@Detroit Pistons

Reacting to Tom Gores message to Detroit Pistons fans

Reacting to Tom Gores message to Detroit Pistons fans

Um so I took about four quotes out of this athletic article if you’re not subscribed to the athletic we’re going to put some of these quotes on the screen and we’re going to react to each one of them so this first quote is a question from one of the

Reporters and he said when you talked with the front office and coaching staff before the season what were the expectations everyone had for this group this is what Tom Gores had to say wanted to be competing every day a chance for the playin playoffs we wanted our

Players to grow that would have been success for us that’s what we discussed we knew we had a lot of growing to do those were the expectations to compete grow and be near the playoffs that’s how you grow the most make no mistake about it that was the expectation bro like the

First time I read this uh piece from James Edwards of the athletic I was mad but the more I read the article like all the quotes I started laughing I just started laughing I was like I had no idea that their expectations was to make the playoffs

Because our own GM says you know hey like we want to play meaningful games down the stretch he never said playoffs that’s news to me I’m sure it’s news to a lot of people watching too yeah I thought it was just the fans that the expectations of making the

Playoffs because and that’s kind of weird too because it seems like Troy Weaver and Tom Gores and probably you can even probably throw Monty Williams in there they’re all on different pages they all have different expectations for this season but Tom gors thought we were going to the playoffs and it makes me

Laugh too because I just I imagine them all sitting at like a big round table like sitting in some office like at the at LCA and they’re like good enough good enough this roster is complete and ready to compete and that was probably just the M of the end whole offseason

Complete and ready to compete and it just dude it just cracks me up thinking about it because like I how did he look at this team and just say you know what that’s good enough let’s just let’s roll with it guys Troy you did a good job and

Then Troy’s like whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn’t do enough you know like I you wouldn’t let me do enough you want playoffs I’m saying we’re gonna have to take it easy and we got abs none of these guys were on none of these guys

Were right for this year I want to give a shout out to uh my guy EAS who works at Woodward and has his own sh Woodward heavyweight shout out to those guys so he had actually clipped a reporter asking um like what are the expectations and like Troy like froze up with like

And he looked at Tom and then Tom like looked at him like you want to answer he like no you can answer and then like Tom Gores answers and I was just like dude that’s such a bad luck when your GM can’t even answer a question uh because the question is a

Tough question and the owner has to answer it like when I saw that because I I remember like watching that press conference but I forgot that moment I was like wow he can’t even answer just a like no we don’t think we’re ready for the playoffs yet we obviously that’s the

Goal we want to you know get to that point but we don’t think we’re there yet you have to have your owner speak for you that to me like that was just such a red flag I mean you kind of gotta think that kind of sucks for Troy though in a in an

Aspect as as well like he maybe he did want to answer the question but he’s like dude Tom is gonna hate the answer that I give because I was not expecting playoffs so I’m just gonna let him take the mic and answer this question but I do attend to agree

With you that is a bad look for Troy Weber for sure we got more quotes though you guys not going to disappoint you we got another quote uh from the same article from the athletic now this question was about are you going to make any changes to the front office or the

Coaching staff and this is what Tom gor had to say he said I think the thing that probably can’t be seen right now is that we cleaned a lot of stuff up where with our player contract in the last two years one thing that has been on my mind and I think it’s

Important for fans to hear and actually and I actually talked with the players about this the other day within all of their losses that we still have a very good future number one we have an amazing set of young players who are High character and high Talent this set

This set of players and I know them individually I saw them the other day we are in a great spot with our young t talent I think seven or eight players are under 22 they’re young number two we have set ourselves up in a way that the

Contracts are flexible you guys know we had all these contracts that really handicapped us for a certain vision and we couldn’t be nimble we are also set up with a lot of cap space and you guys know I’m willing to do whatever it takes for this organization to be flexible H what do

You know cap flexibility again ah GNA shoot me in the foot um I’ll let you go for this one man because I when I was reading this I just started laughing I was like you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me that quote seems like he’s like he’s still back in like

2021 you know where he talks about like yeah we didn’t have cap flexibility we had those contracts that were hand dude that’s like two that was two seasons ago we haven’t had contracts like that in a while I mean unless I’m mistaken so I mean what are

