@Boston Celtics

Nervous about Boston Celtics facing Detroit Pistons? Can C’s get separation in the East?

Nervous about Boston Celtics facing Detroit Pistons? Can C’s get separation in the East?

A third of the way through the season let’s take some stock here of what these Celtics really are plus are we a little bit nervous about the Detroit Pistons and how much separation can these guys gain from the rest of the East we’re doing it all right now with a special

Guest it’s this guy be ever ready recognize the city of champ Boston baby we do what you can’t locked on number 18 tatman Brown J team step back we going to wet that and slay teams of course the Celtics who else could it be screaming like kg with the

Lario be Coralis above average assessing the team status best daily pod No Cap Sal REM matching clutch like bir the DJ John on replay Prime Time dapping up the truth on the sideline raining JS how started raising B how we finish lock on Celtics pod home of the

Winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network where it’s your team every day and I got you every day with a free fresh podcast that drops directly to your device when you subscribe so go ahead open up your favorite podcasting app subscribe to the

Show you can also do the same thing on YouTube hop into the comments section there let me know what you’re thinking about these Boston Celtics especially ahead of this game Thursday I don’t know man biggest game of the season against the the 27 loss in a Road Detroit

Pistons we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about getting some separation and we’ll talk about the state of the Celtics we’re going to do it all uh first of all Today’s Show is brought to you by prize pick the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz

Lock.nut uh lockdown NBA all lowercase for a first deposit match of up to $100 so uh today we got a special guest here normally I’m I’m taking these off days with Tom Wester home no no no no upgrade to be ever ready the man you you heard you just you

Hear his voice you’re part of every show you’re a constant on every show because you are the man behind the theme song so everybody who asks me in the comment section hey who does that theme song this is the guy right here this this guy

How you doing man good to see you again good good good to be here man I really appreciate uh you bring me on the platform uh such a blessing to be uh you know the guy who replaced Millie on the theme song you I’m I’m just a fan I’m

Just a fan well listen listen I hope I hope you following Millie’s footsteps because he he is blown up and uh I feel kind of awkward asking him to do a theme song and uh he doesn’t he doesn’t need he doesn’t need this Celtics Lo on Celtics bump you know he’s we’ve already

Launched his career all right we’ve already done that you know we’ve already launched his career that’s right that’s right I’m just following in a path that’s been late there it is there it is platinum is on on the way so um so uh

This is this is gonna be a lot of fun so let’s just let’s dive in well first of all this is your second appearance on the show because once upon a time you if I’m not mistake you won my version of Celtics Jeopardy right absolutely absolutely I’m true blue uh True Green

Celtics fan from way back I’m an 80s kid so absolutely so we’re of the same generation I gota I gota do Celtics Jeopardy again in the off season that was fun yeah um all right so let’s let’s start with this you you’ve we’re talking just a brief before we started the show

Uh and I was like yeah crazy season you’re like no no no this season is amazing so let let’s get you just to take stock man you you’ve been watching this team um what’s your feeling here as the Celtics uh we’re about a third of third of the way through they’re what 21

And six tops in the in the NBA how are you uh feeling about this squad right now man I’m feeling real good um aren’t they 23 isn’t it 23 now on six but is it 23 I look 23 and six yeah 23 and six all right

I’m no I gotta be accurate I don’t know why I the last I’m so I’m so worried about the Detroit Pistons and this is really only water this is only water in my cup so I don’t even have that excuse of having something else in there uh yes

23 and six they’ve won they’re winning uh over 79% of their games man uh number one team in the NBA so yeah I mean honestly I’m really enjoying the season I think um you know starting out with the off season you know we were up and down in our feelings right it’s like

Okay uh you know we not resigning Grant you know we trading Marcus Smart who’s our heart you know all these things were going on but then it’s like all right we got porzingis okay that’s a big move we got Drew holiday okay that’s another big

Move so you know you kind of up and down in your feelings a little bit in the offseason and stepping right into the season I mean they’ve they performed really really well um I think the offense is a lot more cohesive and dangerous now than it really has been at

