@Boston Celtics

Mailbag: Boston Celtics/LA Lakers, Jayson Tatum trusting others, sacrifice, & bar fights

Mailbag: Boston Celtics/LA Lakers, Jayson Tatum trusting others, sacrifice, & bar fights

It’s been a minute since we’ve done a mailback so let’s open that up to talk about Celtics Lakers Drew holiday in the dunker spot myish K’s future and who do I least want to step into a bar fight with it’s all right now on the lockdown Celtics [Applause] podcast

City Boston baby we do what you locked on number 18 Tatum and brown J team step back we going to wet that and slay teams of course it’s Celtics who else could it be screaming like kg with the lario B Coralis above average assessing the team status best daily pod no cap salary

Matching clutch like bir DJ keep John on replay Prime Time dapping up the truth on the sideline GRE and JS how we started raising B how we finish locked on Celtics home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast noww it’s your team

Every day and I got you every day a free fresh podcast that drops directly to your device if you subscribe so open up that podcasting app hit that subscribe button right now and you’ll get this show you can get the show on YouTube ring the bell there get notified when

The video drops get into the comment section let me know what you’re thinking about the show about what I’m saying my takes what are your takes let me know I’m John caralis I used to play a long time ago in a galaxy far far away and today I am covering the Boston Celtics

For Boston Sports Journal really for you and also for you this mailbag podcast which is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA you get $20 off your first purchase of last minute tickets to whatever you want uh

Later on I haven’t done a mailbag in a little while so uh we’ll get into some fun questions later on I’ll talk a little bit about Draymond Green we’ll talk about uh Celtics reviews we’ll talk about uh bar fights in the NBA because I guess in honor of the Kevin Garnett the

The forever awesome Kevin Garnett uh barf fight interview with Craig saver Sager after a win I think over the Orlando Magic in like 2009 or 2010 uh we’ll get into uh nayes K we’ll get into a lot of stuff but let’s dive into the mailbag here with Jarrett who

Says the NBA should make Celtics Lakers on Christmas Day an annual tradition it makes too much sense so it probably won’t happen and I I I love the idea of Celtics Lakers on a meaningful day they could always just play on uh Christmas and Martin Luther King day but it’s it

Is difficult I will say that before we like start blaming the NBA for doing something that not doing something that makes sense gota also consider that there are arenas involved there are schedules involved the Celtics have to share their Arena with the Bruins and there’s uh concerts and there’s whatever

And so there there’s a kind of mix of things that don’t allow the Celtics to always have their Arena that don’t always allow the Lakers to have their Arena and so it’s it’s not just the league going ah let’s do something different but uh I I love the idea of

The Lakers and the Celtics being uh in in a game like that also Lakers Celtics is always like a big deal no matter what so um yeah I would expect it to be that that’s something that should but also keep in mind as well every once in a while Lakers suck

Celtics will suck not right now and not for a few years we hope but uh the the Celtics when they rebuild post Tatum era the league is not going to want to put those those guys on on Christmas Day the League’s not going to want to put the post LeBron Lakers on

Christmas day so shouldn’t always be an annual tradition so just keep that in in your brain when when it comes to scheduling as well all right let’s get to Juan who says uh as you’ve mentioned recently Jaylen has been awesome and keeps playing better every game trusting

His teammates is it time for Tatum to grow in that area too or is he exempt because he’s the Superstar of the team oh Juan uh this is I I included this to highlight what Tatum actually did against the Lakers which was he he did some of the he trusted teammates he has

Been trusting teammates now Tatum also takes some bad shots the end of was it third quarter shot where 16 seconds on the clock he holds it going up against cam reddish and all he gets is that step back three-pointer those shots are are terrible and he has to stop taking those

Shots Tatum at the end of at the end of the quarter end of game whatever just taking a fadeaway pullup a three-pointer when it’s not necessary is like it’s becoming the thing it’s becoming the thing that people are latching on to and because he’s done it now twice at the

End of he did at the end of the Warriors game absolutely shouldn’t have done taken that shot again to rehash for people who didn’t listen I was okay with not taking the time out I was okay with keeping the Warriors defensive Personnel on the floor I was also okay with not

