@San Antonio Spurs

Does Brian Wright NEED TO GO?! San Antonio Spurs News

Does Brian Wright NEED TO GO?! San Antonio Spurs News

San Antonio Spurs fans has Brian Wright been part of the problem or has he been part of the solution take I got no love for the Fess if you want to play tough and want to hate this I’ll always show up and make a statement what is up San Antonio Spurs

Fans welcome to TSR Sports we’ve been talking a lot on this channel about what’s wrong with our Spurs the players the rotations the coaching staff but I think we also need to look a little further up in the organization and Brian Wright has he been helping the turn team

Or hurting team and specifically I want to talk about the draft picks Brian has made since he took over San Antonio Spurs fans drop a comment down below some picks you liked some you didn’t as put an as on here in my grades at least I won’t be grading on HD sight that

Means I won’t be looking at missing on Tyrese halberton P Shango Etc I’m just going to be looking at who we drafted at the time and the needs at the time so we’re going to get into this hit the thumbs like support the channel and subscribe to become part of our

Wonderful Sports Community let’s drop this image down and there are our draft picks and we’ll start off in 2020 Brian selected demel with the first overall pick 11 or first overall pick first run 11th overall pick and drafted Trey Jones with the 41st overall pick

And in 2020 I’m going to give him I’m G give him a B+ Devon is likely our shooting guard from the next decade when he’s on he’s absolutely lethal he is streaky like a lot of our guys and he can disappear his di is also not gotten

To the level I thought it would but he can play be a very solid Defender at times and Trey Jones has shown to be a very valuable backup point guard and even started the majority of last season so to have two players still part of the team and give a substantial minutes I’m

Going to give them a B+ for 2020 2021 we drafted Joshua Primo 12th overall and Joe whis Camp 41st overall and this is without a shadow of a doubt AF I never lik the Primo pick on 12 I felt we reached on him a lot of draft

Analysis had him going in the 20s and to take him at 12th I just didn’t like that move and then we look back he’s not on the team anymore grant that it’s not because of basketball circumstances but to have him off the team and Joe whis Camp off the team that’s just an

Absolute bust of a draft year it was essentially two wasted draft picks not that’s got to go down as one of the worst if not worst drafts in San Antonio Spurs history next year though we bounce back we take Jeremy soan three first round picks Spurs fans Jeremy soan ninth

Overall Malachi brandom 20th overall Blake Wesley 25th overall and Kennedy Chandler who with the 38th overall pick I like this draft even though the jury’s out on all three all three have shown great potential at times I’m going to give it kind of a conservative B at the

Moment Jeremy soan has an interesting career at the San Antonio’s first to say the least we saw a ton of development from him last year and then this year it’s kind of been a m with the Jeremy sowan point guard experiment thinks or I think he’s starting to look better come around and

Starting to get better I think he’s going to be okay but this this start of the Season really just I think threw him off course Malai brandom to me is starting to remind me of Lonnie Walker at times when the confidence is up he’s hitting shots when the confidence is not

There he’s not making shots or taking shots and last night we saw him get LED if you will where he made a turnover early in the third quarter was yanked out out and never played another minute in the game last night so Malachi reallying maybe not with the athleticism

But certainly starting to give me a sign of lny Walker there and last but not least Blake Wesley you know what he’s been playing better Spurs fans he looked pretty good last night four assists and I don’t believe he had a turnover don’t give up on him yet we’re starting to see

Some growth and we saw the growth last year until that knee injury kind of derail the season the big two things I had two big issues I had with Blake Wesley were playing you know control playing too fast and turning the ball over or his ability to just always get

Blocked in the paint with every layup he took but he’s showing some improvement and I’m really hoping he can be a valuable asset to the Spurs in the future he’s still only 20 so don’t give up don’t give up on any of these guys yet any of these guys from this draft

They’re all I think 20 years old right now still young have a lot of chance to develop and give this graft you know this draft is a be right now but in a year two it could be easily an A and then last but not least I mean this is

