@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic’s “career night” leads Denver Nuggets to Christmas day win over the Warriors

Nikola Jokic’s “career night” leads Denver Nuggets to Christmas day win over the Warriors

All right start up the Christmas music Spirit you’re in the spirit spiritual the spirit of Christmas oh my goodness what is up everybody Welcome to the winners Lo mad the losers I can’t tell Christmas oh no man I don’t know couldn’t be us that couldn’t be us man as the Nuggets

Grab a 120 114 win over the Golden State Warriors man it gave us a lot to talk about it gave us lots of conversations to have here here around our little Christmas table I got a couple else with me over here Brendon vote muray Christmas Mary Porter Jr St Nick Nuggets

Win back with the fellas uh let’s go man that was pretty good man the and then over here dine Co let’s right guys uh just in case you ever find yourself in a Christmas Day draft for the best characters do not pick the Grinch number one overall you will get buried you’re

Really into this you’re really into the Grinch is the best one I don’t care what people say over here Superstar I mean it was a good draft I I did better this time drafting not the best at but you know what I am good at watching the Nuggets win and I got to

See one of those things you’re so good at that D so good you dominated that today uh nuggets get the win man there’s a lot to talk about there’s a lot here on the fast breakdown so let me get into it Warriors getting lots of Second Chance points tonight to open this game

That’s one of the stories they’re tiny and yet they get all these open open rebounds long rebounds team scrambling that’s part of it mpj though quick trigger it might when we get the big takeaways that might be a but mpj taking quick threes tonight we haven’t seen

That he’s been a little hesitant tonight he was pulling the trigger had it going Aaron Gordon picks up two fouls right away this was going to be a foul game this game was pretty foul Michael Porter Jr had a block and a steal back to back not credited with either he must have

Gotten the block eventually bro I don’t did he he finished with four four blocks okay so they were just slowed up they couldn’t figure out the button okay good um and then so the Nuggets built a ninepoint lead you want to know how long it lasted how long 90 seconds bench

Comes in and fumbles it immediately reie two turnovers pton two turnovers 2926 nuggets going into the quarter Michael Porter Jr hit back toback threes to open the quarter hell yeah man this dude was on fire then Warriors three straight contested threes and they made all of

Them man some of this like a lot of this game to me Warriors do this but they made a lot of tough Shots tonight in key moments um starters come back in they regain a seven-point lead Warriors come back on back-to-back threes out of a timeout uh three fouls on Murray Reggie Jackson

Limping he’s taken out so now you’re down Murray you’re down Reggie it was ugly 54 53 Warriors at the half Murray’s fourth right away in the third quarter Malone challenged it and lost I thought it was a bad challenge um we didn’t see the replay till super late he clearly

Grabs his arm the right hand I was beside myself they blew the whistle before the contact even happened they fully anticipated in the end it was a foul but like I I I was just on standing on business just got to I didn’t well they didn’t maybe I missed it but I

Didn’t think they showed the replay till after the break when the ruling had already happened and I was sitting here I hate that when you’re sitting here like should I be outraged or not I don’t know then they show you the replay you’re like probably not probably not

Proba challenged oh man whatever uh nuggets in the bonus though with six minutes to go and that’s a huge storyline here why because yoke just started going to the foul line every time down the court built a nine-point lead around it 10 free throws in for yoke in the third quarter Warriors kept

Hitting threes though it was 9289 nuggets going into the fourth let’s fast forward what uh Warriors turnover on inbounds to start the quarter that was exciting Murray plus the bench do we think that was the solve you guys Murray is going to save the bench absolutely not two plays Michael M calls

A quick timeout goes to Murray Michael Porter Jr and Aaron Gordon is that going to save the bench you guys is that the bench anymore I mean anything without yic is the bench is that gonna solve it Dev no absolutely not that also does not work so what happens yoke back in there

With 9 minutes to go Warriors all game had been hard doubling yoke and packing the paint fourth quarter single coverage they say you know what we’ll let yoke cook so he starts going to work a little bit um and I’m going to give you the

Last five minutes AG had a tip uh tip in nuggets go up three Curry had a reverse had to put cut it back to one joic blocked Steph Murray hit a jumper nuggets up five three minutes to go Wiggins kept posting up Murray all fourth quarter and having a lot of

Success he’s just that’s a tough cover for Murray man he’s too tall and he jumps too high why was he covering it that’s the question switched and Switched Off I mean it’s just one of those you’re not going to pull Murray in those moments you know right right yeah

R i mean it’s something to note you know should this happen to be a playoff series spells every time I turn it I know it’s a lot isn’t it it’s actually driving me nice it’s a lot um Aaron Gordon offensive rebounding gets free throws goes one of two Steph hit that

Deep three over Aaron Gordon such a tough one uh joic got more free throws off ball and then Michael Porter the play of the game he blocked Klay Thompson in the corner that was a three that would have made the game continue to be interesting that one stopped it

Steph Curry missed and then nuggets go up six with one minutes to go you just play out the string from there all right Dev what’s your big Takeaway on this Christmas day my big takeaway is while it’s not going to go um on the scoreboard I feel like kcp all defensive

Team is back on the menu that was an incredible game for him I love when you have these and and he’s coming off of a game where he had held Luca to like a crazy bad you know plus minus in this one Steph Curry was in prison I mean a

Minus 20 – 26 those are Christian Brown numbers that is insane um as one of the best you know guys in the league he held him the entire time he’s going through screens um he’s getting through switches there was not a lot of switches because

Of how good and how locked in he was on defense and that was just such a good game plan that there’s nothing that you can do when he’s playing at this type of level um really he’s a all defensive team um type of player right now uh I

Love that takeaway because a lot of what he does is so quiet um you know you don’t notice it until you look at something like that and you say oh yeah Steph Curry wasn’t good then I wonder why boom there you go what do you got

For us dine well I’m GNA leave the yic stuff alone the the grifting of of the uh the most bizarre yic game I’ve ever seen and I’ll just go straight to Jamal Murray man Jamal Murray is uh right back on track like he started off slow this is the route he’s been taking

Of late where you’re like oh man is Jamaal like in this is he gonna want to contribute like what’s his role here and then when the moment is Big Jamal arrives like he just is that player he’s that guy like over and over and over we

See it it’s so impressive like he hit that monster three coming down the stretch you just knew like it’s just so calming like to have joic and Murray those two guys operating at such a high level it’s just it doesn’t matter who you’re going against like the the Warriors are like they’re they’re

