if we picked him up right now like we don’t know he’s on his

Decline if he’s peing like I’ve always liked Kelly lck a bad layup from the Jazz rebound by Pascal seak can going the other way swings it over to Dennis shuder o over to OG back to shuder shuder for three and he misses but rebound by Pascal he keeps it alive

Inside to OG oh almost Lose It O brings it back out to Pascal in the mid-range Pascal gets the foul shooting two Jim e yo I’m a Canadian who’s just G professional basketball the Jazz has been my favorite team for like three weeks hey Jim first of all Jim

Appreciate you stopping by the uh chat the live stream all the good stuff appreciate you man um the Jazz isn’t a bad team to follow even when they had Don Mitchell Rudy goar they were a good team even with this team being gutted out and they’re obviously going through

Some sort of rebuild retooling still not a bad team to watch honestly I mean you’ve got good players you’ve got a lot of draft picks you got a lot of young players you got you have a lot to look 42 with the Jazz so being a jazz fan

Ain’t the worst thing in the world it could be a Pistons fan I want ohai aaji on this team no thank you quickly as a free agent coming up would be nice on the RS quickly you say I knew it Kevin the moment the moment someone mentioned Emanuel quickly

There’s Tom oh quickly you say if we can NAB him we NAB him you know what I’m saying if we can finesse him from New York you know you do that but I mean I don’t know if he would be much better than Dennis shuder I could be

Completely wrong uh pascow makes the first free throw misses the second one Jazz going the other way with it Jordan Clarkson with the ball oh we got a weird offensive foul Kelly L Rams in OG’s back real weird strange is it a Raptor’s ball is it not

A turnover I don’t know what’s going on NOP I guess not oh Pascal foul that’s weird all right Jazz keeps the ball Jordan clarson with it over to Kelly lenck guard by Pascal shakum o Jordan Clarkson tried to make the inside pass no good out of bounds

Raptor’s ball excuse me can we get a DB for the holiday please that’s what I’m saying man all I want for Christmas is a Raptor’s dub someone sing that in Mariah Carey tone Dennis with the ball out to Pascal Pascal drives tries to b o passes it out

To Precious Precious over to den shuder shuder going with a little mid-range jumper is good to go all right if sh had missed that I would have been a little bit upset like bro your shot selection has not been on par you got to get that up Dennis I

Think and I mentioned on on the stream last time the boys played I was a big fan of Dennis shuder in the beginning of the season and I’m starting to kind of see the the pitfalls of Dennis sh shoter but we’re a team bro we all got

To come together on this stuff is that a foul or is that a that’s the offensive charge on Pascal got a turnover but W’s going to call timeout good timeout to calls 2127 about 3 minutes left in the first wraps up by six it’s not a bad

Game this is honestly a pretty good game so not not the worst I’ve seen Obie toppin and their backup Punk guard would be perfect for Indiana trade I I I like Obi toppen I like Obby toppen I like them I trade for them all I want for Christmas is the front office to

Wake up all I want for the All I Want For Christmas is the front office to just quit the entire front office just just get up and leave it’s not like you’re doing anything anyway but we got a timeout Raptor’s timeout every time they mention schroer I hear the Peanuts theme in my

Head I’m going to crank out that trade machine at halftime going to cook up something devious trying to help out the front office with this team yes sir yes sir but what what what are yall up to besides hanging out with me on the stream any of y’all got any uh plans for

The holidays I’m honestly doing nothing staying home I did some cooking today probably do some more cooking tomorrow but I ain’t got nothing playing for the holidays I’ll be just chilling taking it easy just relaxing maxing all cool shooting some bball outside school and a couple guys they up to no

Good sing you Marcel trying to stay awake bro keep me alive like keep me awake got no sleep and I was I took a nap I ate some good food which put me to sleep oh man it’s been a it’s been a rough weekend so far for your boy but

Hopefully this dub can bring me to life and keep me alive man oh man long time out but how y’all doing how y’all feeling what’s popping what’s good how’s life any interesting news for anybody that Canadian are we worried about the Pistons game before the New

Year’s I want to break their streak bro I’m going be stressfully stressfully going live for that game y’all going to see me like this the whole game is like don’t do it don’t do it I’m going be stressed that whole game but you know what if if the Pistons are

To if any team has a long losing streak and they need that one team to just win to snap it it’ll be Toronto Raptors whenever I’m on like Twitter or or Tik Tok or any social media I’m seeing like basketball highlights of like oh this player’s best plays against

Certain teams I always see the Raptors like we are in almost name a name a great basketball player and we’re in the majority of their highlights so yeah yeah let the Detroit Pistons break their losing streak against us why not why not watch this and knock on wood

Knock on wood somewhere watch us lose every game leading up to that game and then we lose that our losing streak bled into their game and help it would be just horrible in exchange of losing streaks it’ be horrible but it means we’re getting closer to keeping our pick so not all

Bad Jordan Clarkson for three gets it to go drains it K cutting is gonna cook us probably bogon gonna drop 30 piece on us most likely apparently the name Marcel means young Warrior yes in French it does young Warrior little warrior precious for three way off on the backboard precious what are you

Doing um I got a little a little French background you know what I’m saying be be being a Cajun from nin got a little little little Cajun in my blood all right press two with the ball over to OG OG to Gary Gary to Scotty Barnes all right Scotty get hot

Scotty pulls up in the mid-range long two no good rebounded by Jordan Clarkson going back down the other way he meets Gary Tren Jr right at the mid-range floer from Jordan no good rebounded by Malachi Flynn he’s pushing the other way Kanan y’all got to move a little bit

Faster than that give it to Scotty better find Scotty missed the cut Gary over to OG oh OG pump fakes drives o good take from OG the pass to Scotty oh oh what a sequence M unselfish get the open man a good look feed the hot hand that hot hand is

Scooty Barnes Jordan clks with the ball going ride up at OG they’re going to call a foul because OG is not been playing the best lately is that a shooting foul no it’s a personal foul try to find this tweet so I can get it ready for Hal time gotta find

It but anyway I’ll have that for halftime Garett Tren junr with the ball goes right up with a floater no good rebounded by oh bushe got the rebound over to Malachi Flynn for three cash money why didn’t bue play last game Beyond me you got an early lock for Allstar for

This team no I don’t think anybody on our on our team is going to be an All-Star the closest would be Scotty but they’re not going to give it to him um yeah ain’t a ain’t nobody oo a three from who was that Walker Kesler that was

Somebody yeah I think it was Kesler for three um 18 viewers and eight likes be nice and give Marcel and the die just a like the man Tom calling for a like spike it would be much appreciated I know these weekend streams and especially during the holidays everybody’s busy you probably probably

Can’t tune in for too long I I understand but if you just leave a like before you leave much appreciated SC Barnes pump fakes it to three spins around gets the floater to go Scotty got a little bit of game from every on the team he got good defense like OG he’s

Got that spin move like Pascal my man’s taking my man’s adapting bro he’s like a little Terminator OG so some playm I did like that OG hears you haters let’s go OG okay OG heard the comment section is trading him so he started balling Barnes is Allstar uh that’s what fans say and

That’s what the stats say but like will he won’t he who knows 12 seconds left in the first quarter wraps up by three pretty good game so far I’m not going to lie um but let’s see it’s not about how you start but how you finish Scotty Barnes with the ball long

Pass to MSI Malachi over to uh pru in the corner for three no good you think Scotty playing at a different level more because of his own or you think Darko has helped some I think Darko is unleashing Scotty now not it may not be by design it may just be

Be because of how the team was structured but under Nick nurse there was a hierarchy right like it’s it’s Fred and pascow at the top taking turns on who’s one and who’s Two On Any Given night and then you got OG he’s been there longer Gary TR Jr was somewhat had

A spot ahead of Scotty and then it was Scotty Scotty was like the fourth or fifth option on our team over the last few years since he got drafted now Scotty’s like I’m either 1 a or one B but I’m not two you know what I mean like Scotty is Scotty’s being Unleashed

By Darko darko’s like we’re getting the ball in Scotty hands if Scotty’s hot you feed the hot hand you get him going so I think under darko’s system it benefits Scotty then I think also the team just sees Scotty as like when it comes to playing good

Basketball Eagles have to be in check and I wouldn’t think the team has egos I think this team is very selfless um and just to use a comparison if you see what’s going on in San Antonio where many times on many plays wiama will be wide open and the team just doesn’t give

Him the ball you can kind of see the difference right so this team not very selfish in certain instances you can make it your case for Dennis shuder being more selfish but regardless I think under this system and with this team with how it’s currently structured Scotty Barnes is just Unleashed he can

Just do whatever he wants and he can do that because it’s efficient and it usually pans out well for us letting Scotty just be Scotty Barnes is playing center right now too Barnes can do whatever he wants this is not the same sky from last year no I’m telling you

It’s it’s whether it be by Design or not Scotty’s are one a or 1B right now being able to do whatever he wants he’s un he’s Unleashed and I love watching him game in and game out and honestly if I’m Bobby or Messi I’m watching I’m when I’m

Watching the team play I’m only watching Scotty I’m only paying attention to Scotty because I need to re I need as as as anybody in the front office you need to realize that Scotty will be your Cornerstone piece he is your main guy that you need to build around so and

Every time the these Raptors play you need to be watching Scotty watch out for his strengths his weaknesses and and put your brains to the test and see who around the league you can pair up with Scott like dang Scotty really needs a good shooter let’s try to get some

Shooters man Scotty needs help on on the wings we need to find you know whatever whatever you know I mean so it’s like you need to watch like Scotty has 17 points in the first quarter bro get Scotty some help get Scotty some help bro like Scotty should

Be the only player that we focus on right now and when it comes to trades every every move we make moving for has to be with Scotty in mind straight up uh Scotty would go number one in the redraft smart team would get Scotty because he’s just so versatile and he’s

