@New Orleans Pelicans

Joel Meyers recaps Grizzlies loss, remaining homestand | Pelicans Podcast 12/27/2023

Joel Meyers recaps Grizzlies loss, remaining homestand | Pelicans Podcast 12/27/2023

Welcome into the New Orleans Pelicans podcast a podcast dedicated to everything you need to know about the squad hear from players coaches broadcasters and those who cover the NBA on a daily basis the New Orleans Pelicans podcast starts right now well hello everyone and welcome to another Edition of the New Orleans

Pelicans podcast the official podcast of your New Orleans Pelicans I will do my best along with Jim iik inhofer from to keep our spirits up with a little perspective coming up from Joel Meyers Our Guest for today and plus Jim will give us our Western Conference uh

Player week uh Team of the we te to watch there it is could it be the Pelicans have you ever done the Pelicans I have not okay like this is actually the first season that I’ve done this so I don’t think there’s any strict rules

So maybe there will be they will be at one point you’ll never know yeah all right so last night there’s no other way to say it a tough one 116 115 in overtime Pelicans go down to the Memphis Grizzly second time in a week that happens very similar fashion we can call

It controvers we can call it whatever it is if we want at the end CJ McCullum Jim called it one of the most bizarre finishes Joel Myers he’ll hear from here coming up shortly I can’t wait to hear what he thinks he’s been around basketball lot here as well but you and

I in postgame yesterday looked at it from a certain perspective as well refereeing shot making free throwing all of that the end of the day controllables is maybe what I’ve narrowed it down to in a word and I thought it was interesting that CG McCullum actually said that in his postgame press

Conference you can look at all of the other things that you can’t control but boxing out rebounding free throw making hustling and go get it I referenced yesterday to you yonas seems to be the only one rebounding there in that final stretch walking the ball up the court no

Passing the these are all things that you can do right yeah I mean the way that I summed up last night on what was a a very um unhappy postgame show was just there’s a lot of people that you could be upset about in the you maybe if

You want to complain about the referees you could do that but at the end of the day you do have to point at yourself and look in the mirror and say Here’s the list of things that we could have and should have done better and if even if

We check off one of those boxes was with as close of a game as it was it probably is a win and everyone is in a much better mood today and things are looking just drastically better you still would go back and look at the film and say hey

These are some of the things we need to improve we need to shoot free throws better Etc but at least we came out of it with a win but instead of it instead of that you’re extremely bitter so that was that’s one way to look at the game I

Mean to me I you mentioned you know controversial the way that the game ended I thought that that was the most if people remember um I don’t think they still have these but going back a couple years they used to have Buffalo Wild Wings commercials where people are

Sitting in the restaurant watching a game and something crazy happens like the sprinkler system goes off as the running back is about to score the game-winning touchdown and he gets tripped up and therefore the game goes into overtime that was the most Buffalo Wild Wings commercial ending I’ve ever

Seen I think in the NBA where it seemed like the and obviously I’m not saying this was intentional but it just seemed like the referees were coming up with every Poss way to extend that game and it was like the the list as I tried to

Write it and recap it in the postgame rap it was hard to even where do how do I even narrow this down so this isn’t a novel in terms of only what just happened in the last minute or minute the last 1.5 seconds of Regulation was like something that you could sit down

And break down forever so it it was unbelievable Jim we’re sitting in a building where you don’t have to you don’t have to go very far down any hallway here to see or ask anybody if they haven’t seen something like that before towards the end of a game but and

I think that’s the thing too right and look again sej McCullum said it after the game it shouldn’t have come down to that um you heard Brandon Ingram in the locker room there as well say it willly green said it look these things hurt we we’ve talked about this and it stinks

Even he said it he’s hoping that you don’t have three or four more of these games like this but go back to Trey Murphy after the loss against Houston and he said we just haven’t had enough minutes this group together on there and it’s kind of this combobulated who wants

It who wants it look I I I’m again not at any level near professionalism but if you’ve played any kind of sports you always have that one person that you sort of feel comfortable enough when the clock is ticking down I’m going to get that person the ball he’s going to come

Through that person comes through and when you look at the the last three losses it’s been that right like we all knew the entire Arena knew xamar was going to drive there at the end we all knew shenon was going to get the basketball right and we all saw