Definitely the team of the past but like they have two guys that were formerly oh they are they’re done they’re out of here um Curry and and um Thompson used to be those guys that you’re like just would knowing that they were on the other side like they’re just going to

Cook you in the end they’re just going to catch fire it’s going to be over man now it’s Murray and and yic like they just they’re just automatic when it when the moment’s big I love it 28 points five rebounds three assists two Steals

And a plus 20 for Jamal um it is funny that what would you grade the Nuggets overall tonight what grade would you give I know that’s probably B B minus the nuggets with Jamal Murray win B minus games y you know what like this was the frustration during all the the

Early part of the year is it’s like nuggets B+ and we’re like do they suck it’s like no the margin’s just so small with Murray the margin was what was tonight and yeah he was freaking awesome uh you I think you guys hit the right ones we can talk a lot about yoke

We will I’ll go here bit of a passing of the torch feeling moment for me from Kay to Mike tonight theall the tall MP the MP clay game I know Mike actually finished three of 10 from three which is hilarious uh and one those was he tried

To get points on the board with the heave you know who else finished 10 today who’s that Klay Thompson well there you go see that’s the thing whether shots or missing shots it’s a very C Co holding of the torch and then also to sort of expand that though into

A real nuggets takeaway why the tall clay thing is fun and why Porters fit with the Nuggets has always been about more than how good he is in a vacuum you could see it in this game it is so hard to match up with jic Gordon and Porter

Man they are are huge and yes Porter is a perimeter player his size still matters both in the jump shots and the rebounding and tonight it manifested in four block shots I even thought he contested a lot of Threes that were hit over him but I just thought he was great

And so part of it yeah tall clay game but part of it is the one of the reasons why Mike works so well is that he’s six freaking 11 and the nuggets are really tough to match up with and with all pieces back together again right now

You’re seeing that again and and that’s you know an essential part of what makes them the best team in the league I love it man this was a great Michael Porter 19 points 10 rebounds four block shots unbelievable four block shots Michael blocker Junior and they weren’t like

Quiet got a fingernail on it or whatever like blocked clay into the stands on a jump shot blocked at The Rim I don’t remember who it was trying to dunk Get Porter Jun I’m telling you man um and also just the quick trigger thing the

Quick trigger thing to me is such a big deal yes because he has been trying to play the right way so much and I’ve said he overcorrected tonight especially in that first half he was firing that thing man no hesitation I love it I think that’s a huge deal it’s we were talking

Downstairs like you really if the nuggets are going to get back to where we already know that they are like if they’re just going to when they’re in their best form it’s like Mike has a porter quarter somewhere in the game the fact that he started off joic and Murray

Were like stuck in the mud early on but like you have Porter that wants to step up and get things going rolling early um it’s the perfect recipe for B game yeah game uh you guys know I like to keep things positive in the first segment I

Don’t like to go into the negative so I’m going to there’s a couple negatives here grifting B I’m not going to go there with my big takeaway so I’ll go these starters are good man when you said it was a B minus game I actually think you’re being generous I think this

Was a c game maybe a c minus game from the Nuggets but watch the split but it was that’s the thing is it was probably a b game from the starters and like an F game from the bench but the starters tonight were not awesome they weren’t

Plus 13 for AG plus 23 for mpj plus 21 for yoke plus 20 for Murray plus 15 for kcp and when they were on the court together is when most of those that plusy was happening they uh the starters are really good and your point about

Murray kind of plays off of this it’s been disguised this I love the takes on the Nuggets this year I just love them they’re so funny man and some of the people like what’s wrong with them what’s you’re like what are you what is their record again 22 and 10 like what

You what’s wrong with them missing their second best player missing their second best player 22 and the road half year but it is to you know not pretty in large part because of the bench but if you just isolate the guys that are actually going to play the important

Minutes throughout the year right they’re really freaking good man and tonight was one of those where it was disguised by the other things that happened in this game but that group they get it done every time these bells it’s it’s hard to stay positive though with that like the the starters have

Been so well but the bench really does have to figure it out because they’ve been they’ve been in like a stretch of not playing well for a while um yeah and I know we’re going we’re going to get to it but I mean they don’t have a lead guy

Right now offensively they don’t have an Iden identity offensively they have nothing to go to and then they try to switch things up or they’re staggering and trying to put you know guys um in there just to try to mix a match and it’s still not working but luckily they

Have a starting unit that is um so in tune and so connected that you’re going to be able to build these leads and then you know they’re going to take the lead back and you have to build momentum again when they get it all together when

They get on the same page that’s when the blowouts happen that’s when they can you know really just um take off on teams um so um while it’s good because they got to win there still has to be something that they figure out like they

Have to figure it out very soon I want to get into the bench in the next segment just cuz that’s like a big I honestly it might be two segments I don’t know we might spend a lot on it oh man marry benchas I know sadly it is a

Main stocking point but you know just to kind of final thoughts on the on this starting lineup I mean Mike we talk about the ankle injury and how much it’s disguised him he is shooting well I know it was only only three of 10 tonight but

He has started to find his rhythm taken more shots just looking more like himself Aaron Gordon has woken up over the last two weeks kcp playing that lock down defense and then Murray’s back so you just look at it and you’re like yeah this is one of those things where I

Think they’re like a plus 12 or 13 coming into tonight’s game that fiveman unit like they were last year but I kind of feel like that numberers we’re going to look up at the end of January be like starters are plus 18 now this is like

We’re we’re in false SM Zone like if in the years past if we would have beat the warriors on Christmas day it would have been funky M like let’s go no one could talk funky yeah and like now we’re now we’re like man the bench we want yeah the bench is to

Totally the like dessert or something like it’s the only thing that kept this game tethered how was the meal the steak was great the sides were great but the water sparkling water was not who drinks sparkling steak yeah I don’t like it it was terrible floppy steaks what the hell

Uh any any final thoughts here on the bench or do you want to move on only only starters oh well like it’s hand inand only that it just reminds me so much of last year and it’s really easy to lose sight of that they they didn’t

Have 10 11 guys they felt great about they just didn’t um but when it came down to who has the best eight guys Denver ran away with it listen I’m still hopeful it looks better you know in in the in the non- yic minutes but you are a contender because your starters are

That good and sometimes it’s important to remember in these regular season games to the point you just made Adam check the box scores check the plus minuses even against the best teams in the league the starters are doing their thing uh all right let’s take a break on