So good at so many things honestly I love OG as a piece on a winning team but that’s not us I’m more than ready for him to move on yeah honestly I mean think about when we woned our chip Scotty was or OG was injured that entire

Run a steal by bu over to Gary Tren Jr he’s all alone for the long three no good kept Alive by precious who goes right back up at The Rim nice little floater I’m loving what I’m seeing from precious lately now if I can keep it consistent from precious then I’d be

Happy uh same here he has more value than Pascal better get some pieces now that’s what I’m saying Scotty became the main protagonist he’s the main character marketing blowing right by Scotty gets met at the rim hard foul he falls Lori Markin shooting too if only we could steal Tyrese man

That ship is long gone I honestly and I might have been delusional but I thought we had a chance at getting Tyrese Maxi from Philly if let’s say James Harden was just is so much better right like if James Harden was just the was the better fit they were winning more games they

Were doing much better with James Harden versus Tyrese Maxi I’d be like oh we might be able to pill for Maxi but it was in those instances where whenever James Harden didn’t show up Tyrese Maxi always outshined him every single time and I said it many times even on this

Podile I was like if I’m the Sixers why would I want um James Harden if I have Tyrese maxi come on I might be a hot take but I’ve always thought that Maxi was just a better player Scotty going right up at The Rim strong strong man gets a quick

Two Scotty’s easily dropping 30 this game maybe even 40 Man OG booty is still getting traded I mean as long as we get the what we need back I’m willing to trade anybody not named Scotty uh rebounded by Scotty Barnes over to BU and transition bu

Going right up at The Rim o tough layup he gets it to go to and one b slim duck yeah all right bu all right B get that man P up I thought he was going to try to dunk it but he laid it up man Barnes is him still love how he

Gave precious and Flynn high fives at the end of the quarter even though they missed he didn’t walk off upset true leadership always POS of course I think Scotty is just a ray of freaking Sunshine honestly just from what I see on uh like social media and even when I

Watch the games like I feel like Scotty just doesn’t get angry or upset at at his own teammates I see him getting you know frustrated at refs and and the other team but with his own teammates I don’t think there’s an ounce of like negativity if you wear the same Jersey

As him he’s rocking with you all right bu make the and one now Utah’s trying to go the other way The Bu flop what happened they got an offensive foul I think they’re going to call a personal foul on bu what’s going on what’s going on uh personal foul bu

Okay James me James cost us Tyrese exactly bu out here making plays I I’m loving it I’m loving it OG and pascow trade value were their highest last season a lot of players trade value was high last season and we just didn’t capitalize when the team’s winning

Everyone’s values up you know what I mean Barn’s a true future leader he’s a leader now for the future and the present Scotty’s just the vibe facts you think we picked up the vibe you think we picked the vibe that Scotty was more ready willing to be a teamer than sugs possibly

Possibly when I look at some of the other players that got drafted the year Scotty did like in that top Lottery a lot of those guys are just good players on bad teams they don’t really impact winning too much like Jaylen green is a great individual player but like Fred

Van V’s there to help you win games right Jaylen sugs you’re a great player but like B chero is there to help you win games you know what I mean even Kad Cunningham you are a great player but literally no one on your team impacts winning whereas Scotty Barnes you are a

Great player and you impact winning and even though we don’t have the best record you can make the argument that that we win because of Scotty to a degree Messiah wanted a leader so he got Barnes to the sugs that’s facts Jordan clks with the ball going oh passing it out to Collins

After Chris Dunn who’s driving right up on B stops pivots throws up a hook shot good to go I see Barnes as messiah’s Redemption project for missing out on Giannis man if we had Yannis be crazy he had that draft night energy SS looked like he just failed a test where the answers

Were on the board sus like he was just so happy that he didn’t get drafted to Toronto gar J with the ball over to Malachi Flynn Flynn with the ball back out to Gary Gary for a long three gets it to go the Raptors are up 46 of 37 to Utah Jazz

Nine minutes left in the second quarter you love to see it wraps up by nine SS is barely better than Flynn W hot tape but I love it Lori marinin slams it straight to the basket no one no one triy to stop that man it is what it is Flyn bringing the ball

Down Garrett Tren Jr with the ball who’s been playing pretty well lately Flynn inside of Scotty bad pass turnover Mark with the ball over to Jord Carson a three in transition no good rebound by Scotty Barnes over to Flynn Flynn finds Precious Precious going right up at

Lor oh not a n one but precious shooting two we’re making Lori work for it you gotta work hard for this marketing yeah Barnes is the backup option for not getting honest honestly like Messi had to prove that he can draft well I remember when people

Thought OG was mad when he got drafted now I I think OG’s been very receptive to new players I remember when we first got Gary he like immediately linked up with Gary got his phone number reached out to him first fre throw from precious is good Sims we can’t be saying that F

Will start leading to bad ball oh no it’s a Malachi movement though sugs is nice this year high energy Alex Russo type player the magic are just good the magic are just good overall they got a lot of good young Talent is this all about bringing it together I’m surprised they didn’t keep

Terence Ross as like that veteran presence but maybe they didn’t need him John Collins for three gets no that was not John Collins who was that o agbaji for three all right let’s trade form him 42 48 WS up by six Flynn with the ball over to

Precious Precious to Flynn back to Gary Gary for three why not oh he gets the shooters bounce Gary oh okay Jordan Clarkson trying to go right back at at the other end no foul he just trips Lori mark for a long three gets o that got a little blockage from

Precious okay he tipped it Flynn over to Gary Gary’s hot back to Flynn because Gary Gary’s not selfish Flynn missed the three rebounded by John Collins oh man he did turn it over immediately after yeah all right agbaji going right up at The Rim reverse lay is good our defense could

Probably be a little bit better right now but Pascal’s on the court bro if Utah would sell us their young Talent we’d be blessed didn’t ter Ross rard he did but I think it was also on the precipice of Orlando not offering him a contract to

Extend I don’t know start Gary ASAP man Gary Gary just finds Shooters have to find their Rhythm I think Gary’s found it you know I’ve said this last year when people wanted Gary gon it’s like Gary’s our best three-point shooter why would you want to get rid of him a long

Three from Gary no good but it was late in the shot clock had to get it up Doran Clon with the ball guarded by Pascal yum Jordan attacks spins pivots finds Chris dun at top of the key guarded by Maliki to paraphrase Rick and Casablanca I want to use Messiah as selling points

Poor salesmanship you’re not wrong there Tom John Collins attacks the r but he kicks out to abagi who side steps threes right over precious I’m sorry over bu no good goes out of bounds Raptor Ball but Raptors will call a timeout smart timeout from uh from Darko even though we’re in a

Good position he he he realized we need to take a quick little breather good job Norman pal still better yeah I know I know I thought it was weird that we traded Norman pal to um we traded Norman pal to the Trailblazers only for the Trailblazers

To trade him away to to the SE or 76ers over to the Clippers thought that was weird like do you know who do you know who Norman pal is like do you know who you have and then who who did the Trailblazers trade him away

For cuz I feel like it’s for a player that they don’t even have anymore Trailblazers traded Norman pow the Clippers acquired Char’s veteran Norman pal and Robert Covington in a trade that sent Eric bledo Justice Winslow and Keon Johnson a 2025 second round pick to Portland Keon Johnson was

Like the was like the only good player from that trade cuz I don’t think uh I mean okay I’m I might be paraphrasing he’s not on the team anymore he’s in Brooklyn wow they’re Trailblazers and Eric bledo is not in the lead is Justice winow still you traded all of that just

For justice winow yo what that like if it was a first round pick I can see why you did it but you traded away Norman pal for Robert I’m sorry you trade Norman pal and Robert Covington for Eric bledo Justice wi and Keon Johnson in a second round

Pick fleece the Clippers got so much more and gave away nothing good job Trailblazers what are they doing what I always thought that when Dame was still on the trail bries for the last few seasons of Dame still being in in Portland I thought I thought that the

Trail BDS were just scrambling like every time I hear about oh they’re trying to get this player they’re trying to get that player I’m like that’s not going to help and then I like I just I don’t know why people thought that the trail bears were going to be good after

They got rid of CJ McCullen like bro you have nobody now there’s no one there like oh we got Anthony Simons who Anthony who is Anthony Simons like he’s not that good bro like the trail players were like I I don’t know maybe maybe just from what I saw that a lot of

People were like in denial of how good that tra Bird’s team was over the last few seasons when Dame was still there I’m like uh they’re bad they’re going to continue to be bad they have nobody it is what it is late to watching game but didn’t ptle play want him gone

Anyway Terence Davis we want to keep hurtle pear is playing Portland got fleece in that pal trade yeah Portland just doesn’t trade well I swear real life trades make no sense that’s what I’m saying if we have to trade first round picks for I know I know Clippers

Like stealing yeah Jess wiso on our g-league team is he is he bro so the Trailblazers pretty much traded away Norman pal Robert Covington for a second round pick [Laughter] hey yo all right Pascal seak misses the shot rebound by Perle over to OG OG for

Three with a hand in his face still gets it to go wraps up by 10 six and a half minutes left to go pin didn’t even use pal properly they really didn’t he was supposed to be a like a number two for uh Dane pretty much should have been

Your second like your number two scorer should have been Norman Palin for whatever reason they just didn’t know what they were doing get SGA in 2027 man if that man ever came to Toronto I’d be going crazy wizo and Gia that’s crazy let’s go if raps can get yak and give up

A first round pick they have no excuse to pull off another trade before the deadline better sooner than later it all depends a steal from OG he’s going other way with it full head of steam goes right up at the basket gets the layup to go wo love seak talking about Barnes

There what did he say Tom I ain’t got the volume on what did what did Pascal say Colin sex with the ball the young bull dumps it off to John Collins who meets yaka Pearl at the rim no good rebound by Og pass out going the other

Way loving these fast breaks Pascal ooh tough bucket W this fast breaks are I’m I’m loving it we used to be a running gun team and I have not seen no running gun in a while let’s go Chris dun going right up at Pascal he stops pivots tries

