@Oklahoma City Thunder

Kenrich Williams Shootaround Media Availability | December 26, 2023 | OKC Thunder

Kenrich Williams Shootaround Media Availability | December 26, 2023 | OKC Thunder

How was one-onone today it was great it was great I got to win today I won today it was light today so yeah it’s one one0 one for for me right now okay keep that in mind are you feeling a difference with these you know one-on ones this

Year compared to compared to last year with Trey uh yeah yeah last year was uh we had some more people uh in our kind of one-on-one sessions but this year it’s kind of turned personal a little bit so nobody nobody else is allowed to get in

While we playing so uh yeah it’s become personal everyone respects that like these two got to get after it for sure definitely yeah yeah when we tell them to just chill out and watch on the sideline they do that so yeah um talking about tonight another chance to go up

Against Minnesota a big team and last time you played them they switched up their defenses you know a lot how much do you feel like you guys have grown in kind of handling those teams throwing the kitchen sink at you to try to keep you guys out of the paint yeah I feel

Like we we’ve grown a lot uh it’s been a uh we’ve had a lot of games since then uh we’ve seen a lot of defenses uh but they’re they’re definitely a different team uh different defense uh when they got you know the big guys and the big lineup on the floor

Like that so it’s still a challenge but uh I feel a lot confider confident than we did uh then uh now we than we did then so what what goes in to your mind you know going up against a guy who’s obviously a lot bigger than you if you

Have to like guard a guy like Carl Anthony towns does that what does that require from you on the defensive end just a lot of IQ using my IQ and my uh guy giving Talent just my quickness try to use my quickness to uh to beat him

The spots and my IQ to kind of read where he where he’ll be before he you know before he makes a play um and a lot of it is just uh just game plan discipline uh uh just using what the coaches have for us and kind of going

Back and watch watching some film of what we did last game so uh yeah just a lot of lot of different little things kenri back to Trey Mark was saying last week that you know even though the minutes haven’t been there as much for him he’s a better player tre’s a better

Player than he has ever been what are you seeing from him in practices and in the moments that you get to play one-on-one with him man I I I speak very highly at Trey man but he’s probably you know it’s probably not good to say this but he’s probably one of my favorite

Teammates you know I’ve ever had uh just from a competitive standpoint uh he comes in every day you know handle his business like a professional uh you know he uh he’s not playing a lot of minutes right now but he has a very good attitude uh you know he know we know

What he can do um and as a player and and as a a teammate you know that’s kind of guys you root for um guys that that are unselfish like that and uh put the team first and uh he’s been a professional know man U he’s grown like

You said he’s grown a lot I remember when he first got here he wouldn’t play a licked defense but now you know he’ll think is facing there and take some charges and stuff so it shows the growth you know the player he is and I’m super

Proud of him man um and uh I’m wishing the best for him everybody on a on an NBA team has been the best player on most of the teams they’ve played on before this level like you’re the best player in your high school team or the best player in your college team or

Whatever how important to success in the NBA is just like accepting I’m not that anymore and I have to find what I do here I mean that’s the most important thing uh especially being a role player in this league is about understanding okay hey this isn’t High School this isn’t College

Anymore uh I have to figure out how I can adapt and how I can kind of survive and and uh have a long career in this league and uh you see mean a lot of talented guys it’s just very hard for them to to kind of wrap their their

Their heads around not being that guy uh and you know uh it’s a part of the game man part of the game you only have uh on the most Parts you know two two ball dominant players on the team who are really going to kind of go get most of

The shots uh so and that’s for every team most mostly uh around the league you see different different teams with a lot of different guys but uh most of the time it’s you know about two or three and uh the rest of the guys you

Have to fill in and figure out how how you can impact the game without you know being the guy um so that’s kind of something I tried to do um and I’m just trying to kind of let the guys know as well you know not not to uh take away

Anything from their game but just try to figure out how to be successful without the ball in your hands right like a guy like Isaiah he’s been a volume shooter a lot at some at at other levels here he’s going to get shots that he gets off

Of sh or off of CH or whatever that’s that’s an adjustment too right figuring out I play off a guy now I’m not the guy for sure yeah for sure especially you know shooting the ball um you know as well as uh Isaiah shoots it uh no it’s

Big uh it’s just about kind of getting yourself open and just being ready for the ball at any time uh that’s that’s how I look at it you know you could get you know guys get double you know Shay gets double CH chess starting get double um so so there’s opportunities there uh

You might not know when you’re going to get it but you know at times you’re going to get the ball so it’s just about being ready to shoot just being a professional when come when it comes to that

Kenrich Williams speaks with media after today’s shootaround.

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