The no-brainer this is the duh this is an a Victor wama with the first overall pick Leonard Miller the 33rd pick which Spurs eventually you know shipped out much like by the way forgot to mentioned Kennedy chander he’s no longer on the team never was and then we took City

Soko with the 44th overall pick wemy is the franchise this is our franchise player this is a no-brainer pick and then Soko has shown flashes of having some great potential in the NBA so this one’s a a that being said with my overall draft grade for Brian Wright

I’m not going to include this year’s draft simply because I could have did this draft it wouldn’t have matter who I picked with the other picks this is the guy that’s going to get you an a no matter what so I’m just counting that as part of my overall grade just because

It’s such a Dodge draft so I’m really looking at Spur fans 2021 and 22 well out of those three drafts I think we have two good drafts make maybe great some point in the future and then we have one absolute disaster in 2021 so right now I’m going to give right at

Least as far as drafting not the trades he’s made you know trading the jeany Murray Derek white yo PR getting a lot of the trade Capital that enabled us to do these trades these first round picks I’m going to give him a C+ it’s been good but it’s not been

Great and that 2021 is the one that really brings that draft grade down I hate that draft I hate it reaching on Primo I hate what happened to him in his career wish him the best of luck in LA but that’s just that year really I think

Brings it down that being said I don’t think he’s the problem I mean not necessarily the solution but he’s been making moves that has helped the team however Spurs fans timeout if you look at the win loss record right there it looks like it’s an absolute failure as a

GM because we’ve had five losing well we’re going to have a losing season this year come on now we’re 21 games under 500 but it’s going to be five losing seasons in a row with this year potentially being the worst Spurs team of all time they’re 4 and 25 they’re on

Pace that’s 29 29 * 3 is 87 so right now we’re on Pace for about 11 wins 11 wins I want you to think about that I can’t even fathom how bad this team is just a constant third quarter falling apart ax or last night they fell

Apart in the fourth quarter against the Jazz it’s just been a repe repeat occurrence just failing in the second half and pop last night said some changes made to me made yes he’s trying K Off the Bench that seems to be working we ran two point guards at once last

Night with Trey Jones and Blake Wesley sharing the floor at once so hopefully pop always talking about experimenting this year experiment with some of the guys that aren’t getting playing time let’s get let’s get Blake Wesley out there a little bit more let’s get Dominic Barlo out there more City Soko

Let’s find out what we have in these guys and develop them and still give your minutes to your regulars you know Tinker with the lineup because what we’re doing right now clearly ain’t working we’re 4 and 25 so Brian Wright I for the moment I think he’s

Doing a fine job I I do don’t think him being fired is going to fix the problem with the San Antonio Spurs I do think he’s built some good things with this roster but he’s also been in a tough spot where he drafts Jeremy soan back last year thinking he’s going

To be a point forward of the future point forward got it power forward of the future and then wemy comes along this year and then that messes everything up but now Wy Center so now it doesn’t matter it’s just it’s just been just little things here and there

That aren’t really you know we’re getting Square pegs and round holes and it’s just it’s not working out to the way we thought it was a Spurs fans but remember we have a lot of draft Capital moving forward and if we start hitting on some of these picks and this going to

Be a lot of first round picks we have the Hawks picks coming up our own probably top three top four pick next year maybe first or all if we can start conveying on all these picks this team is going to be special thing is it’s not happening overnight and I do think I

Know if this is on Brian Wright or pop or both I think we waited a little too long to commit to the Rebo it should have started a little earlier but we kept trying to win in 19 and 20 and 21 and and now it’s just the Rebel’s been very

Tough for us as Spurs fans but I think good things are coming good things are coming just probably not this year but it’ll be fun watching the guys develop at times and it’ll be frustrating watching them to continue to lose but I’ll be here you’ll be here hope you’re

Having a great day that’s all I got thank you for tuning in and as always ghost first Go andte show and by the way I just played the intro at the end there and that is not right so let’s try the outro goes first go when I feel like this I’m aortal when I feel like this I’m imortal when I feel like this I’m aort when I feel like I’m

Looking at and grading Brian’s draft picks since 2020!