Any other time you know really in like the Jay’s era um and the defense has stepped up tremendously compared to last year yeah you know what I mean I think having porzingis at the rim and I I heard you talk about uh kayada you know

I mean he he um man he he’s given him some great minutes I mean cornette is too but I mean kayada is really like you know kind of a surprise piece on that interior and um man I mean my my my only like reservation outside of this trap

Game is I I really need to see them give the Warriors like a 30 point like I mean I you know like yeah listen I respect Steph Curry like to the ultimate like he is a baller one of the greatest of all time but I Sports hate him you know what

I mean like I I want to see them go down uh mightily at our hands but outside of that man I’m loving them it’s it’s one of the best compliments that you can give somebody to say I I think and it’s it’s funny because I remember seeing Isaiah Thomas like the Detroit Pistons

Isaiah Thomas not not the good Isaiah Thomas right saw I saw the the bad boy Isaiah Thomas at the Garden uh during the NBA Finals a couple years ago and I I I went up to him and I was like look I’m I’m a kid of the 80s um the the best

Compliment I can pay you right now is to say that I have always hated you and he he’s like thank you thank you like that’s if if you are a member of the opposition and the the the fans of the other team hate you yeah to me I just

Like I just think of that as a basketball player I’m like yes that’s just that thought makes me smile I hope that like the greatest thing I would ever hope for as a basketball player is in the NBA is to have 29 other fan bases hate me because it means I’m doing

Something right you know and not in a Dylan Brooks kind of way like Curry kind of way you know what I mean yeah absolutely absolutely but yeah so look I I agree with you I think the Celtics their offense has has really started to come around I thought it was really

Interesting when Joe Mula was talking about you we talk about sacrifice for everybody but for Jason Tatum he talks about reinvention because fact is Jason’s not sacrificing anything he’s not the guy that’s sacrificing much like he’s always gonna have the ball in his hands he’s not gonna lose any minutes

All that stuff he can kind of do what he wants to do yep however the reinvention part is interesting because he he does have to change like the usage will be the same but he does have to change how that usage kind of comes around yeah and I

Think the last bit of it is the thing that everybody’s complaining about in the comment section I’m sure you at at at the end of the Warriors game when you saw Tatum you know take that step three-pointer it’s it’s the same thing that everybody’s talking about right

That kind of stuff is is the next part of the reinvention like start running some plays start running off of of other players and and doing doing a little bit more in that in those spots but I what I what I really think is the best sign for these Celtics is that it

It still doesn’t look finished this is still like it feels like there’s a lot of sanding like you can see the chair that someone has built and you’re like oh yeah this is gonna look great all you got to do is sand it down paint it and

You know put a coat of finish over it right and but the Celtics still have to do that stuff yeah which you know heading into you know New Year’s is right around the corner that’s actually a good spot to be because you want to see them still have work to do yeah so

They have something to look forward to uh rather than peeking now and just kind of cruising into the playoffs absolutely absolutely you don’t want to peek too early and I think um last year we were kind of subject to that a little bit but

You know what I mean but uh I think when you’re talking about Tatum’s progression like really how we played against La is almost a perfect game from him I mean really controlling the pace like outside of that second quarter but like you know the playmaking like he had that one that

Left-handed dime down to Holiday yeah yeah on the basine that was nice you know what I mean like that’s really what you want to see from him in terms of growing on his game because I always see you know I’m a guy like you know I I’m

On Twitter a lot right and the comments are always about Tatum versus Luca and who do you want and who’s better and this is why Tatum’s better this is why Luca’s better whatever I mean I think that as Tatum grows with that playmaking aspect that’s the last piece of it where

It’s not even a conversation because really I mean offensively they’re pretty close um you know to your Point usage is way different you know two different offensive Styles so he’s not going to be putting up those kind of crazy numbers but I mean defensively you know he’s

Worlds ahead of Luca and you know as long as his playmaking continues to improve you know what I mean that’s the last that’s really the last step he has to take I just think you know it’s hard when I mean you know he’s a guy who puts

In that work in the offseason and he trusts that Jay so much he’s got that confidence because he puts in the work so it’s like on one hand you’re glad that he has the confidence but it’s also you know you’re seeing every you know every clutch situation where it doesn’t