The other side we’re going to talk about the bench talk about Reggie Jackson Christian Brown some of the other guys Naji on the menu and then later in the show later in the show this is a terrible teas later in the show we’re going to talk about yic

Grifting oh man fuckle up lots of great stuff T I’m telling you Christmas is over Christmas is over it’s never ordinary to watch yic shoot 18 free throws and make all 18 of them career high right so it’s not just ordinary it’s uh it’s unprecedented like the fun you’ll have

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Are back here guys segment two you know what’s crazy is that uh I look weird yeah like you guys wearing these ridiculous I look weird in this I don’t know what to tell you there um we only had three so we only had three are people complaining that you’re not

In the Christmas course they complain brick um guys the bench is struggling there’s no there’s no mystery here and I’m going to draw we’re going to break it all down we’re going to break it all down we’re gonna look at Jamal Murray return in the Brooklyn game back on

December 14th day before yolas Reggie Jackson since then four of 13 three of 10 nine of 12 pretty good that was a 26o win over Dallas three of seven four of 13 one of N and then 0 of two those numbers are all terrible except for the

One that’s 30% 30% 43% 30% 11% 0% he is in a real slump and it makes begs the question you play with yoke having all this great year how good is Reggie man he’s been incredible for this goes back to not playing with yoke all of a sudden

He looks terrible is it as simple as that Dev or is this unfair I think I I think you straddle like the line because we know we knew that they were not going to be able to score many baskets it was going to come down to defense and just buying enough

Time because that is not a a group that you can get a lot of scoring and that’s the difference Reggie was scoring earlier in the year he was making a lot of shots and it’s easy to play defense around that um and to keep up in games

But when you’re not scoring and also you’re like not getting as many stops it it becomes a little bit tough uh for them they don’t have a guy to go go through right now Reggie’s the guy that they were relying on earlier so it automatically pushes on him not to say

That other people don’t deserve you know Christian Brown is not been scoring the same way Watson you never went with it this exact same way I just think that it’s his role to score and he’s not doing what they need him to do so it

Does apply uh to him so yes yes it’s on him but I mean I think honestly tonight it’s funny cuz I got we’re going to talk Zeke a lot of people very mad at Zeke I was looking at tonight I thought zek was the third worst bench player I thought

Reggie was atrocious tonight and like look he looked injured he was limping and stuff but he was so two sloppy forc turnovers missing his shots and then some of the shots even taken you’re like didn’t even get to the rim had like one run like a a push shot from 18 feet

Where you’re like that’s the shot we’re going to take right now um so he just looked discombobulated what you think a I think he I mean I just think he’s hurt you know he but do you think he’s been hurt exactly at the time Murray returned well there’s I mean there’s a couple

Things at play I I feel like you’re probably right not playing with joic uh hurts it hurts everybody but he was just like making shots before like even it wasn’t even necessarily just as a product of being on the court with yic he’s just like not hitting anything and

He looks like hapless out there he looks slow um it just looks like he he suddenly looks old and it’s surprising and it I you know it’s like for the first part of the Season Mike was missing shots and we’re like well I think his heel is hurt you know like I I

Just think Reggie’s hurt yeah I just think he’s an older guy and we’ve a lot has been asked of him and he’s starting to wear down a little bit and it’s yeah he is the oldest guy in the rotation isn’t he yeah and he’s you know it’s

Like it’s pretty unfair truly to ask of him to be the primary offensive option SL the guy that makes everything happen for the bench at you know we were talking about this the other night like eight like his 14th year in the SE in the league 15th year it’s just I don’t

Know it’s it’s like an unrealistic asks and I it’s just it’s kind of just catching up with him I he just needs some time off I feel like some of it yeah I I agree I agree with you dine that he looks a little bit banged up uh

Some of it is that Reggie’s never really been a Bastion of consistency as talented as he is he a very talented player who can have big games has had them for the nuggets and for other teams in the playoffs so I’m not suddenly switching off on Reggie there’s just a

Reality to it was a remarkable run and he’s probably not done contributing this year but sometimes the waters uh you know trickles or slows down or gets shut off completely with scorers and you know Reggie’s not a guy that you necessarily write home about everything else he does

When he’s not scoring I would imagine some of these shots will come I mean some of these and I think Eric was right that you know he’s also a difficult shot maker in taker like he can still play better than he has against the bench even if your yic Dynamic is true but

About a week ago Reggie I think was the sixth most productive point guard out of a pick and roll you know between passing and scoring as the ball handler so he he I mean he’s been really good with both joic and DeAndre it’ll be harder without joic I think he has more

To give right now though and we’ve just hit a patch of of inconsistency I do worry about what you just said though the Nuggets played the most games of anybody it’s been kind of condensed and regg’s the oldest guy and you do just kind of Wonder like all right let’s

Monitor these guys throughout the course of the year and it is possible that he’s just hitting a wall and look guys hit a wall you know throughout the course of the year and they bounce back from it injury you know this or that I just look

At it and I go man it is tough like cuz he looks terrible and if he’s not good forget every other little adjustment we’re talking about if Reggie can’t score that bench unit man gets really dark I think the second worst did you have more on that well I was just going

To say I mean the the the reason that Reggie was playing so well and he was making so many shots and those were not great shots they were just going in yeah like that was I think that was the outlier like that was the part where they were

Playing extremely well because it’s a guy that doesn’t shoot a lot making a lot of shots um and you also talk about like him being the older guy and hitting that wall he hasn’t played this many minutes in a long time like yeah he does need some rest or or time off or

Whatever the case may be um but until he comes out and says he’s injured I can’t give it to him on that I just think that he’s not making those shots I mean he was limping we never thought he was injured until tonight when he started

Limping so I’m with you he never said it but I wonder if it comes out now of like he he is the kind of guy though right where it would be very classic if like we were right to a skeptical and then we l his production and now we’re like well

What happened to Reggie’s not producing anymore and we’re going to neg him into a 25-point game the next time they play but I I also think look it’s a real mini Trend right now and it’s and it’s a real take and it’s affected the bench well

Good news for him and the Nuggets they don’t plague until Thursday terrible news for us what are we supposed to do I don’t know man we’re here on Christmas we’re supposed to be off and then no games coming up in the middle any have any ideas for other Hobbies like model building something