Calling the timeout with seven seconds left with Tatum with his hands with the ball in his hands because I didn’t want to embarrass Tatum in that spot either by calling a timeout that that’s that’s a complicated uh um ego management thing you just you can’t do it that way the Celtics

Absolutely need to run plays in that spot they need to call call some plays and Tatum has to take that next step to the question here in certain situations he has to take that next step of look at the film look at the numbers just be blunt with Jason Tatum Celtics

Coaching staff be blunt with him and say hey buddy look we love you you’re doing a lot of great stuff out there these pull-up jumpers these pull-up three-pointers in these end of clock situations they’re not cutting it for you they’re not cutting it for us you’ve

Hit maybe two of them in your life and you can’t you can’t keep doing that not on this team run a pick and roll run something either you’re going to give the ball up to somebody like a Derek white Drew holl Jaylen Brown whoever else is on the floor trust any of those

Guys in that situation do it early enough where you can create an advantage and maybe you get the ball back or maybe you just start off the ball and you’re the screen Setter and maybe you find a way to get an advantage or maybe somebody sets an off ball screen for you

And you find your way into the post like you did in that one play that I highlighted uh on Boston Sports Journal yesterday when you you pinned Austin Reeves in the middle of the lane and you get that advantage and you get a pass and score there many other ways but

Aside from those last second spots I think Tatum has been really really good about finding his teammates the pass the off the dribble left-hand pass to Sam Hower was a an amazing pass uh he he finds guys he set screens um he probably had like four or five screen

Assists which hey you can make fun of screen assists all you want but he had those those situ you you you set the screen the guy comes off of that and he finds himself open that is an important skill so Tatum has been doing a lot of

That same stuff Tatum also has the ball in his hands a lot he’s initiating a lot he needs to be better in certain spots for sure to Juan’s point but it’s not as bad as it seems because the shots that Tatum is taking are magnified so it looks

Worse the whole body of work is really pretty good but those high high profile shots those have been bad admittedly and those have to change Dana asks I’ve been noticing Drew holiday in the dunker spot occasionally leading to some easy dump offs and layoffs what are you what do

You think they’re trying to exploit with this wrinkle uh good observation Dana dunker spot for people who don’t know if you’re looking at the hoop to the left to the right just outside of the lane those are called the dunker spot because that’s where the guys who typically dunk

Get the ball when a guy drives the help comes up you dump it off to that guy he dunks the ball that’s the dunker spot literally a spot where the dunker lives holiday not a dunker necessarily but with him in the game and with porzingis occupying the big on the

Perimeter you’re you’re kind of forcing smaller help onto Drew onto Whoever has the ball in the in the paint so if you’re posting up Jason Tatum and you got holiday in the opposite dunker you’re actually kind of inviting some help over but it’s a smaller guy so Tatum can rise up and do

A jump pass and dump it down to Holiday the help coming over is not big enough to account for uh uh the guy who’s handling the ball be it Tatum be it Jaylen Brown and if you decide to go with a bigger guy on holiday you are now

Inviting a mismatch uh somewhere else on the floor so maybe maybe the the play would be to kick it out to the perimeter and go to a different kind of mismatch where um where where a bigger Defender might be on Jaylen brown or Derek white so you’re creating mismatches you’re

You’re specifically putting a small guy down there and daring them to make a decision and by making that decision either the helper is coming over and he’s too small to to to bother uh especially Jason Tatum’s line of vision or you’re you’re changing your coverage you’re inviting maybe you’re inviting a

Zone defense to which the Celtics would just answer by picking it apart they haven’t been flumix by Zone defenses this year at all too many different options so it’s a it’s a it’s a nice little wrinkle that I will also say it’s not strictly Joe missoula’s doing the

Bucks have done that same thing too it’s not something new for holiday but that’s what they’re doing by putting them there you’re kind of Daring the other team to make a decision and what makes that possible a lot of times is having porzingis or Al Horford on the floor