To spin around him no good the shot does not go in rebounded by Pascal shaku gets the lead pass over to OG for a fast break dunk on the other end yeah you better call a timeout wraps up by 16 to the Utah Jazz 5 and a half minutes left

To go in the second quarter OG’s getting them them slams and let to see let’s go Winslow a good Defender if we trade OG we call him up that’s a drastic change talk about how hard he works and how aggressive he’s been this season I love that I love

I love watching our players give each other praise it shows it shows true camaraderie and just cohesiveness within the team which is I’m always here for man always here for it rers look good I know it’s like you got to be happy about something I know it’s like oh it’s Utah Jaz

They’re 1118 well we’re 11 and 17 if they beat us we will be 11 and 18 so it’s it’s it’s not an impressive win but like in terms of record and where we really are this is like an even matchup pretty much with us record-wise so yeah

Let’s let’s let’s be happy and celebrate the wins as they come no matter who they are against um I think the highlight of this season was beating the Bucks and the lowest of the lows this season was when we lost to the Hawks after we beat them the night before so in my

Opinion or the many losses to the Philadelphia 76ers which won’t stop man holy I don’t know team looks good right now but dang they got to be consistent they look so fun to watch like this is a very fun rappers team tonight the Raptors look amazing Tonight

I’m loving it I’m loving it I’m loving what I’m seeing from OG seeing a little bit more tenacity a little bit more hustle from him and I just kind of stand around and waiting I’m seeing Scotty being active everywhere Pascal is doing what Pascal does I’m not seeing a whole lot from

Shuder I’m not might be a good thing but I’m also like what I’m seeing from precious and from Gary and bu I’m I’m like what I’m seeing from everybody Maliki might want to step it up a little bit knock a three or two but oh no the boys look good Pearl Pearl

Not looking too bad honestly I think we I think we’re playing Pearl to just kind of counteract Kelly oen and Lori Markin in size but with sorry as John Collins know as far as John Collins goes we just throw Pascal on him but we got a timeout but what’s good with everybody

Talk to me what’s everybody up to what’s new what’s popping anybody got any exciting news you want to share OG G already has 14 oo all right OG Step It Up Step It Up heard me talking smack about him he’s like all right that’s all we got to do we just

Got to talk smack about these players and start playing better we’re back Colin SE bring the ball down guarded by D shter over to Kelly oen Kelly oen with the ball over to abaji back to oh a three in the corner from John Collins is good to

Go box score check six of seven from free throw or field goals and3 from three-pointers Pas yakum spinning on Kell lenck goes up with the layup ah no good rebounded by John Collins Collins SE attacking the rim gets a layup to go Jabs will be playing very tenacious while they have this

Deficit all right yaka pear the ball over to Dennis shuder Dennis shuder going with a nice little floater the schroer floater no good but he gets his rebound over to Gary Tren Jr Gary with the ball trying toig figure out what to do try and create some space pass to

Pascal Pascal got two seconds got to get rid of it throws up a weird little hook shot gets fou on the shot Pascal shooting too one thing I do like about Pascal this season he has gotten a lot better at getting to the or getting to

The line I do like that he was on a slump tank commander suppressing him facts yo bring bring Kelly L home isn’t he Canadian bring him home bring oen home Pascal makes the first one Scotty Barnes coming in yes sir Pascal’s shooting stance is so ugly but he makes a second

One who was it that was agreeing with me that Pascal’s form on the fre free throw line is horrendous all right call SE ston with the ball guarded by Dennis shuder seon drives gets fouled shooting too good Lord or maybe he’s not shooting no he is good job shuder

First free throw is good by Colin seon hot take but I was never a fan of Colin seon I always thought he was too much of a individual player and what I mean by that is like he has his style of play that he’s been doing for years and this

Is like he like he’s a player that doesn’t really adapt or change like this is just who he is this is who he’s always going to be and that’s not always a good thing it’s not always a bad thing but in this case I think it’s a bad

Thing I just don’t think Colin seon will become a great player I could be wrong though I’m just some dude on a on a little webcam yaka pearled the ball over to Pascal Pascal working them going right at the paint spins gets the oh the floater no good they get the rebound I’m

Actually shocked Pascal doesn’t spin for free throws Lori Markin with the ball going right up at Scotty throws it way out Raptors get the steal D Dennis shter over to Scotty Scotty over to OG OG in traffic down low doesn’t get it to go it Raptor’s ball all right there we

Go eny drink got me wide awake inbounds to shuder shuder guard by Colin seon over to OG O’s driving stops oh gets blocked come on OG but he gets it back out to Pascal pass out for three woo bad three rebound by Lori Markin okay this is

Where our offense just falls apart Colin seon finds Lori Markin Lor Markin drives up on OG Scotty blocks it oh my boy spiked Scotty’s ability to just like time those blocks consistently a work of art golly that boy good started come around at Kevin herder he looked good

His last game I wouldn’t mind Kevin her he’s a great shooter it was weird that Atlanta didn’t want to keep him sex in with the ball over to abaji back to seon seon going right up at Scotty O no good Scotty gets the rebound

Over to shuder OG look up yep OG o turns it over Jazz ball this is what I’m talking about how he’s got LeBron like ability yeah I can see it 40 steals 40 blocks and 40 three field third 40 plus three pointers made in the first 29 games of the Season Scotty

Barnes is the first player I don’t know youngest I don’t know they have a weird stat apparently Scotty Barn has been playing really well I like I I love when they find those really obscure stat lines like oh yeah you’re the only player that ever um scored five points after doing a a

Cartwheel at halftime woo press coming in Scotty got 40 blocks and 42 steals in 29 Game season yeah they just do it up some extended offensive sloppiness right now yeah but we’re still tenacious on defense which I appreciate he’s bigger and stronger and faster than everyone that’s how LeBron

Was able to dominate yeah he was in Lebron was an athletic freak skotty trying to make history always he’s in the books pass out with the ball going r with John Collins finds shuder shuder pulls up right at the charity stripe and he gets it to go for two SE with the

Ball wraps up by 13 we got two minutes left in the second quarter John Collins over to Colin ston who’s going right up at Scotty kicks it out to Walker Keesler over to Lori marinin for three the shot is no good rebounded by Scotty Barnes oh Scotty’s pushing it the

Other way he knows that they’re down one Defender over to shuder he’s on an island for three shuder Scotty keeps it alive over to Pascal Pascal going right up at Pascal going right up at The Rim but he threw up a wedgie the ball got wedged in the rim of the backboard no

Good this guy hurt his hand what’s going on N he’s good what in the world got a little wedgie this guy’s got 19 oh yep Sky trying to become the alltime Raptor’s goat over l I think if Scotty plays his entire career in Toronto that could happen wow Scotty in the same list

As Durant 2012 Marcus L all that yeah all right they had a jump ball and the Utah Jazz keep it alive seon with the ball guarded by D shuder we had a minute and a half left in second quarter side step three from John Collins is no good

Or maybe those ABI I can’t see the names rebounded by Pascal shakum he’s going back the other way with it going with a head full of steam over to Scotty Scotty for three it gets it to go Scotty 22 first half points this boy is amazing be great for be

Great Colin seting the ball guarded by shuder switch off to Precious you don’t want them from precious Walker kezer for three they answer with their own that’s fine they can have their own three if they want to Paul George mentioned a few months ago that Scotty will most definitely be

All defensive team soon deoy can too Scotty’s just amazing four5 from three I like that he’s different Scotty built different Scotty could become PG-13 how about Scotty become a goat built different my so the score down below is way behind than what I’m watching but I also got the recent plays

Pulled up and that’s ahead of the game I don’t know what’s going on but it is currently 40 seconds left in the second quarter the score is 54 to 67 and pricha just bangs it on top of someone’s head oh let me reset the score maybe that’ll

Fix it still doesn’t that’ll have to get caught up all right Lori Markin finds Walker kzer for a quick long three for no reason out of bounds Jazz ball draft night Scotty can’t shoot Scotty after you give him some time and Faith three ball press is looking good

Lately he’s press has got to be be more dominant he’s got to be more assertive Grady going to be the same way a lot of Doubt right now then three years different story if I could get three made threes a game from Grady dick I’m happy like if like if he can

Guarantee me three threes a game I’m not upset I think we should hold on to gritty dick and just believe in him and as long as he shows progress then we should be fine oh a block from Precious on Colin ston oh rap going the other way

There goes Scotty who always loves to wait for the defender to come up before he just bangs it in Scotty disrespectful call a tech on that man Scotty 54 to 71 wraps up by 17 I can do math right Colin seon going right up at precious is it a personal

Foul shooting foul I do not know love how Scotty waited on him before Duncan I love it he does that all the time if he’s if it’s if he’s on other end he’ll hold and just look back and soon as soon as you get close then he dunks it

Disrespectful but it’s like man I’m just waiting you still got faith in Darko Marcel I have faith that he will get better um I mentioned this the other stream he’s a brand new head coach he’s not proven he has no accolades he has no resume really so even though he wants to

Come into this team and make changes and Implement a new system he needs to learn these players well enough to see and know okay do does my system fit these guys like can they actually make my system work if not let me tweak it and play to their strengths instead of

Making them play to my system that’s what he has to do and it may take some time you know it is what it is Colin sexon got a steal try to make a buck at the last second no good yeah Malachi needs to show Grady’s diet

Plan gr just needs to get those shots up I say give him two more seasons after his third year I’ll be probably a little bit bit more uh critical of Grady dick he’s going to have growing pain just like Scotty a perfect pairing I think Darko would would would do a lot

Better as a head coach with a very young team and that maybe why we need trade some people but it’s halftime the score is not 49 to 61 not sure why the score is not updated but it’s halftime sure we’re trying to get on shaon probably we got to continue to ride

He’s going to get there can’t give up on the guys can’t give up on the guys but it’s halftime let’s get that trade machine popping I got some I got some wild ideas I want to run by y’all let me pull up a trade machine there it is there there let me

