@Orlando Magic



Well coach uh similar to the Indiana game it seemed like every time Washington made a run you guys had a response what do you see from your team’s Poise particularly in that second half just levels of growth you know you ask a team to learn from past games and

I think they did a great job of that you know when when Washington hit some tough shots uh we didn’t Panic we didn’t get rattled we just came down executed our plays you know tried to get to the free throw line uh but guys were stepping up

Big in those moments hitting big shots and making the right play Anthony black had a career high 23 points tonight what’ you see out of him confidence I think the coaches have done a great job with him and he’s done a heck of a job continuing to work uh not just on his

Shot but just overall reading and studying the game coach Boswell does a great job with him uh getting him in the gym coming in early staying late and that’s who he is and first of all it was started with the defensive end of the floor when making sure that he stayed

Locked in from the beginning of the game everybody’s familiar at this point by his defense do you feel like there’s a lot of untapped offensive potential there well we’ve said it time and time again every the things that he does don’t always show up in the box score and it’s

The cuts it’s the rebounds it’s the screening the movement spacing the floor the right way you know the guys did a great job of finding him uh as they shifted off of him and he was ready to step in and knock his shot down you know

Credit to him for the work he’s put in um and also credit for his teammates for continuing to trust in what he’s done fron and Paulo combined for 17 assists tonight their playmaking continues to thrive uh what are you seeing from them as far as them reading the game they’re

Playing the right way and I think they’re taking what the game gives them and they’re finding their teammates and that that that’s just a continued sign of trust in their teammates but also a level of confidence knowing that those guys are also going to make the right

Play how did a Jaylen look in his return I thought he looked good uh I think you know his conditioning was you know was on point uh he was out there defending the right way crawling into the basketball trying to do a lot of the right things you know having a couple

Games off you know there there was wasn’t as much rust as we thought there’d be but he stepped right back in not much rest time obviously tomorrow you go up against the Philadelphia 76ers just how important will it to be will it be to be locked in again against a team

Like that I know they w’t have embiid but still no I think they’ve got a you know they got a great team and I think they got guys that step up in his absence uh but their ability to guard defend the right way Maxi is having a

Heck of a year so not understanding what he’s capable of doing but you have guys in there that are ready to step up and step up big but it’ll be great to be home around our fans uh with that excitement and energy in our building thank you coach thank you guys

Well Franza I’ll start with you similar to the Indiana game it seemed like every time Washington made a run you guys had a response uh just talk about your team’s Poise and resilience especially in that second half down the stretch yeah obviously that made a a

Bunch of shot uh bunch of shots there in the fourth quarter um I thought it was partly our shot selection and turnovers that led to know easy looks for them but um yeah I think our mentality was just uh in a in a good spot again for a

Second straight game um you know come together after we make mistakes and just staying together and uh keep communicating Anthony you had a career-high 23 points what helped you get you going offensively tonight um I think uh just doing a good job of cutting um just because of how

Much focus and eyes uh bronze Paulo and really everybody else get uh I get a lot of easy ones from them uh got a couple ones in transition and then um just got uh pretty open threes to be honest so uh I’m pretty sure most of my points were

Assisted so uh definitely goes out to the guys for for finding me I think everybody is familiar with your defensive capabilities but do you feel like you have a lot of untapped offensive potential remaining uh yeah I think so um but you know we’re we’re playing good ball right now now and uh

I’m really just trying to focus on that honestly um I know it’s going to come game by game uh I’m getting more comfortable so uh I’m just trying to keep doing the things that’s helping us win with the three-point shooting is just a matter of reps and practice just

Continuing taking them uh yeah I think my confidence has improved a lot since College also so uh I mean yeah just uh I’ve shotten a lot of shots since then uh and changed up my shot a little so definitely uh Confidence from reps fron you had nine assists Paulo had eight uh

The playmaking that seems to be an area of your game that continues to grow just talk about the way you’re reading the game out there yeah I think it’s uh know both me and Paulo’s responsibility uh the coaches give us a lot of trust uh

Our teammates trust us a lot so uh I think it’s our responsibility when you have the ball so much to just make the right play every time um you know be aggressive and yeah just try to make plays um make the right decision out there Tyrese halberton after last game

Was talking about how you guys are like the modern NBA like larger Wings do you kind of feel like you can transcend the game in many ways by your length and the style that you play with your ability to read the game I think other guys already

Did that honestly um I just try to play my game get better um you know within our system and uh like AB said just try to keep playing good ball as a group you guys play the Philadelphia 76ers tomorrow I know they won’t have MB you guys aren have much rest just how

Important will it be to remain locked in against an elite opponent like that start with AB uh important you know uh it’s hard to turn around and play after uh having a game especially you know a closer game but uh yeah I mean I think we just got

To go back home and uh kind of just wake up locked in for tomorrow onto the next game fron any any added thoughts on that yeah I think uh it’s another good opportunity I think that’s how we got to look at it um no back to backs are uh

Not just we have that so uh we got to come in locked in and um work on our stuff and then try to have a good game together with tonight’s game being what it was to be able to hold them off when winds have been obviously tough for them

To to get this year but they make a strong run to be able to do what you guys did in the fourth quarter what’s that say about your team I think just the togetherness that we have our Poise um and our communication we have we have guys that really like playing with each

Other and playing for each other and I think that shows in in those last couple minutes when stuff isn’t going going our way that we come together and uh kind of find our groove again and last thing for me just the idea of being able for yourself in particular being able to hit

Shots like that in the fourth quarter and to help maintain that lead yeah I think uh I mean you never know what’s going to happen out there you want to be ready for anything and um yeah just be confident out there and like I said

Earlier to the the team was giving us a lot of trust so I want to make sure that that I pay that backward

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