@Houston Rockets

MAVERICKS defensive mistakes vs. ROCKETS | December 22, 2023

MAVERICKS defensive mistakes vs. ROCKETS | December 22, 2023

Is just so frustrating but again it comes down to coaching marke Morris has come all the way over to help Grant Williams so why am I allowing alprin sangon to go away from that help get over force him where your help is look at this you gamble and then let him go

Away from the just no communication and transition does Jaden Hardy want to take the ball then say you’re taking Jaylen green here so Tim Hardway knows to take Dylan Brooks hey Tim Hardway you want to take the ball say it so J nardy goes to Dylan Brooks no communication wide open

Three more bad transition defense first of all if you’re Tim Hard Away you don’t worry about the ball when it’s on the other side of the floor you just worry about getting back so you’re going towards the ball for no reason and you gamble and are not back okay so Dylan

Brook’s gonna end up missing this layup fortunately how about we box out now okay no don’t want to do that either the same exact thing but again this comes down to coaching Jason kid is atrocious this coaching staff this entire Mavericks coaching staff’s a joke okay why is Jared Dudley on this

Coaching staff what’s he done like Marie Morris is coming down to help again so Grant Williams why am I giving up the Baseline force in to help force in look at this shot goes up if your Marie Morris could box out Dwight Powell turn your

Body to box out I mean could any could Derrick Jones Jr Seth Curry any no one on the Mavericks is boxing out it’s more awful transition defense markee Morris could you sprint back to alprin sangon okay no you don’t want to Sprint back then how about Seth Curry

Then takes alren sangon and then you go to the corner all right like you’re just jogging back I mean Tim Hardaway Jr could you please just try and guard the ball show your hands and try and slide your feet look look at Tim Hardaway Jr here I mean

A half-hearted Gamble and I’m cooked oh see this is this Maverick’s coaching staff being terrible I have to hedge this screen I’m going to push Jaylen green out I have a backside Defender standing and waiting for Jeff Green’s roll okay instead I’m running drop coverage so now jayen green just comes

Off a pick and roll and is open for three terrible defense on this stagger screen you’re supposed to go under over and then Jaden Hardy’s got to get attached so I’m either attached in showing or in this case I need to be attached to switch but you’re going over

Over Jaden Hardy’s nowhere to be found not ready to switch so Jabari Smith’s catching this right to the rim in transition if you’re AJ Lawson please Sprint back don’t go you’re going towards the ball gambling as opposed to getting back you take yourself out of the play if you’re Derek Jones Jr you’re

Not in a defensive stance your feet are not set that’s why you’re going to be late to get out and take Jabari Smith here Jabari Smith’s catching this you’re not ready to guard okay so mark Keith Morris has got to rotate to the ball now

Get in the gaps okay like I I can right there all right stunt recover but Derek Jones Jr isn’t ready to guard Marie Morris is waiting to the paint to get in get in help no no no if you’re Marie Morris you’re three quarters in the post with

No backside help get underneath battle for position you can send a double down there there there’s help in the Middle look at again Derek Jones Jr’s coming down to help but you were three quarters in the post so it’s catch and spin Baseline this is just disrespectful to

The people that paid to watch this game this is a disgrace I mean this isn’t even defense could Grant Williams get up and guard the ball Seth Curry needs to Sprint back and get to the three-point line so he’s in help but Grant Williams has got to try to guard the ball here

Like just try we’ll just casually ignore the fact that the Mavericks just don’t guard this down screen at all I mean that’s an easy switch Jaden Hardy and Derek Jones Jr so you do nothing about this down screen that’s why Dylan Brooks is this is a practice three-pointer but if you’re rwn

Holmes here like you got to turn your body to box out turn your body use the lower half you’re facing sing that’s not a box out he’s moving you offensive rebound right back up just feel bad for the fans of this team this is off of ma basket could