Just bring that up we got the trade machine y’all what trades is Marcel goingon to cook up who knows who am I trying to who am I trying to piler from is it a is a team on the rise to the to a good playoff run or is it a bottom

Feeder I know they want G no no no we want a West let’s see who who I could probably p for from the Jazz they really ain’t got no good small forward so they could really use OG in return straight up remember when everyone wanted ton Horton Tucker

Crazy I’mma do one with the Jazz that Shameless not at all not at all let’s just go straight up OG for marking and it works ship it I’m all for it but with that I’m also trading pass Galloway though so if I so if I can get

That trade off and train Pascal to Miami and in return you will give me Duncan Robinson Nicol yovic who’s on a ugly contract man see their money’s kind of funny bro their contracts go like 45 32 29 22 then drops to six lot of Sky Barn’s going for

510 and 10 of course because he’s Scotty let me see here don’t want to pick they would never do that but let’s try this we need seven mil coming off of their books that’s when you get a third team involved but maybe not Miami maybe we send Pascal to

The Thunder oh wait a minute I want L dor see if we take Davis bton that’s just to do them a favor doav is on a fatly contract that he it’s not good I do you a favor and I take Davis bratton’s off your contract and I can take about 5 mil

More um who’s on this team A Wiggins and you got to throw in one of your thousand first round picks boom all right who says it who says no cuz I say yes I say yes pasak for D bons just cuz it’s a bad contract

We get him off BS for you’re doing you a favor we get lugan dorts we get kesan Wallace and I do this tra and a first round pick cuz you got a sweeten pot now I do this trade if I also do the trade OG to the Jazz for Lori Markin and one

For one so that way we have D Bon lugan dors Kon Wallace a first round pick and Lori marketing starting lineup would be kind of good I like l d i like one too Lori marketing can’t work or can work didn’t think we’d be able to get them

Maybe for OG though I think for a one in one you make it work and then you throw in picks as you see fit I don’t think we need to throw in any first rounds but I’d want a first round back but I think this works I think this

Really does work oh no I’m showing you behind the scenes all right and then it doesn’t stop there I’m also going to be doing small little itty bitty baby trades to bolster our bench so I’m putting up players like we like we got to get certain

Players just off off our books and I’m looking at a team like Brooklyn right and so I’m putting up auto porter Garrett Temple and Malachi Flint right and in return you got to give me maybe not to Brooklyn no one is trading for expiring Pascal no this is

This is the idea of like signing and trading a poke fell off he looked good at a time this is a good deal still I like the yeah I mean I haven’t heard much from him I I think he’d be good I just haven’t really seen too much so let

Me see I get rid of these three now I’m just looking for bench pieces I want Royce O’Neal let me see we got to get about three mil more so let’s see who’s got a small contract cam Thomas is so good for that small contract they’re not giving him up

Lonnie Walker is a lot better than his contract is so I don’t know if this could even work hey how y’all feel about this this is all right so this is just trying to Bol our bench right just to just to straight up bolst our bench and

You know what because I know this is just a bench trade I’mma be nice I’m throwing you a 2026 I’m sorry 2026 no I’m giving you a second round pick bro I can’t give you a first round for just bench piece but check this out right we

Get Royce O’Neal and Lonnie Walker and we give him uto Porter Maly Flyn Garrett Temple second round pick I mean a I’m just trying to think of like how do we because we all know our bench ain’t that great but if we have Royce O’Neal Lonnie Walker Gary

Trent Jr um pre zoua Chris bu off bench I like I like that I like that someone tell me about this Brooklyn s TR this is just a bench trying to bolster our bench I like this trade I like this trade a lot how old is Royce O’Neal old

Man where does it show your age you’re 30 years old and you’ll probably play more than daddy as young so I throw in dad just because Dad’s 35 good Lord Pascal for Buddy jarus Mur to we always do Pacer uh trades I’m trying to like think outside the box I did the

Trade I wanted with with Utah I didn’t think I I don’t think no way they take it but the money Works least as long as the money works the trade machine will always say it works we tank don’t buy the deadline why would the Nets do this

Why not we’re not taking any of their I mean the only player that they probably covet is Lonnie Walker and out of this trade the best one is Malachi Flynn you get I mean I don’t like how we got a old 37y old Garrett Temple again this is

Just a bolster our bench and we throw him a second round pick just to sweeten a pot because we’re not doing a first round pick but honestly their best players to pil for is you can argue Ben Simmons but also Cameron Johnson’s good McCall brid is good

Spener Den’s good dor Smith is good Nick Clon cam Thomas like maybe even Dron sharp I’m not sure about Dennis Smith Jr I was thinking about pulling Dennis but I’m not too sure Harry GS too was a little questionable Keon Johnson has been all over the place they got I think

We could make a good bench trade from Brooklyn who owns the Clippers pick saw an interesting proposal that Target getting those picks okay OG for murn and TJ plus pixel come on let’s do a let’s not do Pacers we always do Pacers Nets decline do they do they actually get

Worse with this they do okay okay let me switch it up then let me switch it up then I guess I’ll keep old Garrett Temple’s old butt and I’ll give you sho does this work D are they better is this I would now I would want to do that I’m I’m see

Look when it comes to the bench I’m so picky but it is what it is we dump in Flyn and Temple where a sign the Clippers are injury or two from those picks being high value okay did we play Ron Harper after that trade man should

Have kept Ron Harper maybe a deal like this for Kelly on The Jazz yak and Dennis for window Carter Jr and folz okay hold on let’s see Orlando let’s see Orlando let see Orlando they’re still up here where’s fourth okay I I I don’t want Marquel folz CU I

Don’t think he’s a starting point guard his League like like we would have two backup point guards Marquel folz and in uh Dennis shuder but for windowell Carter all right I’m just strictly looking for bench bolstering honestly I’ll take Cole Anthony I’m taking I like Caleb Houston he’s a underrated good young player

He’s not getting a allow to run with this team you’re knocking the Vagner Brothers banero I think I can snap Jo Go’s old old self anybody say yeah to this we trade Cole Anthony and Joe Engles and we give them Chris buet and Malachi Flyn yeah how yall feel about this

I’m not entirely okay with this but I mean it works the money works I like Cole Anthony I’ll take Cole Anthony Joe Engles old man I’m just trying to think about ways to like actually help this team’s bench because like that’s our biggest problem we need good bench pieces and honestly

We probably could get who am I looking at here what y’all got actually know let me look at the trail magic decline yeah let me see here huh we need to get ishmail Wayne right back bro he was a Hooper literally baled out when he was

On our team and we had like no intentions time him the Wizards let me see what we can pill for from the Wizards they’re bad too um for our bench I’mma trade you me see that’s 9 mil let me see what I can get back oh man 76ers really scooped up Kenny

Lofton yeah I know I think there lot I wouldn’t be surprised if there was like a bidding war for Kenny Lofton and then we just looked out I don’t know about this Patrick Ballwin dude but for Denny AIA AIA for these two yeah we get serviceable forward get rid of that yeah

They get worse though look I’m looking for bench players that’s what I’m looking for need to bolster the bench apparently the Cavs are not going to be sellers um they are not looking to trade away anybody Fair interesting you think D Rose could be a cheap benchu now that Jaws back and

They’re in the depths of the Western Conference pretty sure they wouldn’t be opposed to trading I mean Stephen Adams is out so let me cook something let me let me see what I can cook yeah he’s still young and good probably better than Harper Malachi hey hey how

About this we get D Rose and zy Williams we give him AO pter Malachi yeah yeah I’m all for it I’d do this Luke Canard and Rose for Malachi and OG oh for Malachi OG last trade I think the game’s back on or about to come back on see for Luke Canard and

Rose you got to throw in a first rounder if I’m getting if I’m giving you OG that’s not enough this isn’t enough it’s a good start but it’s not enough not for me not something that I would want but it’s a starting point might need more picks honestly because the prize is right

There but we are back from halftime Raptor’s ball 5771 wraps up by fol start the second half Dennis shuder with the ball over to Pascal yakum Pascal going right up at Lori marinin spins on him gets the tough layup to go tough bucket Pascal I’m using OG for a young player yeah yeah

You use OG to try to get younger players pass yakum guarding Chris Dunn he pass over to John Collins in the paint back out to Chris Dunn Chris Dunn for three no good good rebound by Pascal cakam Pascal with the ball ooh going right up at the paint with a high

Floating layup but it’s rebounded by Lorie Markin and Jazz going the other way with it Chris dun with the ball oh he slips stolen by shuder he hits fouled and transition I used to like Chris dun I think he used to play for Chicago if I’m not mistaken

Shoter misses the free throw good night all right Raptor’s inbound let’s go wraps up by 16 you let see it over to Scotty Scotty with the ball going right at Lori pivots finds OG OG finds yaka purle guarded by Kelly oen over to Pascal Pascal pulls a switch he get

Kelly goes almost loses it Pascal pulls up tough shot no good rebounded by the Jazz tough defense Miss at the rack again yeah Chris done with the ball over to Kelly lenck Kelly lck for threes all alone gets it to go who’s watching die hard tomorrow it’s

The only Christmas movie you should be watching gra just call a timeout smart timeout too it’s it’s a early one and you don’t want quter to get away from you he had four people on him yeah I should have bailed it out to one of the shooters we got a timeout for

I made some jumalia today and it was amazing probably my best batch yet it was really good I need to shave like I’m I keep seeing my horrible hairline being bald is not easy especially when like you’re only half bald look at that hairline all the way it’s crazy it’s crazy

Raptor time out 10 minutes left in the third quarter 60 to 73 wraps up by 13 we let to see it we let to see it I think for the Raptors digest gaming channel on Twitch I’m going to start by doing my GM on 2K and just be like y

