@Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant’s frustration with the Phoenix Suns is JUSTIFIED by their performance

Kevin Durant’s frustration with the Phoenix Suns is JUSTIFIED by their performance

All right so we tapped into a little bit the frustration and the Eric Gordon article do we want to hear what w had to say around KD’s frustrations and kind of dive into that a little bit more here I feel like we should probably go down that path because we’re seeing a few

Comments in the chat so let’s hear what w had to say today start with Kevin Durant you talked to people in Phoenix and around that organization you know they can feel the frustration with the rant that certainly uh is the Miss games for Brad Beal this team was built around

Those three stars uh The underwhelming Supporting Cast that comes from those massive trades for Durant and Bradley Beal that really gutted uh the organization and left them you having to sign a lot of minimum players to fill out the payroll and then and then understanding uh that they lack the

Assets the draft picks the the trade Capital to go out and really improve this team this is something they’re going to have to manage in Phoenix with Kevin Durant you’ve seen it before and it reminds you it is a stark reminder of how short of a window and how this team

Has to win big and they have to win big quickly uh based on how it was constructed and having Kevin Durant still playing at an all NBA uh level and a healthy Kevin Durant and there’s a lot at stake for this organization it’s got to change soon so my biggest take away from

Hearing publicly from Eric Gordon now and then be a w roughly KD which I don’t think KD is going directly to W by any means but I think the fact that we’re starting to hear rumbles publicly of frustration of these guys behind closed doors it’s pointing to all of this

Coming to AE and something inevitably having to be done in order to appease everybody in that organization that’s my biggest concern like we’ve talked about it on this program but the concern I have is is what does that look like because none of us have an answer for

Exactly what that looks like if it’s James Jones if it’s Frank Fogle if it’s Kevin young and who would come in and replace any of those names so this is it’s a little concerning because it makes me feel like they can’t figure it out amongst themselves that’s how I feel

Yeah I I don’t think it’s James Jones yet espo touched on that I don’t think that’s the move right now I think the move is the the coaches and and if if if I’m being honest I’m saying Frank and Kevin have to go and I will also say this I’ve had some interesting

Conversations and I’m feeling like there is a divide there’s a part of that locker room that sides with Frank and there’s a part of that locker room that sides with Kevin and Kevin is a holdover from Monti staff okay so I’m telling y’all there is something fundamentally broken on that bench

And and that team is disconnected because there are people that are leaning on either side and you should never have that situation you need one voice one leader to run this this machine that we have and you have a base of Kevin Durant Devin book and Bradley

Bal that is your Baseline I’m sorry guys I know people may disagree with me the bench hasn’t been great but the amount of Talent on this basketball team should not be playing like this I’m I’m just sorry I don’t know how much better but not but better than this and so yeah I

Mean there’s a problem I’m getting rid of those two guys who takes over I don’t know is it fizdale is it a voice that’s I have no idea I can’t even get into that but I’m telling y’all this is a problem at this point you can’t keep you

Can’t keep one of those two you gotta get rid of both of them if you’re getting rid of somebody if there’s a divide in the locker room because it’ll continue to be a divide so so now now you’re talking about okay you’d have to get rid of your head coach your top

Assistant who’s the one of the highest paid in the league right now I mean this this is pretty catastrophic compared to where all this started and man I this the KD things everybody wants to go to KD wants a trade I don’t read it as that

I said it in pregame I don’t see it that way this is a an end end around I’m upset we need to make a change you know voicing a frustrations if he wanted out we’d know Kevin Durant wants out and that’s not where we’re at and I don’t

Think we’re going to get there they want change and that’s obviously what this was and the whole oh well the clocks take we know the clock’s ticking because they have no draft assets because of deals that were made we know that the the clock on KD and Beal is is ticking

Just because of their age so that that’s not anything I crazy here and the thought that people want to lay it at Katie’s feet or say hey let’s trade him the guy has played otherworldly for most of the season has he had his his turnover problem sure but

This isn’t KD isn’t playing well enough with the exception of tonight this is there’s so many problems and he’s just I don’t even think he wanted this in the media I think this is people other people with agendas leaking it to wge because they want things to change but

God help me if I hear Isaiah Thomas’s name for anything involving this team I’m gonna burn it all down because that that would be the one way that this could get significantly worse is that guy’s name getting thrown in for anything with this ASO I don’t I don’t

Want to say you you should prepare yourself but I’m GNA go ahead and say you should prepare yourself because we know we know we’ve seen it we know how involved he’s been behind the scenes I know they’re going to deny everything and that’s fine but I mean listen I’m

Sitting there watching my that the guy at Summer League just right by the whole team and like come on man you just you know when when you see it also like when you’re talking about this this particular article I just don’t understand why it’s even relevant it really no he’s frustrated

Everybody’s frustrated we’re all frustrated I don’t even understand the point of even bringing this up outside of trying to stir some up trying to create some drama and you know people will innately go towards Kevin Durant and be like oh look he’s trying to find another easy way out that’s the

