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Eagles pull out a close win on Christmas Day | Eagle Eye

Eagles pull out a close win on Christmas Day | Eagle Eye

[Applause] hey everyone Merry Christmas if you’re still listening to this on Christmas if not still Merry Christmas R how you doing doing well I’m doing well also the Eagles win a football game 33 to 25 despite their best efforts to lose a football game to an inferior opponent

They’re 11 and4 this is the eagle ey podcast presented by Nissan trying to Center myself wow huh yeah yeah very wow it felt like for a while there you gonna have an easy 10 observations they were gonna just you think they were just G what was that don’t

Okay I like that could you do the whole podcast with that accent um I I probably could and that game probably deserves that accent I mean this team just can’t put it put any anyone away and I mean you you understand it if it’s a really good team like they’re going to come

Back but I mean I was just looking at this here and of course I can’t find it now but um Patriots they’re up they were up 16 they won by five Vikings are up 20 they won by six the Jets they were up 11 obviously they’ve lost outscored 17

Nothing the end of the game last week they were up 10 outs scor 20 20 to7 the rest to the game and today was their biggest lead 17 14 173 oh they were 23 a half yeah they’re up 17 so I mean every single game comes down to the wire good teams bad

Teams and it’s a tough way to live it felt like today was going to be the the day where they just took care of business blew out a team that had no business being on the field with them when it’s 23 yeah MH yeah you’re thinking that and I you know it was

Interesting I said to someone at halftime like the Giants game plan is to just run Barkley up the middle and wait for the Eagles to make mistakes and the Eagles helped and they sure they lived up to their end of the bargain yeah it’s a really

Tough it’s a tough thing to talk about a game like this because they won they won the game they needed to get this win like they desperately needed to snap their losing streak and it count it goes in the win column does so like you don’t

Want to be too negative after a win right that’s the goal but I don’t think anyone I don’t think any Eagles fans are feeling better about the team Fair now more than they were before this game so you don’t think there’s like a A Rush of people booking round trips to Vegas I

Don’t I don’t think so after this game if anything you might feel worse yeah I think that’s that’s true and to not be able to put away this team in your own Stadium when you’re up 17 is it’s really alarming especially on the heels of all the other games that they haven’t been

Able to put away um it’s a weird thing to be bad at finishing games like because they’re doing a lot to I mean they played really well in the first half to to build that lead yeah could have been more could have been a bigger

Lead but um they they just I don’t know if they just keep making the same mistakes turnovers penalties and they just find ways to get the other team back in the game I don’t think it was the Giants really did I mean they they made some plays but it was the Eagles

Handing them those plays they benched their quarterback at halftime they did you know I it was just weird mistakes in this one too uh and and just so before PE there might be some people who are like ah you negative media guys why can’t you enjoy a

Win I I want to make it clear that like that is I just came out of the locker room I was in that locker room if you were to just get thrown in there and not watch the game I don’t don’t think you would have known that they won maybe

Right when we walked in they were playing some Christmas music but it’s also Christmas like um yeah you heard Devonte Smith yeah after after the win I mean and good for him yeah he was asked two different times about about you I think no well well I I asked him a

Few questions but he was asked about um reaching a thousand yards right I did not ask those questions but I thought his answers were really telling he was like we didn’t play well offensively he was asked about going over a thousand yards for the second time in a row he

Said he he just looked at I don’t know who asked that question just looked and said we didn’t play well we didn’t play well enough like I’m not gonna sit here and talk about my stat and like I worked for a newspaper enough years to know this is somebody’s just they got a

Signed a story on Devonte going over a thousand yards and they’re gonna try to do that story and Devonte ain’t gonna let him because he’s a team guy and uh he’s not really a veteran he’s in his third year but that’s a veteran move right there and I really appreciate it

He was asked about you know this team getting to 11 wins which is that’s that’s it is an accomplishment and and they are in a decent spot with the playoffs coming just from the record standpoint yeah I don’t normally do this I want to read this quote sure 11 wins

We’re not playing good football right now as an offense we’re not where we want to be I’m not satisfied yeah we got 11 wins I’m not happy it needs be better for what I want to do what everybody else in here wants to do what we want to

Be we’re nowhere near that so no I’m not happy I love that I do too after a win yeah and then a few minutes later AJ Brown uh declined to speak after a win which is rare yeah for anyone AJ likes that TV Camera typically yeah yeah and

Uh I think if I heard the quote right he said uh I’d rather get fine than say what’s on my right now or something like that yeah he he was clearly frustrated yeah which is actually a good quote Yeah he has done this before um he’ll uh

He’ll I think once before I forgot what game it was he did he declined to speak after a game I think he left I think he got the heck this time he was still there yeah um yeah clearly a lot of frustration for an offense that did some

Good things but yeah I mean it had over 450 yards 465 yards but yeah I think it’s still fair to say not exactly where they want to be yeah and I think it’s a good sign that they’re not in there celebrating hey we finally got a win division win uh you

Know helped ourselves you know in that in that NFC East which they did they did all that but I I just like the mentality of and I’m sure that’s coming from Jaylen and from the coach in you know because there’s a there’s about 15 minutes or it usually seems like about

An hour before they open the locker room when the leaders kind of supposed to be 10 supposed to be 10 it’s never 10 um I’m sure that’s that was Nick’s message you know don’t let’s we’re not celebrating this we’re just not good enough right now yeah I’ll be curious to

See the uh you know how normally after a win the team will release the uh the video of Nick serani post true very curious to see what that looks like yeah maybe they might not because there was even there was a lot of frustration at

The end of this game I didn’t get to really see it at the stadium but you were watching on TV you saw we we didn’t see it we went off the air and be yeah because there’s like a we don’t I got so but apparently Nick was was yelling at a