We’re going to fix the Raptors we’re make them good I’m I’m I’mma cook up some real trades and get it popping did you get any Boxing Day deals Marcel um I got some stuff for my girlfriend uh we’re also like hand making each other gifts this year I’m not going to say

What I got her but um two of her gifts are here waiting for something else I got my roommate Sean a laptop for Christmas CU because he needed a new laptop and then he got me um like a frame to Kobe Bryant Jersey which is amazing other than that didn’t do too

Much shopping um I feel feel like they just weren’t a lot of good deals this year at all during Black Friday I’m like ah but mainly but I mean like I said earlier I don’t have plans this this holiday weekend not really just chilling not like I’m lonely or nothing just I want

To use this time off to just relax all the stress and craziness of the holidays overrated I decided to not share not share not shade for the holidays oh Tom rocking the mov big beard all right we’re back Dennis SCH with the ball over to Scotty Barnes over

To yaka purle guard by Lori yakob going oh find Scotty under the basket Scotty oh turnover Scotty no good Chris done with the ball cuts to John Collins who dunks it right on OG’s head good Lord that was a good little segment a little little sequence from

Utah Scotty Barnes with the ball going right oh stops throws up a a shot no what’s what’s what’s it called what’s it called shooting foul on John Collins okay what’s going on with my stream here we go first free throw from Scotty is good Scotta makes both dner shooter playing some full court

Defense Chris dunon finds Kell lck he’s guarded by yaka Pearl out in the corner he finds John Collins in the paint John Collins turns around shoots air balls it rebounded by Dennis shter Denis sh with the ball finds yaka purle yaka PE out to OG OG in the

Corner over to Scotty Scotty for three you’re feeling it Scotty ah no good rebounded by Kelly lenck o stolen picked away Got Back by Utah Chris Dunn oh Scotty tries to steal it but sex and keeps it alive playing a little risky Chris dun for three over OG he hits a

Wedgie everybody getting a wedgie we got a jump ball C gets it Chris Dunn bringing it down over to Kelly lenck Kelly lck all alone for three no good rebounded by Dennis shuder he’s going back the other way with it shuder to OG OG going right up Lori

Marking it oh he stops gives it to shoter shoter over to Scotty in the corner Scotty goes Baseline goes right up the basket no good foul on the floor no shooting foul yeah foul on the floor wraps up by 13 eight minutes left in the third quarter let’s go close it

That shooter with the ball Pascal down low we a little hook shot that was a good pass good shot there we go Chris done with the ball oh Scotty like ran over Kell linic oh Lord the more I see Barnes and seak playing together the more I want them to

Stay together and people say that that they can’t coexist I think they can there’s no egos there’s no selfishness or jealousy Lori marking it for three gets it to go Lor Markin got to do it all baby but he can’t shooter with the ball over to Pascal back to shuder shuder finds

OG OG drives throws up a air ball no foul call Lori Markin going the other way with it over to Kelly Kelly tries to drive throws up a ugly layup and it gets it to go all right all right Scotty the other way finds yaka Pearl down below we need to sub out

Yakob for precious real quick yaka would a turn around hook shot no good rebound by Scotty because he stays with the play OG gets the pass Baseline jumper from OG good to go okay okay can we sub out Dennis shuder for Gary sub out yako for precious moves skot to the

Point seon kicks out to the corner to Chris Dunn takes his time for three no good rebound by yaka purle over Den shuder he’s going back down the other way with it shuder finds OG in transition OG gets the tough and one to go OG crazy OG going to the line shooting for

Three 67 81 wraps up by a whole lot 14 about be 15 there you go OG OG’s got 18 okay OG too strong for these fools bro he makes the and one because ball don’t lie Colin seon bringing the ball down for Utah halfway through the third quarter wraps up by

15 Colin SE pulls up mid-range the shot is short rebounded by Pascal seak he’s going the other way with it Pascal Pascal oh pass out to shuder shuder drives dumps it off to yaka but the ball goes everywhere just stolen jazz is going the other way Colin SE

With the ball going right at back oo Pascal he gets to go I thought Scotty blocked it D shoter with the ball over to OG over to Scotty Scotty drives throws up a little a little hook gets fouled is a travel what we got oh it’s a personal foul not shooting foul

Scotty’s like yo I’m trying to get to the line all right Scotty shooting two makes the first one are we in the bonus yeah we’re in the bonus Scotty makes both free throws ball does not lie all right Colin seon finds Jordan Clarkson Clarkson with the ball OG’s on

Him passes over to seon seon guarded by Pascal finds Walker Keesler in the corner Kesler pass out to Jordan Clarkson guarded by Scotty side step three from Jordan Clarkson no good but seon keeps alive but it’s in the shot clock I like to see Jordan Clarkson on this team I trade Gary for

Clarkson all right Dennis shuder bring the ball down oh alley to pass C seak oh my god oh precious what just happened oh hey yo not precious I’m sorry y’ can purle what just happened it was like everything’s going so slow and then boom allei you

Okay okay I see what y’all doing Pascal slamming it yaming it all right Jordan clks from the ball hands off to Walker Kesler throws up a layup good to go Utah looks like us out there honestly just sloppy ooh bad pass by Dennis schroer the alley slam Jordan Clarkson with the ball going

Right up at Pascal kicks it out to Jordan or John Collins in a corner drains a three did the Jazz get Clarkson via trade from La a while back I think yak P just going right up at the basket gets blocked oh God yaka purle but somehow we keep it alive shter gets

The ball gets fouled okay okay what just happened uh let me see Jordan Clon trade can’t find when he got traded I can find it I’m my D hold on Jordan Clarkson played for the Lakers he got trade to Cleveland that’s right from Cleveland Utah Cleveland Utah I

Forgot he was he played with LeBron for a little bit in Cleveland very interesting yeah Jordan Clarkson with the ball guarded by shooter Clarkson going right at B yaka perto almost loses it he’s losing balance he throws up a off balance shot gets it to go is that a foul shooting

Two what happened yep Dan Sher fouled him getting and one he was off bounds the whole time crazy crazy crazy man we’re actually getting outscored this quarter don’t know how I feel about that 17 to 21 the an one is good what’s good Marcel sorry for tuning in late looks like it’s

Been a great game hope Scot can get 40 get to 40 points what’s good German appreciate you stopping by the Mitchell trade no I think it was before that yeah no he went from Cleveland to Utah 2019 2020 press a chw with the ball throws up

A little hook gets it to go the touch around the rim is good love to see it Jordan Parkson over to Colin seon he drives kicks it out to Kesler down below gets it to go all right shter with the ball shooter finds Gary Gary rolling around screen from

Precious Gary pulls up in the mid-range o gets it to go Gary Gary’s been playing so well late so efficient we love it good job Gary Jordan Clarkson going right up at OG pivots kicks it out to Walker kzar over there to Colin seon that is not Walker kzar who is that

Man Colin seon gets a tough bucket down low wraps up by 11 Pascal seak with the ball pass out to Precious Precious to Gary Gary finds pass down below Gary I’m sorry Pascal tries to the euro not a foul out of bounds what happen Jazz timeout we’re starting to slow down this

Quarter not a good look for the boys not a good look dogs on a package of using OG andess to try to get Lively and other assets from the Mavs I promise you the Mavs are not selling um if the Mavericks wanted OG they would

Have to give up too much I don’t think that would move the needle let me see let me let me just try if we just trade OG straight up okay we package precious they’re not going to give up Lively they’re not going to give up Lively because

He’s no we can’t get Lively that like I don’t know what they would have to give up they would probably have to give up Grant Williams let me see between with 12 mil and like ran Holmes and we would not want that that would definitely help them in their

Favor that would not help us whatsoever but I don’t see them giving up Lively whatsoever even I mean is OG better than Lively yeah but for that position Lively is very good I don’t see like if Lively wasn’t playing well this season if Lively was like coming off the

Bench playing the G league is not really showing well yeah we could defin dangle OG are precious for lively but Lively’s like shown that he is very valuable to that mavick team early so maybe we can get Jeff Hardy or Josh Green possibly but I don’t know I can see the MZ

Offering uh grant for OG but I need some picks I need my picks we got a timeout full timeout we got about 3 minutes left in the third quarter it’s 8192 not a good quarter for the Raptors but we’re still in this game still in a lead still a lot more

Basketball to go let me see what if Pascal to the Hawks were Hunter Kobe buffin cat filler in a first one first no two first if I’m sing Pascal to the to the Hawks I’m getting two young players and two first round picks I do it I and I that might

Be might be under selling Pascal I still do it though two players two picks Boom the ALU to passal shakum all right Rapp is inbound Pascal finds malikot Flynn Flynn going right at the basket oh over to Gary Gary just threw the ball out bad pass Gary what was that all

Right all right Gary turnover we love to see it Utah bring the ball down Jordan Clarkson guard by Pascal switch off now he’s got Precious on him he’s trying to back down precious shoots a jumper right over precious gets to go oh Gary for three all alone gets it to go

Gary hand down man down let’s go let’s go let’s go Chris dun with the ball over Lorie Markin they swarm him Chris D all by himself for three no good rebound by Scotty Barnes by scooty Barnes a long pass to Pascal from Scotty no good as a turnover thought Pascal was

A bit taller than that Lori Markin in the corner kicks it out drives right up on precious out of charge yeah good job precious that was a good move Marcel any plans for Christmas I’m going just chill with the fan probably invite some cousins I’ve got absolutely no plans but I’m just

Relaxing relaxing maxing all cool I’m doing absolutely nothing for Christmas wake up play video games and just chill enjoy my day off Flynn with the ball over to Gary Gary back to Flynn inside the sky Scotty mid-range the jumper no good rebounded by Chris Dunn Chris over Jordan Clarkson Jordan

Going to r at Malachi in the paint the layup is good wraps only up by 10 come on Toronto Flyn with the ball over to Pascal Pascal to Gary Gary to Flynn Flynn back to Gary Gary for a long three oh gets it to go Gary Scary Gary gets it to

