@San Antonio Spurs

Paul Pierce TRASHES Young Spurs DEFENSE!

Paul Pierce TRASHES Young Spurs DEFENSE!

We got we got clowned all right we got absolutely clowned from your boy Paul Pierce so they talked a little bit about the San Antonio Spurs and pistons struggles now let me go ah and get this out the way now I have not watched this whole thing

I just watched a clip of something that Paul Pierce said that was heinous but let me go ahead and say this right off the bat all right the San I don’t I don’t think I need to say this but the San Antonio Spurs and Detroit Pistons

Are not the same they are not in the same boat uh the San Antonio Spurs being like the Pistons would be the equivalent of us getting wimy and then the next year we get another 7 foot guy and then the next year we get another s foot guy

And then the next year we get another 7 foot guy and then we’re like okay uh wimy make something happen like that that would be that would be where we’re at but we’re not we’re on the first step all right the Spurs are on the first step of

A rebuild well maybe the second Second Step technically first you need a tank then then you um then you need your your star player and then after that you need to start filling it up maybe get a couple more guys but um but yeah that’s that’s where the Spurs are right now so

We are not like the Pistons the Pistons are running around with their heads chopped off okay I have no idea what’s going on any Detroit Pistons fan would agree with me by the way um all right let’s go ahead and listen to what they have to say we can actually have

Subtitles that’s nice let’s listen [ __ ] the 15th man could come out and jack up a three and get hot before you know it that’s 20 points you a even expect you get what I’m saying now your now your stop players get to getting cracking man

I watched a 30 run against uh I watched [ __ ] against uh Dallas did a 30 run against OKC lost you hear what I’m saying 30 run man you supposed to call a timeout at 10 man 30 old man get the [ __ ] out of here p p p 30 30 mean that

Mean y’all ain’t scored in about 5 minutes godamn it the defense the defense League now we up 2030 bro 30 League how difficult it is that’s all but you ain’t no way a 20 game losing streak by who the Spurs Detroit it’s 167 by the Spurs 20 my thing is and I this

Is what I see with these two teams them are two of the youngest teams in the league they all building off young dudes they out there going for their self they ain’t no they ain’t got no it’s think about this you got two really good coaches with them tooa [ __ ] all 16

Listen all 16 though listen to what you saying I’ve been watching the San Antonio Spurs all right I’ve been watching every single game every second I think it was one game in which I missed like the first half I I couldn’t watch it um but I’ve been watching every

Single game I have not gotten the impression that guys wanted for themselves I think that’s more of a narrativizing uh uh a statement I I have not been seeing it that way I’ve now if it was if it was if I truly felt that way I would say that but I haven’t what

I’ve been seeing is a lot of you’re too late on that pass that that’s what I’ve been seeing way too late on the pass I haven’t been seeing a no let me just go out here and do and do this for myself I’ve been seeing a lot of I’m

Late on this pass they make the pass but it but they’re late on it um and when they’ve played their best basketball they’ve they’ve been a team that passed the ball fairly well actually even last season funny enough uh one of the biggest Praises that the Spurs got was

Their togetherness like being able to to pass the ball a lot of people were pretty high on that uh but I think the Spurs are much worse this year because number one you got a 19-year-old who’s still trying to find his way he has to be our star player and then number two

Uh you have no vets but I haven’t seen a team that’s just been out there like all in it for Their Own stat lines like I I have I haven’t seen that I mean who are we talking about at this point you know and even if you and when I hear that I

Think of um field goal attempts but it hasn’t been crazy field goal attempts from One Singular player any player really like it’s pretty even for the most part like I’m not seeing soan get 20 field goal attempts you know it seems like the guys that need the field goal

Attempts usually get it Devon fael wimy usually um Kellin gets quite a few field goal attempts but I haven’t really seen selfishness from those guys I’ve been seeing wow you weren’t even looking that way or wow that was a late pass or well dang now it’s too late and now we’re

Just settling for a perimeter uh three you know that’s what I’ve been seeing 16 went for myself they came in some games having a game you got papait coaching them I got that bro you got uh so what you said Williams coaching so what you said they at the top of they at

The top of the coaching La record do not reflect their coaching I’m trying to say the players top two Co one of the top two pay highest paid coaches and they on a 17 and 20 game losing streak are they bad coaches they not bad coaches these

Young dudes is they running this [ __ ] they like man we ain’t running no play look like a pickup I look like it look like a pickup game to me when I watched them two play play to be fair it kind of is a pickup game with the Spurs I mean

Our our sets right now are very simple I mean it’s nothing really there also though what what is he talking about they’re like no I’m just going to get my I have not gotten that attitude from this team at all I’ll be I’ll be fair and completely honest and

Transparent and saying I haven’t watched a lot of Detroit Pistons I’ve seen like a game or two uh but with the Spurs I I don’t I’m not getting that Vibe at all if if that was true I’ll be quick to say yeah I’ve been seeing some selfishness

I’ve been seeing guys but I haven’t really been seeing that really they’re they’re passing the ball it’s just just sloppy and too late and I don’t know about that one straight up straight up bro I can get a bucket with one of them teams right now the man

Everybody going man I get man what I can score a dub on either one of them teams right now as we speak they defense ain’t nothing there I can get you a dub in the game right now today against Detroit and against San Antonio I can get you a 20

Piece nuggets cuz I swear to God every team looking at them is they they slump Busters if you want to Slum Dog dog I could get 20 points on the right look at Tony Allen he’s like Tony Allen’s like in my age I can lock you

