@Philadelphia 76ers

The Sixers find their magic in Orlando, get first win without Joel Embiid this year | Sixers PGL

The Sixers find their magic in Orlando, get first win without Joel Embiid this year | Sixers PGL

[Applause] [Applause] Ah winless without inbi no more Sixers break that Trend and get the victory in Orlando tonight as we welcome you here to Sixers postgame live brought to you by Cy Insurance Amy fiddle Jim Liam and Mark Jackson and gentlemen we saw that everybody had to step up and you really

You look across the the box score and you have contributions from so many different players I mean Jim everybody down Marcus Morris obviously you’re looking at guys like moamba in there Paul Reed who got the start it really a complete team effort yeah they had really excellent balance uh to the

Scoring aame which if you don’t have uh what 30 plus points in the person of Joel and B that’s what you need and I think they complemented that with terrific defense down the other end of the floor I like their game plan they were really determined to make Orlando

Score from the perimeter and as good as Orlando is at driving the ball in the basket and getting into the paint they are not a good shooting team and that was very evident in this game yeah N9 for 33 from Beyond The Arc overall just 39% from the field but you’re looking at

Six guys in double figures for the Sixers and defensively they I mean the only reason the only reason the magic got to 90 is because there was a prayer of a three-pointer put up by jet Howard the rookie down there at the very end absolutely what I learned about the

Orlando Magic team night they literally try to bully people Ben Ben Carol uh fron they really put their shoulder in the people and they use their length to the advantage but it did not work tonight Kelly UB Tobias Harris did a great job and Mars Marcus Mars senior he

Did a great they did a great job of letting them young fellas know not in this house buddy not in this house Marcus Morris six of uh six of 14 that’s 43% you mentioned Tobias Harris he’s a guy that you know we started off the

Season so strong and then he fell off a little bit maybe still trying to find his role at times but the last three three games Jim you’re looking at 30 plus and then 20 and then over 20 and then over 20 tonight that’s the kind of aggressive Tobias that the Sixers need

If they’re going to be successful down the stretch yes same uh and that graphic we put up when we were at the time out uh showed the reason why the difference when Vias gets shooting opportunities he scores the ball it’s that simple and he’s up getting opportunities now again

Joel and beid not being here the last two games it’s understandable but you can’t as I said he has to find a middle ground you can’t go from averaging the previous five games to his real like Breakout game the other night he had averaged eight shots per game and that’s

Simply it’s not good enough for Tobias Harris and it’s not good enough for the 76er team that’s a good point Tobias Harris an aggressive 10 of 23 for 22 points here he is afterwards well tell a friend to tell a friend that Tobias Harris is scorching hot right now baby third consecutive

20po performance and your squad is has needed every one of those points SP what’s been what’s been working out so well the past three games uh just being aggressive out there taking advantage of the opportunities and uh just flowing with the team I mean I think uh for us

Obviously coming off the last game we knew how hard we played we couldn’t we didn’t get the victory but coming in here tonight we knew this is a young and a really good team um and we knew we were going to have to bring our all and

U continue to just use our Pace out there and get stop so I thought um in the second quarter we did a great job of just locking in and all the way in the second half I thought we just it all together Tobias we know you played here

Is there a certain level of comfortability playing against a former team in the building that you’re familiar with is that something that’s in the back of your mind when you play the magic oh yeah all the time I think uh you know even yesterday we had practice and it was in the practice

Facility that um you know I really this is a place that I came in and um you know got an opportunity to to make my career at at one point and uh you know just being back here is comfortable and being on his court obviously there’s different faces and uh different people

In the organization but at the same time just to be somewhere where I I started and um there’s definitely familiarity for sure well speaking of being familiar with this area Paul Reed your teammate bball the central Florida Player of the Year back in his high school days got

His first double double of the Season tonight to BU us after a tough one in South Beach a couple of days ago so what’s Paul doing this year that’s standing out to you man I just I feel like he always plays well in Orlando you know uh um he’s always had great

Opportunities uh here and I thought tonight just came out took advantage of his minutes um you know the production we got from Paul re from moamba tonight was a huge for us with the big fella being out uh we need those consistent efforts throughout the season you spoke

Of the big fella being out this is a scenario we don’t want to be in but how encouraging is it after going 0 and four to finally get your first dub without the big fell in the lineup yeah you know I think obviously you know with with that people have to understand that

