@Miami Heat

NBA Christmas Day Special | Sixers vs Heat Preview – PrizePicks on Five

NBA Christmas Day Special | Sixers vs Heat Preview – PrizePicks on Five

All right welcome in prize picks on five here on the Five Reasons YouTube channel I’m Ethan skullnick and follow me at Ethan J SC looking at five re Sports I got David Erol you can follow at David W erisol and Eric wicki you can follow in

At Eric wicki we’re gonna do a couple of episodes here today obviously Christmas day Merry Christmas everyone it’s a big NBA day it’s also a big NFL day all of a sudden we’re not used to that so we’re going to combine both of them but with

The focus of course on the Miami Heat on the NBA side they play at 8 clock tonight so we’re going to lead up to that guys uh before we do want to mention go to use the code 5 FIV get that initial deposit matched up

To $100 again you don’t need to put it all down at once but they will only match once so you can put down anywhere between 10 and 100 they’ll match whatever it is and you can use it whenever you want of course you can combine the NFL and NBA picks that we

Give you today as well as with other sports but we’re again just going to focus on the NBA side on this particular episode so use the code 5 fi ve all right let’s get to it um let’s get to some of the other ones hereo zero points

I don’t know about that all right you want to just do the heat stuff let’s just do the heat stuff and then we’ll back into it we do want to mention though Kevin Durant um special box today special square 0 Five Points so you can combine that with anything else I have a

Feeling he’s gonna go over so play him on half a point today you can combine it with anything else I think you can use this up to $25 in a play so again you can combine that with the NFL stuff if you want but go again the prize picks

And use the Durant Square so any of the other squares we give you today if you planning on on uh risking $25 today might as well throw the Durant Square in there because that’s gonna increase your overall earnings all right you could split that too just FYI you could split

That you could do it in separate entries just up to $25 on the individual play so you could play Durant 10 in one entry 15 in another so we’ll give you some possible entries uh that you can use it with let’s start with the heat stuff we

Do not know if Jimmy Butler’s playing so I I just want to start there I was at practice yesterday he remains questionable Joel embiid is not playing but this does affect things a little bit okay I am gonna ER on the side of him not playing um because I again with embi

Out I feel like the heat are gonna this is a calf injury I think they’re they’re gonna they’re gonna play this a little bit safer today but let’s let’s get into it and and I we’re looking at the band props here I’ll just start here like hero over today regardless uh I think

We’re at uh he likes the stage um I think he’s at what 36 and a half points rebounds and assists or 32 and a half 32 32 and a half I mean he’s been averaging 28 points since he came back so in the three games since he’s come

Back he’s averag 28 you see him he’s blown through the number the last two games uh when he’s gotten the minutes I’m going to go over the 32 and a half he’s feeling it right now I don’t really think Philadelphia presents a ton of defensive problems for him I know

They’ve been a top 10 defensive team this year uh but it’s a little bit different without M being in the paint so I feel like hero will be able to get to that floater and we saw him taking a ton of threes and making a ton of Threes

In the last game so I’m gonna go Tyler over today uh either of you guys like anything on the heat side I over points and rebounds but I don’t see it here on the board oh yeah 27 and a half sorry Eric go ahead no you’re you’re you’re yeah I mean it’s

Going to be pretty much for the exact same reasons as Ethan pointed out Tyler hero loves the big stage and on these Christmas Day games you’re looking for guys that that perform you know in those situations so I’m over on Tyler hero I also like Bam’s rebounds with no embiid Sixers might

Have to play a little bit smaller today uh so I I like him getting over 10 and a half boards on this one I do too I’ll say one of the things I was a little surprised there’s not a lot of guys on the board but they tend to add Heat

Players later so I feel like hakz may make appearance on the board here he he’s not in any of the categories Lowry’s in one of them I think and you can see Caleb Martin uh is in a bunch of them Caleb’s been a little bit up and down with the production of

Late as he kind of finds his role again in the starting lineup uh yes play him’s overs but again Sean he’s not on the board yet so we’re gonna see where he is uh David what would you play on the heat side uh Caleb I like Caleb over 14 a

Half points in rebounds he’s been pretty solid uh last game against Atlanta and I just feel like if there’s no jimmmy Butler he’s going to be crashing the boards a little bit get a little bit involved in the offensive end so I like Caleb over 14 and a half points plus

Rebounds or you could even go to the 16 and a half P either one of those on Caleb uh I yeah like I said if Jimmy’s not playing then yeah Caleb and haw is no Duncan’s not on the board either actually so that was another one that I