Yesterday um you had to address that and and you saw then Blitz jamaran but that that team looked confident and played confident and I think at the end of the day I know it’s not what I want to hear I know fans don’t want to hear it but

It’s just maybe the truth right now and maybe that’s why Willie Green said it yesterday that this team just has to go through this and has to learn it I I can’t teach it I can’t draw it up he says it you can sit there and watch

Video but Jim MH until you figure it out yourself on the court you have three max players you have players with talent you have all they have to figure it out themselves somebody’s got to want it and I think that’s the thing we talked about last night who wants it because it’s

Different from Jim go ahead you know I’ll go Carver here you go you know it’s like who wants it who’s the person says we’re not losing tonight right and until that develops I think that it’s going to be tough and and by the way Willie Green

I think the word the phrase that he used was this crap hurts which that’s an extreme that’s like very close that’s as close to a profanity as you’re going to get so when when he said that my antenna went up because you realize how how

Angry he is about the situation yeah I I mean you’re right as far as they’re going to have to figure this out the only way to avoid having to figure this out is winning every game by double figures which we know is totally unrealistic and is not going to happen

In the NBA so it’s got to be frustrating from his aspect of it right cuz he’s sitting there and he’s like we make the pass like pass the basketall CU he’s not doing anything that we’re not saying go rebound get out there that’s what I’m saying it’s up to the

The guys to kind of have that sense and feel and that’s going to be interesting for me moving forward because you still have a couple of games here in this home stand it still is December but I I do I do like the I’d here’s what I was

Thinking about when I was driving in this morning there is a sense of urgency like we wouldn’t be this upset last night right you wouldn’t hear the somber and the seriousness in CJ and and and Willie Green and Trey Mur and and and using phrases like we’ve got to fix this

We got to figure it out because they know that they can win this is different than can they find a way to win a game in in other words do you have enough Talent do you have enough shooting you know can you even compete with these teams that’s not where the Pelicans are

Right the Pelicans are look that’s a different Memphis team was yah so the Pelicans are there right the Pelicans are you can win every single night but to beat good teams to win playoff series to eventually been championships you have to win in the clutch and there’s

Some stats that are alarming right now that needs to get corrected now but I’d rather them do it now than uh than in April yeah yeah and I think unfortunately some of the tentativeness kind of compounds itself the way that they play at the end of games where

Where you watch them and they just look hesitant they look apprehensive um that stuff it seems like it it just kind of multiplies like the more that they play like that the more that they get cautious and the more that they don’t attack to me that’s one of the words

That I keep going back to is that you have to attack more you can’t be in this mode of you know indecisiveness and trying to figure out okay where do we go with the ball if you play that way where you’re constantly thinking instead of just reacting and and um you know doing

Everything that you can to put the defense in a bad position you’re going to end up with some of the problems that they’ve had lately so hopefully they can get better at that improve that otherwise I’m going to keep feeling like I did after last night where I feel like

Someone’s going to and this isn’t just last night this is over the course of this season and even if you went back years I feel like at some point someone’s going to jump out of the bushes and tell me that I’m on this NBA prank show and I’m like okay now it all

Makes sense how you could have the series of crazy wild um Madness that happened at the end of the game we’re getting pranked okay I get it now n haha that’s funny I can laugh cuz that’s sometimes I feel like that’s the only way that any of this makes any sense no

Doubt at the end of the day comes down to this take care of your own business that’s what it comes down to right take it out of anyone else’s hands take it out of the opponent star players hands take it out of the referee’s hands but I

Feel like we need a dose of perspective huh and who better to do that than Mr Joel Meers Our Guest for today so let’s do that all right it’s our pleasure to welcome in our guest for the day Mr Jim I can offer he is the voice I’ve tried

So many times you know maybe like go without drinking water to try to get that beautiful raspiness and that deep baritone I just don’t have it Sir Mr Joel Myers’s voice of the Year New Orleans Pelicans for Valley Sports and of course the television broadcast good morning to you sir how are you

Man well could be doing better uh with 410 of a second left there was no files committed it was a bizarre ending as we all know uh but fortunately the pels still over the 500 Mark three games over the 500 Mark and still in the seventh