Couple players maybe reic it it was it was really strange to me it was like the the clip I saw was Nick with like it was Jeremiah wasburn and Devonte Smith like the group of players made no sense yeah so I don’t know what it was about but a lot of

Frustration after a win somebody said that that Nick had yelled to reic to get back on the field when he was yelling at the refs after his personal foul um he was he was complaining about the call which is a good I mean they’re GNA call

It every time when you go to a guys’s knees quarterback’s knees I thought he was I thought he hit I thought he struck above the knees and then slid down possibly I only saw it once so you could be right but even if it was a bad call

He’s got to be on the field ready for the next snap it’s a crucial point in the game a point in the game where I I thought they’re gonna lose a game I thought there’s a chance they’re gonna lose a game so I there was a school of

Thought that that’s what Nick was upset about but okay I don’t know yeah it was it was tough to tell and I like I said I was I was watching the field I didn’t really see the yeah the TV copy I have to go watch that and try to figure that

Out yeah um but like I think it tells you like this was a a frustrating win well when you’re up when you’re up 20 to three at halftime over a team that’s got what five wins and your you’re in your own building and you have

To fight and Claw and scratch in a final seconds and you know in the and make an interception in the end zone just to Win It that’s not ideal this was I mean you know you have 22 points in the in the second half to a well I mean seven of

Them were on on defense but on the Giants defense but I mean most games they don’t score 22 points it was I really I mean there were times where I thought they were gonna lose this game yeah me too um go again they win it uh

We thought we’d kind of break this game down in a different type of way we going try something new yeah uh it might not work so probably won’t be ready for that uh we’ll just go back and forth and say a good thing from this game and then a

Bad thing from this game because I really feel like this was a game where yeah there were good things and there were some bad things too so so how do you want to do this should we each say one of each otherwise one of us will be

Stuck with good and the other one oh that’s true or we could do good one two two two yeah well you just say a good thing and then I’ll say a bad thing and then you’ll say a bad thing we’ll snake draft this snake drafted all right um so we start

With a good thing yeah of course I I thought jayen actually played really well and I you know the the interception was it was on his on his record it’s going to go down as a pick six but if if GD doesn’t slip there I don’t think it’s

Probably an incompletion uh it probably wasn’t a ideal throw but I I think it’s on got her slipping it it was it looked like he was in Glendale again um but I thought Jaylen was I thought he made good decisions uh I thought he he really

Read the blitz well he used a lot of receivers which I liked I think he completed passes to seven different guys um including like calcar and cvy and I think Julio even caught a pass um and and I I just thought he he made good decisions and uh I liked his pocket

Awareness I just thought he was better it was you know there’s still some things to fix obviously that you know not going out of bounds was terrible hey good thing you’re on a good thing I just talking about Jaylen in jail so yeah I

Won’t say so um but yeah I thought he I thought he did a lot of good things yeah I’ll be honest I I there were there were some good things you’re right but I also thought there were times where he didn’t handle the blitz as well as he probably

Should have knowing that this is going to be a heavy Blitz game before the interception he threw a pass that also could have been intercepted yeah um but I’ll give you then the other one wouldn’t have been that’s true uh I’ll give you a bad thing yeah from this game

Right am I going bad thing um well and then good thing yeah and then then it’ll be then I’ll go I’ll go bad and good yeah okay we’re just making this up as we go yeah and we’re not doing a good job of it uh a bad thing in this

Game I I mean let’s go with the weirdest turnover I’ve seen that special teams blender and after special teams have been playing so well to to come out and start a half like that I mean that really changed this game completely and it was just a alamad Zak raised his hand

For it it was a weird play he did get pushed back it was Isaiah Simmons um pushed him back but you know that can’t happen can’t happen that was bad on a play that like barely even exists in the NFL anymore and I’m not sure about Boston’s judgment there I know he’s

Trying to make a play but you’re up you’re up 17 points they short kicked it so he’s thinking he can make a play I think he filled it at the right at the goal line I think I think it was ahead of that was it but yeah it it can’t

Happen I’m G look I’ll look that up and and then your your positive on positive thing uh I will go with the way DeAndre Swift ran especially at the end of that game uh some really big runs the hurdle was fun but the play where he uh goal

Line he filled at the at the goal line okay um the way he uh what what was the the one play it was uh he ran right changed Direction came back and slid inbounds yeah big play heady Play We earlier in the season we saw him kind of screw up a situation

Like that so I I really like the way he ran and I know they only got a field goal but that was a big field goal uh I know they they obviously want to punch in a touchdown and and stay ahead of the sticks better but pushing it from five

To eight points is is huge sure yeah sure um so a negative um I look this is a team that’s already allowed the third most sacks in NFL history with with three games to go coming into today um you know they got close a lot um they did have one sack I don’t

Remember for the life of me who had it Shaq Shaq had it his first sack in four years yeah since 2020 the last day of the 2020 season um he wasn’t even here yet um and you know they threw the ball 32 I me they ran it obviously a lot but they

Threw 32 passes in one sack not from the D line you know they just and I thought there were times they got some pressure and reck made some some really nice plays I thought reck got good pressure in this game actually I thought at times

He did but gota be able to finish and they just haven’t done that um and it’s weird I mean they’re they’re just the first I have the stat here the first um this is one of my uh two-point conversion things here first seven games of the year they had 24

Sacks last eight they have 16 yeah and the Giants had allowed 76 sacks 76 sacks the third most in history so um I’m kind of baffled Josh W has W sack in the last eight games that’s not a good Giants D line now look they were very runhe heavy

I mean saquon ran it 23 times sweat is dealing with Andrew Thomas yeah but I mean it’s been eight games now um so it’s uh uh yeah it’s concerning because that’s I mean this defense is only going to be as good against good teams as the D line and they’re just not playing