Go all right Chris done with the ball kickball all right Utah with the ball over to Chris Dunn Christo’s up a little hook a little floater no good they try to tip it no good rebounding by Flynn Flynn in transition over to Gary Gary stops pulls

Up a three don’t you do it oh air ball out of bounds off pascy Gary on fire lead yeah and then he hits a air ball yeses shees not a good look Chris D with the ball over to Jordan Clarkson Jordan throws up a shot in the

Paint no good rebound by Scotty Scotty going the other way with it slowing it down we got 27 seconds left in this quarter let’s get a quick three up or a two let’s get a two up we’re about 13 let’s make it up by 15 5 Seconds separated the shot clock

From the game clock Scotty driving kicks it all the way out to Gary Gary to Flynn Flynn drives kicks it out to Pascal Pascal shot clock violation nope not shot clock violation Jordan Clarkson gets a lets a three off no good it’s air the shot clock was supposed to go off somewhere

In there but whatever end of the third quarter wraps up by 13 8598 fourth quarter here it comes let’s see what we can do people pretty good game pretty good game it’s not all right I’m glad we’re winning I’m pretty sure we’re going to win but man this game ain’t really been that

Exciting I’m starting to think it’s more exciting we’re down by a lot and we fight back but it’s a good game it is a good game it’s a good game I’m trying not to be a a hater I am happy that we’re winning these are the games we’re supposed to win excuse

Me energy drink is keeping me alive Chad is dead today it’s the holidays I figured not we we’re not g to have a big turnout tonight people spending time with family maybe they thought we were going to lose this game so they didn’t want to watch but we here man I’m here with

Y’all um I got to look at January’s schedule and see what games I’m going to go live for I I don’t think I’m going live for every every game next month um might need some time off barely one here hey man as long as one person’s here I’m

Live Scotty Barnes the ball over to press zoua Malachi Flynn for three oh no good rebounded by the Jazz we got pre pre auua Chris bue Scotty Barnes malkey Flyn and garon Jr Scotty and for Ben players again and Alley to Lori marinin is good to

Go any holiday plans nah I’m just going to chill enjoy my day off presses with the ball over to Scotty Scotty Barnes throws up a weird shot no good Scotty gets it back over to Precious in the corner precious drives stops shoots a f oh really bad shot good

Lord as ugly as been going I’m going to watch my WS this quarter is starting off pretty ugly a three from Chris Dunn it’s good to go Utah have five quick points and we call time out good good timeout called what’s going on change the dang lineup like what Scott get Scotty

Someone else out there this game gives 2019 Vibes bro I’m going just enjoy the winter break yeah I feel you yeah now this is not a good start to the fourth quarter I sky does not even need to be out there with those guys take

Precious out put Pascal in or OG I know we got Gary out there but this is not a good lineup I need Darko to realize that but not seeing schruder so far in the fourth is nice but watch after this timeout shuder going to come in and just close

Out the fourth because Dennis Schroeder for whatever reason just was always going to play a lot of minutes we got that timeout not going to lie though if the shoe drops if the shoe drops on seak is going to be tough what happens if the

Shoe drops on seak why would a shoe drop on Pascal spicy PE got a sneaker There’s been a song that has been that I’ve been playing on repeat and it’s just so good I don’t know if any of you guys watch or watch I don’t know if any you guys listen listen to like R&B I listen to a lot of old school R&B cuz

I’m an old man and this there’s one female artist her name is Lisa Stanfield she has a song called the real thing an absolute Banger oh never mind the stars in the never mind hi this is the real thing yo Lisa Stanfield I’m bro she’s got a lot of

Good songs Mar are you going to get the reverse Kobe grinches when they come out I have not bought shoes in a long time let me see these reverse grinches I’m not I’m sorry I’m not buying those nope I’m going stick to my Air Forces stick to my air forces in my in

My dunks yeah but we’re back we’re back the Jazz have had a hot fourth quarter so far to start good timeout from Darko to slow things down hopefully make some good uh substitutions let’s go Scotty please sign my jersey sorry kid he ain’t gonna do

It Flyn with the ball no subs be made Scotty with it Scotty pulls up in the mid-range no good rebounded by the Jazz oh this course is going to be tough Chris done with the ball cornered two Jordan Clarkson for three airballs it they get their own rebound they put it

Up for two wraps only up by six we haven’t scored yet jabz on a 7even and0 run this quarter what are we doing please put in Subs okay I see OG coming in thank good Lord precious chew for three in the corner no good Chris buet can’t get the

Rebound rebounding by Lorie marinin ever had Crocs I got a pair of red Crocs they’re pretty comfy I got to wash them though I stepped in some dog proof this morning Chris D with the ball guarded by precious zoua spoke T Su dang yeah Jordan Clarkson gets

Fouled at least our offense has looked better with new lineup dark has been running some of the lineups are the very all his lineups are questionable Darko is still yet to change the starting lineup but some of these like to start the fourth like what what this was not a

Good lineup to start the fourth I don’t know why Darko always starts the fourth quarter with a weak ass lineup doesn’t make any sense to me Jordan clarson for three he gets it to go rapt is the other way Scotty Barnes all by himself for three no good rebound

By the Jazz here we go we’re playing so lacking dle Lori Mark in for three thank Jesus he misses G going back the other way uh oh is Right Lord all right gar TR junor for three please stop shooting threes please stop shooting threes oh brother Jordan Carson brings it down goes right

At the basket no shot no foul uh Scotty going the other way spins kicks it out to Chris bu Chris bu for three because everyone’s going to shoot three somebody hit a three thank you Chris bue somebody get some points on the board for this quarter come on

This is a lineup you would see in the second or third quarter this yeah we need a we need a stronger unit for the fourth quarter good night my Lord we keep precious and Chris on the court we don’t need them out there right now Chris done for three

Right over OG gets it to go they’re just shooting lights out right now what’s going on what the heck is going on horrible basketball I don’t know presses and Chris don’t play well together dude I don’t know what’s going on Chris bche with the ball going right at the basket

Gets foul Chris M shet shooting too thank you rabbers are trolling man bro why isn’t Pascal on the floor why isn’t Pascal seak on the floor like honest question I like I get you got OG and Scotty but like you could have put P I don’t know first fre throw is good Crocs

The autotune of Footwear Crocs are super comfortable I also got a Sho pair of shoes called hey dudes I don’t know if y’all ever heard of them they called they’re called hey dudes they’re very comfortable oh there goes uh danis Sher coming in good night what is going on Chris

Shay misses the second free throw fourth quarter Dennis yes all it All Falls Down who whoa whoa Chris Dunn going right at the back ask those are alley they get it to go our defense has dropped Dennis shoter with the ball bringing down over to Scotty inside to Chris buet pump fakes

Turns around throws up a hook gets it to go good job bu can we start Trent next game please Aro that’s what I’m saying take Precious off pull and Pascal please like why are like I get it you want to arrest them but shoot long three

From Jordan carks no good they get their own rebound Chris done with the ball kicks it out to Jordan Jordan Carson with the ball kicks it out to Lor Markin Lor Markin for a long three no good rebound by Chris bue is BU vers the Jazz pretty much bro pretty

Much shooter with the ball shooter going right at the basket throws up a little floater no good jazz get the rebound they get a dunk on the other end what is our defense doing all right Scotty Barnes with the ball going alyo to bu bu gets fouled foul on the floor

Okay seven minutes left in the game and the Jazz already have 17 points this quarter we have six what are we doing all right yes PR is out for Pascal thank you these Subs are kind of late old man jeeez why is Scotty sitting I don’t get these lineups but

Whatever B with the ball over to den shuder shuder finds yaka purle back to shuder over to Yak who drives misses rebounded by the Jazz oh baby we are bad Jordan Clarkson for three no good but he gets his own rebound and puts it back and it’s a tie

Game wow this is what a comeback looks like Toronto we suck there ain’t a body on the court right now that can help us good night tragic we suck why is Scotty sting I don’t know I like I don’t know why he sat Scotty I like I need our starting five

In right now what are you doing Darko what’s OG doing bro what is Darko doing I just don’t get it but we got a time out cuz we suck Raptors are broke been broke run Scotty Tren OG Pascal yach please honestly we got a buffoon for a coach you’re not

Wrong Dawson rap to start in the holidays a quarter too early we’re just trash we’re just Bonafide garbage like doooo butter duh duh I think the Raptors forgot that there’s four quarters in the game and not three Jesus yeah g that is a good lineup that’s probably what we need to be

Running we the cheeks the last time we played the Jazz February the Jazz were on a 24 and five run in the fourth quarter start look a lot like that garbage good Lord 19 to6 this quarter come on weita cheeks for sure Graham shooter with the ball bring it

Down inside pass to yakob ptle yakob trying to find somebody yakob over to OG OG pulls up mid-range jump shot no good they get their own rebound they’re tenacious on the boards Jordan Clarkson over to Lorie marinan Lorie marinan Euros to the basket Utah takes the lead shuder with the

Ball over to Pascal back to shuder shuder pump fakes pulls up along two somebody score Dennis for two Chris Dunn bring the ball down there’s a foul somewhere and then the Utah Jazz pull a timeout here we go this is when the last five minutes of the game take 30

Minutes all right Chris buet is coming out yaka P’s coming out yeah we need to go small but not Dennis though come on bro we suck this is just hard to watch pretty good this is your night tonight never all right you tell head coach look like a like Jack qu see will

Hardy kind of sort of yeah I can see it at least we increase our chances Landing a top six pick you’re absolutely right our stars are combined plus 20 our bench is combined minus 20 that could be it bring bring Maris Noel in Marcel maybe change the title next game to the

L streak will continue look these titles are made beforehand because we try to stay optimistic but you know you hope for the best Lori Mark gets a tough Fade Away basket over Pascal shees sh it with the ball bring it down all right Gary Tren Jr with the