Work out it’s like man you are 610 and you can go by just about anybody in the league like why are you not forcing the refs to either make a call at The Rim or finishing the play yeah yeah that’s that’s a good point man that that that’s

Where he he he just needs to accept the numbers yeah are what they are right and you know like the pull-up jumpers are that that’s not it it’s just not it for him I don’t know why though I don’t know why though because he I mean you know

When he gets hot I mean you know because they’re contested they’re just they’re they’re contested above the break threes off the dribble you’ve got so the above the break threes are harder the contested shots are harder off the dribble shots are typically lower percentage so it’s like those three

Things all together look some guys are good at it he he had one season where he was good at it one season where he was about average and every other season he’s been terrible at it so he’s just got to accept accept the facts man it just it’s not a criticism necessarily of

Your game it’s just look you’re not look not the way you can finish right you do rap songs you’re not sitting there playing jazz right like I mean I don’t know if you can maybe you can but I love jazz you know I mean I mean we love it

We love it but I’m not I’m not sitting here playing the piano because I can’t so that’s not what I’m gonna do I’m gonna talk about basketball and so that’s kind of the same thing all right let’s let’s get to the the the thing that I can’t believe we’re talking about

This this way the Detroit Pistons the Detroit Pistons I cannot help but be nervous about it let’s take a second here we’ll be right back to talk about the nerves the nerves when it comes to the Pistons Today’s Show is brought to you by uh our good friends over at eBay

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Check out lockon NBA if you missed yesterday’s show it was me and it was Andy kinety of lockon Lakers uh covering John Morant the the nice to see Marcus Smart by the way doing work over there now that jaw’s back they’re 4 and0 we talked a little bit about the Pistons we

Talked about a bunch of stuff so if you’ve missed that show go check that out check out lockdown NBA rotating host week long so you can uh get stay up on the league all right man okay the Detroit Pistons yeah right they’ve lost 27 games in a row they’re

Two and 28 which means by the way quick math they were two in one to start the season that’s right start the season that’s right uh they are 2 and 28 they come in losing 27 in a row they face the Boston Celtics who are

Coming in off of a West Coast trip and we know those West Coast trips that first game at home you come home you relax you’re in your own bed you you you still have that little bit of a jet lag your body clock isn’t right that first

Game at home is always a little bit iffy the Pistons coming in now I’m not saying I expect the Pistons to win I expect the Celtics to win but even if you look at the um the injury report there’s Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown Jason with the ankle questionable Jaylen with

The back after the the knee that he took from LeBron questionable uh it looks like porzingis is gonna play Al Horford’s gonna play so uh that’s they have their size but it’s you know not out of the question that the suelix will be short-handed so yeah on a scale of

One to 10 be ever ready how nervous are you facing the Detroit Pistons in this situation um well all right one question what time is the start is it it’s a it’s a normal 7:30 okay it’s not like a a silly like afternoon game let me just let me just

Double check since I got since I got the wi total wrong like a before uh it’s a 7:30 it’s a 7:30 game on the back toback against Tonto I will say I’m glad that the backtack is Toronto and not like a good team you know because then

That would have made this the super trap game if this was Detroit and then Philly right then that would have been completely overlooked now you got two crappy teams so you’re not overlooking one you just got to go and play the teams in front of you but

Anyway sorry you oh no uh 1 to 10 I think I’m about a solid five five to six um I mean to me like we’re talking about the progression that Tatum has to make like this type of focus that’s going to be required to win this game is the last

Step in the evolution of the Celtics they’ve got to you know put teams away when they’re you know clearly um you know a better class of Team than their opponent um you know and and take these games wire to wire um you know it’s you know it’s the reason why you know

Going back of course because this is recent but you know it’s the reason why we lost to Golden State right you take off the ball you know no but I know it’s like I feel like you know some people think like we harp on that kind of thing

Too much you like the fans you know we kind of get you know caught up in those losses but it’s just like those things are just indicative of what we’ve seen in the past season so it’s like a trigger you know what I mean sure of course for the you know mental health