Great um and a positive you mentioned Swift I’m gonna go I’m gonna go I really like the concept of gain well and Swift as a as a tandem and I just think and I’ve been saying this all year I just think you’re a more dangerous offense

When you have multiple backs who are in the mix and I Haven been many games where they’ve both done it and uh in the second half really like the the back and forth you know gainwell gainwell had 79 scrimmage yards on just nine touches and

Swift had 92 rushing yards had 90 97 at one point um finished with 92 um and he he looked really good um they ran the ball um they ran the ball for I think they had 133 in the second half um so that was really good to see but I just I

Just like the combination of gainwell and Swift together they it’s tough for a defense to handle different skill sets different size guys guys with different strengths as as they kind of alternate yeah I think that’s fair uh I still don’t understand this game what am I

Giving you here you have a a negative now and then a positive a negative and then a positive we’ll get this I’ll give you I don’t know if I will I’ll give you um it’s really complicated uh how about the uh the time management at the end of

The first half yeah you know and at the time I thought well maybe it’s not going to matter but they would have had a chance to at least throw to the end zone and maybe get a touchdown there sure uh so even before the jayen screw up they

Have the play to the left sideline the ball gets fumbled out of bounds so the clock continues to run and a bunch of time ran off before they called the timeout and that was on the giant sideline right yeah on the side did they know that I don’t think so but you have

To be aware the clock is running sure you know you got to figure that out yeah I think they thought that he ran out of bounds I think that’s what happened but you got to figure that out yeah I mean you have people up in the booth who can

See it you’re you’re watching the giant clocks tick down seconds you at least got to yell at the referee who then will tell you the ball got fumbled out of bounds it’s running and use timeout there that was bad and then yeah I mean Jaylen just brain fart yeah can’t happen

He’s a fourth year guy he’s not you know he’s not gonna score touchdown there if you think you’re gonna score touchdown like all right maybe but you’re nowhere near you got to go out of bounds yeah and he like he he’s not trying to hide

He admitted like I screw it up yeah on the spot I mean yeah it’s on me but doesn’t matter I mean you’re a fourth year guy and they’re lucky that the guy held him down and got a delay of game yeah half would have ended

Yeah um but yeah if he I don’t know like if he doesn’t even if if he lets him up I don’t know if they get to the line and get a playoff I don’t think they do yeah um how much time was left um on that

Play let’s see here if I could find it real quick um they would had at least one shot um oh yeah sure maybe two yeah yeah so that that that scramble started with 18 seconds on the clock yeah they might had two might had a chance for two plays at least one yeah

At least definitely one yeah um my turn for a positive yes um I got confused there Brit cubby yeah he’s good I know he muffed the one yeah it happens that punt return to open the game was huge and it’s something they really needed at that point you know here you

Come you lost three straight games and just make that statement to open the game um he’s he’s so much better than last year he yes just his vision he’s seen things he’s seen the field really well he’s adjusted to the NFL yeah yeah to the speed of the game um yeah he’s

He’s got a shot at breaking the team record it’s 153 uh Westbrook and 20 years ago 2003 okay I think he’s at 151 he’s he’s arguably the best pwn returner in the league yeah and um I Heard Nick saying who votes you guys vote for the Pro Bowl

How does he not know that he votes for the Pro Bowl and players vote for the Pro Bowl and I get they they pretend that the fans do but they really I think that’s just like a marketing thing I don’t think fans votes really count I’m not going to get into that’s

My theory into your voter fraud conspiracy theories here I do vote for the all pro team and he’s definitely on my radar I mean so according to the NFL there like your conspiracy theory here it’s onethird players coaches and then uh yeah and fans you think they’re just

What do you think they’re just throwing these fan votes in the trash I I don’t think they count a third they might count 170th okay I just think that it’s the the coach and the player votes are what determines Pro but I have no way to it’s

Just a hun I like a conspiracy theory I like it good you ever see that Capricorn one man that’s that that they faked the moon landing that was good we should do a whole podcast on conspiracy theories we’ll save that for May yeah um so it’s

My turn with a negative is that correct I don’t know I Haven I I have no idea how this game works um you just I mean and you mention the the the fumble to open the the third quarter but just turnovers in general um and it’s not just Jaylen um they have

Gosh they have they they have more turnovers than any team in football over the last 10 weeks they have 18 turnovers in the last 10 games that’s almost two per game and you know they they just keep finding new ways to turn the ball over and you’re just not going to beat

Good teams if you turn the ball over twice a game I mean you look at the Jets game they lost they had four Seattle they had what three um San Francisco they didn’t have any Dallas they had oh Dallas they had three Seattle they had

Two um so that’s seven in the last three games I mean these are crazy numbers and you know they just and and it’s everybody I mean you know even like and they had four fumbles today so they really lucked out because I mean gain Wells went out of bounds

Um but it’s uh and you know even like that that funky snap from from Kelsey I mean that could have been a turnover really easily um the positive on that one was incredible how smooth Jaylen was just scooping it up he’s good at that well I’ll make that my positive because that

Was like a vintage Jaylen play and I think most most quarterbacks just pick it up and throw it out of bounds um and Grant calcatera of all people I mean he kind of ran like a scramble drill yeah I mean Jaylen probably doesn’t throw it to him if that’s the scripted play exactly

Yeah like the only way Grant can get the balls oh he caught two today but first two of the year I believe I think you’re right I think he had a couple last year but and know he showed some physicality at the end of the one down on the

Sideline that was kind of cool because he’s kind of thought of as a finesse guy um but just to keep that play alive and and think I’m make I’m turning this into a a play into a positive uh there’s not a lot of quarterbacks that can do that