#spurs #gospursgo #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #wemby

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  1. Feels like Wright needs a new scouting team…but he’s been a pretty savvy negotiator as far as trades and contracts

  2. In regards of just his drafting, how would you grade Brian's picks? ( I DO think he has done a good job with trades & contracts. Maybe we'll address that in the future.) Thanks for watching and GO SPURS GO!

  3. I don’t understand why people are expecting us to be a good team a year after we had the 2nd worst record in the league. I think the biggest problem could also be unrealistic expectations.

  4. Brian is not the problem. He picked correctly, and stockpiled draft capital. We're on the same route that Sam Presti and the OKC Thunder are on, thanks to RC and Brian. We will be fine.

  5. Brian Wright isn't responsible for 3rd quarter adjustments. However he came from a losing organization. In order to win in this association you need to be competitive, a bit lucky and realize failure is not an option. Pop has tenure however reading between the lines of the last press conference I could tell that he is getting heat from the owner. When he said that he was going to demand more and make changes, a logical person would inevitably ask: "Why did it take nearly 30 games to reach that conclusion?"
    Honestly the best thing to do is remove the spirit of losing from the team. That's PATFO

  6. Picking Jeremy Sochan over Jalen Duren is a huge L. I like Sochan a lot but I was surprised back then, and even now with the power of hindsight, Duren is just a better player.

  7. I know you all see it Popivich needs to go if this was any other team the coach would be gone no hard feelings that's just the game we need a younger coach

  8. The plan seems solid, just takes time. The Spurs did do the work it took to get Wemby, even if the pick was a no brainer once they got it. I guess the two things I would fault him now is not resigning Chip England and waiving Josh Primo. If the Thunder can keep playing Josh Giddy, it must be OK to keep sex offenders on the team.

  9. Nope.

    The thing is, Victor Wembanyama was Over Hyped by the NBA Media. Spurs fans were Forced to expect that Victor is that type of a Player who will Turn Around the Trajectory of a Rebuilding Team…..not so.

    Victor is 19 Years Old. A KID who played in an Inferior League in Europe which he dominated. Sure, Luka Doncic is way better than LeTurd James this early in his career, but Victor is not Luka.

    Now that the Team is starting a Tradition of Breaking Some Records for LOSING STREAK, Spurs fans are starting to point fingers as to "Who is to Blame."

    Pop? No
    The other members of the management? No.

    Now Spurs fans are targeting Brian Wright?

    Why? Just because the Spurs are being beaten by double figure leads almost every other day?

    No Brainer?

    Victor Wembanyama is NOT David Robinson.

    Victor Wembanyama is NOT Tim Duncan.

    Victor Wembanyama will never turn this around.

    The Problem is…….the Spurs have NO True Good Point Guards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I disagree with the ELEVEN WINS. The Spurs are set to win less than TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let us just accept that OUR SPURS are a Victim of the NBA media hyping players too much.

    Let us just accept that this season is a WASTED/Lost Season because the team was POORLY CONSTRUCTED.

    Why? Because the Spurs want to be like the Lakers, the Celtics or any other Glamour Teams.

    Question: Is Victor considered a BUST?

    I mean, Chet Holmgren was the Rookie of The Month in November. This December, it will be Holmgren again or Jaime Jaquez Jr.

    Spurs fans! Let us just Pray, Wish, Hope that our Spurs will never finish the season WORSE than the Detroit Pistons.

    We can say that what is happening right now is just "Growing Pains."

    I am not giving up….but there is no point of being OPTIMISTIC….jut being REALISTIC.

    The 2023-2024 San Antonio Spurs will be the WORST in The Team's History.

    With a record of 4-25, this current team is going to the nearest Garbage Can at the corner of a Dark Alley that nobody cares about somewhere in the middle of Texas.