Was looking for Merry Christmas Duncan as they say or happy birthday Duncan um let’s get to the other side of this the Philadelphia equation uh really the Maxi numbers pull up the Maxi numbers and let’s see what they look like I was looking to see if Paul Reed was on there

Because he’s hurt the heat in the past and he’s gonna get a lot of minutes uh tonight uh without uh em but pretty much it’s just just Maxi and Harris are the two guys that are on there 31 points for Tyrese Maxi now I saw him tear apart uh

Hero in the heat up in Philadelphia but also Miami’s controlled him in some other games um you can see where he’s been at lately without MB gonna be a steady diet would you guys Play Tyrese Maxi at all today if if I were to Play Tyrese Maxi I

Think I’d be leaning the under it feels like Tyrese Maxi when he does go off this is one of those situations where a lot of times when a star player is out the secondary guy kind of steps up but I feel like what Tyrese does a lot of it

Plays off of embiid and a lot of the attention that he Garners so without that attention I just I don’t know if Maxi’s going to be able to have as much space to operate today what do you think David yeah I’m going to kind of lean towards that thinking as well I took

Maxi under the 41 and a half PR but also Harris I know Harris tends to kind of Step Up in these games without em beat on the scoring end but I want him under and a points I think he might be more of a of a secondary threat and uh Maxi is

Going to kind of be the the focus of that offense in terms of the scoring so I went on Harris which might I might end up regretting but I took him under on the 18 and a half points alone yeah you and I will we don’t

Disagree that often I’m GNA go over on Tobias today uh at 28 and a half PR I know how inconsistent he can be um but he has I I looked up some of the games he’s played Without embiid and especially without Harden now they they don’t really have uh another scorer that

They’re going to go to so I feel like he’s going to get a steady diet uh today and and again we’re waiting on Jimmy’s status but I’m gonna play Tobias over on the 28 and a half today I you know it’s just again the Sixers board kind of

Clear but I feel like there’ll add some as the day goes on so make sure that you check it uh here’s some other NBA picks that I like and then I’ll go to you guys on them um in the early game which is almost starting here I’m taking

Hartenstein over 10 rebounds today he has been a rebounding machine since Mitchell Robinson uh went out and Brook Lopez a little slower of foot than even he used to be I I kind of feel like this is a a matchup hardstein been getting you know 28 to 32 minutes you can see

He’s been over uh well he tied it one game but he’s been right around that 10 or higher he’s been getting double digit rebounds consistently particularly on the offensive board so I’m playing him over and on the buck side you know what I know Heat fans hate to hear it Dame

Loves the stage uh 36 and a half points rebounds and assists today I know how good Brunson is I’m going to go to you in a second uh Eric and Brunson intends to step up against the better guards in the league uh and we know that Dame is a

Civ defensively so I feel like uh they’re going to you know Milwaukee’s 19th in the league in defense right now so I feel like brunson’s gonna score but I’ll go over on Lillard uh on the points rebounds and assists Eric you uh you like Brunson today yeah I like Brunson

Today Milwaukee’s gonna play that drop he’s gonna take advantage of it against Brook Lopez and like you said brunson’s a guy much like the playoffs these Christmas G Day games big stage he’s going to step up David what do you like anything on the early uh I didn’t really look at the

Early game too CL closely unfortunately I was looking at more of the of the West Coast games besides the heat well th throw that at me I know I know that Eric likes Portis over seven and a half rebounds too so I wanted to mention that

Also uh on the Milwaukee game um so give me some of those West Coast games David well I was looking at Luca and the number 57 and a half TR just seems absurd against Phoenix so I actually took that under 57 and a half that’s a

Maybe a controversial pick to some but I just feel like that number is is outrageous and I was going back and looking at some of the lines I mean he hasn’t been over that very often he’s been six out of his last 15 only he’s

Been over that number so I want to just lean towards the under on LCA 57 and a half P if he facing the Clippers you’d go over 100 uh because that’s what he tends to do them um I I like Steph over on attempts today um I have over 19 field goal

Attempts he’s also at four and a half made threes again some of these numbers with guys you know you get into the Giannis Luca jic uh Steph categories it’s outrageous uh I wasn’t sure what to do with that but I’m going to go over on the 19 field goal attempts and but I’m

Playing clay under today I I know Clay’s been hot for about two weeks and everybody’s now talking about how he’s found his game uh I’m I’m going to go under on him today uh I I just again I some of these again he’s been over this

I me look at this five straight game I mean he’s been hot there’s no question and that’s this is a contrary play for me but I’m I’m gonna play clay under I I think some of these older guys it’s like expecting them to do it game after game

You know they can do it occasionally and again I know that this would seem to counter that if you look at what he’s done but he looked awful before this two week stretch so I’m going to count on a little bit of a crash to Earth uh today

