@New York Knicks

Breaking down the Knicks recent games & whether or not Immanuel Quickley deserves more plyaing time

Breaking down the Knicks recent games & whether or not Immanuel Quickley deserves more plyaing time

The New York Knicks they’re back in action on Wednesday night when they started three-game road trip to close out the year they’ll do that in Oklahoma City so let’s preview tonight’s matchup with the Thunder we’re going to talk some Nick aaker basketball we’re going to do it with the dean of Nicks Film

School my guy Jonathan Mack rejoins me now J Mack how’s it going it’s going good uh Dex obviously nice to get a Christmas Day win for the Knicks finally beat the Milwaukee Bucks and uh yeah it’s been it’s been an intense months month of uh basketball a lot of good

Competition which I know going to talk about but uh excited to see how they match up against this Thunder team yeah excited to see it thunder good team we will get to that in a second but before we get to Wednesday night’s game I want to talk to you about Emanuel quickley

Whose minutes are down this season but his production is similar to what it was last season when he was the Sixth Man of the Year runner up considering his positive production should IQ get more playing time I think there’s two different questions there should Emanuel quickley

Based on how good he is and the production and and what he offers a team whenever he’s on the floor get more than 24 minutes a night absolutely is that feasible here in New York with the roster that they have and all the different pieces at play that I think is

A little bit dicer look you’re not going to find a bigger Emanuel quickly fan of me I’m wearing my my IQ t-shirt right now in anticipation of tonight’s game um but as tip says they have a lot of talent and the most talented guy on their roster I would argue is Jaylen

Brunson who is a small guard and uh is defensively challenged and obviously quickly brings a lot on the defensive end but more off ball than on Ball and I think you’re always going to get a little liness from tibs I know their defense hasn’t been great this year but

He wants to have a sturdy Foundation of of defense and the notion of putting too many guards on the floor at once is is always going to scare him a little bit so I think that’s really what it comes down to but there’s no denying the team’s better off when he’s out there

Yeah no doubt about it onoff numbers are tremendous for quickly right now now back on the Deber 5th the Knicks they started a tough 14 game stretch that included 10 Row games and nine contests against teams with winning records they’re 10 games into that stretch with

A five and five record what have you made of how New York has performed during the stretch this month I think it’s impossible to talk about this stretch without highlighting the absence of Mitchell Robinson for a healthy portion of it I mean I did my own personal kind of check-in rankings on

The team after 20 games and I had Mitchell Robinson as their second most important player after only uh Jaylen Brunson he was the foundation of everything they did on both ends of the Court uh offensive reing rebounding obviously and then the way he’s able to cover up for some of their uh defensive

Uh struggles is really had him on track to make an all defense team so I think when you factor in how well they’ve done against the competition come up big in some big games against the Suns against the Lakers and then obviously most recently against the Bucks I don’t know

How any Nick fan can uh reasonably complain about where they’re at got a couple tough games left to go before the schedule starts to lighten up a little bit so not out of the woods yet but so far so good so far so good for the Nic aakers that moves us right into

Tonight’s game on Wednesday Nicks versus Thunder out in OKC Thunder they come to this one third in the west with a 19-9 record JM what are you keeping your eye on with the Knicks in Oklahoma City and what are the keys to the Knicks getting

Their second win in a row here yeah I mean before saying anything about the matchup in particular for any Nick fans watching this who may be familiar this Thunder team is legit I know you know they had a lot of um time spent uh perhaps not trying their hardest to win

Games over the last few years this was expected to be a season where they were going to be in in kind of that maybe six to to eight range out west the fact that they’re as high as they are they just come off came off a resounding win over

The Minnesota Timberwolves who are number one in the west I think the biggest thing for this particular matchup with New York is how the Knicks defend Chad hren uh he is a skilled big even though this is his first year in the league he sat out all of last year

With an injury they have had problems with legit not only stretch bigs but bigs that have a ample level of skill that are on the floor and he’s hitting a lot of Threes he can pull the ball on the floor he’s a dangerous one-on-one matchup and the only other thing I’ll

Say is the thunder um they don’t take a ton of Threes they’re they’re borderline bot bottom 10 in terms of frequency but they make the second most threes in the league in terms of rate of accuracy the second most accurate three-point shooting team uh in the NBA so we know

The Knicks can get hurt uh by the three-point shot so how they deal with Chad and how they uh cover up the three-point line those are the two things I’ll be watching for all right couple things to watch there in the matchup against the thunder on Wednesday

Night Nicks looking to pick up win number 18 on the season here we will see if they can do that that is Jonathan Macker of Nicks Film School taking his time to talk some Nic aaka basketball which is always a good thing j m thanks man I will see you soon

Always a pleasure my friend be well

Jonathan Macri of Knicks Film School breaks down the Knicks’ most recent stretch of games & if Immanuel Quickley deserves more playing time.

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