@Portland Trail Blazers

Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Dec 23 | 2023 NBA Regular

Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Dec 23 | 2023 NBA Regular

He said not 30% off yeah did you see the look going on here see the look on his face he had that look like there is no Santa Claus what’s going on kaminga Begins the second quarter came up short on that drive he’s got the right mindset though getting downhill try to get

Something at the basket do damage inside ding charge with clay psky and Chris Paul Jeremy Grant th M scoot Henderson with do op and Javari Walker for Portland Chris Paul knocked it away py got on the deck you have a taste of their own medicine Force some turnovers of your

Own Portland’s defense has been excellent they forced the nine turnovers they’ve harassed Warriors into two of nine three-point shooting not a lot of warrior offensive Rhythm so far play tosic could change that but off back iron and kaminga the offensive rebound what he’s have six offensive rebounds

And just not capitalizing as much until now I love that psky used the glass that was going to be blocked by Walker and he said no I’m not going to dunk it I’m going to put it off window but starting the quarter doing damage inside you’re

Only two for 10 from outside if you get inside you’ll get what you want he’s doing there he he sold out to contest that one and just took off it couldn’t get it to him though you have the raw turnover numbers there some that are

Good some that are not so good when you see 16 points a game and great three-point shooting and amazing from the field and drops in both free throws he’s just doing so many good things he’s so under control he’s not rush rogon he’s strong he’s like Andre Miller

Strong when you think a point guard and then he backed him up and then hit the jumper I think we both compared him to Andre a while Back cycl to bky off the hands of sh he got it back shot clock at 10 playay trying to return the favor to Dario and the Blazers man they have their hands at all the passing Lanes scoot Henderson running with Jeremy Grant one thing about the two close wins

Portland knows they can play with the Warriors iBall Corner three and the rebound to pky and Dario did well you got a technical foul here oh they’re saying kaminga flopped oh man he I thought he got cracked by gu reef and the official is saying no and

Josh ens saying I got a flopping thing and the reason they wait for kind of a stoppage or change of possession to enfor it I I don’t know about this one there’s the hit and then there’s I mean he sold it he did a little more than he needed to there but

Remember the new flopping thing is secondary yeah the second and kind of accentuated or exaggerated but I’ve seen a lot worse than that yeah like the hit is there he he got cracked pretty good caught him off guard interesting they’re really wow they’re really cracking down on that now

Oh no he’s turned around okay almost turned that one over I love the play bypl oh no six-point deficit see now clay that that was a good job there in in the early part of the Season clay would have taken that tough fadeaway right instead his shot selection’s been great over a long

Stretch and they get Dario and they get the foul on the post up but just a when when Clay’s kind of the barometer on how the offense can be efficient he’s gotten so much better with that he’s not pressing Let The Game come to you you’re

Going to get some good looks like you said they got rewarded Dario doing the right thing anytime he has a small Defender he’s trying to bury him inside put them in the basket clay had 20 last night he’s had a great stretch really the last 13

Games shot clock at three he’s got to make something out of nothing and he lasers in the foul on jumper he took his time do off switched on to him he’s like okay it’s my time to shine handle he used it now Portland had been up 11 and

The Warriors are walking him down right now knocking it away coming up with a steel [Applause] dominga for the runway to lay it up for and Dr a I love that so much this is what I’m talking about with the audacity like forget about everything else I like

My matchup I got this ball under control my handle is tight little hesitation there just a strong move the floor was spread and he felt like there’s a seam he could get to that’s seeing the picture right that’s what you’re talking about he took his time there he wasn’t

Rushed made his move it was perfectly done I think he said oh you were with the g- leag ignite I was with the g- leag ignite but you and kaminga completing the three-point play and it’s a 13-3 Warrior Run that’s what their trash talk consists of just who’s the better g-league night player

Exactly Jeremy grants attacking clay made that a tough shot and Klay getting the rebound Warriors have all kinds of momentum here started with the defense and they’re getting shots up and not turning it over I spoke too soon knocked away psky with the show and go flip it

Up and in and the lead this is how you come back Warriors set up their board and they really don’t care what other teams think they they they draft where they value guys trust yourself that’s what they do Anthony Simons missing there to MinGa he has been something else the

Last couple minutes of this game rebounding enthusiastically and they’re doing it with Steph sitting Char inside wanted a little contact didn’t get it good play by Brogden helping out from behind how we get eighton going five to a wide open Jeremy Grant and he is not missing

Those it’s over 51% on open threes for Grant this year he really has been amazing that’s good ball movement the problem started when you had a small defender on eighton in there you had to collaps the three guys had to focus on eight and they got the ball moving

Around found an open man the Warriors have the right idea offensively just handled this pressure if you have to throw it over the top the frontting defender there’s clay Klay had a good look he would want that one better back but now you’re back in the gameon around and

Out Chris Paul they were teammates in Phoenix and Chris will say hey we’ll take that thank couldn’t quite guide that layup home Steph checks back in that kept happening small Defenders kept ending up on Aon as aon’s running the floor but Curry this time the Warriors

Live to see another day as step comes back in for Chris Paul Looney back in with him balance scoring there is not a double figure score for either team in this game so far you’re much better so far on the turnovers youve only turned it over one

Time this quarter you got plenty of minutes to go here in this quarter but matis styel his whole job is to stop Steph Curry two men jump at him deflected but Looney saves the day I see phips is doing that Mike Brown defense multiple guys on step and so you

Get a four on three and you with Moody they’re over playing they’re bringing the pressure the back doors are there the drives are there cuz Defenders are too close a lot of times want Jeremy Grant on Curry kaminga came to help and bother him and took it away with a jump ball Ah

That’s bully ball that’s precision too to just snatch the ball without getting any hand her arm you see Looney right there just tell JK great awareness Steph Steph is in trouble gr forward but coming at the right time though he didn’t go right away he waited

A split second and I think he caught Jeremy Grant off guard now you’re trying to go here if you can you win depends on how the ball’s thrown sometimes too Freddy Simons shot clock at three and oh py and pulled the nadala perfect strip oh oh Brandon was looking

For a trailer and blocks like this but down motion upward shooting motion that’s what it is that’s what it is you got to come to terms with it telling you I want to consult with the uh rebounder in the sky my man Bill Russell if that’s

A block shot he’d be saying you know what by definition it’s a block like they changed the interpretation a couple years ago to make him more consistent that’s an offensive foul by the way yeah double team so everybody else has to be aware defensively be ready to rotate

Moody is there Moody psky that guys drawing charges the last couple weeks been great yeah your defensive numbers are going to continue to rise if you keep working like that paying attention to details defensively how can they get step unlocked a little bit or start hitting some threesy little mid-range pretty

Confident play right there and Looney rolling to the back

Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Dec 23 | 2023 NBA Regular


  1. why are these highlights not showing the full quarters? It is weird to cut the highlights off with more than five minutes remaining 🤥

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