What do people do somebody mentioned linol logs the other day they build Legos Legos or lincol logs um the second worst nugget tonight honestly might have been first worst merry Chas Christian Brown sneaky having a tough time tonight CB went two of four which I’m very surprised by he went two

Of two from the three-point line minus 22 six points one assist one turnover three fouls minus 22 now sometimes you just get to share the court with yic the least and man that might be as simple as that but I’ll be honest with you vot right

Now when I watch CB catch the ball I’m like almost certainly something bad’s about to happen it’s weird man we’re watching Christian in EX in he’s exploring his game he’s in explore mode and it’s I don’t even necessarily think that’s bad there’s probably some explicit and vocal encouragement for him

To do just that while they try to figure it out but it is weird because you’re just using you’re used to watching him come in and just like I am too old and mature for my age as a rookie right let me sit at the adults table and I’ll

Clean up after all you guys and right now it’s a little bit like they’re asking a lot of them it’s strange to watch the offensive game on one hand some of it looks worse than ever to me or more limited than ever on the other hand at a certain point he is knocking

Down I think like 39% of his threes now on the year I I wouldn’t call him a sharpshooter guys but that is a development he looks more comfortable from three that that means something so there are there are there are some positive takeaways but I’m with you that

It’s been a while since I’ve really thought what a great Christian Brown game this seems like uh he’s in a you talk about exploring his game he’s trying to find himself offensively and it’s taken away from what his strengths are like what keeps him on the floor and

That’s like the energy he hasn’t been bringing the same type of energy because I feel like he’s trying to find some type of offense he’s also not doing the best thing about him lock down defense there was a lot of times that I feel like they were hunting

Him and just trying like foul baiting like just to make sure that he fouled and he’s just not as big as the other guys but he’s switching on to them um and then he’s like the ball’s getting sticky with it with with it with it in his hands that was never the case

Because he didn’t want to you know get involved on offense and then he’s slashing and doing things like that I haven’t been seeing those type of things so I do think that his offensive um struggles have like led to other parts of his game where he’s just trying to

Find something yeah and I feel like this is a product of Reggie Jackson not playing well like the whole bench is just like they don’t know what they’re doing so then Reggie Jackson’s not stepping up to be the scorer so then Christian Brown’s like am I the scorer

Like he’s like driving in weird places he’s like just doing things that are off book but there’s not really a book like you don’t I don’t know what the bench is supposed to be doing right now like are they the offense yeah when it does when Reggie can’t penetrate or create or

Something like it just feels like you’re doing a three-man weave and getting nothing and then somebody has the ball at the end and it’s like catch the ball like at the at the elbow and he’s just like H like 6 seconds left on the clock right I guess

I’ll drive like Payton’s uh fallway today was a total well I have it so I have to try something nothing worked Fall Away not even close and you’re not even mad at him for that shot but it’s never going to work right right that unit right now it looks like a lot of

Offense they run a play or they try to get something going it doesn’t work and then they have to reset but the reset happens with 7 seconds left on the clock now you’re forcing the baskets and nothing looks good and it’s always Christian Brown or Peyton Watson late in

It where they’re now just throwing up whatever so there’s just no Groove and I that is a good point I think that Reggie not being who he was earlier that takes away a lot having a point guard that could penetrate defenses it just opens up the rest of the floor and it’s not

Open right now yeah um we can talk about Zeke Naji too man he was out there for five minutes um I thought some like he switched out on a couple guys on the perimeter and I thought had a decent contest but they were just dra he had no

Impact defensively on what they were doing none at all and that’s why you would put him out there offensively you’re not counting on him and then of course tonight he didn’t grab a rebound in fact kale pull up this stat this is a crazy stat you guys see this Denver

Bench saw five players play between 12 and 18 minutes and none of them grabbed a single rebound the first time since it’s at least 1982 83 might even first time ever that the Nuggets had a bench with zero rebounds the hell are they out there doing what well they were missing a lot

Of shots so it wasn’t like there were no rebounds you don’t even get one by accident though just like it fell into your you know into your pocket or something Jeremy Grant gets one now and then yeah Jeff Green used to like Jeff Green never rebounds leading the rebound maybe it’s

Just impossible to rebound on the bench doesn’t make sense though right listen don’t lie that’s a crazy stat but Zeke you know obviously 5 minutes and is a minus 11 um they bench him in the second half and shorten that rotation Julian STW only eight minutes as well they

Shorten that rotation um I don’t know Z Zeke I I actually think this is the way to play Zeke you give him a stint and if not you just don’t play him and I think he’s fine by the way second stint just the same as the first s so it wasn’t

Like it fixed the bench but nonetheless he was he was hot garbage that’s it’s such a bummer though like they just have to figure that out like that that backup five they have to figure that out there’s just nothing this every show I know like you’re not wrong it’s the

You’re right it’s the right question it’s a fair question do they though Eric will they will they is the question do they yes well first all do they they’re seven and one in their last eight right I mean for the sake of the the fan base

And for for this is like yo needs to be more aggressive does he winning every game so I don’t know truthfully like we the nuggets are in a great place they’re like they’re Cru on Christmas it’s they got the early game one of the early games on Christmas

And they beat the Warriors pretty I mean it was close but it wasn’t our heels feel exposed you know the Achilles heel it’s like it’s when yic doesn’t play it it looks terrible but that was also true last year and every year man isn’t this

A thing though at some point we have to be like no matter what combination of players you roll out this is why I was making the joke in the fourth quarter Malone’s like all right a struggleing let’s throw out Murray Porter and Gordon they get their ass kicked and you’re

Like it’s literally if yol’s not on the court this team sucks and I don’t know it’s these guys do look bad I’m not trying to come to their aid but at the same time Dev haven’t we been doing this all the time and it’s the same yeah but

That doesn’t make it like you need to accept it like there still need I’m not accepting but there still should be some type of change there still should be like an attempt because you can’t rely on one no one should have that much pressure and also it makes you that much

More complete and um just like a complete a really good team if you have other people that could step up or if someone else um takes the like the load sometimes so we’ve we’ve come ACC accustomed to it because we’ve seen it so long but I I don’t want to

Accept that I can’t live in a world that I have to better better things are possible godamn it Zeke’s going to play so bad that uh vaco chanar is going to end up getting bought out oh don’t you say that you know he’s going to play so

Bad they’re like damn it our only move is to buy out blacko and go sign a new guy so we could get and Black’s going to be like God damn Black’s like I’m pretty sure I could get one rebound right now yeah one like all you get is like