Everybody be getting back now could we please Sprint back off a ma basket how is Fred Van v going to catch this and go Coast to Coast look at this back rwn Holmes I’m back drik Jones Jr I’m back I’m in the gaps like everyone’s jogging back classic if your omx Prosper again

If you’re icing this ball screen you’re way up and then ran Holmes is underneath that’s how you ice this screen this is not icing a screen this is just you leaning towards the screen early gambling and now that can we talk about Tim Hardaway Jr’s defense could you get up and guard the

Ball rwn Holmes is coming over to help you so why are you backpedaling see you’re backpedaling for no Fred Van F’s done nothing yet you’re backpedaling so now instead of rwn Holmes being at the top of the key okay and being able to help and recover he’s got to dip to the

Free throw line you’re not recovering Jaden Hardy cannot fall asleep here why up the line up the line I’m still in help or whatever you’re trying to do but you’re just staring at the ball completely ignoring Jaylen green I mean why Seth Curry does a great job getting

In the gaps here on this jayen green drive because certainly Tim Hardway Jun needs it but if you’re Tim Hardway Jr you know you you have help in the middle of the floor just show your hands okay slide your feet why is Tim hardaway’s first move to gamble and put his hands

On Jaylen green so it doesn’t even matter that this help is here because you’re just gonna get so cooked he just going right to the rim still what you’re Seth Curry you cannot be leaning towards this screen early look at him leaning towards the screen

Early so now he’s just going to come off the other part of this horn action on this other ball screen so now I certainly can’t go under this right like you’re going to probably just have to switch this okay Seth Curry can take Alin s goon you can send a double

Whatever no Seth Curry’s gonna try and go under seriously the Mavericks are gonna ice this screen here Grant Williams has got to get up here icing a screen means that I’m keeping Fred Van vet to the sidelines now I can get derck Jones Jr in backside H he’s got to be there too

But Grant Williams is playing look at how you’re playing up up you can I’m not letting Fred Van vet towards the middle of the floor and Derrick Jones Jun again got to be in backside out but Grant Williams isn’t even close to up enough there’s no backside help so now sang

Goon’s open Dylan Brooks is now one pass away instead of two Tim Hardaway Jr on this switch so you’re switching why are you at the free throw line up up up up up up first of all this would be a lot easier if omx Prosper would just get up

And force Zang goon towards the middle of the floor where Seth Curry’s rotating down now I can just dig and recover we don’t have to rotate okay but okay Prosper again going to let him go away from this help so who’s doubling if Seth Curry’s doubling Grant Williams has to

Stay to the corner okay and then Seth Curry comes down to double because we got to be able to rotate look at this right if Seth Curry comes down to double then Jaden Hardy is gonna have to rotate to Dylan Brooks right here Grant Williams then get up and then Seth Curry

Would just move Tim Hardway Jr to the corner okay uh let’s see what happens we have four Mavericks players essentially staring at the ball no rotating that’s sha Sweeney and Jason kid disasters as basketball they should not be in the league what is this thing

Of playing off of sangon get up up you have omx Prosper coming down to help Jaden hard’s in help up up up up up why is why am I why is this happening here this is again and again this is just this garbage Jared Dudley Shan Sweeney Jason get all disasters all

Failures wasting Luca donic Jaden Hardy up you have AJ Lawson is coming down to help you so I’m up I’m up I’m forcing Dylan Brooks into this help where again I can dig and recover but you play off Dylan Brooks so now now he’s too deep I

Can’t dig and recover it’s just a layup this is just a circus this is a poorly coached nightmare this Maverick’s coaching staff is wasting Luca donic Jaden just got in the gaps and stunted at the ball to get the dribble picked up so the dribbles picked up recover to

Jabari Smith now what why is Jaden Hardy stunting again at the ball as opposed to getting out that what was there to do that so now you’re not ready to guard Rip and go two

Rockets 122 – Mavericks 96
#nba #basketball #dallasmavericks #houstonrockets


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