@Los Angeles Lakers

[Cranjis] I’d love a straightforward question to Darvin along the lines of: | LA is among the NBA leaders in drop coverage usage. That appears to go contrary to the roster’s strengths and quotes you and players gave at multiple points this year. Why has the team leaned on drop so much?

[Cranjis] I’d love a straightforward question to Darvin along the lines of: | LA is among the NBA leaders in drop coverage usage. That appears to go contrary to the roster’s strengths and quotes you and players gave at multiple points this year. Why has the team leaned on drop so much?

by NotGonnaGetCaught


  1. There’s been some bizarre stuff that I’m realizing lately.. I remember early last season there was criticism that Ham was running way too many plays to the point where players were visibly confused on the floor and didn’t know what they were running. Fast forward to this season, and we basically ran nothing in the first few weeks of the season, have AR (who closed out playoff games and was one of the best players on FIBA) somehow on the shortest leash in the NBA, we’re throwing out brand new starting lineups 1 game before the most important early season game, and spamming drop coverage basically putting Hayes and Wood into situations where they’re going to fail.

    Also Buha stated that AD made a comment that the Lakers have not been a switch team and they’re now switching a lot and that they’re botching a lot of the coverages (because switching takes a lot of communication and timing). So I’m wondering why we haven’t been practicing it and why we’re doing this before we’re ready. We’re basically in no-man’s land with our defense.

    I’m starting to question whether Ham has an actual game plan for the season or if he’s just reacting week to week because this just seems chaotic.

  2. isit65outsideor

    Well if you switch you’re talking about D’Angelo getting buried by Joker, Embiid, Ayton, etc., Throw in AR in that conversation along with Reddish and Max.

    Lakers have some players that can switch in AD, Rui, Jared, etc. , but teams will target the guards so it’s not out of the question for the Lakers to go into drop to protect the basket with AD being an ELITE rim protector. The guards are not great on the perimeter, they sure as hell won’t be great stopping effective forwards.

  3. favorite_sardine


    yes, we want to win some games and keep pace in the standings, but this is a marathon scheduled to end in June. Not saying everything is perfect, but, we gotta keep the main thing the main thing. remember when folks used to say the season doesnt start until Christmas? wth changed? remember media will say whatever to stir the shit and keep you engaged. stay engaged, but stop acting like whiny loser-ass (insert any other team name) fans. Be a LAKER.


  4. Tangentkoala

    Because your perimeter defenders can’t guard a chair.

    Switch all mentality, and you’ll just get cooked and blown by to a simple drive and kick 3.

    It’s more analytically sound to have defenders go straight up against AD In the paint or a lousy mid range shot that’s not utilized in the league.

  5. SPMrFantastic

    Send Daniel Popper over there to give him the Staley treatment

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