@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr goes OFF on officiating after Nikola Jokic shot 18 free throws

Steve Kerr goes OFF on officiating after Nikola Jokic shot 18 free throws

by ChazNBA


  1. CarryOnUptheMorning

    Happy to see he’s said this because it’s getting more and more unwatchable something needs to be done.

  2. Take the fine and send a message to the league, Lakers doing this all the time and benefit from it

  3. lowlifeforthefall

    Steve is a bit too nice sometimes. There’s been hundreds of games over the years that show it’s a systemic issue of the refs vs the warriors.

  4. CookieMonsterNova

    part of the frustration is prob cause steph doesn’t get calls and how both steph and kuminga both got flopping techs against the blazers

    so steph and kuminga were called for flopping (when they weren’t, they weren’t even selling for the foul) yet jokers flailing and exaggerating/selling were not flops??

  5. Goodisworthfighting4

    The frustrating part is that Steph literally gets fouled on a ton of layups and gets no calls. Hes literally grabbed and held on every play off ball and gets no call. Yet on the other end every touch call is a foul and Steph falling down is a flopping tech. Its infuriating to watch.

  6. Bezzy5266

    Reading the comments on the nba sub, Great to see even the general fans of the sport and even some Nuggets fans think this game was tough to watch.

  7. zer01zer08

    Bout time Steve speaks up. Dubs never get the benefit of calls. 3 possessions in a row jokic flopped his way to the line and that was the swing in the game. Dubs were never up from that point

  8. “I have a problem with the way we’re legislating defense out of the game. That’s what we’re doing in the NBA. The way we’re teaching the officials, we’re just enabling players to BS their way to the foul line. If I were a fan, I wouldn’t want to watch the second half of that game, it was disgusting.”

    FUCKING SING IT STEVE!! This is exactly it.

  9. Tired to having the refs impose their wills on games (probably are betting on those teams) specially against GSW. No more subscribing to NBA LP. I can send the message the only and biggest way possible. With my wallet.

  10. Beastumondas

    Who actually thought that ANYTHING would change after the “flop tech” thing?

  11. hatestreet

    Such a bummer cuz we win this game and numerous others with 3 or 4 less Bull shit calls.

  12. It was trash. There were several calls where Jokic and Murray were given free throws on flails and rip-through moves. Baby Jesus would be disgusted.

  13. Ok-Roof-978

    Good. Pay the fine !!

    Referees were complete garbage

  14. MileHighHoosier

    Glad someone of his stature finally said something. I hope this brings about some sort of change. Bigs like Jokic, but more so Giannis and Embid, shouldn’t be able to draw a foul by initiating contact and then throwing their arms up. Whatever that move is isn’t good basketball.

  15. This is exactly what happened in the playoff series against lakers earlier this year.

  16. introvertedguy13

    Steph’s the most disrespected top 10 all time player by the refs

  17. Damn and a Niners fat L, bad night for the bay.

  18. goodguyryan

    I just checked bball reference and Steph has only shot 10+ FT in 62 games in his entire career. Insane to to think that some guys are averaging that or more a game and this is what the NBA wants.

  19. Many memes need to be made of curry’s “hercules push offensive foul” on jokic. Neymar esque flop

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