That occupies the big and the Big’s not in the dunker spot so it’s it’s a it’s it’s a good little wrinkle and I I think it’s it’s a fun little thing that the Celtics are doing uh coming up next nayes K what’s his future Payton Pritchard and sacrifices I’ll talk about

All of that in just a second Today’s Show brought to you by eBay Motors they have partnered up with lockdown fantasy basketball host Josh Lloyd to bring some of the best fantasy picks each week all season long so whatever you’re preparing for Fantasy wise they have you covered so here’s this week’s

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Celtics your first listen every day go check out lockdown NBA uh I’m doing this show before the games on Tuesday night then I will be watching many of the games on Tuesday night or paying attention to the games and then hopping on with Andy kinety of lock on Lakers

Filling in for for uh Jake Madison who’s my usual co-host but we’ve we’ve been it’s been like a month since we’ve done a show together anyway Celtics Lakers continues on lockdown NBA so make sure you check out that show tonight let’s get back into the mailbag here Jim and

Michael both want to know about nayes K Jim says do you think he could take Luke cornett’s minutes and could K to play in the playoffs with his two-way contract Michael wants to know what does he have what do we have here I like his energy

Level and his ability to hold his own when switched on to Perimeter players um look uh so I I think he he could take and he did take Luke cornett’s minutes against the Lakers I think that was a function of the matchup I think what the Celtics now have

Is two different bigs that they can go to based on the matchups so this means that Luke cornette will get some dnps it also means that that kada will also get some dnps because he’s not right for uh certain matchups and look I called him kind of lumbering the other day and

People said that’s that’s not the right word like okay okay fair enough not the right word not super athletic he’s slower than a lot of guys he’s slower than Luke cornette he’s not as fluid as Luke cornette and Luke has better touch around the rim kayada is is not a good

Finisher necessarily around the rim he gets a ton of offensive rebounds off his own misses and credit to him for sticking with it credit to him for putting him back and he can catch and finish lobs and stuff like that not saying anything against what he is

Capable of doing but also Luke cornette has some value and I think there’s just going to be some situational stuff here uh he cannot play in the playoffs on his two-way contract he will have to be upgraded to a standard contract the Celtics should not be in

Any hurry because they get him for 50 50 games during the regular season on his two-way contract with no limits to how many minutes he can play so he’s gonna get some dmps no matter what so they can get to that 50 games pretty comfortably without needing to

Occupy an open roster spot keep that open spot uh if you need to make a deal if some deal does come up where you need to do a two for one or something like that an unbalanced trade and you need to keep that spot open you do it and then

You figure it out from there maybe you upgrade him later maybe you don’t upgrade him um because I don’t know depends on playoff matchups and do you do they trust him in a playoff situation maybe they do maybe they don’t but he’s he’s good enough to

Play and eat up minutes and be effective good rebounder good shot blocker good rim protector uh but still a little slow not as fluid so he is going to be prone to fouls and stuff uh but a really good addition to the end of the bench and you

Know you want keep them around for a couple years see how he develops absolutely he could he be a long-term solution at a a pretty good price absolutely possible so but for now let’s status quo on kada and if there’s a position for him and there’s the open

Spot for him they can upgrade him at the end of the season towards the end of the season and he can he can play in the playoffs so uh I like I like what they have and uh yeah that’s it uh Griffin says after watching Pritchard put up another great performance against the

Kings are you ready to reconsider your position on managing expectations on this season in short are you done being a hater ah I know it’s joking I know you’re joking right I know you’re you are you are joking right that’s a joke right because I was yeah I’m not a hater

I know I’m not a hater you know I’m not a hater uh I’m being realistic when it comes to pton pitchard he is a he’s a really good contributor and he’s found his his rhythm a little bit he’s still going to have his games where he’s he

Doesn’t do a whole lot but he’s going to have his games when he has the opportunity to hit some shots and he’ll do that he’s he’s a good basketball player there’s never said anything that he that he wasn’t I just know that he’s a better basketball player with a ton of

Opportunity and a ton of minutes when the Celtics are fully fully healthy then he doesn’t get as many minutes and that limits his his contributions to some degree I don’t think I’m speaking on a turn when I say that I feel like that’s that’s kind of that that’s kind