Takes patience and time as well I mean we don’t practice without them and whatnot so it takes time for us to adapt he’s such a focal point for our offense and you know more importantly also for our defense so just takes time to to to recalibrate and figure out ways that we

Can be successful and uh tonight you saw a lot of that yeah good one tonight congrats on the wayn Tobias we’ll see you on the play see you talk Tobias talking about the Comfort level obviously between he and Paul Reed Paul Reed playing his high school ball right down the road and

Tobias playing four years with the magic saying they practice in the gym that he really kind of cut his teeth in so that he has a certain Comfort level but you’re seeing him kind of grow in this role we’ve seen him have so many different you know kind of iterations of

His game since he’s become a sixer you know he was a starter and he was the second option and then he was the third option and maybe even the fourth option at times trying to work his way in this offense but you’re seeing him once again

Take the Reigns when needed to on a night where obviously Jim with no joy and beid and Mark they don’t have uh those 30 plus points they needed to have a guy what did you see from Tobias maybe really in these last three games Mark that you liked determin ation determined

Like listen I’m I’m going here to be aggressive forget the plays how many times they really called the play for him I don’t think it was much he’s taking stuff to his own hands being aggressive in transition and making sure he’s bullying people he’s getting to the

Room I really like that yeah I mean he’s a guy that last year he was asked to be a completely different player than he is this year this is maybe a little bit more of what we expect when he came over from the clips yeah one of the things

You’re seeing in these little Clips here aim you seen him do a lot of ball handling you know whether it’s coming out of the back court you see him here see him in half court uh he he’s very Adept when you give him a little floor

Space and let him fool around with the ball a little bit whether whether that’s in the half court see that’s a pick and roll right there see look it right to the rim uh yeah I think when you allow him some freedom and I I’ll tell you

What I particularly liked in this game this was not a great shooting game by Tobias Harris he was terrific but he wasn’t like shooting it up near his Max and when you have the confidence and the wherewithal to continue shooting 23 shots that’s what his team needed

Tonight good for Tobias he supplied it I love the way coach has worded that you know freedom freedom he’s not stuck in a corner waiting for the pass to come to a late in the shot clock he has the ability and the freedom to go ahead and

Create on his own and it makes you more comfortable it keeps you in the flow of the game you don’t have to where we getting hot and cold because you have the ability to turn it on off whenever you want we saw in that Raptor game they

Had three guys with 30 plus points and if you’re looking for the Sixers to be you know the True Eastern Conference Contender they’re going to need big efforts like we saw from tonight in the last couple of games from Tobias Harris we all know Tyrese Maxi is aiming for

His first All-Star Game and if Doan be’s watching we know that you want him to be a starter so 23 points nine of 18 another very good shooting night no surprise from Tyrese Maxi good shooting from three-point this was a good bounceback game for him Jim because we

He did not shoot well 4 for 20 against the Heat in Miami on Christmas Day yeah I thought watching uh to be honest with you I saw the game erratically Christmas day you know people people coming and going all day long and as a result I didn’t wasn’t

Able to really concentrate but watching a lot of those clips there he missed shots that he normally makes and tonight you see him he was back to his normal self making you know very difficult shots for most people but not so for a guy like Maxi he had six rebounds and

Some of them are really key rebounds uh at different points in the game Mark when you’re thinking about it it’s funny the only offensive rebound has was his own uh Miss in this one but when his assists are down it’s nice to see him doing other little things to kind of get

Things going exactly he you find a way to stay in the flow you find a way to create you find a way to to help your teammates and when you when you it goes back to the Tobias thing just having the freedom to to with all to understand

Like I can do multiple things as long as I have that capability I’m allowed to do that then I should flourish and if I’m not getting a bucket one of my teammates is yeah 23 for Maxi 22 for Tobias 22 for DeAnthony Melton those are just three of

The six Sixers players that scored in double figures all right we’re going to we’re going to take our first time out coming up here on Sixers postgame live we’re going to hear from Nick nurse it’s been a little bit it’s been a minute it’s not since the 22nd and we got to

Hear this song so it’s our first one post Christmas here’s a look at the leading scores we mentioned six Sixers players in double figures Pat be you can see down there anthy Melton another nice game from him 22 points and Paul Reed a double double on basically his hometown

Let’s check in now with Nick nurse after the win in Orlando to shots yeah I mean I think uh felt like we turned him over a pretty good amount but 16 felt like it was more than that I thought we had our hands on a lot of lot of um turnover deflections or