When when did Blake come off the books yeah like like three years ago so I mean what are we even talking about when we’re for two seasons now they’ve had plenty of space to do things into build a winning team and I mean I didn’t expect him just to like fire someone

Right on the spot but that would have been hilarious if he was just on you know just at that press conference he’s like he looks at Troy he’s like by the way dude you’re gone like you’re fired and he like oh okay I thought we still friends or something but anyways it’s

Just I like how he just deflects and deflects and deflects and then just tries to like yeah but look at all these other things we got yeah we’re not winning but we got young players they’re cool guys I I just I just I just saw them the other day they were playing

Basketball they look pretty good I know we haven’t won but like they’re good guys you know it’s just it’s so stupid dude it’s such a weak it’s a pretty weak quote from an owner in my opinion yeah so he deflected the question he didn’t answer the question and I found it funny

Um the fact that he’s like yeah we have eight or nine guys that are under the age of 22 I was like yeah that’s kind of part of the problem yeah it’s the it’s a big problem like you can have young talent but you don’t really have any

Veterans that are helping you win or helping these players get better um I I I laughed at that 100% cuz he he mentioned cap flexibility again and you know every time I hear that I just scream because they’ve had it for a couple of years they have and I don’t

Know what yeah he’s he’s living in a time machine or something I don’t know shout out to crispy PL if you haven’t seen his Tom gor’s video go watch it you guys will laugh thing that that video deserves a Emmy I was crying um now this is another quote for him

From this article basically they asked him what’s the longterm plan and he Saidi think it has to be in the near future we have to we have to have urgency it’s not going well I’m apologizing to the fans it’s not going well it’s our job to create urgency around it I don’t think

There’s a timeline other than soon as possible we have to figure out how to write this ship the ship is not sinking brother it’s a Titanic but we have to write this [ __ ] something something’s not exactly right we we have to be honest enough with ourself and not be

Stuck in a strategy the worst leaders don’t know how to adjust we have to navigate and adjust whatever strategy we had isn’t quite working we’ve had a a lot of bad luck tough schedule injuries young Team No Excuses with without all that bad luck maybe we have

Five uh more five more wins who knows but we’re not set up right now to be a championship team we need our young crew to grow um what the [ __ ] it’s not sinking bro it’s not your ship hasn’t sinked bro they they torpedoed you like the ship has sank

Like how can you say that you’re in a 26g game losing streak now and you think that the ship hasn’t sank it’s at the bottom of the ocean right now and kad’s above water on a life Jack he’s the only one that’s probably above water keeping

Trying to keep you above water um the strategy is not working what was the strategy I’d love to know yeah they didn’t give us any of that and then I like I says there’s no excuses after listing excuses and then again focuses way too much on the young guys like I

Don’t I don’t get it it’s so it’s bad I agree with you when when does the ship sink I mean is it taking on water is half of it up the other half underwater I don’t know are people jumping off because that’s what it seems like but

Hey dude he’s the owner of the team and you know this is the message he’s giving us how how how how do you say the ship hasn’t sank yet like what what to him is was it 50 losses in a row maybe it sank like what’s the Tipping Point with him

What’s the number like it’s I don’t get it it’s when the arena is empty and you can hear the players on the court that’s a sinking ship apparently man like when I I just really hyperfocus on the ship not sinking and then he mentioned he’s like no excuses

With anything and then he mentions a tough schedule injuries and bad luck I was like okay you you said no excuses what the [ __ ] is it which the [ __ ] is it dude like come on make up your mind oh so there’s about one more quote and man this this this one is probably

The best it is it’s about him hearing fans saying sell the team this by far is the best quote in my opinion he says they can say what they want but that’s ridiculous other than winning and we should win more games we do a lot in the community players the

Organization we do a lot in the community if you put aside winning we’ve made we’ve made a be a very big difference in the community that means a lot to me I understand that’s only going to mean a lot to people if we win but the underwork of what’s happening with

Our community over all these years is there we’re doing doing a multi-billion dollar things outside of basketball I understand fans are upset but it’s a ridiculous thought okay for one thing I’m not going to be disrespectful in terms of him building basketball courts around the city you know giving money to