Ball uh oh he loses it Utah the other way gets fouled shooting two oh man falling apart we’re being outscored 23 to8 what is happening right now what is happening I think about the Jazz remember the clip where reporters said LeBron’s older than the Jazz head coach and it’s true it’s true we

Suck this is the part where the Raptors get into a big deficit and we make a comeback right it happens in the fourth quarter right yeah Utah makes both their free throws Lori Mariner can’t believe he’s going to cook us hope Messiah is learning something from this game Pascal yakum over Denis shuder

Den shuder finding Pascal for a long two no good rebounded by Utah insane props for trying to keep the upbeat trying we get cocky though we had the game in bag we had this thing secure the whole game we just suck this quarter the three from Lori Markin and get

We look stupid like we don’t look bad we look stupid which I think is worse than just looking bad we look stupid Scotty’s limping not good shooter drives gets blocked Jordan Clarkson the corner for three he turned around Jordan Clarkson shot that three and turned around before it went

In Raptors are down by 10 with four minutes left to go Pascal down below shooting two get fouled we suck we just suck we are horrible we lose games you know we fail to establish a lead and come back and then we establish leads and then we just lose it this is

Our second game in the row where we were leading and then we just let the game get away we the trash we the trash can Toronto Raptors right here garbage that’s the team just disgusting I I I chew a lot of gum should probably get out of here before I get bugs but

Yeah we’re garbage the lineup we started with cost as game yeah starting the fourth quarter you put in the worst lineup and they just ran on us we need hire Draymond to take a play or two out of every few games S A Team I lied double digit lost

Incoming unbelievable There Goes My parlay bet on the Raptors you’re going to lose every time Raptor’s on a time bomb it has to blow up now what a terrible fourth quarter we’re getting outscored fourth quarter 31 to9 if we cannot score more than 10 points this quarter holy crap we are

Going to be if we’re not already laughing stock if we’re if we’re not already just just trashed and dog walked and just made a joke of in the basketball world it’s going to happen after this game if we only end this quarter with nine points disgusting we’re literal

Trash how does a team choke this badly it’s easy you play for Toronto we are cheeks don’t blame yourself Santa the only thing I ask for Christmas that we make some moves stop saying we bro we bro we’re all of this together Dennis schroom is horrible pascot makes second

Free throw this this is crazy we actually going to be hilarious if we lose this game yes sir we that trash bro it’s just horrible it’s horrible they are they are trash not we this is sad and hilarious at the same time it’s it’s ridiculous manner my

Inner Robert Freeman about to come out on this team my inner my inner um my inner Uncle Ruck is about to come out off off camera cuz I can’t say what I want to say off camera I’m going Uncle rucky is no relation on this team just

Trade Pascal OG for hella picks I don’t care me neither Darko was clueless very clueless Grady was also a huge bust this is stupid Liam it’s just we look dumb we we look dumb Jordan Clarks the ball guarded by Og Jordan Carson going right up at OG shoots a

Fade away no good rebound by Scotty we’re down by Scotty going Coast to Coast with this trying to get points on the board gets a tough layup no call that’s fine let’s go wraps down by six Darko headlights just freezing up Chris dun guarded by Gary 16 to 37 from threes Jordan

Clarkson guarded by Scotty goes right up at him Scotty what was that that was a bad move Marshall about to go have the fishing boat combo outside after a few cold ones I need people fired after get after getting out of hand honestly Messiah needs to get fired

You sign these players you hire this coach this whole team is is horrible this team makes me want Draymond Green Oh makes me want to Draymond Green this entire team honestly Carson GNA cook to we’re finish still in it let’s make a run and get this dub should have kept Nick nurse

And Van vet bro ah we should have just sold the team Scotty Barnes with the ball over to Gary Gary for three sure why not with a Miss why not desperate Chris dun with the ball he gonna kill the clock Chris Dunn drives right up at Scotty no good they get their own

Rebound kicks it out to John Collins back to Chris Dunn killing the clock revoke their work fees Sela team Chris Dunn goes right up at the rim no good rebound by Scotty Scotty going Coast to Coast doing the most gets it to go all right Scotty Scotty single-handedly

Trying to save this sorry team two minutes left six minutes I’m sorry two minutes left six points down bless me sorry Jordan Clarkson with the ball guarded by Pascal Jordan Clarkson for a long three no good did he just get fouled Jordan Clarkson just got fouled shooting three good job Pascal good job

Pascal we are turning into Pistons honestly we are yeah that’s a foul good job Pascal I give this team is hard to watch it’s head out it’s head out Marcel wish everyone a Merry Christmas appreciate you Marcel peace peace Gman this is just trash bless you dog Scotty is trying to

Keep Utah from pulling the plug on us meanwhile everyone else is just selling Jan car shooting three free throws makes the first one jeez Louise bro we suck we suck pcal honestly Jordan Clarkson a second one you got what two timeouts they got two bro Clarkson makes the second or the

Third one all three WS down by nine with a minute and a half to go shootter with the ball maybe just that we’re so nice we just let teams win the fourth it’s over y’all karma from winning the last decade bro we just don’t know what we’re doing Scotty for

Three no good rebound by Pascal he gets it to go right back in there we go something Dennis had the ball to Scotty if we lose to Detroit that should be breaking that should be the breaking point yeah all right’s that Walker kzer in the corner Lori marinan Jordan Clarks with the

Ball Jordan Clarkson drives throw up is there a foul somewhere what happened oh Lori marking offensive foul to turnover shootter with the ball Gary with it back to Sher shter to Scotty Scotty ball gets poked out out of bounds rappers ball where is Tracy McGrady we need some we need 13 quick points

Inbounds Scotty turns it over marking with the ball 45 seconds there’s going to dribble it out we’re down by seven we’re so good Clarks with the ball we lose to the Pistons we need some Bob Ross kind of life lessons after that no mistakes only happy accidents everybody

On this team is a mistake Jordan Clarkson shoots a three over Gary Tren Jor gets to go that’s it that’s game that’s done deal we’re done Marcel sound defeated I’m just I just want to watch good basketball I want to watch good basketball and we can’t do that Pascal with a quick two

Something stop the bleeding we need a fall to get back up we suck bro I can’t believe how we fumbled the bag even got my food out ready to eat just to see this I don’t think I could eat watching this game I I get bad gas really bad gas

Jazz call a timeout probably putting their trash little 30 second garbage minute run where we we were outscored this quarter 39 to 18 and I blame the lineup that dark Co started with you should have kept your starters in honestly you should have kept the starters in from the

Start embarrassing it’s all right man it’s a rebuild I’m excited to get this rebuild going if we rebuild that’s the thing are we rebuilding like if we if we had a bunch of draft picks and young players I wouldn’t care I wouldn’t care I be highlighting certain players right

Now it’s hard to be happy when there’s literally nothing to be happy about Mary trash Miss from the Toronto Raptors honestly we might have to pull the plug on this season and get the changes rolling a little over a month left till the deadline honestly are we on a l i

Mean we are on losing streak what’s our losing streak right now when was our last win one two okay we’re on a two game L stre ble 3 beat the the Hornets should prob on three- game losing streak good night embarrassing merry trash is crazy was

That three even needed nope not at all best game of the season y’all yeah time to get the young guys in there and rebuild this thing honestly when are you coming up here I’m going try to make it up to Toronto on some I’m not sure if

I’m going to make it this upcoming season or this current season but I’m working on it things got to get rolling first but I’m definitely make an announcement before I make it up what’s m doing he didn’t care at all why raps should sell the season last era ends officially today

Mary X Miss Marcel trad’s coming poor guard play by WS Mary X Miss Sparrow start Mars Noel honestly I’m all in for Noel yep darko’s game management is question my best he let this go he had this we definitely losing to Detroit now I hope not we need an overhaul of guards

Rab’s getting cold for Christmas get gray and Noel in there Darko is the worst coach in rappers history bring back Kevin O’Neal get OG and Pascal out here and contenders honestly I hope we rebuild trade Gary trade yakob trade Pascal trade Chris honestly Raptor’s gonna try to just do

Something shter for three he makes it yay we’re down by seven I personally don’t care I’m now in the Messiah and Bobby gota go Gotta Go camp I’ve been in that camp bro I’m doing a roster Purge only person is really staying is Scotty maybe

OG honestly yeah we need to trade Gary y as well yeah wish I could say raptors are mid but they aren’t even good enough to be mid you’re not wrong get this thing restarted Merry Christmas man Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Legend appreciate it RP this a of raptors o

Darko just heading straight for the locker room he not even dapping to nobody oh darko’s upset they’re all just heading straight to the locker room career high points today for singon Merry Christmas y’all enjoy the family good night good night gram happy holidays everyone except the Raptors man this is so upsetting we

Should have won this game we should have if I’m Den I’m benching myself od’s definitely not say man we’re sub mid that’s the game folks we lose to the we lose to the Utah Jazz 126 to 119 they out scores in the fourth quarter 41- 21 that is insane this Raptor Squad is

Horrible it is garbage you know what stay with me I’m not leaving just yet the game’s over if y’all stay here I’mma stay here we we got to talk about this I think Ben’s been too busy to do a after game video or do after game live stream

We’re going to do the live stream right here we’re going to talk about this game that game was horrendous I saw a beautiful start to this game where Scotty Barnes was being very tenacious and just attacking what did he end with because I don’t know Scotty fell off

After the first half Scotty finished this game which one where’s where where’s the box score we we’re going to talk about this stay with me Scotty finished with 327 and4 wasted 32 points s assists 14 rebounds was wasted Scotty Barnes was doing everything out there why does why does Scotty have the same

Amount of assists as our starting point guard why does Scotty have more rebounds than anyone on this team he’s not our Center he’s not a power forward he’s a small forward Pascal finish with 195 and N it’s not bad but if you’re a number one option Pascal you should be putting

Up Scotty bars type numbers what are you doing OG finally had a good game with 194 and2 Dennis schroer 11- seven cool yaka Pearle played 21 minutes two points three assists four rebounds what is yaka Pearl doing I understand why he gets benched I understand why he gets no no minutes