Narrative on Kevin Durant ever since he left OKC to go to Golden State right and so now they’re looking at they’re trying to find a scapegoat and the people in the media that might not like Kevin Durant they’re going to use this to their advantage and that’s exactly what

I feel like has just happened Kevin Durant also on the on the on the other foot of this I think he’s so great at speaking on Twitter and calling people out that I wish he would take that and take it to the media a little bit more I

Wish he would call dudes out in the media for the way they approach him and try to throw him under the bus this would be example number one I would have thrown W’s ass so fast under that bus as if we were like at Disneyland at 89,000 Toy Story shuttles we’re about

To run over over his ass like that’s exactly what I would have done if I was Kevin dur because this is you just brought up nothing it’s a it’s not a good team it’s not a good team right now you got to get over it people are

Going to be frustrated when things go shitty at your job W do you think everything’s all great are you not frustrated shut the up man you’re right and I and I and I know ESPN has their issues with Wes trust me listen you’re 100% 100% right so this is a

Whole bunch of nothing this is stuff he’s regurgitating of course Kevin’s frustrated Kevin can I just say this to chat chill the hell out man Kevin doesn’t want to leave Phoenix he doesn’t want to get traded he just wants a better basketball situation he wants to be play better basketball and so we’re

Not playing good basketball and he’s frustrated and Devin is too and I don’t know that there’s a person on a team that’s not frustrated so what are we talking about like I don’t know whole bunch of nothing the the W thing was strategic what what was on their Airwaves tonight

The Suns a team that’s been been struggling they want to stir up some some talking points to create some Intrigue around a game that some people may have just wanted to throw up their hands and go you know what I don’t need to watch that at 8:30 at night on

Christmas so w comes in and I’m not saying he made anything up but he takes something he’s hearing and it gets churned through the machine and it becomes a bigger deal than it is because we work in this business we understand how it works that gets people in the

Door sometimes and that’s what what they wind up doing and that’s that’s the reality of this the Eric Gordon thing he he made a comment because he’s frustrated it turns into an article it gets choed up into little sound bites and little quotes because that’s what’s

Sexy and you know what nobody can stick their head in the sand anymore this is problematic and everybody that that took their swings this summer can can take their Victory lap right now because it’s wound up in places that that they suggested it might and you know what

Congratulations go ahead and do that we were wrong in some ways and a lot of people uh were around this doesn’t mean that’s the way it’s going to end at the end of the season but right now you’re all right that you you guys had it you

Called it congratulations this is a mess right now and they need to figure out a way to fix it I know maybe James Jones isn’t on the hot seat but if I’m mad I’m calling up Bob Myers and going hey I know that you’re kind of enjoying the

Kush talking job like the rest of these Talking Heads ourselves included but would you want to come in here and try to take a shot at at some of this you wanna you want to figure it out because I I’m I’m turning over every rock that does not include Isaiah Thomas right now

And going what are your ideas even if I’m just talking to people saying well would you want to come in what would you do because more ideas on this the better let’s group think this figure out how to fix it that’s for this summer espo trust

Me Bob Bob Myers is for this summer but yeah that ain’t happening no time soon so I don’t think James is in a trouble but yeah guys it’s tough man I I’m not bailing on this team yet I’m not I I there’s some fundamentally flawed things that need to get corrected but there’s

Just way too much talent on this basketball team for me to wave the White Flag but I’m done talking about all the other about champ chips and all that we just got to take this one day at a time and get on the court and start to stack some some positive things together

Before we can get to that

Following a Christmas Day loss to the Dallas Mavericks and reports on Kevin Durant being frustrated with the team, the PHNX Suns podcast discuss what is going wrong with the Phoenix Suns.




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  1. His leadership, turnovers and lack of court vision are hurting us. Quit apologizing for him. He needs to play like the super star we traded for last season.

  2. This overrated piece of trash is a clout chasing simp. Phoenix sucks and they’ll ECLIPSE every year like they always do. They could sign Jesus and his 12 apostles and they’d still lose. Phoenix aint called the armpit of Arizona for nothing. Word.

  3. Blame the coach when things go wrong. But we all know what this is. KD fooled everyone with his "shooting abilities" until he ran into Giannis and the Celtics. In 2021, "KD's foot was on the line". In 2022, KD had a chance to redeem himself only to get swept by the Celtics. Dude couldn't even shoot. The Celtics locked him up and threw away the keys. Are y'all aware that KD never won a game against the Celtics when he played for the NETS? Dude ran from WEST to EAST and from EAST to WEST. The Suns aren't winning a championship EVEN if they go to the finals. Just play hard defense on KD and he'll quit🤣🥱

  4. I'm sorry, But James Jones NEEDS TO GO!!!!! if not this during this season, then definitely by the summer. His aversion/ unwillingness to utilize the draft and develop young talent (cost controlled assets) and eagerly dumping picks right and left put us in this current situation to begin with.

  5. KD should definitely be frustrated with everyone, including DBook and Bradley Beal. Both are not holding up there end of the bargain. A 35 yr old is y’all best player smh

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