Compensation for Z right now you can’t trade we’ve talked about this before but but you can’t trade him with the poison pill it’s just it’s almost impossible you have to yeah they just need to acquire it’s not even about a team wanting him it’s about the rules make it

So you have to trade him for Less return and the other team has to trade him for more return do is they should just trade hundon for but what does Hunter Tyson get you I mean a second if you were to trade a second round pick without just being an

Undrafted I mean he at least has a salary he’s got he’s on a contract that is tradeable but what I’m saying is nobody wants a second round if you say a second round pick people sell that for cash yeah and then if you say you picked him already so it’s our second round

Pick who hasn’t played yet that’s worth even less value it depends on I mean it all of this relies in the eye of the beholder whether or not somebody would value him I think that he’s looks like a like a player and I would actually hate

To get rid of him but like I don’t know what Eric’s saying is he will do anything to get rid of Zeke I’m not there what he saying I I we can’t get rid of him but like I want some I want something at that backup five something

Zat zeros across the board except for a steal and it was 11 minutes it wasn’t like he was out there for five it sound sound like he stole a contract Zer that’s so trueing everything if you did a per per stat payout for Zeke today paid an insane amount of money for one

Steal unbelievable oh poor Zeke man um we’re just going to pile and pile and pile him uh pton Watson though Julian St also like tonight look do you let me ask this last question with with those guys forget the Zeke par because I feel like he poisons the conversation whenever we

Talk about him do you feel like with offensively speaking Christian Brown Payton Watson it’s what’s the the Stone Masters thing where it’s like you hit it you never know till you’re close and then all of a sudden it cracks oh I don’t know I don’t know what that is you

Know’s talking about ER th this is this was like a this is this was the San Antonio spurs’ rallying cry where you never you’re trying to crack a stone and you don’t know if you’re close like a real Spurs rallying cry they call all right you guys never heard this

But if you’re standing a you’re trying to split a rock sometimes you don’t know if there’s progress then all of a sudden boom it split the whole thing now I’m ready to run through a wall do you think that is the the bench where it’s like

You know what Brown It’s the do Darkness for down they’re learning stuff through trial and error a lot of error at the moment they like two days ago this is like two three games ago we like the bench is incredible they’re so good it’s just all over the place they’re rookies

They’re all young players they are rudderless often times because Reggie Jackson the guy that’s supposed to be the veteran presence running the bench has been hapless injured if you ask me and they don’t know what to do they don’t have they like they don’t have a

One they don’t have a five and so that those three guys that are like not like it’s they don’t necessarily even run plays for I I can’t even tell honestly like if they are Julian St should be getting more off like he should be the guy that they’re looking to to be their

Offensive spark plug on that second unit he doesn’t seem to be he had a floater he had one floater that he had to sort of like manufacture himself then missed the free throw come on Julie he missed it but like it’s weird the emphasis is weird night toight it’s it’s like it’s

Not consistent I don’t know if it’s just what they are getting organically based on the matchup what they’re finding but it’s just those three guys like they’re young guys and they you know they just got to figure it out I guess all right let’s go to live the ball Arena though

We have Harrison wind waiting on the wings there oh there it is oh look at that andelic glow coming down asending to Heaven ascending from Heaven uh Merry Christmas wind uh how was it being at ball arena for such a beautiful game beautiful I don’t know if that’s

How I’d describe it we’re so spoiled we’re so spoiled I hate we’re over here complaining in the Winter’s Lounge like spoiled children I don’t blame you man that was a weird game Michael Malone even called it a weird game Steph Curry like didn’t have a point for the first half Nicole

Yic made like one shot the whole game until the fourth quarter what a weird game but you know a win’s a win they’ve won five in a row at the end of the day that is what matters they get win of course that’s what matters they stacked win last eight

They’re like they won the championship but was it good what was the crowd like what is the Christmas Day crowd like it was a good crowd like there was energy in the building for sure like there is every Christmas Day game it was just such a weird first three quarters that

It never got that loud you know fans wanted something to cheer about but it was just kind of such a weird game where you know the Nuggets didn’t really capture momentum aside from that first quarter the first quarter was great I mean the crowd was into it but

After that it was It was kind of quiet just because it it was such a weird kind of game Flow to today yeah all right we take us in the locker room was it as weird there I mean like I said Michael Malone called this a weird game he said like

Look we got off to a great start but you know the end of the quarters was not good and we finally found a way to close out uh but he did shout out a couple guys post game because you know how Denver defended Steph Curry for most of

This one was the biggest story of today like Steph goes for 18 points on seven of 21 shooting and Michael Malone says look outstanding job by kcp uh he said if that guy’s not considered one of the better perimeter defenders in the NBA I don’t know who is and then Malone went

On to say kcp is one of the best I’ve ever seen in not allowing any separation and a lot of times that’s what defense ultimately comes down to can you take away space can you stay connected he says kcp does that maybe better than anybody he’s ever seen yeah man I he was

This was if anybody had a good agenda day it was kyp I don’t know if anybody else did Michael Porter a little good agenda day but I’m feeling fine I’m feeling fine votes had a good agenda day emid had a good agenda day did have a

Good agenda day uh okay what else and then Michael also shouted out you know Michael Porter he said look I thought Michael Porter was really good defensively as well after the game they had a nice moment on the court Malone gave mpj a big hug said how proud he was

Of his defense today uh so I think it was a career-high four blocks for Michael Porter today 10 rebounds as well uh so a positive you know day on the Michael Porter front I thought and he also had that unbelievable first quarter yeah yeah yeah yeah y Michael M was

Talking about Nicole yoki’s night as well and um he said look it was it was huge us getting into the bonus as early as we did and uh he said you know as of late they’ve been drawing fouls better over this last stretch of games I I

Think their free throw attempts are up a little bit but uh Michael Mullen also said he thought you know the Warriors weren’t doing anything crazy on defense he thought uh Nicole yage actually passed up some shots that he usually shoots tonight and you know really wasn’t the Warriors defense affecting

Him at all he just kind of was insinuating that he didn’t think joic played as good as he normally does yeah I mean it was true man national televised game though F us yeah he like one Christmas and then the final thing for Michel Malone tonight he said I felt

Like over this recent stretch of games we’ve gotten back to playing Nuggets basketball and the one thing he pointed out out was the fast break points you know for a lot of the season the Nuggets haven’t gotten as many easy baskets in transition as they usually do uh but

