@Minnesota Timberwolves

Are Long and Athletic Teams The Cheat Code In The NBA ?

Are Long and Athletic Teams The Cheat Code In The NBA ?

You look at the current NBA champions the current NBA champions I mean they’re they’re their point guard 65 their two guard 66 and in kcp and then they probably go 610 610 71 72 it’s a long team uh you look at the the West is

Tough and you look at the West right now and they’re 72 7 feet you know 610 and and so what you do is you’re like okay well maybe there’s something to it uh but you know you have to take and build your team the best way that you can

Based on how you play and uh in the pieces that are around it so you know for us to sit here and say yeah if we can get everybody wiby size and that talented yeah you know maybe we’ll look at it but you know it’s not anything

That you just consciously go bring a seven-footer in here or a 611 guy in here just to be bigger it have they have to fit

#nba #interview #timberwolves #denver #denvernuggets #mikebrown #basketball

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