That was really cool it’s amazing the pois he has that matters yeah a lot of quarterbacks just jump on that football and might not be the wrong play true but Jaylen I think at this point has proven that he can make those plays did it bounce up to him I can’t I don’t

Remember he just kind of like scooped it scooped up off the ground yeah could have been a disaster right there yeah all right uh let’s take a break and then we’ll continue this on the other side you deserve a car that Thrills you a car that puts Goosebumps on your

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Meatballs with sunde gravy prime steaks and more make reservations at Morano Prime on Open Table I will give you a negative and then a positive both on defense okay my negative Jaylen Carter made some rookie plays in this game yeah it happens yeah he kind of got bailed out twice yeah uh

But the first one man Nick serani was hot was he I mean he Jaylen just didn’t make it off the field he jogged off the field um he got called for defensive off sides but he was also the 12th man on on the field like I wonder how they decide

Which one to call him for yeah it was bad you know you you you got to you got to be situationally aware and he kind of just wasn’t at that moment he’s look he’s been so good this year right uh but that was definitely a rookie moment for

Him the positive on defense sha Leonard how about that he played pretty well he I’ll tell you what I watched that the tape of last week’s game I I was thinking this guy is completely cooked yeah I I think he excuse me he still might not be great in coverage if he has

The backpedal going forward yeah if he he can run downhill I I I saw something from him tonight that was good yeah yeah especially early on I thought he he helped set the tone uh on on defense uh had a couple tackles for loss he was really active

Seven tackles two tackles for loss a hurry um and a sack I guess the first sack by linebacker since Nick had three in that one game and you think about their linebackers I mean you start out with niobe and and Zack Cunningham Cunningham uh you know

And and now you you got Ben van sumerin who was on the practice squad when the season started and sha leard who’s with the Colts when the season started what’ you make a Nolan Smith playing off ball yeah that was interesting to see yeah I I think that’s something to keep him in

Mind he had that one big tackle yeah I think that was actually a play where he started on the edge but uh yeah I don’t know I I didn’t mind seeing him on the field a little bit more yeah and didn’t look like a liability either and I I’ll

Give you a negative and a positive that are kind of along those lines I mean that 70 yard that can happen yeah that I mean you know that you had so many chances to put this game away and I don’t know I I assume it was a blown

Coverage I assume re blanket ship wasn’t you know looked like Zone I didn’t really get a good look at it yeah I didn’t either um but but that just can’t happen and look they got a a lot of young guys out there and you know a lot

Of guys who really haven’t played much pro football um and there’s going to be mistakes and we understand that when you think about it I mean between van sumerin and Ringo and Ricks and um you know um um who am I forgetting uh Sydney Brown

Thank you a lot of help you are um you know and then and then the rookie interior um sorry I don’t know what you’re thinking that’s a lot of young guys even you know and you throw um you throw um Nolan Smith out there as well it’s a

Lot of young guys with very little experience sorry again uh yeah he’s supposed to help me out when my memory goes um and but that leads to the positive which is like those guys are going to make mistakes but man they run around and they’re active and um I really like

Key Ringo he gave up a big play um but I thought he played pretty pretty well in this game I did too and at the end of the game he’s got to know go to heck down yeah and again he’s he’s a he’s the youngest defensive starter in Eagles

History and these guys are all learning and um you know Sydney is gonna people are gonna try to provoke him into fights and he plays on the edge man he finally got one today and it’s GNA happen it’s gonna happen again and it’s you know he’s got to understand that he’s goingon

To hurt the team when he when he goes overboard like that and sure that’s that’s a that’s a teaching point for him but with all these guys they’re going to make mistakes but it’s just nice to have some young and I throw van sumerin in

There um I thought he held his own I thought he hung in there and look the Giants don’t have a ton of weapons um but um you know it’s Ringo’s second career start van sumer’s first career start van sumerin um you know heck it’s only read blanket ships what he started 13 17th

Start yeah he had the Green Dot today too which kind of told you they were going to rotated linebacker quite a bit and they did yeah yeah they did so just some you know not even for this year but just some help on the way we’ve talked a

Lot about just not a lot of young guys were playing and it’s good to see him getting some reps yeah um my turn yeah I’ll give you a negative negative gosh I I I will never figure this out and I don’t want to anymore I’m just GNA keep rolling

With having no idea what’s happening it’s really complicated a negative thing and then a positive thing and then it’s my turn really really tough well I called it a snake draft and that’s not really a snake no we’re not doing it that way okay uh a negative

H I think this is kind of a kind of a more General thing okay this is a sloppy team yeah and like I I think at a certain point that’s coaching it’s fair you know it’s like sloppy things just keep happening and if it happens once or twice you blame the individual player

But when it happens over and over and over again I think you have to look at coaching and I I I’ve been relatively unimpressed by this coaching staff all year I think that at times Johnson has been okay obviously sha Desa has been he was okay at certain points in the season

He’s not even the defensive coordinator anymore and ultimately it’s all on Nick and right now this is an undisciplined football team they’re turning the football over they’re getting way too many penalties they’re making stupid mistakes and that has to fall on him at some point yeah there’s no question about it

And I think sometimes we’re all too um quick to to blame the coordinators um it’s Nick’s team they’re his coordinators it’s his offense and it’s his new defensive coordinator I I couldn’t agree more yeah and I think that’s why they’re giving up all these big

Leads um I don’t know if they think they have games one I don’t know if they they’re like counter their eggs before they’re hatched they’re not good enough to do that they’re certainly not yeah uh a positive this is this is a a negative

Way to look at a positive but uh Les quz Watkins yeah in this game it needed to happen yeah and it was telling that I don’t know who I don’t this is something I actually don’t know I don’t know who gives the list to the announcer when they introduce the starters but they