Today and over these last couple wins he feels like they’ve gotten back to that they’re getting fast break points they’re getting easy points in transition and that’s a big marker of Nuggets basketball yeah that is true that is a good marker yeah um that’s all I got from the

Podium though I was in the locker room actually talking with pton Watson about his commercial so uh look for some insight on that little windsh oh man little gust of wind coming little exclusive I like it uh what was the mood like in the locker room would you say

Jolly I’d say Jolly yeah it was good mood in the locker room um you know everybody’s families are in town so a lot of lot of good vibes a lot of good spirits after the game for sure all right there you go all right well we

Miss your spirit wi but we will see you tomorrow Happy holidays buddy we miss see you guys all righty let’s take a a break on the other side let’s get to the big topic today the thing everybody wants to talk about the grifter I thought we were

Going to talk about Zeke again oh you want to get back to Zeke we should the grift who stole need to find a new center yes they do we’re also allowed to like you know get Jo be excited and happy fellas uh you know what helps you

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Code dmvr for $2 off a Primo siiz hogi when ordering online it’s not just a hogi it’s a Primo um you guys Primo as we were sitting here I’m scrolling the timeline you know scrolling no I’m trying to get the latest updates my timeline keep going keep going we got go

Up the CL that would what happen on the couch stays on the couch what happened on the timeline all right uh Steve Kerr this comes from Anthony Slater Steve Kerr sounds off after Nicole jokic’s 18 free throws he says I have a problem with the way we are

Legislating defense out of the game we’re just enable enabling players to BS their way to the foul line if I were a fan I wouldn’t have wanted to watch the second half it was disgusting what guys I’m telling you last year the Nuggets had like the fifth

Game in seven days and somehow had travel from New Orleans to Milwaukee to play a game and yoke sat out the fifth game in seven days he sat out that one and it was like the first game he had missed all year right it’s just like that and Richard Jefferson goes on ESPN

And cries you know telling the story about how when he was a child his family had scraped together every Petty they could find just to be able to buy him one ticket to a game and can you imagine if players didn’t play and yic is ruining everybody’s favorite thing the

Yoke never goes to the light he famously shoots no free free throws tonight career high 18 career high everyone’s like are you happy nuggets fans like we’ve never seen it and I’m have two opinions of this one y this was disgusting both are true I hated it yoke

What the hell and then number two oh it’s going to be hilarious that this is the Tipping Point we need yoke to solve all of the world’s Problems by participating in them annoy everyone enough to are causing them that’s the worst thing he could ever hear what you just said Dev

Yeah exactly devb where do you want to take this well the wild thing is that he’s like having any conversations on ethics because he has a player on his team that is a wrestler so like that’s wild that he’s like sounding off on anything two he should have said other

Stars are doing this you can’t say it with Yoki we’ve never seen this before it was literally a career high for the guy you know like so that’s wild I think that it’s great that he’s going to the free throw line more I yeah I mean he he

Deserves these your makeup calls he deserves to go to the free throw line line more he’s down there every single time the only reason that we’re saying um that it’s bad is because we’re not used to it but in the game of basketball if you’re getting hit when you’re

Shooting the ball you should get to the free throw line if you’re you know being aggressive the entire time and they’re doing anything to try to knock you off of your path you should go to the free throw line so they call the game as they

Seen the game I wish he did more of it it feels slimy it feels yucky but it’s the rules of basketball should have done it yeah he’s right like he’s right the way that the the league is officiated is disgusting but yic was fouled every single time there wasn’t a single call

That we were like there was one I had a couple I had a few there was a couple that there he wasn’t even going to shoot it and they was giving it to him but they gave him shoot it’s that he got shooting fouls as opposed to fouls in J

He got fouled every time it’s whether or not he should have gotten free throws out of it it’s just yeah no it is funny like that’s what that looks like that that’s what that looks like when your big star is going down and the thing is that yic like he wasn’t like pretending

To shoot and then like I mean that that is what other guys in this game do absolutely every single game but Steve C is right they’re like the way that this league is officiated is disgusting being the beneficiary of it like doesn’t even feel good it doesn’t feel good at all

But like that’s what it looks like I hated it I it too I hated it and I I don’t want to make it like a morality thing or even a or even about deserved you know because I don’t like yeah I’m not yic historically doesn’t get this whistle I

Historically as in ever as in ever but my preference watching basketball has not changed and it it actually is a principle for me like when I criticized James Harden and Joel embiid I wasn’t just trying to be antagonistic I hate watching free throws yeah and I hated it today I I think now

It’s not again it’s not about deserved it’s not about yoke should or shouldn’t do what it what is or isn’t a foul it’s just that one of my favorite Parts about yok Edge and the Denver Nuggets is that they always found a way to push through and play their best basketball despite

Not getting those calls and they’re good enough to win anyway I don’t want to sound too sanctimonious if you’re happy to finally see him get calls I get it but watching it to me that was uh the Nuggets played beautiful basketball that second half was not beautiful basketball

And I would not I’m glad he got the call so they could win this game on Christmas and we can do this Lounge but I would not want to watch that 82 plus times a year I just I just wouldn’t I’m with vote on this one it was this game was

Annoying in part because of how many damn fouls there were in both directions but although I think the Nuggets probably got the better end of of of this one I don’t know that yoke was necessarily foul grifting tonight as much as it was that he was just getting

A lot of really really simple calls and here’s what I would say to your point about you know he needs to do I don’t want yoke to get more fouls I want everyone else to get less well this is that’s what I was saying the league is officiated in a disgusting manner but

This is like you know every time like every presidential election season there’s somebody that they open the taxes and they’re like can you believe he’s using this perfectly legal tax loophole to benefit himself through this or that you know through some thing and it’s always like yeah that’s the problem

With tax loopholes is they they exist for a very specific purpose and then really rich guys find a way to be like well I can bend this to make to work in my advantage for a completely different purpose and it’s disgusting that’s like the NBA rule book CU we have these rules

That allow for it and everyone’s like yoke should get back in on it and to me I’m I just look at it and go it’s annoying I hope that the NBA I’m not even joking when I say that for whatever reason yoke is the one that always

Creates when yoke does it then it becomes a problem and I honestly hope that this is a thing that does become a talking point yo becomes the face of it and they’re like all right we have to cut back and then Joel embid start shooting six free throws a game like he

Should instead of 20 right that’s it it’s not yeah I want everyone to shoot six yeah I don’t want to see anyone goes down in history as the ultimate grifter somehow and we’re like what they call it the yic rule and we’re like What right right right and I don’t want to sound