Of where he is but he’s he’s really good he’s really good um but doesn’t make him any taller and come playoff time and when there’s an obvious mismatch on the floor he can be somewhat of a a problem and maybe you just don’t play him as much in some of

Those games but it’s not it’s not a it’s not disrespectful to him it is he is what he is he’s not he’s not Jaylen Brown he’s not Derek white he’s not Drew holiday but he’s he’s really good he’s a good guy to have Off the Bench Matias asks there’s been so much lately

Uh talk lately about Celtics making individual sacrifices in quotes why is this thing so surprising and newsworthy don’t NBA players like to win it’s it’s newsworthy because players don’t often really like to sacrifice a ton and I will say I don’t think people fully understand how much of a job this

Is is to guys yes they want to win they’re all competitive they want to win a great many NBA players want to win dot dot dot in their own way and that’s been part of the problem I think that’s been part of the Celtics problem a lot of

Guys when they’re younger they don’t want to sacrifice they want to be who they are they want to play their games they want to go out there and like I’m GNA do me right and then that that kind of it you you understand that most guys who sacrifice don’t actually do that

Until they’re older there’s a natural progression here you come into the league generally speaking players come into the league they want to prove themselves then they prove themselves a little bit then they want to get their contract they want to get the big contracts sign that big first deal maybe

That get to that big second deal and then once they get to that point then there’s then there’s they get willing more willing to sacrifice because they’ve got their money and first and foremost hate to tell you this but young players want their money first and foremost this

Is a job this is what they get this is what they do this is what they get paid to do and are you gonna sit there and say well they get paid millions of dollars they get plenty of money yeah and they’re earning power stops when they’re like 32 generally speaking like

Pton Pritchard when he gets to be 33 34 might be out of the league because he’s not the the elite sticker round at 32 33 34 and then those guys start to tail off the best of the best except LeBron they’re you’re done with your the

Most of your earning Power by the time you’re in your your your mid-30s and if assuming you live a normal life you got about 45 50 years left and that’s a long time to be living off the millions of dollars that you’ve made now you can do it but also it’s not

Easy you you live a certain lifestyle and it’s tough like you how do you maintain that you can make millions of dollars you got to make sure like okay I gotta plan this out I gotta do this retirement it’s it’s just not easy to do

So guys this is their jobs so it’s easy to say yeah just make a sacrifice because you want to win yeah okay but that that’s fine but easy for you to say you’re not the one with millions of dollars on the line you and I work for a

Living they they do this for a living and this is this is what makes it difficult for players to sacrifice especially when they’re younger because when you sacrifice the stats go away and when the stats go away your bargaining power goes away and you go to get a contract and

They go well you’re only averaging seven points a game like yeah but I sacrifice for you we won you’re like yeah that’s great and we’re going to give you $2 million a year because you know that’s how much you’re worth and you’re like well I’m I can score twice as much we

Don’t need you to score twice as much but I can well we don’t need that all right well I’m gonna go somewhere that I I can do that and that’s where it happens you you decide not to sacrifice you go to a different team that’s that’s kind of how it goes I

Want people to understand this that it’s for you it’s all about winning for me it’s all about winning we watch we root for the teams to win we want I analyze the team in terms of wins for them it’s a job and they will play anywhere for

Any team for the most amount of money possible because if if sacrifice is going to cost you money as a young player and you’re trying to make as much money as you can to to maintain uh you know to to make as much money to to carry on through the

Rest of your life there are decisions that have to be made I’m sorry to say that some guys have to make decisions they don’t think like you you do they don’t think like I do they think like NBA players I am late on this one I’ll come

Back wrap up with some fun things uh including Celtics reviews uh Draymond Green that’s not really fun uh but we’ll do all of that next Today’s Show is brought to you by game time game time app is going to get you those last minute tickets uh in very

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Lockdown Celtics was on there six o’clock this past uh this past rotation so it’s it’s the big stories are all there so make sure you’re subscribed go check it out leave it on in the background all that stuff it’s fun it’s fun so is this mailbag which I’ve got to