Seed in the west so it could be worse I I want to start there because CJ McCullum was asked literally at the very beginning of his postgame pressor yesterday that he’s like have you ever been a part of that now you’ve been around basketball a lot um obviously uh

You know CJ has been around basketball he called it the most bizarre finish ever so does that kind of go with how you saw it last night yeah it was strange I mean I was I called Derek fisers point4 in San Antonio when you know he ran off the court after hitting

That shot um but it was strange and it was strange to see the officials so involved at the end of a game yeah that was really strange to me as well so uh there was a lot of bizarre aspects to it so I’ve seen some some different things

Uh but that ranks up there close to the top of the list I think for me too in addition to some of the specifics that happened last night I don’t think I’ve seen a team have this string of losses where I mean they have they still

Haven’t lost a game since Las Vegas by more than two points so I mean how do you put put that into context as well just the it just seems like I mean I I don’t want to turn this into a complaint Festival but it it does seem like

They’ve had so many bad breaks lately where especially at the end of games it seems like everything has kind of gone wrong well Jimmy brought up the word breaks you make your own breaks and the pals you know they didn’t have any turnovers until the fourth quarter they

Had six in the first quarter then they had three the rest of the way until the last six minutes of the game and then they beat themselves with turnovers and then as you watch them in their half court sets they don’t have any Pace at all they walk through it and prior to

That until the last three to four minutes of the game they were moving the basketball not that they had many assists last night because it became an ISO game uh but nobody wanted to make a mistake down the stretch and that impacts you as well I mean a perfect

Example is Jon has had a great look inside and I mean he’s 68t for the basket and he backed it up and backed it out and that was deep in the shot clock and up and that was not on yonas that was on all of them it was a group

Mentality as opposed to being forceful and aggressive and with pace so everything changed over the last four or five minutes so they’ve got to get over that more than anything else I literally talked to Jim about that in our postgame yesterday and then you hear what Trey

Murphy had to say after Houston saying look they don’t have a lot of minutes together because it you know on the outside or I guess uh that phrase Joel on paper this is a team that isn’t really young in terms of Zion’s been in the league a bit he’s play a lot of

Basketball um CJ’s been around a bit Brandon Ingram’s been around a bit those are your top three players Jonas has been around a bit is it what Trey Murphy kind of says that you just haven’t been in those situations and Willie Green said it after the game yesterday as well

Memphis while they seem kind of young they’ve been in the postseason they’ve been in games where they’ve had to win or lose um and just this pel’s team hasn’t is it as simple as just not having done it well I think it goes beyond that I

Also believe that there needs to be an alpha at the end of games like that and they have a John Morant and then a lot of teams have that dominant lead guard for the last three four minutes of a game you so Minnesota looks totally different with Mike Conley completely

Different with a 36 37y old lead guard and I think that’s where I if you play 48 minute games the first 45 minutes are great but in a one possession game when it really slows down like the playoffs you need that Alpha the one guy that is going to be

The glue that is going to be the guy that is not going to be impacted or inundated by the the moment so uh that will develop over time hopefully uh the alpha will emerge from this group if not you find you find an alpha is what it boils down

To I mean do you look at it in general too I like where you’re going with with some of this in terms of you know we could sit here and complain about officiating or bad calls or I use the word the phrase bad breaks all day I

Mean we did that a little bit earlier in the podcast before you came on but I mean you kind of look at it like we have to shift for shift forward to focusing on things that you can control and another one to me is the free throw

Shooting as well that that was also costly and something that’s been a problem in some of the recent games 12 misses in a one possession game yeah I mean that’s bizarre that is really strange because you don’t have hre Drummond you don’t have bism bio right

You don’t have a lot of Brick Layers you don’t have a lot of Masons so then it’s psychological do ad my partner Antonio Daniels says it’s it’s so psychological because you’re standing there and it’s not a rhythm it’s not like in motion like you are out on the floor during the

Course of a game so all of a sudden you stop and it’s consistency and form it’s very similar to what tennis players golf guys will tell you consistency and form when you go to the free throw line whatever that is whatever your Rhythm whatever your method is and for some