Down like what are you talking about he could get 20 points on the Spurs right now no you wouldn’t dude his career it was some post where they they brought up like how many 20 point games he’s gotten and it’s like none like he he got like a

10-point game at the age of 37 we we can we can look at his stats overall from his last few seasons but he’s like 46 now what the heck is he talking about Busters if you want a slump you play against Detroit you out of it get

Swag if I’m in a slump I can’t wait to see Detroit or San Antonio slum Busters that’s what I call you got be in shape to get a dub man I don’t need to be in shaped to get a d against 20 game Lo now you’re being disrespectful what we running what we

Running he he would rather go he he need no you want to go against the Wizards not the Spurs and you still wouldn’t get 20 points to be fair everyone is getting 20 points on the Spurs no no no that’s not my point my point is 46-year-old Paul

Pierce is not getting 20 points on Jeremy soan I I’m sorry I I’m I’m sorry when you got even LeBron James struggling against Jeremy Sohan you really want me to believe older Paul Pierce will get 20 points on the San Antonio that is insane and he’s saying

It with all honesty too like that’s crazy what ain’t no F that’s a zone no Zone Z ain’t no fist all them old ass plays no you got to run some young [ __ ] now bro M pick and roll pick and roll get give it to me the elbow Jer Joker cut

Cutle I’m sitting here you got cut C I ain’t no cutting I’m right here where you going got I’m telling I’m telling you Lord all that [ __ ] that you used to Y making it look like that you know why Joe compassionate [ __ ] so you can get off the elbow soon

As you cut make a layup that now he got to get off the elbow now he going to it’s all one that’s why you were living this league I don’t know are we are we going to keep talking about the Spurs or see you think we are better than we are too

Clan that I believe that that Paul Pierce can’t get 20 points on us Paul Pier can’t get 20 points on us are you joking of course he can’t get 20 points on us it’s Paul Pierce stayed in basketball sh he’s 4 dude even LeBron struggled with us how many points did LeBron have

Against us last game can somebody look that up look that up for me he look I can get over three they giving out open threes like like come on over here [ __ ] that PJ Tucker you knocking it down man give me the minutes 10 threes how many

You hitting P 10 threes 10 threes in the lead I’m shoot 10 corter threes right now wide open wde uh no uh two wide open you know couple hand his face [ __ ] run make about like out of 10 right now today right now I made about like six of those

Man you don’t say nothing I nooter what if wm’s closing you out Tony Allen at least he knows what he is Sho I’mma cut off big fell I’m cut off the big fell big fell going to get me on the cut cover with him no no come on man you

Ain’t no damn six threes I give you four I give you four I meet you I give you four 40% man this a three-point League I’m a rhythm [ __ ] I missed the first three the next three going to go in then I got my rhythm L confence yeah ain’t never lost

Confidence I give you that goddamn I want to see throw his ass out here all I’m about to get back hey I’m going get back in shape I’m in a mix of getting back in shape what you doing P come February I’ve been working out every

Daying pickup what you doing give me a 10day let’s see it let’s we can document this I got the camera man come follow the whole progress [ __ ] give me till February what you want you want some rocky [ __ ] then man listen bro I can hit

You I can get give me 10 threes in the game I hit six bet yeah I ain’t going to lie I’m get in shape I already lost about 15 PBS at this is a super random thought but I Wish Ray Allen was here I know they hate him 23 points okay so so

LeBron last game against the Spurs he had 23 points but Paul Pierce believes that he’s going to get a 20 piece on the San Antonio Spurs and and LeBron had that that amount with soan being out the entire second quarter yeah 10 and the high where we at on on

The coming back where we at right now I’m at like a five ooh solid you playing D or no my D getting better my lateral movement getting better lateral you work on your lateral that’s good you got to work on the lateral you stretching are you stretching I’m stretching what your

Transmission fuel look like you got plenty you got plenty of transmission word are you in the are you can you touch your toes oh yeah I can touch my toes yeah I can touch my toes get the camera on that’s what’s up Lord right shout the

Tri the tri he was struggling this whole segment is Spurs Pistons losing streak but most of has been Paul Pierce bragging about himself I want to ask you guys just picky back in off the the losing Street Victor wama top rookie going for 17 game

What are the growing like as a I did not realize that a big chunk of this is wimy as well we’re going to end the seg right here because this was like pretty long but yeah we we could talk about we can listen to what they had to say about

Wimy after that’s good stuff um but yeah no that’s absolutely insane what he just said


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  1. Clan come on? I’ve watched every game as well. Just like Stacy king said when we were playing the bulls. He said everyone trying to be number one on the team and none of them are except Wemby. Give up the ball. How you aren’t seeing it is kind of crazy brother.

  2. nba stats says spurs offense produces 28.9 assist per game this season… top 4 in the league and top 5 last year… crazy people call spurs ball hogs…

  3. I’ve seen EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. and there’s only ONE player from the starting 5 who doesn’t look like they want it for themselves. And it’s the one who SHOULD want it for himself, and that’s Wemby. Sochan looks like an F5 tornado every time he brings the ball up because you don’t know where he or the ball are going to go. Devin is launching 3’s while triple teamed and 20 seconds still on the clock and Keldon…well… no one really knows what Keldon is doing. And since we have no legit starter for the 5 spot of the starting 5 there’s no chemistry with whoever does end of starting. I don’t know if they show the games different up in Tennessee but her in SA Texas, it’s beyond obvious what’s happening. Devin can’t be traded with his new deal, Keldon won’t be traded and obviously Wemby will ask for a trade before we send him anywhere. So Sochan needs to get on board as, at best, the 4th scoring option, or he needs to get ready to be moved to another team for a couple of second round picks.

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