Rip through the rest of this because I had to explain all the sacrifice Stu Landon this is interesting because this is clearly sent uh a few games ago but I I wanted to highlight this for a reason Landon said why do the Celtics always collapse in clutch time it happens so

Often that sometimes it seems more than just not executing if somehow if there’s a ranking for clutch teams I would like to know the stats for that so the Celtics don’t always collapse in in the clutch we’ve seen that they didn’t collapse against the Lakers they didn’t collapse

Against the Clippers the Kings they didn’t collapse anytime at home they collapsed uh against the Warriors bad game okay bad game for them but I highlight that because I want people to understand just like the Tatum last minute shots those are um high-profile right the high-profile shots the

High-profile um games those are the the games that people see and those are the games that people latch on to and those are the games that people think of and go oh I remember they collapsed this time oh I remember they collapsed that time and so on and so forth

So I think the Celtics are not as bad as people believe in the clutch so here are the stats clutch just offensive rating Celtics are 15th clutch defensive rating the Celtics are 12th okay not great not great uh clutch net rating the Celtics are 12th it’s but it’s plus 5.9

So they still are positive it’s not the best um no doubt about that but they are they’re not full-on collapsing in the clutch now the biggest issue here is that Boston has the the slowest Pace in the club this is this is the number one thing and

I will give you this they are the slowest paced team in the clutch and that has to stop because they are a normally fast-paced team and that’s something that I you know now that they’re home I I’ll make sure that I get a question in to Joe moula about that because that’s

Something that they they really need to change you can’t you can’t have that much of a departure from what you normally do now clutch time typically slows down uh I think uh look at um Clippers well no that’s not a good example here because they play Slow no

Matter what but the Washington Wizards are the best the fastest paced team in the clutch and that’s you know who they’re not good the Hawks now the Sixers are up there the Knicks but then the Spurs bucks Thunder Pacers magic Pistons are 10th so I think what you’re

Going to see is the pace does not indicate being good in the clutch but the Celtics can can pick theirs up for sure but I wanted to highlight it because the Celtics are clearly that’s that’s been a a longstanding kind of perception and it happens sure from time to time it’s not

As bad as it used to be it’s better but it can it can still get better after that James asks how does the Celtics assistant with the tablet review a play so quickly to recommend a challenge um what kind of video feed do those coaches have so that’s Matt Reynolds he has this

He basically has the live feed the same live feed that you are watching on YouTube TV or on cable but there’s a delay by the time it gets to you what he’s watching is the just straight out of the truck back to like um it’ll it’s it’s the same

Kind of replays that scal gets that Grandy and Max get in in real time so they when they’re calling the game they’re getting those replays like right away so they can show you what you’re seeing you you know what they’re seeing so he’s getting the same like live

Feed now it takes by the time it gets to you Uh on cable which is the fastest they’ve added a 7-second delay in case they need to you know censor anything like swearing or something um if you’re on YouTube TV or streaming service there’s typically about 40 seconds 45 or so between what happens in the game and by the time it

Gets to you because not only is is there a delay then it has to go through the internet and the internet adds a lag time and by the time it goes through all the different channels it’s supposed to go to it’s you’re almost a minute behind

And that’s how so many people watch now so that’s that’s why it seems so quick for him he’s just got the live in Arena feed Hank asks will Tom Wester home ever get a shot at doing a solo podcast I love you John but I was curious if Tom

Has the same skills set you have to carry an episode on his own well I’m sure Tom can do it because Tom did do it when they were when he had his other podcast um which I’m totally drawing a blank on what his podcast was called

Um anyway he had a podcast on a rival Network that just kind of went away he’s done lot uh solo shows before he’s smart he knows the game uh so he could but I like doing this podcast it’s my podcast and so uh unless there was an extreme

Emergency for me uh I would say Tom wouldn’t do a solo podcast because uh it’s my podcast and this is my job to do this show and so he comes on to guest guest host with me a couple times here or there um which is a great help but