For him it’s the rookie I like for them pods has been playing very well all right uh Eric anything else you like on the west coast games Eric anything on the West Coast or did I I pull out anything anything on the west coast I mean we’re we’re just

Agreeing all the time because I was gonna go take Klay Thompson unders it’s just one of those things where if you take his points now it just feels like I’m chasing the points there and I I don’t want to be that guy to be left at the alar on Klay

Thompson what do we do with Braun under eight and a half assists I went under eight and a half assists okay he’s only hit that six out of his last 15 and right now it’s around minus 120 under eight and a half so I’m going to look at at that pretty closely the

LeBron or the 51 fantasy score maybe under I I mean he is playing point guard now uh they finally moved him back to point guard after three years the assists could go up but my only question with the assists is they don’t have any

Shooters for him to pass to so I I I’m gonna play him under on the assists also also I do feel like in these types of games he tries to score more um it’s it’s a little bit of an ego thing for him so I’m gonna I’m gonna go would you

Guys play the I’m looking at this this this Tatum LeBron points combo 56 and a half would we play that like 28 29 Points a piece yeah you know I’m I’m almost I’m almost more tempted to hit their five and a half three points made between the two of them

That’s what I just if they’re both going to be scoring I think it’s both going to come behind the ark okay that’s fair uh now you like ad right one of you guys liked ad no think Eric oh yes I like I like ad over over. five uh three point

Attempts he’s he’s gonna get one on the he’s gonna get one on the pick and pop he’s gone over five straight games there yeah yeah look at that you’re right okay I I that you you talk me into that one also all right so those are those I didn’t realize he

Was still uh still attempting those um because usually they don’t go so well for him all right for Eric for David uh any final thoughts here before we go I mean we’re waiting on Jimmy there’s no official word on Jimmy at this stage right is is there or did I miss it I’m

Sorry because I’m not they did not have a shoot around today so I I thought it was going to come later this afternoon but let me see if there’s any kind of an update we should try to give this to you before we go uh but again he was not at

Practice yesterday and I was kind of anticipating that they would hold him out once I saw the uh no no no word yet no word yet so we’re still waiting we probably won’t find out until closer to the game he’s still listed as questionable uh so no

Change there but again I I would play some of the Jimmy stuff on I I just even if he plays at 21 and a half points I probably wouldn’t touch but uh the the one I kind of liked actually was if he plays is is is one and a half turnovers

I would play that under uh he he’s not he’s not been turnover prone this year to begin with and ball may be in his hands a little bit less if he’s not feeling great so I I would play that one under one and a half blocks and steals

Is always interesting with him if he plays I might play that one over but again I’m going with Tyler over today um you’re going over with bam on the rebounds uh right Eric and then again David you liked you liked Tyler as well and Maxi we think the number numbers on

Maxi and Luca today in particular maybe a little bit High what what do we think one more we didn’t look at yet yic um what do we think here on on him would we play him under as well and again you can always pair this with the uh with the Durant

Stuff 50 and a half points rebounds and assists uh maybe under on the fantasy score I Golden State right I mean I I I I I might not play him at all but I don’t think I would play him under yeah it’s it’s not a great matchup

For Golden State unders are scary unders really are scary with these Elite guys because all of a sudden like yoka could grab like five rebounds and two minutes and and three buckets and two assists and he could go from like 30 fantasy score to 50 fantasy score like that

Those are the scary ones because he’s an allaround threat you know the the theca and the yic are are kind of the guys that you know you kind of worry about taking those unders but at some point the bubble has to burst they just keep pushing those numbers up and up and up

And I mean you just if you go through the the statistics these unders hit a lot so you just have to find the right matchup I I I think prize picks they understand that people like playing the overs more than the unders uh when you talk about a parlay hitting people are

Typically talking about the overs and so they take advantage of that I think and uh and remember there’s more things that could go wrong on an over you know I happened to me yesterday on rahee moer like he had 12 fantasy points at halftime or or right into the third

Quarter scored the touch down went out again never came back uh I ended up I ended up winning but I didn’t win what I could have won and that happens because again the injuries you know they’ll give you the reboot if the guy’s out for good at halftime but otherwise you’re not

Going to get it all right use that code 5 FIV we got an NFL episode to get to as well remember whatever we put here you can pair with whatever we do there so uh you can play the NFL and NBA together it’s a big NFL games today including the

One that’s up against heat Sixers which of course is Ravens 49ers all right we’ll talk to you guys soon

#NBA #Christmas #PrizePicks

PrizePicks on Five is back to preview the NBA board for Christmas Day, featuring the matchup between the Philadelphia 76ers and Miami Heat.

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