@Milwaukee Bucks

It’s time to have a conversation.

It’s time to have a conversation.

by 2behuman


  1. Pat brings so much hustle and intangibles, plus BOTH Giannis and Dame love him. And his contract is nothing. He has to stay.

  2. MC_Mammoth

    This really isn’t that out of line with his career. He’s not and has never been a volume scorer. The only real concern is that the 3pt percent is down, if that goes back to more than 35% it’ll be fine. If it does go up then his points will follow and we won’t think about it. I like him and would be willing to back him. At the end of the day if he was a trade chip I could live with it even if it’d be sad.

  3. Well guess what… I don’t want to have this conversation

    Go Patty! Fear the deer!!!

  4. Love Pat he has some rough games after coming back from injury but I know he will bounce back

  5. What’s wrong with that stat line? If it was Giannis, that’s bad. If it’s a backup guard who is one of our guys I’m totally ok with it. He is getting a lot of offensive rebounds for a guard and can hit threes. I wouldn’t trade him for anyone.

  6. It’s not a popular opinion but we really should trade him. With his contract and his output it’s a lot of dead weight. Cam Payne is on a minimum and is a lot better than him this year

  7. Thought you were starting something with that title didn’t you?

  8. CameronCalvin

    2023 playoffs: 12/5/2 on 57/48/75 splits

    2022 playoffs: 10/4/1 on 48/39/100 splits

    2021 playoffs: 7/4/1 on 46/39/85 splits

    Fuck outta here with the hate

  9. People still think it’s still 2021 when someone criticizing Pat offensive performance, and some would even say Pat was good on defense before. The problem is when we have Dame amd Beasley (basically another Pat), the neccesessity of having Pat is greatly reduced, this plus his contract make him a movable part for a trade for a much more needed good perimeter defender

  10. M8 it’s Christmas, if you don’t got something nice to share then don’t share it

    Planet Pat fan, till I die

  11. nior_labotomy

    These are garbage stats.

    Obviously between Giannis, Dame, and a resurgent Khris, his pts per are going to dip a bit. But let’s not pretend like this is some precipitous fall from grace.

    Rebounds are up over career average. Assists up. Overall fg% down slightly from career average, but up over ly. His 3p+ is down, sure, but we don’t need him to be the part time starter we forced him to be last year.

    Could he shoot better, sure, but this team is still rounding into form, and those numbers should improve slightly with time and be closer to his career numbers.

    Stat nerds back me up here.
    In Pat We Trust

  12. ridemooses

    After that chip, I can never hate on Patty Ice.

  13. JPD050409

    Its time to take a deep breath, and chill out. Merry Xmas

  14. Quick_Advisor_7812

    Our defense is bad and we lost a nationally televised game. That’s not good. But drawing up stupid trades is asinine.

  15. SquanchOnSquanch

    And in 2020-2021 P.J. Tucker averaged 2.6/2.8/0.8 on 39.1/39.4/60.0 in 20 games on 19.9 MPG.

  16. TheGamersGazebo

    A conversation for what? Reducing his minutes or trading him. In terms of reducing minutes, I might agree, not because I think Pat doesn’t deserve them, but because Ajax has earned them. I could get on board with slowly making Pats role smaller to try and integrate Ajax/Marjon more. Trading him? No. He’s not untouchable by any means, but there’s not really a huge market for him and I have a hard time coming up with any trades that wouldn’t just be lateral.

  17. BaldiLocks316

    I mean he’s eating minutes right now because guys are hurt. So his minutes are way inflated. Pat never meant to play more than 20 a game.

    He’s never been a big defensive guru. He’s pesky, he’s going to make things hard on *most* guards, but good guards are always going to cook him and he’s never going to be labeled a shut down defender ala Jrue. Anyone saying he has in the past, or that’s why we have him, is a fucking dope and lying to themselves.

    Pat hustles, Pat goes after every rebound, Pat sets screens, Pat contests shots, Pat dives for loose balls. Pat makes everything harder for opposing teams, even if he isn’t a high success rate, he makes guys work for it and that can wear down a team fast. It also doesn’t show up in a stat sheet.

    The shooting improves with time. Dude shot cold to start the year last year and well into February. He improved.

    It’s a moot point anyway because who else are you throwing in there? AJ Green? Are you gonna trade him? For what? You just said he sucks, who would we get for Pat?

  18. my friends and i got piss drunk at the bar this week and tried to make an all white NFL team per the AB all white vs all black bowl tweet.

    we settled on planet pat as one of the white corners

  19. Silverbackdonkey

    Season is Early… he’s great in clutch

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