Like I’m all of a sudden out on jic or like all of a sudden he’s a grifter cuz generally he’s not but was it fun to watch him shoot 10 free throws in one quarter for me it gets more fun than that but he he wasn’t grifting grifting

Is like you swing through you cause contact you’re looking for you’re looking specifically for the fou he just was getting calls and he doesn’t get calls and so it feels weird it feels like creepy and and greasy but it’s like he wasn’t initiating that contact in the

Way that I don’t think he fell down no he doesn’t he didn’t fall down it’s I mean he does do the thing while he’ll grab your arm and you know and do this or whatever but that like that’s his equivalent that what it was just like he

Was getting calls when he was coming across the lane he was getting fouled but they were giving him shooting fouls and you’re like that was whatever oh no I’m always upset when yoke does not get the calls yeah it feels good to finally get the calls that I’ve been complaining

About yeah I think that that’s the big thing for me is like this is what it should look I would not have been mad if he had 45 or 50 points because he was making shots and making free throws on four of 12 shooting like 50 had one of

That that would have been a wonderful game if he would have had like 12 field goals as well because he would have got to 50 or something like that then I’m like he this feels more like it I I hope he gets addicted to this type of by the

Way as a major aside a lot of the reasons he got 10 in the third quarter was because they were in the bonus and it like he was getting a ton of shooting fouls he was getting a lot of just regular fouls and it does if you think

About roster construction if Denver like the best player Denver could add would be a backup point guard who’s lightning quick and draws a lot of driving fouls I don’t know who that is but because it would allow yoke to then get more free throws in the ends of second and fourth

Quarters Denver traditionally has not had a good foul drawing player so they don’t play in the bonus a whole lot ironically I think Zeke’s the best foul draw on the team somehow per minute kindar fighting for re it’s cuz he’s always falling backwards when he jumps um so anyway that’s something to

Keep in mind the other thing about Yol though four of 12 a lot of those were at The Rim dude what happening right now he’s in a little Funk this is the weirdest season it’s the weirdest season man he had the craziest thing is he came

Out of the gate hair on fire we were like man this is it y just put in the league on notice like you better watch out we’re going to see every night yic going to make all of his shots blah and like he’s just missing and if that’s the

Part that feels to me it’s like when yic misses shots I’m like what is happening like is the has the Earth been knocked off its axis is that like why we’re not getting snow in December anymore it’s like there’s something wrong and I I don’t think it’s a like the fact that

Yic is not making shots is what’s causing the problem he like he just he’s oddly like he’s always engaged but he’s just not aggressive he is not playing aggressive he will make the right play in that he will find the open player but I would argue that shooting 5T from the

Rim with joic is better than a wide openen uh pton Watson right right like the bet the right play is for joic to shoot it he ignores that point this is like Mike earlier tonight had a uh contested three on the corner but it was

Open enough that he was going to get it off and he saw Aaron Gordon in the and he swinged it you’re like just take the contested three I got an open a G3 come on you’re like he’s like I make the right play right you’re like no not this

Force it over the defender man you got it uh I don’t you guys know about the double slit experiment you guys know this certain particles act as particles some act as fit as waves all my references nobody gets these are terrible reference what I actually do get part of these these are just

Absolutely terrible references particles act differently whether or not they’re to observe very strange phenomenon very strange uh but this is like yolks shooting at The Rim the moment we observed how great he was at it he became terrible the key is to never look at y’s

Stats at the we need to yeah everybody when you arrive at a nugget game needs to get like those solar like the glasses right you can’t look at it directly all right let’s take our final break on the other side super chats Christmas well wishes uh final

Thoughts just put your feet up on the table huh dad energy over here I got to go home and figure out how to turn on my Nintendo switch IB dud good for you are we going to game together or is that for your kids if it’s for my kids I got to

Figure out how to turn it on first yeah you and Adam are going to turn it on you have a switch I do no I actually don’t I have all the other ones though Backus and Shanker they win so much that they’re not even worried dude they’re not even

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Shady Rays use code DVR get 50% off two plus pairs of polarized sunglasses what a deal folks 50% off two plus pairs of polarized sunglasses and we are back to back um we’ve like the energy on this show is very weird today I have to say very a

Lot of tension man a lot of tension we don’t like each other and uh we can’t we just can’t we don’t have to enjoy winning anymore I like all you guys let’s uh Michael Porter we we’ve already gone through it any final thoughts to kind of wrap up on here’s the thing that

Is funny though about your thing the nuggets have won seven of eight they’re on a roll they’re actually playing great they’re 22 and 10 they’re second in the Western Conference they’re getting ready theyve just started kind of an extended homeand we got to find a way how to

Figure out how to ride the stretch you know I’m saying man we got to like pump up the funky musics during during ad reads like we’re it’s we’re just like should we make a funky music no matter what next win I’m just no matter what we’re doing a funky music we have become

The worst versions of ourselves in such short order it was so predicted but it’s so hard to to to watch us all devolve into these like when expected like we’re spoiled children I hate us yeah I want it now daddy now we’re champion we’re Champions dude is that your final

Thought just we’re Champions yeah you got to have different expectations we still expect them to be a lot better because we are now on the other side of these type of things so I don’t think that they’re bad or weird Vibes I think it’s higher expectations we’re above

That we’re above just simple winning on Christmas beating the Warriors yes I I like that they won and I enjoyed watching most of it um the yage free throw take I stand on but I’m not trying to like all of a sudden be a Debbie

Downer and now I don’t like yoke and E grifter or any of that stuff it was just weird watching it and I the best version of Nuggets basketball is so pretty right and that’s that’s the only Point uh with Mike good to see him defending well I

Honest to God think Mike is moving the ball a little better this year I really do he’s not let me to be clear I’m talking about like three extra passes per game Swinging The Rock more than you’d think he’s not a playmaker he’s not going to set guys up although that

Little behind the back to kcp today um I will say one thing about Mike’s passing is he really really trusts kcp and he’ll tell you and he has told us that he thinks casy p is just as good a shooter as he is and so if if Casey p is

Open Mike’s going to make that extra pass I think there are little things in which it it’s all a little bit more decisive again and and it’s been fun to watch for me I’ll tell you one my one last take I have on today timeline was way more football