Introduced four receivers as starters today really not quiz Watkins interesting they announced Devonte Smith AJ Brown Alam zakus and Julio Jones as their starting receivers interesting did not announce quz and then I I thought I I don’t have the numbers in front of me snap count

Wise but he played less did you did he play don’t know you’ll probably lead your uh snap count story with that if he doesn’t play yeah yeah or even played like four snaps yeah of course I mean this is the you know they they’ve talked all year all

Last two years about how much confidence they have in quz and words don’t mean a lot actions do and and they didn’t play him in this game yeah and it’s not because of what the Giants do defensively that doesn’t make any sense you play your best players and he’s not

One of them yep yeah that was that was ridiculous well that kind of leads into my negative which was penalties they had 10 last week and nine today and I mean 19 penalties in two games and I mean they’ve been one of the League’s most penalized teams all year it’s nothing

New um it’s I mean these are killer penalties I mean I mean they’re so lucky that Jaylen bailed him out with that 32 y to to AJ I mean after two penalties um I think K I feel like kelse has gotten more this year than rest of

His career combined feels that way a lot of o line penalties um and that kind of plays into what you’re were talking about with lack of discipline that’s what it is um yeah and it’s like I mean Lane melada Kelsey um Jaylen Carter I mean these are like important guys that you would

Expect to be better sure yeah um the positive I was gonna I was going to go with was um and by the way you mentioned cvy earlier I I lik the one that he jumped up and snagged as much as he was feeling a little bit he was I think he

Was yeah he was pretty fire at that point um and there I think their punters hurt I think I read that somewhere he certainly looked hurt he was he was like hitting 30 yard punts yeah well through two punts he had a net of three yards not great which which I liked

Um uh a positive I’m I’m running out of positives U you know I I’ll give you a positive um Devonte missed practice Thursday and Friday and was limited Saturday um AJ took a ferocious hit to the back late in the third quarter I believe I think it was just before the interception

I’m not sure um I think he missed one snap yeah um those guys are so tough and they both came back and made big plays after that and I mean this team has had so many bad wide receivers to have these two guys they both have great attitudes

They’re both winners they’re team first um AJ’s got you know he’s got a little diva in him but I think ultimately he’s a team guy okay um I think we’re just we’ve seen so much bad wide receiver play in this city going back to first round picks like

Kenny Jackson and Freddy Mitchell and rager I mean there’s been so many of them um that to have these two guys one they traded for one they drafted um it’s incredible I mean AJ’s got like what’s he got 105 catches two games left it’s a lot of catches mean there were years all

Devon went over a thousand again again uh did you ask him about that um he’s got um the third most yard by any Eagle in his first three yard three years behind Quick and Deshawn um but he could catch those guys the next two weeks Mye quick was uh honorary Captain today he

See Mike yeah got a nice Ovation when they showed him in the second quarter yeah Mike’s uh yeah Mike’s the best um and Devonte reminds me a little of Mike Mike was was bigger but just the way he just the way he he he battles for the football on the sideline especially

Makes those great sideline catches I’m just yeah I mean they’ve never had two two receivers like this at the same time like they had like quick played at the end of carmichel but Carmichael was kind of you know not the player he had been and Carmichael and Harold Jackson

Overlap but they car Carmichael wasn’t a great player yet um you know they just they’ve never had this it’s been more like oh rager or fulam you know so um we’re just so lucky to to be able to watch these guys every Sunday I’ll give

You a negative and then a positive I got it what do you got uh the positive is that I got the game now now well the negative here is the uh red zone offense you know Brian Johnson mentioned three things I needed to improve yeah uh one

Of them was explosive plays which they did in this game they had some explosives yeah uh two was taking care of the football not really they didn’t do that uh and three was being better in the red zone and and this was a game where they should have scored more points I know

They ended up with 33 but one of those touchdowns came on a short field thanks to Briton cvy right you know they were not good in the Red Zone today no and part of that was like the a previous negative was the the clock management I

Know that that’s like at the end of the half but I include that one in the Red Zone figures because they had an opportunity and they screwed it up sure um am I positive yeah I’ll give you Oz’s block oh yeah on the Devonte touchdown what a play from alamin Zas

Just pancake I think it was a Dory Jackson pancake it was a big play yeah I don’t know if I have any more negatives okay do you have any more positives well I didn’t want to mention Jake Elliott and just I mean the guy nails like you just I just write down

That he makes a field goal before he even kicks I just write in my book because I don’t remember the last time he missed a field goal he’s been great he’s incredible and he’s so clutched and he’s I mean his range is Limitless I you

Know I wanted to ask him last week like what was your range at the end Michael clay wouldn’t give it up yeah he was asked a couple times I like like to ask Jake I think he’ll think he’ll give it up but he’s he’s uh he’s just money I

Mean Acres was really good but he’s the best kicker in franchise history yeah he is and well Cameron Dicker never missed and he hasn’t missed since by the way he never did you see the uh the Chargers put out a like a promo video vote Cameron Dicker

To the to the Pro Bowl or a promo video yeah yeah it’s I didn’t see it good it’s worth checking out I like how um on the Chargers game Sunday they were like uh you know Dicker had an interesting career kicked one game last year for

Another team like that’s like me like I forget what team yeah you know he kicked for but he’s he’s never missed from inside 52 yards in his life Wow which is amazing but but yeah Jake is uh he’s just such a luxury he’s such a weapon um

It’s just something you never have to worry about no matter what the situation I mean he doesn’t feel pressure he’s he’s something else uh I’ll have one more positive for you the third and 20 was oh arguably the play of the game might have been jaylen’s best

Play this year it was a great play uh finally stepped up in the pocket instead of just fleeing it delivered a strike I mean that thing was burned in there third and 20 I mean that’s I I looked at you probably looked it up too under Nick