What was yaka Pearl doing I see as Sparrow in the chat saying who’s to blame I’m G tell you it’s Darko Darko Darko in his weird lineups bro I could put up better lineups do you not know your team Darko do you not know this roster and you’re putting in bench four

Bench players plus Scotty to start the fourth you call two quick timeouts cuz we’re down like on a 120 run to the Jazz they’re they’re they’re coming back put in the starters you oh I’m getting lightheaded I’m just so angry it just makes no sense bro it makes no sense

This team this team is laughable trash look at the bench first with eight points Malachi with three Chris buet with nine but at least Malachi had six assists off off bench yo please let Gary start please let Gary start he’s he he has earned it I don’t

Know man like this is just this is horrible let’s look at Utah who was torching us Lori dropped a 30 bomb on us so did Jordan Jordan and Lorie Markin dropped 30 bombs on us Walker Kesler Off the Bench with 10 o agbaji with nine Off

The Bench Simone fonio with six Off the Bench but you got Colin SE dropping 16 on us Chris dun with 13 assists that’s what your point guard should be doing but ours is putting up a little seven kelly didn’t play that well but good like that fourth quarter bro where was

The defense where was the defense we shot a horrible from three 13 to 40 That’s not horrible there’s so much wrong I’m like I out of I am I am oh my gosh bro I’m trying to like understand what just happened this is the worst game of the

Entire season and I trying to piece together what actually happened I’m losing my mind right now right we’re 16 and 19 from the free throw line is not bad right 13 and 13 from from the three not bad but like we also didn’t shoot two bad from the floor just they shot

Better they outrebounded us we had more offensive rebounds can’t tell they they had more defensive rebounds we had we no they had one more assist than we did same blocks we had one more steel they had one more turnover they had 56 points in the paint to our 48 we both had the

Same amount of fouls what happened what happened Marshall think positive I can’t think positive bro I’m light-headed with how angry I am right now this game took the life out of me how do we lose by seven points while being up by like 15 in the third quarter what

Happened I’m like I’m looking at everything the glary off off off box score alone yaka purle and Dennis schroer you’re not helping but just from watching this game it was Darko it was all Darko Darko like I was giving him praise for for for the timeouts the his

Timeouts were well timed normally I don’t I’m never sure what he’s doing calling these timeouts they’re just random sporadic and just dumb but the timeouts were time me that were called right cool I’ll give you props but your lineups are just bizarre bro like holy crap you put Scotty Barnes with four

Bench players to start the fourth quarter at least give him Pascal at least give him like Scotty or not Scotty at least give him OG and then eventually putting OG and then then then you take out Scotty putting pasc like what are you doing bro what are we doing this

Team this team needs help this this is embarrassing right now this Jazz team almost lost to the Pistons this is the same Jazz team that almost lost to the Detroit Pistons this is the same Jazz team that almost lost the Toronto Raptors three game losing streak we play the Wizards are we going

To lose to them too how many wins does the Wizards have where are the Wizards right now yo someone in the Jazz please help me please someone someone in someone in the chat put some positivity to try to bring me back to reality right

Now cuz I cuz I cuz I can’t find it I can’t find it the the Wizards are 5 and 23 do the Wizards want their sixth win from us Wednesday we’ll we’ll hand it to you we’re out to everybody dog we have such a rough stretch of games that we

Can’t even justify being good at all Wednesday we play the Wizards we should win that but then we’re playing the Celtics probably going to lose to that Saturday against the Pistons I am terrified Saturday gets the Pistons I’m going to be so like you’re going to see just non

Energy from me I am terrified of what’s going to happen in that game because if we lose if we lose I want everybody gone Bobby msai Darko OG Pascal yaka PE all of you need to lead Dennis schroer you may need to lead too this team bro hire

Me hire me I will be the GM I will make all the moves this team team is trash this team sucks bro oh my gosh like what what do we do matter of fact scratch that what can we do to fix this game or I’m sorry to fix this team this

Game ran away from us we had a good start hot heavy hot and ready Little Caesar we was getting it on in the first quarter second quarter we kept that momentum going we outscored in the second quarter 37-24 we come out the third quarter a little lazy but that fourth quarter it

All fell apart bro like what do we do I am losing it bro Graham saying we have Scotty Mar I know we have Scotty like I know that but like get Scotty some help Scotty’s dropping 30 points on the Jazz and getting no help from anybody Scotty

Is getting 14 rebounds on the Jazz while L yaka Puro playing like 19 20 minutes getting three rebounds you’re tall for no reason bro good God Al Mighty bro oh oh man I need to calm down I need to calm down I think y’all witnessing my I

Think y’all are witnessing the um the breakdown of Marcel Martin I think you’re seeing just a total just just collapse in mental fortitude right now and it’s not and it’s not because we’re losing it’s not because we’re bad like all these things are true I just want to

Watch good basketball if we were losing in this whole game we just never caught up it is what it is choc it up as a loss L like this could have been our best game this could have been one of our best games this season where we just had

A lead we kept it and we won had a lead kept it and won that’s all I’m asking for I’m not asking for us to go into a 20 point deficit and have to CLW our way back on a fake on on a fake comeback and

Then you lose by five right I’m not looking for that I’m I just I understand I understand out there that you know our first round pick we keep losing we may be able to keep it cool I just want to watch good basketball win lose a draw if we look good play good

Like that was a good basketball that was that was we we only played half a game we only played half a game we only played half a game bro like what we scored 48 points in the second half the Jazz scored 41 in the in the fourth quarter alone like we looked offensively

And defensively stupid stupid we I said it I said it early in in the fourth and I was starting to think like Ah that’s a little rough that’s a little harsh to say but no we look dumb we look stupid that was that second half was stupid basketball it was horrible it was

Horrible I need everybody fired I need Bobby gone I need Messiah gone I need I need Darko gone I need everybody that’s not named Scotty Barnes gone I need I need a new I need a new team not saying I’m leaving the Raptors but I need as

Raptors to be a new team I need as Raptor team to be better to be new to be good this isn’t the worst era of raptor basketball and I and I’m aware of that I’ve been through worse I’ve seen worse but that isn’t an excuse just because we’ve seen worse isn’t an excuse

To not react the way that we are right now it’s okay and I’m I’m going to say this for anybody out there that agrees that wants that that needs to hear this it’s okay to be upset with your team it’s okay to not accept mediocrity it’s

Okay you know we just have to we have to be real with ourselves we suck we’re bad we have no direction if I hear Messiah say anything from today to the end of the season if I hear Messiah say anything about being competitive I’m I’mma lose it bro like are you

Delusional are you stupid is ownership telling you to say these things we suck but anyway anyway that’s that’s really all I got to say about that the the game was rough we we looked dumb but we’re going to be back Wednesday we’re going to be back Wednesday against the Wizards which

Should should should should be a dub should but you know anything can happen when you’re a Raptors fan right we’re at we’re 11 and 18 for the season so there still a lot more basketball to go but it’s Christmas is on Monday so I’m not going to see you

Guys um anytime between you know I can’t talk my brain’s all over the place I’m not going to see you guys till Wednesday so I want to say happy happy boxing day Merry boxing day happy boxing day Merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy Quanza to any of you guys celebrating the holidays

Make sure you hug your loved ones tell them you love them give them a little kiss on the cheek all the good stuff and before I let y’all go y’all y’all know what I’m all about mental health it’s always always an important thing to me always the holidays aren’t easy for a

Lot of people I know a lot of people go through seasonal depression you know you can’t see your family you can’t see your loved ones it’s tough you feel alone if there’s anyone out there watching I’m going be real serious right now I’m kind of over the rappers right now the

Raptors or whatever they’re not important right now what important right now is letting you guys know that I appreciate all that you guys have done for me for Ben for this Channel showing your support coming out here rock with us you rock with me I rock with y’all

And the best the best thing I can do to give back you know to show my thanks for your support is just to be there for you if anyone out there feels alone feels like you don’t have Noone to talk to life sucks you don’t have one to talk to

You’re not alone I promise you you are not alone you can always reach out to me whether it be after a rough Raptor’s loss you just need a event hit me up people talk to me about games and trades we discuss it all the time if you want

To talk about school life work relationships doesn’t matter my name is Marcel Martin spelled just like that you can find this beautiful brown bald face on social media at this name or in the Discord below you can just message me directly I I I don’t mind at all if I

See the message I always reply um I want yall to be safe be safe be safe be safe don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do that list is very short because there’s a lot of crazy stuff I would do but be safe be safe if no one’s told you today or

Lately I’ll be the first to tell you that I love you I care about you and I hope that you do well I’ll see you guys Wednesday have a happy holidays we the north I guess take care Peace [Applause] Y He

After a bumpy start to the NBA season, the Toronto Raptors look to begin a winning streak, starting with the Utah Jazz! Join Marcel Martin for the live watch along!

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  1. Everybody criticizing Darko go ahead but whatever you say Dario HATES THIS ROSTER HE JUST DOESNT LIKE IT you can see it in his face I’m the press conferences during games he hates the bench the lack of shooting we have no guard play expect for Dennis IN THE MODERN NBA HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO COMPETE when we have no guard play no shooting or no elite scorer I’m convinced MASAI LITERALLY BUILT THIS TEAM THINKING IT WAS 2014

  2. I just checked for the year 2023 the raptors have finished 27th in 3pt shooting out of all nba teams for the year 2023 we shot 33.7 percent as a team from 3 HOW IN THE MODERN NBA ARE YOY SUPPOSED TO WIN WITH NO 3 PT SHOOTING the only team worse than us we the ja morant less grizzles Detroit and Orlando who are now 10 times better than us🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. It is absolutely insane how these scoring droughts keep happening with open looks or missed bunnies! They have outplayed most of their opponents for 85% of the game all season. The 15% has been tragic from a shooting stand point. So fucked

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