@Portland Trail Blazers

Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers 3rd QTR- PART 2 Highlights| Dec 23| 2023 NBA Season

Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers 3rd QTR- PART 2 Highlights| Dec 23| 2023 NBA Season

Before the season started is it too much to ask the officials to think about flops and and call something else they’ve already got so much on their table no they enjoy this they want to show the flopping rule is it’s in its infancy this is year one it is a good

Rule because but it should be applied when someone acts like they’re electrocuted when there’s minimal contact and when they’re trying to fool the official to getting a call well stepan back on defense he weren’t looking for a whistle there play through one of the worst lobs you’ll ever see and he knows

He had kaminga just a little too much and Kamar of a dunk on one end it’s a dunk on the other this game’s a little too tight for that [Applause] sequence Jackson Davis with kaminga Steph playing chis Paul play from the Baseline that one’s

Short it was like lasers in 6 of 20 in the second quarter they open the third eight of 11 [Applause] shooting deara spins in and gets to the line that’s a good aggressive move inside he just flashed in there liked his matchup but where’s next time down they

Need to get something good yeah get back to being solid under control simple pass shot selection think about that like whenever you’ve moved it and you’ve been patient you’ve gotten something great get back to that Shani Kamar 52nd pick in the draft he is an excellent Defender for a rookie Warrior basketball brought

To you by door Dash official partner of the Golden State Warriors I really like the guys that think as much about defense as he does and understands they can stay in the league if they focus defensively like he said it like what’s going to keep me in the league is my

Defense and those guys should be rewarded cuz they’re essential you need guys that could get stops it’s a wing scoring game you better have Wing Defenders you’re just it’s it’s not going to work give them their respect I know everybody likes the scoring and the shooting and the pyrot Technics

Highlights but defense is so important step hiding behind Trace Jackson Davis missing that three so here come the play warriors were up 15 it’s a ninepoint game scoot Henderson getting downhill right to the rim you see that change of Direction in there that is pure [Applause] speed he after that flopping call

Portland’s kind of had the momentum here there’s said trying to get something good on offense lasers have picked up their deep Moody from the basine nice started with a good skip pass that’s the one you want where it really makes the defense move when the guy gets the ball he’s got the

Advantage scoot Anderson you’re daring him to shoot those threes he’s only been at 23% but got the lay to go and then then the triple he’s had an impact on this game this game getting a little uncomfortable with the warrior lead trim to six and Curry to tr Jacks

Davis and Trace Jackson Davis talked about how blessed he was to have this many Legends on the with him and anytime he crosses pass a step two Defenders go a step he’s wide open Warriors 38 points in the paint Ren trying to get it inside went right to Kamar and Trace he changed

That shot got a piece of it and then got the rebound he does a lot of that he’s always there to help on time a they trying to get it to shs Ricochet is back to Chris Paul this Paul corner of Three there have not Shock to three

Tonight that’s been the one missing element 7 of 24 can you win a game without it Warriors shown have shown they can win games in a lot of different ways you may have turnover running with step perfect delivery to lay it in Moses Moody that’s defense and fundamentally executed the two-on-one

Beautifully you can win a game with your defense get active on this side see if you can get some stops for some turnovers dude Henderson and Trace didn’t let him get to the IR made him pull up to the jumper and that’s just an awareness of who I’m

Guarding the Warriors have answered by picking up their intensity defensively their activity active hands don’t let anyone cross you over that’s one thing Andre Gala never used to do that it was so hard to cross that man over just get your hands active at the right time but

Don’t reach when you shouldn’t and Moses Moody did that perfectly well back end of a back to back you need a deep team and one thing we’re seeing with this Warriors they go 12 deep they got guys that can play basketball you don’t have Wiggins you don’t have Draymond you

Don’t have Payton tonight you still have this many quality players Trace Jackson Davis Chris Paul is amazing he kind of hung in the air threw a little ball F manipulate those two Defenders made them go up while Trace Jackson Davis went down that was amazingly done dud Henderson and he’ll get the

Body bump and get to the line watch Chris Paul come off of this and hang in the air you got two Defenders so you get a back screen from po jimsky to kind of spring and three but bati sty is the one that kind of got manipulated by Chris Paul

Hanging in the air perfect Anderson’s an 80% free thrower but missed the first one there that’s just beautiful play design too cuz pemp is going to set that screen like you said Chris manipulated The Defenders and Trace timing he knows when to dive perfectly that was so well done

Chris knew he had to hang in the air because of the timing of the play another 8C violation the Warriors have had two turnovers where they just have not crossed the timeline and they required 8 seconds Chris Paul is going is he just counting faster than I am the

Count in his head is a little sh down to 18 17 you better be in the front Court yeah usually Chris Paul is so aware of those types of things speaks to Portland and the pressure they put on you Anthony Simons will get to the line Anthony Simons is another one of

Those the straight-faced Assassin you’re not going to get any emotion out of him he’s not going to smile he’s not going to talk to anybody no one talks trash to him he said he he tried to talk trash in high school one time just to see if it

Was his personality ended up getting like three fouls right away finish the first half with three points and I was like you know what I’m good with that little look at the way mo cam from the Baseline well Anthony Simons nearly 10 points average in the fourth quarter I mean he just comes

Alive in key times in the game we talked about his 41-point game against Washington they came from 18 down but wizard held him off by a single point shot clock at seven thereis Paul and Jabari Walker at five they cutting Char to flip it up and in there was no

Screen there Char just ducked in at exactly the right time Chris has eight assist he and Dario a previous playing together and Phoenix always shows up they have that connection Henderson hit one three and Chase Jackson Davis soaring above everybody to get that rebound Portland has a foul to give here

The shot clocks off final 7 Seconds of the quarter and there is the foul that was a pretty sick In-N-Out move for Moses Moody trying to get Baseline it was a good idea continue to put pressure on the Blazers defense so first foul in the last two minutes this is where Chris

Paul could bump into a rookie like scoot Henderson and shoot two free throws though Chris has it down to three Chris Paul at two Fade Away jumper and just ried it out so a 12-point lead heading into the fourth looking for their guy

Los Angeles Lakers vs Oklahoma City Thunder 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 23 | 2023 NBA Season


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