Serani they were 0411 on Third and 20 plus really um since he became the head coach when the last time they converted one um I did not have time to look that up what’s wrong with you I didn’t have time to even look at it but but that’s

The first one they’ve converted under Nick serani this has been a pretty good offense under him and you know what I liked about it like I think a lot of teams would in that situation would just run the ball up the middle and punt um I like the the aggressiveness there and I

Think there’s a time and a place to be aggressive we talked about that a lot this week um but the play was there and he wasn’t forcing it Jaylen wasn’t forcing it and um I I at that point I think that’s something they really needed because I feel like if they just

Ran Swift up the middle for five yards and punted nothing good was going to come out of that and then right after that play I think gainwell ran 22 yards was that the next play yeah so uh how loud were the run the ball chance through the TV through the TV how about

In the studio but no I didn’t I I I I had my volume off there were I mean so there were during that series the run the ball chance were extremely loud and it did make me chuckle because they were at one point facing a first and

20 then a second and 20 uh the run the ball chance did stop on Third and 20 uh look I I don’t want to spin our Wheels with this even more I think there are some opportunities for him to run the ball better uh I thought play calling in

General has been an issue at times with this offense I don’t think it it all comes down to just run the football but uh that’s part of it at times yeah no question and I mean they ran the ball 38 times in Seattle so like it’s like yeah

It’s not it’s not that simple um but if it’s working for you and it’s getting you yards and it’s moving the sticks and it’s running the clock I’m all four sticking with it um and I I just like the fact that they didn’t run the ball

Well in the first half I think the backs were nine for 26 in the first half and they were they were what 19 for 13 something in the second half but they stuck with it and he guess the Giants why wouldn’t you um they they’re they

Can’t stop the run and and uh all right so the last time they converted a third and 20 or longer was against the cards in 2020 at the end of the year um Hurtz 32 yards to quz Watkins and the one before that perect the one before that was earlier that year early

That year Carson 55 yards to Jaylen rager on a third and 22 before that Mark Sanchez 26 yards to Jordan Matthews on a third and 25 wow J Matt got you 26 Michael Vic ran 34 yards on a on a third and 20 but it it doesn’t happen a

Lot this is the fifth one uh since 2010 wow yeah Donovan completed three in in 2009 including a 44 yard to to Shawn I wonder what the longest one is they they they converted a third and 28 in in 96 Rodney 38 yard to doesn’t say anyway look that up Rodney’s the best

Quarterback in Eagles history what Rodney Pete 38 yards uh to Chris T Jones so it’s rare yeah um but I’d like to call uh yeah look you’re going to punt anyway and was perfect throw I mean he just he fired it yeah uh are we deal with this game sure

Please uh look we talked it we mentioned this kind of a weird game to talk about because they did win but because they won they are still in control of winning the nfcs they’re in control of their density is that a reference to something I think wasn’t that in um Back to the

Future you are my density you know um I don’t remember that all right Michael J Fox’s dad okay is like asking out his mom for the first time and he’s trying to encourage him to do it so he’s born makes sense and uh but his dad’s like really awkward and doesn’t want to

Do it he walks up to her like at the soda fountain and says you are my density good okay good film I like that your movie references stop in like 1984 no but you know what what’s that movie with u what’s that Christmas movie um elf yeah there was a

Guy right behind our our TV location I don’t know if you noticed him he was like dead ringer for oh yeah yeah well uh swoop had an an elf Co like the elf costume on and he just looked like the Oregon Duck interesting because it’s like

Yellow and green yeah from afar it look like the organ okay Hugh Douglas did the entire radio pregame show dressed as Santa Claus okay so there you go was a very Joy holiday uh Cowboys lost yeah again but like it doesn’t necessarily mean anything right it’s kind of a weird deal

Uh and then next week you have the Cowboys playing the Lions the fun thing about that is it’s it’s the day before the Eagles play so everyone will get to watch that game and Eagles fans have the root for the Cowboys right do yeah yeah you still have a chance to

Get that two seed yeah now you can also look at the positives either way if if the Lions beat the Cowboys then the Eagles can clinch the division with a loss or they can afford to they can clinch a division yeah with the card Yeah by beating the cards um

Yeah so if the Lions beat the Cowboys the Eagles beat the cards they clinch in division but the the better outcome is Eagles win out and the Lions lose yeah yeah then they would win they would not only win the division but they would get the two seed right and I think that’s

What you have to if you’re a fan you have to kind of I get that it’s tough though for I guess it’s I mean if you if you if you assume they’re gonna win their next two which I am I I still think they’re I think they are too I

Think if you’re the Eagles you hope it looks a little better than it did today well the like the last one like they’re gonna beat Arizona I think but like the last Giants game is the last day of the Season they’re going to be packed up their car you know they’re

Going to have their cars running they were feisty they were they were they were getting after a little bit yeah for that that first tush push yeah you know what that’s what happens when you give team team’s hope like if it’s TW say they were fisty even before they they

Had hope again 20 to three if you get that kickoff and just don’t bring it out of the end zone or just fair catch or whatever it is and you go down and score a touchdown it’s 273 they’re not fighting anymore they just kept giving them life yeah can’t do

It um if the Eagles win their next two no matter what Dallas does they win the division based on strength of Victory which is like the what fifth tiebreaker yeah um and then beyond that you know we’ll see yeah uh yeah I’ve had people ask me about the

49ers great that’s why I didn’t want to mention it because they’re playing right now yeah I mean they’re they’re losing right now as we record this but they would have to lose twice well they have the Rams last day of the it’s not crazy it’s not Ron Rivera might have a little

Something something for yeah you think so I think so all right they played pretty hard in the second half win one for Riverboat going away um stranger things have happened man I’ll never forget that last day of the 2008 season yeah like I think three things had to happen just for the Eagles