Underprivileged kids I think that’s great but I think fans are entitled to say what they want if they consume the product um it’s a ridiculous thing to say like since you purchased a team this team has made the playoffs twice and they’ve gotten swept um this once great organization that wasn’t a laughing

Stock people took seriously we’re so far removed from the going to work 2004 Detroit Pistons that we’re the laughing stock of the NBA right now ESPN makes a post every day from Pistons fans just drowning in this 26 game laws everything he’s done off the court you know investing into the city you

Know I’m not going to be disrespectful about it but I think if you had that same type of energy of making your basketball team better fans wouldn’t be on your ass I’m with you the community stuff is great but also it’s that’s not the job of the Pistons organization their sole

Purpose for existing is to win basketball games like the community stuff is great and I can’t believe I’m about to say this but like the basketball team is your number one priority like it doesn’t the that other stuff is it’s great but it doesn’t matter as much

When you’re so reason for existing is to win basketball games so I don’t I don’t get it there was someone on Twitter it made me laugh what he said he said people wouldn’t care if the Pistons were selling drugs as long as you’re winning basketball team shout out to kingy man

He’s funny as hell I saw that earlier bro I was dying and he’s right like I mean not I’m not gonna get into any like politics or anything like that but like we have set up to help help the community and I don’t even know all the things the

Pistons have done in the community because like I’m so invested in them winning and that is the thing I care about most when it comes to the Pistons cool that you’re winning off the court but have the same energy on the court yeah like it I I like that he’s

Investing in the city of Detroit and he he does charity events every year this time of year um he’s built tons of basketball courts around the city of Detroit that’s great in all but like when fans were chanting sell the team I don’t really that’s kind of just been the

Chatter over the last month and a half of this like he he bought it for 300 million the team I think is evaluated right now like at 1.4 1.5 billion that remark basically told me I’m not going anywhere I’m not selling this team yeah and like if that’s the

Case you’re not selling this team put that same energy off the court that you put on the court you know invest into the Detroit Pistons invest into making this team better invest into surrounding your you know franchise player and Kate Cunningham with real talent you say you want to see this team

Win you say you you’ve said for years I’ll go over the luxury tax if it makes sense like actually invest into your basketball team like Matt ishbia is doing right now with the Phoenix Suns like actually go for it like if it if he fails that’s fine at least he went for

It at least he had a vision like that that’s the type of thing that I think Pistons fans want obviously we don’t have the like the players that the Suns had or anything like that but I think that’s the only thing that piss like if you actually try and you show respect

And you’re willing to put in the work to make the product better like Pistons fans like dude they are the most loyal fans that you’ll ever meet and they’re chill they’re respectful for the most part I mean some of you guys are send me some really crazy [ __ ] on social media

But I do love you guys for that but overall like just the Pistons Community they’re supportive of each other they want this basketball team to be good you’re 15th in attendance and you’re the worst team in the league like if you actually invest into the product making the product better fans aren’t

Going to be chanting sell the team [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Not

On The Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony and Lance reacted to The Athletic article of Tom Gores addressing the media about the Pistons being 2-27 through the first 29 games of the season.

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  1. Of course no direct answer will be given he's a businessman they never give straight answers but besides that when he bought the team he made it seem like he'd be courtside and involved and this was a total lie he and his goons have legally stolen our beloved franchise and stay hidden in L.A my wish is for him to sell this team A.S.A.P and please people stop going to these games you are not helping.

  2. If gores could put down the jack daniels, and stop snorting lines he would see that his franchise is at an all time low. WTH is going on at Lca 🤦🏽‍♂️

  3. Nothing will ever change so long as Gores owns our team. Winning isn’t even a priority with this clown. His “work in the community” takes precedence. His quotes regarding the state of the franchise literally prove as much.

  4. Cunningham, Ivey, and Bogdononic are among the worst rated defenders in the NBA according to statistics. Get guys that play some defense.

  5. Bill Davidson is rolling around In his grave right now !! May God rest his soul he really cared about the Detroit Pistons .

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