Than I expected tonight and I’m old enough to remember day when the fumbled the bag they fumbled the bag they let they allowed the NFL to creep in on Christmas and now they’ve lost Christmas this is why I push back on all of the like hype that I see from because we

Speak almost exclusively but certainly primarily to Die Hard NBA fans and so there’s like a bubble you can insulate from yourself about you know how things are going this is why I push back on just so many of these little things around the NBA cuz I just see Mary

Things being taken from the NBA and I watch it and I go this doesn’t feel that healthy man like today watching the game and it’s you know nuggets whatever it’s tense and I’m scrolling the timeline everybody’s talking about the Chiefs wasn’t even a good game I know and I was

Kind of like huh some just said a little note but like Adam Silver will be like man we crushed on Tik Tok yesterday they did crush on Tik Tok uh all right we got some super chats oh Carlos Romero Reggie has no in between game not surprised bench tanks

When he’s not good also is Zeke switchability that great if Reggie keeps switching to bigs hey that second part I think is a very fair fair take we have seen it in certain games where that has been the strategy to attack that lineup so I think that part is worth asking

That’s a good question mixer our starters played great perimeter defense whole game kcp influen no doubt also Warriors May complain about the whistle but they couldn’t defend without fouling still it’s nice to see yoke finally get embiid like whistle I agree you know what like Le

Let’s live like the other half does just even if just for one day even just for Christmas like shouldn’t yoke receive presents every now and again Falon calls on Christmas this is like we yeah I read whatever whatever I’m saying everybody get he wasn’t grifting that’s the thing

He was not grifting yok was not grifting I I honestly don’t think he was grifting no it’s just not fun to watch free throws that’s all is how nice of embiid to gift jokic’s whistle today got some bad news today but this win and show are lifting

My spirits my christas everyone he good our thought are with you brother you know you’re one of us we appreciate you the boy’s dad regarding Murray starts messy spends the first 2 minutes of games just jogging around sizing up the other team and its scheme then goes to

Work looks like Jamal is taking a similar approach maybe the first Jamal M Jamal Murray in the last five minutes I’m good I’m good man Nails we’re we’re good Jamal’s so goddamn dope I love Jamal he’s such a gamer man First Team all gamer he’s just cool he is just cool

Jamal Murray’s just cool just got it like that Seth my wife got covid and we couldn’t go home loved watching the Nuggets win today thank you guys for for your passion man good quick recovery man for your wife I know I think it’s been like a lot of people getting Co or flu

Or they’re like Titus like all these different things they’re like let’s watch the nuggets and then that postgame show and then they’re like more more about Zeke huh yeah no well never mention Z again so he might not play again who knows the whole second segment

Uh K cue that outro music up we appreciate you guys people super chatting on a Christmas people hanging with us on a Christmas beautiful day man beautiful day for families beautiful day for joic for the Nuggets who have now I believe are now on their biggest win

Streak of the season that’s right that’s right comes to the last no is it actually no they had one earlier did they well uh they won five in a row uh as I keep mentioning they’re about to go in a monster goddamn run they will probably it is you’re right at at the

End of this run whenever it ends they probably will have won in the area of uh at least 13 games in a row it is funny they have three four game win streaks and a three- game win streak now a five game win streak so Baby G we’re in the

Middle these are the salad days we got to eat baby it’s going to get dark at another point during the season we’re going to look back and be like why were we so glum why were we so glum man change your face I’m not glum two Christmases down two Christmases down

One more to go let’s go baby nuggets on a roll 22 and 10 5 in a row hit that like button for us and we’ll see you guys tomorrow let’s go Merry Christmas [Applause] City like the mayor

The Denver Nuggets get the Christmas day WIN against Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors. Michael Porter Jr got hot early, Jokic was Jokic, and Jamal Murray said “Murray Christmas” to Nuggets Nation with a great second half. What are our takeaways from the Nugget big Christmas Day dub? Adam Mares, Brendan Vogt, Duvalier Johnson, and D-Line Co. come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
Fast recap – 2:00
Dev’s big takeaway – 5:30
D-Line’s take – 6:30
Vogt’s takeaway – 8:20
Adam’s takeaway (the starters) – 10:20
The bench struggles – 17:00
Christian Braun – 23:30
Zeke – 27:25
Wind Chimes – 34:50
Jokic grifting? – 42:00
Final thoughts – 54:00
Superchats – 57:00

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. After terrible calls all season and some stupid EJECTIONS nba and the refs finally gave JOKIĆ MVP OR BEST PLAYER TREATMENT OR EMBIID TREATMENT. 18 FREE THROWS.
    And on national TV so they can say to casual fans you see we are giving him the FOULS. But whoever saw couple of Nuggets games this season, knows that wasn't a case so far.
    And by the way, 32 games – MOST IN THE LEAGUE SO FAR, 18 ROAD GAMES AND 7 SETS OF BACK TO BACK – BOTH MOST OF ALL TEAMS. With Murray out at the beginning, rookies and sophomores on the bench, finding their roles, getting used to bigger roles on the championship team with the pressure to replace significant players gone in Bruce Brown and Jeff Green, playing against mostly great teams so far in the standings and being 22-10 despite all of that. Man they are CRUISING. THEY ARE IN THE GREAT PLACE. Reggie, Braun and Pwat will be BETTER as season goes and maybe Strawter. But these 3 will be coming of the bench. Denver needs RELIABLE BACK UP PF OR C. Like the Jeff Green was.

  2. I don't get why you guys hated it. Did the opposing team foul Jokic? Yes. Does Jokic get fouled more than any other superstar and not get the call? Yes. The Warriors ran a small ball lineup against the 2x MVP / Finals MVP and were playing single coverage in the 2nd half. That is a recipe for fouls. Did Jokic have a single free throw in the first half?

    It's crazy that Jokic getting 18 Free Throws as a career high is disgusting, but we saw a 32 Free Throw night from one player this season…

  3. keep in mind our boys have played more games than almost every other team in the league… enjoy well earned 2 days off. Let's Gooo Nuggets!

  4. Jokic getting free throws. Feels good man.
    Next step -> defenses give him more room so he can go back to dominate the league.

    I like Vogts take though.

  5. In March, Embiid went 19/19 from the line but Ws have won. Kerr is silent on refs.

    Now, Jokic goes 18/18 from the line but Ws lost.
    Kerr: (deep inhale) OFFICIATING!!!

  6. This guy is nothing but a great white hope. Hes a dirty player that that gets the most obvious flopping calls.

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