@Houston Rockets

Anytime I have checked this sub this season

We get it, but if doesn’t have to be every post here.

by arrowflash01


  1. RealPitstop

    It’s actually insane like why don’t we talk about Jabari doing really well now or Ime’s success as our coach or the fact we already have 15 wins in 30 games less than last year? People on the sub need to stop talking about him for a little, let him do whatever and if he never improves so be it. But we should give him the chance and chill

  2. GunnerRocket

    CaM nEeDs MoRe MiNuTeS hE tOrE uP tHe G LEaGuE

  3. aliterati

    Bro, I just want us to be spamming to remind people to vote Sengod into the all-star game, but all these lil dudes can talk about is how Jalen lives rent free in their abandoned loft of a brain.

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