Cowboys game to mean something and then when it did it was like everyone knew what was going on 44 to six yeah yeah who are the two guys who had long returns in that game like over 70 yards do you remember no I don’t joselio Hansen and Chris Clemens Chris Clemens

Wow yeah okay there you go anything else but I don’t know where I parked my car but I do remember that uh I thought about something during this game they were playing like sometimes they were playing Christmas music sometimes they were playing like their regular playlist

At the stadium uh they played the the Philly specials version of uh Santa Claus has coming to town oh before an offensive drive and I was thinking about how weird they had to be for Jason Kelce and Lane Johnson and Jordan Milada as they’re getting ready

To and the it wasn’t a locker room where I could really ask this yeah but it had to be a weird Moment Like lining up in the like you’re in the Huddle and you hear yourself singing I wonder if they even noticed I think you have to notice yeah

Maybe I I was telling Mada that I I was I don’t know where I was I heard a Christmas song I was like oh this is good I shazamed it it was like Jordan mada’s face comes on my phone and I showed it to him and he’s like oh the

First time I’ve been Shazam mate well he had a couple exp expletives in there but yeah was at the White House this week you see that no um he he went to sing I don’t know the full story but he was at the White House scene interesting

Yeah wow um do you have a favorite Christmas song or or two or um yeah I I kind of fluctuate back and forth I like uh I like Merry Christmas Baby by Otis ring okay I like that one um like as far as like old songs I like

Um um uh what is it I forget the exact title we We Saw Three Ships Come selling is that the full title I don’t know the actual title I it might be three ships but I like that song okay how about you I go more I go um fairy tale in New York

To me is the all-time best they uh they did play the uh the Kelsey version yeah in this game which which is fine but actually somebody sent me I I had a tweet once I said that song should never be covered ever I I said like 12 years

Ago I saw the poges play at Electric Factory co-written by Shane McGowan who just died and jeem finer of the poges um The Kinks Christmas song Father Christmas I love um I saw the third performance of that at the Westchester Premier Theater in ttwn New York

1978 uh was not yet covering the Eagles so no jokes are necessary and uh yeah those are probably my two favorite I like the Billy Squire Christmas song I think that’s pretty good my favorite like Christmas album I love the uh oh and the Beach Boys song too you know

Little St Nick little St Nick yeah alth I like all the Beach Boys Christmas yeah they have a album they have a whole album um I I I like Charlie Brown Christmas that album okay that’s like a tradition in my my with my parents interesting like that that was like what

We would play like as we’re getting ready to open up presents okay yeah interesting yeah that’s it yeah should we wrap this up I think it’s probably a great idea yeah unless you have another positive and negative no let’s I don’t I don’t know how to play that game uh and

We’re at 50 minutes on Christmas night so we should probably go ahead and wrap this up we won’t have a Tuesday pod for you guys this week we’ll jump back into it on on Thursday want to remind everyone to please rate and subscribe wherever you get your pods if you’re

Watching on YouTube please click that like button subscribe there as well got a few good uh five star reviews that just came through we appreciate that uh one from yoyo yo 198 um and then this one is from friends with pods we appreciate you guys two five star revews

So we read them we appreciate them we love you guys Merry Christmas everyone any final word no just happy holidays be safe and Brock py just do his fourth interception I know we’re not supposed to talk about the game in the middle of the game but whatever happens that’s a

Lot of interceptions for he might be he might be handing that mvp over to Lamar or Jaylen or Dak or some not Dak I don’t know who the MVP is it’s Christian mcaffrey could be could be all right take care everyone we’ll talk to you soon

On the latest Eagle Eye podcast, Reuben Frank and Dave Zangaro break down the Eagles’ 33-25 win over the Giants on Christmas Day.

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  1. don't overlook the voodoo cardinals. every time the cards have a losing record, they beat us when the eagles are expected to win.

  2. George McFly said “you are my density” because he was reading from a notepad. Density looks like Destiny when you’re painfully awkward and nervous. Lol

  3. Dave is such a sensitive little bitch. This guys one of the biggest pussies I’ve ever heard speak

  4. Eagles fans need a massive wake up call and a very healthy dose of perspective and reality. The Eagles are 31-8 in their last 39 regular season games under Sirianni. That’s an 80% win percentage. Fans and pundits need to stop with this narrative of the Eagles not playing “complete games” in their wins. With all due respect, Eagles fans and pundits are increasingly coming across as entitled to winning and expecting flawless games. Anything less than flawless performances are now being looked down on with disdain. Give me a break. There is no such thing as an easy win in the NFL. Fans and pundits getting incredibly particular about how we win games is getting really old, really fast. Remember how we beat the Giants early on in 2017 in our Super Bowl winning year? Oh yeah, with a last second 61 yard Elliot field goal. Remember the ugly performances under Foles to end the 2017 regular season before winning the Super Bowl? Wake up people. Expecting “complete games” each week and constantly deriding how we win is beyond tedious.

  5. Let's drop the expectation narrative. This is a different team fro last year. They have some of the same guys except it is different. The schedule is much harder and some of the quirks in the schedule put the Eagles at a disadvantage. The why aren't they as good as last year, listen to the Fox broadcasters constantly comparing. The narrative should be a very resilient, scrappy and talented team marked by every team on their schedule as a must win banks a bye and eleven wins. Come on now. Last year was last year. Need I mention the injuries and the rarity of teams going to the Super Bowl on a previous year not have a good season. Stop the exception narrative it souring the season. Go Eagles!

  6. One positive I have is motion. I saw Smith moving behind the line so many times today, and that gives me some confidence that the staff is listening and adjusting.

