@Los Angeles Clippers

Jayson Tatum Reacts To The Celtics 145-108 Win Over The Clippers. HoopJab NBA

Jayson Tatum Reacts To The Celtics 145-108 Win Over The Clippers. HoopJab NBA

Last couple days the ankle and seemed like you definitely had some pet in your step early seemed like um I mean was swollen over the last couple days but you know a lot of ice lot of treatment so went down started feeling a lot better not quite as good

As the right one but felt well enough to go out there and play and uh you know I’ve been off for days so um you know I I don’t like missing games so I was excited to uh get back out there with the team and play today Joe has

Mentioned a couple times to us recently about your open mind and this is the where he uses to understand every night it’s going to be different maybe they don’t need you to score as much other things how do you like as the game unfolding kind of take

That in and and decide what the game needs from you uh I just got you know do a good job job of reading the game as it goes um you know seeing different coverages on different nights uh you know and a lot of times you know if I’m

A ball handler and they’re blitzing or or doubling trapping the ball screen you know maybe that night I just need to continue um bringing the ball up so you know when they double I throw it over the top and keep creating advantages and you know sometimes that might not always

End up in me scoring 30 but that’s give us the best chance to win that night and uh you know got to be willing to accept that you know that’s what you have to do that night isn’t it still pretty early um what has impressed you most about

Playing alongside Drew and how much just having him on the roster just change things for you guys heading forward to your ultimate goal yeah uh he just gives us another weapon he’s just so Dynamic um you know it’s another guy out there that can you know dribble shoot and pass

The ball right and uh great for himself and teammates he can shoot the ball um and on defense right one the best defenders in the league and he has has been for a long time um you know guard the best player guard the biggest player can guard the worst player and

Roam around and you know help everybody else out um so you know he just does it all he also an example of success looks different every night that it doesn’t always have to be about him yeah uh another guy that right you know he average 20 points a game you

Know last year when he was in games uh you know second scoring option and now um you know I’m don’t know exactly but I’m sure he scoring is down and uh another guy is just sacrificing to be on a really good team and try to accomplish something special usually in the first

Quarter you’re hitting the bench and jaylen’s running the second initially but that switch tonight and then you kind of started going off offensively you had like that big layup we hanging in the air got the big dunk on Ty what did you want to do in that moment to get

Yourself going establish the force in the game yeah I think it was just because JB got the quick two fouls so Joe kind of switch up in that moment um you I just found some opportunities to be aggressive and and got some plays that uh kind of just got me going you’re

Playing on a bad ankle you keep getting fouled on the landing what were you thinking when you went down this is some but you know it was taped up well and it was just a small tweak so um yeah I was able to keep playing it you

Know uh felt fine Jason there’s been a lot of discussion about the number threes this team takes the number threes you take over the course of the Season you guys are slightly over 50% the last two games on three-pointers incredible like what’s what’s the sort of General philosophy on

The team and your philosophy no matter what the outside noise is yeah I think we just played our shrimps um you know nine times out of 10 everybody on the floor and space the floor and shoot and um you know no matter if we’re shooting

50% or 20% um we always want to create the advantage and find the open man um and I think that’s what makes us so Dynamic that everybody space the floor so it’s hard to guard us oneon-one and you know help we always got Shooters around and it’s all about taking the

Right shots play 82 games you know some nights we going to be very hot some nights you just miss shots uh but you know if you taking the right shots we we always last question Jason talk about the uh the drop dribble dunk that you had um

You you read the game really well I feel like when you’re young you always get told like players trying to get out of that corner and you really good at playing in the corner and you know having patience and then making reads out of there cuz you know a lot of times

A lot of players when when they’re young they want to get the ball out of the corner you know you make reads to get to the drop too as well so yep just talking about that yeah yeah I mean just basically the corner um I just wanted to

Make a quick decisive move knowing that they was probably GNA send somebody over to come double um you know I drove Baseline he jumped early and I just took a spin Mo seen my old teammate Tyson the rest was Dist let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Boston Celtics All Star Forward Jayson Tatum speaks to the media following the Celtics 145-108 win over the Los Angeles Clippers. Tatum finished the game with 30 points, 5 rebounds, & 2 assists.

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