Reason this group doesn’t have it you get you know G you just brought up CJ CJ missed two at the end of the game yeah that was strange in a close game and he’d be the first to tell you he’s the shooter so you have to find a way to get

Over that and then you know the I brought up the turnovers the situational it’s really situational because you the the first 35 to 40 minutes of a game you may not have any but all of a sudden in crunch time in the most dramatic moments you’ve given it away and we saw that

Again last night so they just have to clean clean things up the talent is there there is no question this this roster has a ton of talent can play can score can can match up with almost any team but they have to glue it together

And find out who that off is going to be you know you bring up a good point as far as when I look through the free throw percentages of teams year and and year out the team the the three to five teams at the bottom of the list it’s

Always very easy to explain this team is at the bottom because they have Shaq this team is at the bottom because they have Dwight Howard there’s always one guy the thing that was perplexing to me especially if you look at the game last night in particular is that it just

Seemed like everybody was missing free throws I mean I think they had six or seven guys that missed at least one it wasn’t the kind of thing where um you know you can point the finger at one player and say you’re the reason that we

Had a bad free throw shooting game but I don’t know what it is it just seems like it’s contagious with this team like a couple guys missed free throws and it it’s like people I don’t even know how to explain it that people just tighten up maybe mentally and they’re like we’ve

Already missed six or seven free throws I can’t be the one that misses another one and then that it ends up happening Joel you mentioned it too that the mental aspect of it you know there’s video of John Moran skipping out out into the tunnel after the game say they

Didn’t think we’d do it again we did and he’s laughing right he having that confidence to go do that and so much of sports is physical but so much is that mental aspect belief confidence that you’re going to go do it I want to do it

It’s what I told uh spoke with Jim about in postgame someone needs to say give me the ball you know the famous Shack phrase that he said at halftime in the locker room if you don’t pass me the ball in the second half I’m gonna deck you somebody needs to to have that

Confidence and then other people feed it because you saw it right in one week’s time the difference that Memphis is by having a guy like jaah who has confidence but then exudes confidence and give confidence to everyone else well you also remember at the end of the game they had three guys that

Could be aggressive that all felt really good about handling the basketball they had Jah j didn’t handle it Marcus Smart and then what about Desmond Bay so they had three guys that really wanted it at the end of the game they wanted the ball in their hands they weren’t shrinking in

That moment and let’s face it guys we’re 31 games in they’re 17 and 14 right now I’d much rather have all of this rise and and come to the front at 31 in than the last 31 games and then all of a sudden you’re collapsing down the

Stretch so work it out now find out and identify what you need to do and and who needs to be those guys that we’re talking about at the end of games the guys that need to take the lead need to take that role but you can’t walk the

Ball up the floor over the last five six minutes of the game and play not to lose and play to protect you have to continue to build off of what you did for the first 42 minutes as opposed to the last 6 minutes and and then all of a sudden

You look like you know the old proverbial uh dear head dear in the headlight look and that was what has transpired recently down the stretches of these close games I’m totally with you Joel I mean as much as people would have been and I’ll include myself in

This angry at after the game last night you wake up the next day and you realize that it was Game 31 it wasn’t game 7 and you realize that if this kind of thing happens in March it could be a season killer it could be the kind of

Loss that says okay now you didn’t make top six because of this game you didn’t make the play in or you’re in a less than ideal spot for that as well so you know one of the things that you mentioned in we we talked about earlier

As far as having an alpha a guy that you can go to and Joel you talked about how you know between Morant Bane and Jackson the Grizzlies had three guys that were totally willing and able to step up and take big shots um I actually thought too for I

Thought Brandon Ingram did take some tough shots and made some tough shots but to me the problem is that they’re always so difficult and you you mentioned Joel the part about walking into the offense and how they get stagnant to me that is one of the biggest things they need to address be

Regardless of the specifics of who’s taking the shot who’s stepping up and saying this is my game I’m going to take it by the throat the way that John Mar did is just making sure that whatever shots you get they’re not up against the shot clock um I think you can have maybe

Lesser talented players execute well at the end of games if you are doing the stuff to get yourself better opportunities if you’re getting into the offense if you’re you know running different actions that allow you to create open shots so to me that’s the biggest thing um the step to me the step

