@Denver Nuggets

Why the NBA is TERRIFIED of the Denver Nuggets!!

Why the NBA is TERRIFIED of the Denver Nuggets!!

The NBA is on Lookout watch because the Denver Nuggets have now won seven of their last eight games ever since Jamal Murray has come back from injury and their young guys are starting to make an impact guys like pton Watson are starting to come on strong especially on

The defensive side of the ball Julian strawther starting to make an impact offensively and of course we know Christian Brown is that dude they got the best duo in the NBA I feel very confident of course coming off of an NBA championship there’s not much you can

Say to dispute that they are seventh in offensive rating 11th in defensive rating in seventh in the net rating so they’re not exactly Elite in any categories but the young guys are finally catching on that is the big topic of today’s video uh the guys that we just showed you starting off with

Christian Brown who has been their seventh man regie Jackson has actually stepped up and been their Sixth Man and that has been a huge help for them but Christian Brown has been a seventh man off the bench that can really shoot the three ball and can defend really high

Energy guy 8.4 points per game 3.7 rebounds 1.8 assist in 20 minutes per 36 six those are some pretty good numbers he’s shooting at 47% from the field only shooting at seven times a game and only two times a game from three but he is shooting at 38% that’s almost 40% so a

Pretty good three-point shooter really good Defender really good high energy guy he’s a great piece for this nuggets Squad and then you got pyton Watson whose impact goes beyond the box score um yes he’s only averaging about six points per game about 2.5 rebounds and a

Block in 16 minutes but you look at the per 36 numbers you look at um everything else two blocks in a steel per 36 that’s pretty nice really solid Defender really coming in to help ease the pain of losing a guy like Bruce Brown and pyton

Watson he’s only 21 years old so he’s only going to continue to get better and better shooting at 53% from the field this year and 34% from three next up we’ve got Julian Strather um now yes he is a bit streaky I mean one night you

Look on there and he’s hit six threes in the first half and then the next night you look on there and he’s got three points um or as you’re watching the game but on the are is averaging six points 1.6 rebounds 38% from the field 33% from

Three in 13 minutes so maybe we see him continue to pick up more and more minutes uh down the stretch now the biggest shock in my opinion for this Denver Nas team has been Reggie Jackson who they got for nothing and has come in and he didn’t play much last year but

He’s averaging 13.2 points 4.5 assists and 2.2 rebounds in the early first quarter of this season and he’s shooting it 49% from the field 38% from three 71% from the free throw line doesn’t make much sense but you know you got to be slacking somewhere 23 minutes per game

For Reggie Jackson that’s pretty dang good for the 33y old and if you are enjoying today’s video at any point make sure to like button leave me a comment down below and hit that subscribe button it’ll really help us out in the YouTube algorithm as you can see here a large

Majority of the people that watch these videos are not subscribed to the channel so if that is you go ahead and change that and with that being said let’s go ahead and continue on here looking at yeah good luck stopping him yok is just putting up MVP numbers for the

Fourth consecutive season probably had a really good case to be the MVP last year and they gave it to embiid 26 and a half points a game 12.3 rebounds 9.2 assist that is accounting for hold on let’s do some quick math somewhere over 45 points a game depending on threes or not 55%

Shooting from the field 33% from three and 1.2 steals as well as point eight blocks for the super athletic interior Defender now can he win the MVP I don’t know mbid is putting up some crazy numbers yanis is putting up some crazy numbers none of them have the assist

Numbers as uh the Joker but yeah I don’t I don’t know if he can go out and win that mvp there’s some pretty worthy candidates this year but hey if you’re the best team in the NBA the best player has a pretty good case Jamal Murray 19.3 points per game four rebounds six

Assists he you know that’s a pretty solid Jamal Murray stat line you know 26 and four that’s about normally what you get for him uh but 47% from the field 44% from three on 5 and a half attempts uh in 30 minutes a game I’m really liking what I’m seeing from Jamal Murray

And of course one of the best Duos in the NBA now let’s talk about The Supporting Cast Michael Porter Jr cavius cwell Pope and Aaron Gordon we’ll start with mpj only the year he’s their third leading score continues to just be extremely efficient on shots that you