That is the extent of Tom’s job but you know it’s possible I’m not I’m not opposed to him doing it it’s just that this is my job and I like doing my job Martin says uh can you please share your thoughts on the Draymond Green stuff uh

Sure uh Draymond Green uh used to be used to be able to put up with this stuff and now you can’t because um he’s not good enough to do that anymore he’s not he’s doing worse stuff and he’s not good as he used to be so the overlap of how much you’re

Willing to put up with versus you know his production has like drifted apart it’s no longer a vend diagram it’s just two separate circles uh I think what he’s been doing this season is the sign of like I’m glad that they went the anger management route because it’s very

Clear that something is he’s he’s crossed the line he has crossed the line like even like the the the kicks to the groin that was that was crossing a line as well but that stuff was I don’t know relatively infrequent now it’s happening with much more frequency so something’s up I’m

Glad that they’re trying to get him help I hope he’s legitimately embracing the help I’m a big believer in therapy and he better be getting plenty of it and so I feel like um that’s where that’s kind of where I stand I think at this point he shouldn’t be allowed into the back

Into the league unless he’s demonstrated that he’s got things under control CU he’s going to be in these emotional spots he’s one of those guys that feeds off his own emotion like Kevin Garnett did but there has to be some level of a check and that’s the simplest way I could put it

Because um it’s he’s he’s cross the line it’s like it’s almost like he doesn’t want to be in the league anymore um so anyway those are my quick thoughts on Draymond Green Felicity asks out of the teams I have yet to win a championship which ones are

You rooting for the most what would have the most fun matchup for finals out of those teams B so here we go we’ve got non NBA champions Brooklyn Charlotte Indie Clippers Grizzlies Minnesota New Orleans Orlando Phoenix and Utah so uh it would have to be Orlando Indie Charlotte Brooklyn so those are your

Eastern Conference contenders I think I’m going to go with Orlando is the Eastern Conference Team uh that I would be okay with if for some reason it’s not the Celtics the Western Conference contenders Grizzlies Timberwolves Pelicans Suns Jazz uh Pelicans all way because New Orleans is

My favorite non- Boston city and so I will be rooting for the Pelicans and that’s it because they know how to party down there and that would be a wild celebration and I’d go down there just for that celebration I mean what am I yeah I would go down there just for that

Celebration uh and finally James asks who’s the last person you’d want to get into a bar fight with who’s currently in the NBA the scariest player I feel good about my chances in a bar fight with a lot of guys um but James Johnson is absolutely not

Someone if it was me and James Johnson I’d be like ah ah crap because not only is James Johnson 67 240 now I’m 65 uh we’ll call myself 265 it’s not the best 265 I’ve ever been in my life I’m 50 years old so I’m an old man so it’s

It’s I’m I’m getting to a point where I’m gonna have to fight a little dirty but James Johnson 67240 and he’s a black belt he’s trained and it’s the number one thing if you’re ever get into a fight with somebody who’s trained you’re going to lose unless you’ve got some

Training yourself because a lot of people don’t know how to throw a punch and James Johnson does know how to throw a punch uh I’ve also been trained it’s it’s been a little while it’s been a few years since I’ve gone into my karate training but I am um

Technically so uh I a few years ago uh I moved to New York more than a few years ago at this point when I was training for my black belt test I did not actually go to my black belt test because I moved away and I just never

Got to it so I’m not a black belt NE necessarily but um I still have a lot of those skills I’d say and if you know I don’t want to fight James Johnson but uh if if I ever had to get into a fight with somebody I feel

Good about my chances of at least doing some damage uh even in my Advanced age um because if you know how to throw a punch you can get yourself out of a lot of trouble if you know how to defend yourself you can get yourself out of a

Lot of trouble and being able to defend yourself at my size that adds a little bit of something extra because there’s I got a lot of weight behind my if I had to throw so but shout out to uh Lotus Studios in North adbor Massachusetts Michael Killian’s an excellent

Instructor if you’re in that area just free free shout out to Lotus Studios Lotus Studios is awesome he does a great job with kids uh adults all ages and uh I gotta give him a call I gotta get back into that it’s fun great for your body great for your mind I