Before even getting to the point of figuring out okay who’s going to have the ball the most at the end of the game is making sure that I mean you could have you could have five Michael Jordans on the team but if every possession is 5 seconds left everybody’s looking around

Like what do we do you’re going to end up with bad results on offense and you’re going to end up with a lot of shot clock violations or you know contested 20f Footers and you can’t win that way offensively well the biggest issue is you play one way for 42 minutes and the

Last six minutes now you have no Pace at all and I’m not talking about transition I’m talking about you get the ball across now there’s 16 left on the shot clock now you’re deciding what to do you’re down to eight or 10 and you still haven’t even the ball’s not been inside

The three-point line yet yep so Pace in a halfcourt set means crisp movement we’re there in the morning we’re at practice ad and I sit together and and they they fly through half quartets and they move the basketball and there’s constant touches and it switches sides

Uh that doesn’t exist over the last 6 minutes so they get away from what they were doing to get the 15-point lead what they have to do is to remedy the situations is continue to do what they were doing earlier but if you’re going to walk it up down the middle of the

Floor and all of a sudden now there’s 10 on the shot clock and you still haven’t even made one or two passes and you’re out beyond the three-point line you’re always going to have problems with a shot clock you’re always going to be deep into the shot clock so they have to

Remedy that situation and we’re not telling them anything they don’t know yeah I you know I’ll say one more thing about that to me a lot of times people think that the way the biggest reason that a team loses a lead in the fourth quarter is because of defense

That they play poorly that the other team scores a bunch of points and they blow a lead but if you really look at it a lot of the times that a team is up 15 in the fourth quarter and they lose it’s because when you look at the box score

At the end of the game they only scored say 15 points in the fourth quarter a lot of times it is offense and so right I I think that’s definitely true and also to I think teams and you could say maybe the Pelicans fall into this too

Teams a lot of times when they have a lead in the fourth quarter they get really apprehensive they get really hesitant about what they’re doing you know overly so overly cautious and to me too you can’t you can’t worry about the clock almost at all until there’s about

A minute or so left in the game when there’s a minute or so left in the game and you have the lead at that point you can say okay now we can make sure we take a lot of time off the clock the way Memphis did in overtime last night after

They had the lead you can’t do that with four or five minutes left in the game because all it does is it makes the opposing defense even more aggressive get up in you even more and kind of smell blood and say these guys are getting getting cautious now we can we

Can come back against this team yeah and you don’t want the reputation of a team that’s going to protect a lead yeah and let it get away and lose double digit leads and now the PS are ow six in games decided by three or less wow they’re also uh bottom three

In offensive efficiency in clutch games in the last five minutes of games that are five or less at that time so you don’t want that reputation because teams are always going to say well we can come back on them they’ve been there and done

That and given it up before so I as I said it’s 31 games in it’s a long season we’re really fortunate that things like this are identified early as opposed to late when you can’t make adjustments and you’re already kind of stuck into this

Is Who We Are are well you can get away from that it’s still early in the season and the team is still right now seventh in the Western Conference anytime you think you have problems and you think you have issues just look at the Detroit Pistons I knew you were going to say

That I knew you were gonna say that I was rooting for I kept giving score updates during the game like they’re down they’re down two they’re up one and then you know they didn’t close out but that’s what I was going to finish out with Joel is that is you know the way

This home Stand start has been tough and obviously you go back to the Tuesday game against Memphis before the home stand started but you pick up that win against Utah you pick up a very Happy New Year’s Eve win against the Lakers you’ll make everybody feel better and

Then you close out against Brooklyn and if you go three and two this home stand it it feels different don’t doesn’t it so I mean this is a chance to show hey if you want to Heed These lessons and and learn you still can come out on top

And and have more wins than losses in this home stand yeah and don’t beat yourself that’s the with turnovers in the fourth quarter and then just basketball IQ mistakes little things that crop up over the last six minutes of the game because now you’re kind of in panic mode this team has a

Lot of talent there is no question they have a ton of Talent on the roster so that’s the really plus that’s the big positive they’ve got guys whether it’s Zion or whether it’s brand and C J got on the list Trey um herb who’s the most