Should not be extremely efficient on uh he he continues to defy defy my imagination 16 and a half points almost eight rebounds a game an assist and a half so he’s averaging over an assist per game on 40% shooting from the field or from three 47% from the field that’s

Pretty Elite Aaron Gordon on the other hand one of the best defenders in the league because he can defend any position 13.5 points per game 6.7 rebounds 3.4 assists 52% shooting from the field in 32 minutes of night another good season for from Aaron Gordon who is the perfect fourman beside joic while

Cont tavius cwell hope is the perfect Twan beside yic I mean this roster just fits in together so perfectly and with guys like Reggie Jackson Christian Brown stepping up off the bench it makes it even better um kcp you see the numbers there 42% from the three-point line will

Take it all day long as well as 1.5 steals a game um so yeah great Supporting Cast that’s the other three starters probably the best three four five I don’t know I don’t know the Celtics have a pretty good starting lineup as well um but overall they also

Have some veterans like DeAndre Jordan who can give you an occasional 20 ball and then just go back to the bench randomly um but you know do they make some trades here the question is because the bench well yes Christian Brown uh Peyton Watson guys like that are coming on Julian

Strawther that Straw’s a rookie Jaylen picket Hunter Tyson probably won’t be ready till next year so maybe you can use some picks there you have a lot of picks in the future um that you can use to potentially move around and you know get a decent level bench guy it’ll

Probably have to be under the second or there above the second apron so it would have to be like 13 and a half million or less um so we’ll see what happens there but wouldn’t rule out a trade being made at the deadline for the Nuggets looking

At the standings here they’re sitting at number two they’ve you know pulled out a a bit of a comfortable lead over everybody else except for the Minnesota Timberwolves but they are what four and a half games back something like that I I really know how that all that math

Works but they a win and four losses behind the Timberwolves so some work to be done there looking at the Outlook their upcoming games um they’ve had one of the tougher schedules in the league I believe but they get golden state today at 2:30 I

Might have to bet on that one that’ll be a good one then Memphis Oklahoma City Charlotte Golden State again so your next five games um four of them are at home two of them are against two of the worst teams in the league Oklahoma City will be tough but I think you should

Take both against Golden State take the one against Charlotte and Memphis we’ll see about OKC though and then you got Orlando Detroit Utah New Orleans Indiana so not a tough stretch at all coming on for the Denver Nuggets let me know your thoughts though down in the comments

Section below um this is still my favorite they’ve been my favorite to win the NBA championship since two summers ago uh they were my favorite last year they were my favorite this year I think it’s going to happen I don’t think anybody can stop them whenever they’re playing at full

Strength now injuries obviously things can change but we haven’t even seen them at their full form yet though because Julian strawther um guys like Hunter Tyson maybe can continue to come on towards the end of the year and of course Nicole leas just makes everybody around him that much better so I’m

Excited to see what’s going to happen um with all that being said that is going to be it for today’s video however U make sure to the like button and hit that subscribe button if you did enjoy today’s video at any point and with all the said thank you so much for watching

Today’s video

This video looks at the Denver nuggets and how the NBA is terrified of them after their role players have started to play better around Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray


  1. 1st πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

  2. New Orleans Pelicans your next video Backyard Buckets 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

  3. Timberwolves might be the worst match up for the Nuggets currently, and they are doing amazing this season. Its gonna be quite some time before they meet again, I would love to see how the Nuggets fair against them after that first meeting

  4. I picked Boston in the East and Denver in the West at beginning of the season. Jamal Murray being injured in early part of season ended up being good for the bench….honestly, Denvers bench has impressed me…I had lower expectations. Watson is going to be a beast….Braun keeps getting better….Jackson is delivering more than expected….even Deandre Jordan stepped up…..Joker is not even giving it his all and is still playing excellent almost every night. KCP is excellent on D against star offensive players and Porter keeps getting better and better with his 3's. Plus they have the best coach in the NBA!

  5. The biggest problem for the Nuggets is their backup 5, Deandre Jordan is not good enough center to be effective backup for Jokic, nor is Zeke Nnaji, they need to trade Zeke plus picks for good backup center, otherwise Nuggets are elite and certainly a favorite.

  6. I watched a few Celtic games recently and they look pretty strong. But no match for the Nuggets, they may not even get past Miami.

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