Whatever um I don’t know I thought we were we were really good defensively half court like I thought they back cut us about six times for layups early they got some stuff in transition and but in the half court I thought we really made it difficult for them I mean I mean they

Really pounded inside the pain and we did our guys did a pretty good job of standing in there and and trying to you know TR make them keep kicking it out um yeah it’s pretty happy with the defense especially second half not all of them at the well uh it’s kind

Of a first time for that right um and I thought start with Tobias I thought he played really at a good Tempo tonight I thought he really went when it was there he held up and kind of played with good Rhythm when it wasn’t and got to spots

Where he wanted to get um melt obviously you know we take that four for seven every night from three be good I think he’s a really good shooter right and he needs to make some threes for us because I think he’s had good looks this year um

I we talked about Tyrese already but also Marcus Morris kind of kept the scoreboard moving for a stretch there in the second which was you know that’s kind of that’s kind of what he can do like we can get him the ball and he can look him in the eye and hit those

Jumpers and and he kind of kept it moving there for a while which was good yeah so yeah so obviously Pat and Marcus played really well right I thought CUV came in I don’t know how many steals he got but he got his hands on a few made a couple key steals there

Only got him for two and I thought Mo had a really good stint early and rebounded it really well right he was he was I thought his first half stint was excellent good production Off the Bench Nick talk tyres said drove the but as a younger it’s good to be able toce

Back performance last yeah yeah and then he picked up two fouls to start the game and he had to sit and watch so he had another had another little mount a little Hill to climb there right away so yeah I mean again I think that

Um uh he read the game well he blasted in there when he saw an opening played through some bumps um you know got got some space for some threes when he when those were open we did you probably saw we got him off the ball a little more

Tonight um so he was a recipient of some weak side stuff too so great bounce back I mean most most guys in this league go through four for 20s right most really good players so he he did good to bounce back from it I’m sure I’m sure he’s

Happier today than he was a couple days ago and another thing I don’t know if they not but as far as a confidence standpoint you know Joel wasn’t here you know the first four games one of them was Boston game but how just you know

Prepare you guys moving on well I yeah I just think that um you know we certainly got to find another style to play cuz it’s so different when he’s there and um the first couple weren’t great right and the you know the Boston game went down

To the wire uh this one was a good win uh you know even you know we we were down four and we had two free throws and missed them both in Miami with about 250 to go we’re we’re we’re almost in a one possession game there and then next

Thing you know it was nine but we batt battled pretty so we’re just playing better I think is the main or playing well enough to give ourselves a chance to win is is the main thing without Joel play together a little more was this the best performance you seen from

The two of them together sharing it yeah I mean I think it’s always you know it’s a read of the game I’d love to tell you that we planned on doing that and that’s exactly the way it worked out but we you know we put Pat in and he starts playing

Well right and and um commanding the game a little bit running the team and things like that it’s easier to let him you know keep keep rolling tonight so that was that was a little bit um uh easier and they found some found some

Rhy and I think our guy I mean we knew you know they were blitzing him early we figured they’d Blitz him I’d Blitz Tyrese too so so having Pat and melt handle the ball to get Tyrese off it I think help helped Tyrese yep thanks guys thanks everybody Nick nurse a little

Tongue and cheeks saying a lot of the good players go four for 20 and then bounce back but yes obviously to bounce back in this one but he mentioned the the defense specifically uh in the half court and that’s something I think that really stuck out because you’re looking at a team that

Does not shoot that well and they really limited them Mark absolutely he did a very good job of of reading the game plan who could shoot who can’t how we slow that team down and I I tell you I think this Lando magic team really

Flourishes when guy get on guys get on a wing they got athlet sugs Cole Anthony but they’re not necessarily on the ball right France and and uh and her are the ones that’s on the ball and allows them little guards to get out and run and

Even though it they maybe 63 62 they are able to finish above the RM so I think them not having that capability to do that versus Sixers stay with them

The Sixers are 21-9 to start the season, their best start since the 2000-2001 season (😏), after a 112-92 win over the Orlando Magic on Wednesday night. Even without Joel Embiid, the Sixers had three players score 20+ en route to the win. The Sixers PGL crew has everything covered after the dub, and comments from head coach Nick Nurse, as well as an interview with Tobias Harris. #Sixers

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