Versatile at both ends of the floor uh they’ve got a lot of they’ve got depth they have talent so they’re a lot of positives and fortunately this is early in the season and it’s not the last 1520 games and you’re in panic mode that’s true little perspective for Mr Joel

Myers as always man I appreciate the time thank you for stopping by anytime guys thank you for having me thanks Joel all right Jim as always we appreciate Joel giving us a little bit of that time it just it just it’s almost like that Father Figure right when you just sit

There be like Daddy please help me understand what is going on here we sit here son and let me tell you sometimes life stinks no okay that’s how it is uh but it is but look you heard me say it there at the end and as we go and before

We get to the Western Conference you know team and player and all that other stuff how about this go look we’re going to feel a lot different right get that win and then you win on New Year’s Eve against the Lakers who are struggling there are struggling since the Vegas

Tournament so it’s not just the pills a lot of teams look I saw this past week and over over the weekend is it time for Kevin Durant to leave you know Phoenix I’m like no I’m being serious you saw that though right it doesn’t surprise me laughing that people brought that up

Literally somebody tweeted Kevin Durant doesn’t deserve this he needs to leave Phoenix I’m like what he has to go I mean so that’s what I’m getting at and you would think with those guys it just there’s something to be said about chemistry and you have got to go through

It and have those guys who are become second nature so that’s my dose of perspective when literally around the the Warriors are done they’ve won what four five straight the Lakers are trash let’s see what happens in a couple of days right in a couple of weeks oh

Phoenix is Unstoppable Durant wants out I mean let’s let’s let’s breathe figure it out somebody say give me the ball and go win some games because I think you have the talent but that’s the thing you look around the league there’s a lot of teams that are that are scratching heads

Right now that you’re there really are and that actually was the the main thing that I wanted to discuss briefly in Western Conference Wednesday is to me one of the developing stories around not just the west but the league overall is the fact that you have the Lakers are in

Ninth Place Golden State’s 10th Phoenix is in 11th wouldn’t even be a playin team right now that part is really interesting but as you referenced we we remember last season was one of the best teachers of how long a 82 Game season there is because the Lakers started off

Maybe 2 and 10 and by the end of the season they’re in the Western Conference Finals Pelicans were in first place in December by the end of the season they were in ninth and then got knocked out of the plane so you can’t get go overboard with you know freaking out

Saying like Okay you know like you mentioned the part about people wondering if Kevin Ranch should leave it’s like it is only December it is only 30ish games into the season for a lot of teams so you have to put that into perspective and realize that there’s so

Much time left in the year um Western Conference Wednesday the team to watch last week coincidentally or maybe not coincidentally was the Suns they are continuing to struggle they lost they only had two games but they lost by 15 at Sacramento and then they lost on Christmas by 14 at home against Dallas

They’re 14 and 15 now which puts them two games behind the pelicans pelicans should probably have a bigger lead than two games but we’ve already gone over that at nauseum in terms of why they don’t have a bigger Edge on the Suns than two games um the Western Conference

Team to watch this week is going to be the Dallas Mavericks they’re 18 and 12 and that’s only one and a half games ahead of the Pelicans so part of the reason why I picked them is because I do think it’s possible that we could see

Some shift as far as can the Pelicans gain ground and or pass them um the Maverick schedule this week they they host Cleveland tonight they’re at Minnesota tomorrow which is a very difficult back toback then they’re at Golden State Saturday Monday at Utah people might say oh Utah but I mean

We’ve seen how good the Jazz can be with two two close wins over the p Ians and they’ve been playing much better lately they’re 13 and 18 um won a few games in a row played much better um so the Mavericks are the team to watch just

Because I think I mean at this point I could pick one of six seven eight different teams that are right there with in the standings with the Pelicans but they have a pretty challenging week ahead so I’m curious to see how they do yeah it’ll be interesting to see and and

That’s the beauty of it that I think it’s going to be like this you just have to stay consistent and like I said you always want to be above the 500 Mark right seven and three is perfect for me I just it’s fine I’d love

Eight- two i’ love 9 and one I’d love 10-0 in 10 game stretches CU coach Willie Green likes to look at him in 10 you have to avoid three and sevens four and sixes like that that’s how I look it even five and fives you’re not going to