Understand why Joe moua does it because it’s a good test of your physical limits it’s a good test of your mental limits and it just it’s a good place to get grounded and understand what’s important so um I love it I love that stuff so I I recommend Lotus Studios in North edor

Massachusetts go check it out do not fight James Johnson nobody do that because that would be bad for you uh what would be good for you is subscribing to this podcast and if you are not a subscriber this would be a good time to do it open up your app hit

Subscribe go bloop subscribe and I will uh gladly deliver to you free podcasts five days a week at least five days a week sometimes six like this week because the Celtics play Thursday Friday I will do Podcast Thursday and Friday so you get six podcasts you get an extra

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We opened up the mailbag for the first time in a bit to get questions about making Celtics/Lakers a regular Christmas thing, Jayson Tatum growing and trusting others, Jrue Holiday playing in the dunker spot, Neemias Queta’s future in Boston, and Payton Pritchard. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal has the answers on all those topics, as well as Celtics challenges, clutch play, and who to avoid in a bar fight.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

#BostonCeltics #Celtics #NBA #JaysonTatum #JaylenBrown


  1. I think I just found the perfect piece for Celtics bench. Thybulle from Blazers! He’s long, can shoot the 3 (39%) this season, very good defender who gets a lot of steals and he can rebound! I bet you they’re looking at him.

  2. I was one of those people who wanted PP gone!! Now I want him here lol, he’s playing exactly how he supposed to. Comes off the bench, hits some 3s and plays good defense! Really good back up pg who can do a lot of things!

  3. I’m a satisfied Celtics fan. As a Latvian-American with a Dec 25 birthday – I’m taking some credit for KP’s performance against the Lakers. The Latvian population is tiny enough that it’s completely plausible, so I’ll take the W! Go, Celtics, #18!

  4. If I had the chance to choose a game the Celtics had to play on Christmas night every season I would do Celtics v Bucks. Don't get me wrong, Celtics v Lakers is really good. It would be fun. Theses two are one and two(or somewhere in that top 5 of the division standings) in the Eastern conference standings. I understand the history behind the Celtics and Lakers and the rivarly part, but let's be honest Celtics v Bucks would be a great Christmas night game. Think about the hype leading up to that game, man it would be a lot of fun. Plus I feel that the Celtics v Bucks is more of a rivarly now then Celtics v Lakers with all due respect. I would love to get anyone elses thoughts on this. Very much enjoyed Celtics v Lakers Christmas night this year with that being said.
    Great video and go green machine!🙂

  5. When I saw "Bar Fight" I was so hoping it was about the legendary postgame interview between KG & Sager, God rest his soul. I've been sick with a nasty bacterial infection through Xmas. Hope you folks all enjoyed your holiday. Thank you John. ☘🔒


  7. Thanks for answering my question! Looking forward to seeing what other twists Joe can cook up through the rest of the season.

  8. Does Massachusetts ever produce their own athletes? Your legendary athletes are all California connected. Bill Russell SF University, Tom Brady from SF, Ted Williams from San Diego, Paul Pierce from LA ect…Lakers IST Champions🏆😜 killing the Pacers while ☘️ lost to the Pacers😂😂😂😂😂

  9. UCLA bruins 🏀 11 National Championships 😜 and USC 🏈11 National Championships 😜 and UMass???? or Boston College???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  10. I think mazzula should continue to develop queta and be upgraded near the end of the season if he keeps improving.

    yeah people should stop calling people who are analyzing and criticizing true flaws/mistakes, HATERS. we arent haters. We're just not blind fans. We analyze, criticize and callout because we want the guy to improve or we're being realists.

    Haters are those who say somebody sucks without valid reason (the person who says that person is a hater isnt qualified most of the time to say whether the reason is valid or not).

    John isnt a hater. Hes an analyst.

    Pointing out somebody's short, missed alot of FTs, committed a bunch of TOVs, dribbled into traffic, wasted the shotclock into a contested sidestep 3-pointer, didnt box out, doesnt put in effort on defense, etc… these are valid criticisms. These arent "hating."

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