  7. Is anyone else getting Deja vu? I'm seeing a AJ/Hurts starting an owens/ mcnabb path. It's very erie similar. AJ over there starting internet wars with fans? I mean cmon….I REALLY don't want this to play out like that. I freaking love AJ Brown. But he's already gotten on Hurts twice this year during a game so u can only imagine what he's saying out of the game. This is getting me very nervous

  8. I wouldn’t mind if they changed coordinators at the end of year. Nick has to do some soul searching. His offense sucks, be the HC and hire some established ppl.

  9. Bad side about this win the eagles look like sh*t, the upside is everyone in philly still believes this team can win the SB not the fantasy year we had last year but a break it or make it season for this team if they really want this show it if not changes will be made. Go Birds

  10. Two huge mistakes 15 points off the kick return fumble and Dallas goedert slip. They did alot of good things on offense! Spread the ball hurts was way better! But please STOP RUNNING WR SCREENS! Eagles suck at executing that play. It's going to get someone killed, or int. Brown isn't happy. I think brown is sick of that play and the routes he's told to run. I liked alot I saw on offense. Our defensive line is doing nothing though. That to me is shocking . Reddick is the only player playing consistently. Josh sweat is doing nothing out there. Eagles need talent next year at LBer. Dean isn't the answer, he is to small and weak. He won't survive a 17 game season. The special teams again great. Elliott money, Covey is amazing, Mann keeps punting awesome. Love how the special team unit is out best unit. At least I saw good things on offense. They need to clean up the turnovers and penalties big time. STOP RUNNING WR SCREENS. Practice RB and TE screens and hot routes. They got zero answer to a zero blitz. No hot routes. It's a joke . But at least I saw improvement. Yes it was vs giants. 11-4 keep improving. 49ers lost. If they can win last two they got a shot at 1 and 2 seed.

  11. Team quit on Nick. Too much talent to look this bad. He should be on the hot seat for letting dennard Wilson walk and hiring Desai. Whole defense wanted dennard. Nick is a clown all the flipping off in the SB , cursing at fans stuff is prolly annoying to the players. He’s not the one on the field. He would be a elite HS coach

  12. Anything can happen in the playoffs ! Don't give up on the players on this team. We have some great leaders and players on this team. They got to stop listening to everything out there. They need to just keep playing hard and focus on improving. They need positive mo-jo. There is way to much negative attitudes on the field and off the field. AJ brown isn't being a leader in my opinion. This isn't how u be a leader. Keep it behind closed doors. If u arent happy go to the head coach, QB and WR room. Work together with nick, Brian and hurts. It's frustrating as a fan watching brown mood and body language. U are playing amazing sport football and being paid a ton of money. I'm sorry but thats awesome life. I love playing sports. Have fun. Brown needs to get his head out of his ass

  13. Blankenship got caught looking back at QB not running full speed, he let WR Slayton get behind him. If he just started running earlier could had been knocked down or picked off by Reed. It was a big mistake by Reed.

  14. One the negative, I don't think you guys will do this again. On the positive, it was hysterical watching you guys fumble around trying to make this work.

  15. Idk y we upset about this win the offense did aight besides the one turnover defense played better then they did on a long time we mad cuz the other team made plays they r gonna make plays the fumble on the kick off was a big turn of events but how many times that happen this year. We need to chill we played fine we haven’t blown out anyone all year idk y we expect it now


  17. Hugh Douglas said this was gonna be a close game. If you obviously take away Olamide getting blocked into Boston, and Dallas slipping it’s not a game. That on top of the Giants going to Tyrod Taylor is what switched the momentum.

  18. A word to all the Iggs fans crying about how horrible this 11-4 team is, and how incompetent the coaches are on this 11-4 team: you are as tedious as Cowboys fans.

    Your team is in the playoffs. They have a legitimate shot at getting to the Super Bowl. They play with honor. They respect us as fans. Grow up and enjoy what we have, because it doesn't get much better than this.

    I grew up in the 60s and 70s, during which time we went for years at a time without a winning season. In the 80s and 90s we had thugs like Buddy Ryan and clowns like Randall 'I-Don't-Study-The-Playbook' Cunningham, who we all knew were never going to win us anything meaningful. If you had been there, you'd appreciate what we have now. You have a winning team, with respectable players on it, who care about you as fans. Shut up. You are embarrassing yourselves.

  19. 11:28 guys, you can’t harp on that special teams blunder. Special teams has been the one constant this entire season. They have played very well. They will learn from that and move on, unlike the offense and defense.

  20. They seem completely lost against the blitz. Not sure if its lack of a gameplan for it, or Jalen just always trying to use his legs to defeat it instead of his arm.

  21. You two should do a “best of” Eagle Eye podcast for the ad lib exchanges between you, like rules of the game, often v offen , etc.

  22. Looking forward, questions for Dave & Reub (Mr. Zangaro & Mr. Frank 😏).
    1. What players do the Eagles hold out next week against the Cardinals (due to being banged up or otherwise)?
    2. Eagles D by the #'s have regressed significantly compared to last season. What has been the most significant factor contributing towards this (change of players, change of coordinator, tougher schedule this season or injuries)?
    3. Cards. seemed to be destine (from the get go..) to tank this year (Zach Ertz exodus was just one example). Gannon was much maligned last year for his vanilla D (but put up some rather fantastic #'s). Question is, is he a good coordinator or head coach?
    4. How did the Cards. beat Dallas (& yes I watched that entire game..)?
    PS – Sorry X (❌ Twitter..) not for this guy, # of character restriction too much for this me.. 😁

  23. Here’s the real upshot that Dave and Reub are ignoring: that was the best half of football the eagles have played all year. Last week it was only one drive. The two weeks before that, none. We have two more games to hit the playoffs at a full sprint with Slay and Maddox back, and Slay was our best corner while playing hobbled. One complete game and this team can beat anyone!

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