You’re not going to fo that much but you just can’t get there and for the most part the pills have avoided that now right you’ve lost a couple here in a row now now you’ve got to go take care of your business on Thursday that’s the one

Thing we touched on yesterday the most disappointing of this it’s your last three home games you’ve lost and you’ve lost in games that you’ve been able to win you you can’t give up 15-point leads 14-point leads and and lose at home it shouldn’t be there’s no noise you know

You should have that you know the help of the fans and all of that and I think the the graphism of all of this is you would think you would get the benefit of the calls at but right that’s a that’s a completely different that’s the three-hour podcast that have to be

Recorded and I think too you know specific to what the Pelicans have done lately at home and what’s happened in the fourth Quarters at home is when you think you can deliver that knockout punch where you’re up 125 in the fourth quarter and you say okay let’s put these guys away

It’s harder to do that on the road for whatever reason um but the Pelicans have not been able to do that um somehow they have to continue to carry the momentum that they’ve built up in the beginning part of the game the first half first three quarters and do that in the fourth

Quarter as well so that’s what we’re going to hope to see well again our thanks for Joel Myers and more importantly um I’m pretty impressed by you thanks Gus yeah yeah I thought for sure you’d have jumped over here and grabbed my kids brand new Nintendo switch and just started playing based

Off of the game yesterday sat Carver down here and just have him you know yeah know I mean I I could probably use a distraction from what I’ve talked about when when you first said how impressed you were I didn’t know what you meant and I thought maybe you were

Referring to the fact that I’m not completely unhinged today so that I had showed some good composure two things helped me and I’m paying for it tonight I may I may not have had a glass of wine CJ McCullum would approve of that um and then I realized it was 2:07

A.m. six boards in Super Mario Brothers Wonder oh wow like I have got to put this down yeah I think I think I got to sleep at least by 12:30 12:45 so I’m doing better I was just saying what this was all about you know it’s been years

Since I’m went boing Bo and then next thing you know it’s 20 yeah you got to be careful with those games man they’ll keep you up my eyes hurt thank you Jim as always man thanks guys hopefully our Friday podcast is going to be a little bit better hey tomorrow night Pals take

On Utah and then it’s the Lakers on New Year’s Eve which is just around the corner here as well that’s the beauty of it as we talked to Joel Myers you can get three wins here to close out the home stand everything’s going to be feeling better at the very least we got

To get the new so anyway we we see you then as always thanks for tuning Us in don’t forget to follow the show if you do that just click follow the show on any where that you’re listening right now you’ll actually get a notification you’ll get you know go right there on

Your phone on your laptop that’ll let you know that the newest podcast is been posted so or has been posted thank you so much for tuning Us in we’ll see you again on Friday you’ve been listening to the New Orleans Pelicans podcast thanks for listening to the New Orleans

Pelicans podcast join us three times per week on the Pelicans mobile app or you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes we’ll see you next time right here on the New Orleans Pelicans Podcast

On the latest New Orleans Pelicans Podcast from Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2023, Gus Kattengell and Jim Eichenhofer are joined by the voice of the New Orleans Pelicans for Bally’s Sports television Joel Meyers. The trio recap the loss to the Memphis Grizzlies and try to answer the tough questions on the team’s recent comeback losses. Later Jim breaks down the games to watch on Western Conference Wednesday.
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New Orleans Pelicans Roster
Jose Alvarado #15 Guard
Dyson Daniels #11 Guard
Kaiser Gates #12 Forward
Jordan Hawkins #24 Guard
Brandon Ingram #14 Forward
Herbert Jones #5 Forward
Kira Lewis Jr. #13 Guard
E.J. Liddell #32 Forward
Naji Marshall #8 Forward
CJ McCollum #3 Guard
Trey Murphy III #25 Guard
Larry Nance Jr. #22 Forward/Center
Matt Ryan #37 Forward
Dereon Seabron #0 Guard
Jonas Valanciunas #17 Center
Zion Williamson #1 Forward
Cody Zeller #44 Forward/Center

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  1. They dont need an alpha necessarily. The problem is their 2 best guys don’t consistently play well off each other. I’d also rather see Herb and Trey in the closing lineup over CJ.

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