    A Wasted, Puked Up, STUPID Season.

    The Spurs will be like the Bulls. Since Jordan left, The Bulls had Two Number One Picks. Right now, they are still stuck between Purgatory and Hell.

    The Spurs are destined to be the same.

    I think this is it. The end of the San Antonio Spurs.

    No Chance, No Hope, NO FUTURE.

  10. Brain drafts sucks no all star or rookie of the year. I'm not counting wemby he's the first pick no brainer I can make that called. I'm looking at players after Brain picks on other teams and most other team players doing much better than the spurs in these drafts. Never pick a player in the top ten if he doesn't have any offensive skilled set unless he's a big and we pick sochan the only player in that draft not a big in the top ten with no shooting skilled smh. So dam frustrating

  11. For now? Pop is The Problem, He should go, do not care where, if you look what Udoka can do wiyh new team…

    Spurs need to change the game, I just can not watch their game anymore

  12. Remember why they pick Wesley and Malaki Branham they are competing hard against one another . That's not scouting. That's why Wesley is in the G-league now and will be traded next year because the spurs will not resign him. All players compete hard to get on an NBA roster after college brain and pop just in case you forgot smh

  13. This is the most disfuncional I’ve ever seen this fan base be. The majority of y’all were fine letting our young players develop and not make a big move last offseason. I for one was on the side of making a move because we have so many picks right now that it doesn’t make any sense at all to keep all of the picks. I would rather bring in a couple of pieces that don’t need developing at all, but that’s beside the point. This awful season is the adverse effect of letting your young team develop, and I’m okay with this approach. I think it’s crazy that people are calling for Pops job, Brian wrights job and clowning on Sochan. What did Ya’ll think was gonna happen?? None of what is going on right now should surprise you. While I haven’t been watching the Spurs much this season I’m not hitting the panic button at all because I understand that this rebuild will take time. If things aren’t the same by wemby’s third year….Then I’ll panic.

  14. Actually we have no problem. The Spurs are just a bad team. But it is OK. A Rebuild is a long run. We have our Franchise Player and some nice Role Players for the future.
    Right now it is just the youngest team and you can see this on the court. A lot of turnovers, bad decision making and sleeping after the break. But even a great coach can't teach experience.

    A Point guard can help to make better decisions. And that is the only thing no one understands. Tre Jones can help Wemby and Devin to get better shots. Now they have to do to much on their own.
    So I would prefer to pair Jones with Wemby and Devin in the Starting five.
    But I trust in Pop. He was always right in the past.

    And as a European it would be so cool when we get Nikola Topic in the next draft. He is a great Point guard. Nice courtvision, high basketball IQ and he can score. Draft Topic and I think TSR gives Brian Wright a B+ next year😅

  15. Thanks for taking a look at the GM! I often wonder how much influence Pop has on draft picks and overall strategy. Speaking of, Wright’s grade should also include his strategy of trading off the top vets, trading for draft picks, and starting over with youngsters. How is that working? Too soon to tell?

  16. I pose two questions cause the hate is crazy. Is it that we are as bad as some of yall think? Or is it that the Western conference is that good? Hmm, I'm leaning toward the latter.

  17. Idk, I think I'm going to give BW a C. The reason I give Brian Wright a C is because he doesn't have the rep when it comes to GM. He low-key set the Spurs back with the Kawhi trade. Also, you gotta look at how bad of a job he did with both Detroit and Orlando, setting them back for years. Orlando is just now getting back on the right track.

  18. I like your analysis, but I think there’s a pretty good case to be made for including the most recent draft in an assessment of Wright’s draft savvy: ie. orchestrating a strong draft position through timely trades & allowing the team to season some young players without having to worry about losing. Seemed purposeful to me. As in, yes we were lucky, but Wright gave the team a great chance by putting them in a great position with lots of options. I know you’re talking about player selection quality & anyone would’ve chosen Victor, but Brian did really help make that pick possible.

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