Advocates you know what I mean that’s that’s a trigger because it’s like you’re losing in the same exact fashion that you lost before and literally we could have had a championship already with this group if had these things not happened so you know it bring it brings

Back all of that so just say all that to say as long as they have their focus should be a wire to wire Victory if they take their eye off the ball and depending on who’s not playing that could definitely you know open up some opportunities for Detroit

I’d be honest with you I I it would be I think a good thing for the Celtics if one or both of the Jays don’t play first of all you I’m let those guys rest right like I I take a day off I’m I’m cool

With that but when when one of your main guys isn’t playing there’s a a focus there for somebody else and there’s there’s opportunity for guys who don’t normally get those opportunities so you’re o sh bretts Lamar Stevens sh sh mik those guys are come in to play hard

Because this is their opportunity to play hard right and the Celtics if let’s say Tatum and brown don’t play like I hate to say I hate to be disrespectful to the Detroit Pistons but you don’t need Tatum and brown to beat the Detroit Pistons because you still got Derek

White Drew holiday Chris thops porzingis and Al Horford like those guys should be enough and when if you’re short-handed those guys understand like okay Derek white I got to be one of the main scores now I got to step up holiday I got to step up porzingis who’s just

Always a matchup problem he’s got to step up so it might not be the worst thing in the world for the Celtics to strategically sit a couple of those guys to say get your back right get your ankle right yeah and let’s let’s just roll with the the team that you have

Because the the the Derek white Drew holiday Chris thops porzingis Al and I don’t know Sam Hower starting lineup is still good enough to to beat the Pistons uh but I will say look look the Pistons they had they had the Nets they had them in this game and then then

This then the N the Nets you know kind of made their move and the the Pistons just completely imploded fell apart but just let’s look at these the the Nets losses uh prior to that they they had a a back toback or home and home uh with

Brooklyn so they lost by 11 they lost to the Jazz by eight they lost to the Hawks by six now Milwaukee blew them out Philadelphia blew them out twice uh they lost by eight to the Pacers Orlando blew them out they lost by 14 to the Grizzlies they lost by nine

To the Cavaliers there’s a lot of like single digits low double digits which it’s like you’re not getting crushed they lost to the Nuggets by four so if you if you take them lightly exactly you you do you’re in for a little bit of a battle listen

Is legit yeah Kate had 37 in the second half uh on on Tuesday night that dude is legit so and who’s the who’s their Center their young Center Jaylen uh or uh they are uh who wait who are they starting now they are starting Dron sharp oh no wait no sorry Jaylen Duran

Jaylen Duran that boy is a I mean he is a problem down low and that’s why like you I mean I think Al could probably take him but like you don’t want to play Al 35 minutes in this game you know what I

Mean no no no no no so yeah I mean he’s he’s a young dude who’s a problem as well so I I think you know Detroit has the makings of a competitive team like they have talent at a lot of positions but they’re really young they have to

Learn how to win and you know it’s gonna take time they just got a new coach you know Monty’s great but it’s gonna take him time to implement you know what he wants with that team so it’s gonna take some time but they’re like I said even

You know On Any Given night in the NBA you can get it from any team it’s you know you watch like uh TNT and Chuck and shacking them and they’re saying you know listen these guys are professionals like if you don’t show up you will get your lunch eaten and that’s just the

Facts that’s it that’s 100% right I mean these guys okay 27 losses in a row right we all get it um but it’s not like like they Cade said it in one of his postgame interviews we’re not we’re not we’re not this bad you know and it’s just right

You know some some bad luck some injury stuff to start some just young like they’re they’re bad there’s no doubt they’re bad right there’s no sugar coating this but they’re not this bad right and one of these I wouldn’t be surprised surpris if they like finally

Broke through and and went on like a little bit of a winning streak like all of a sudden you win like three of four or something like that so they’re they’re they’re a long ways away but it’s uh I’m I’m very curious to see what

How they get it together uh I also would like to see them not get it together until their next game so absolutely wait one night and then and then you can go uh take care of you can start your winning streak all right let’s see if the Celtics can get some separation

We’ll talk about that when we come back Today’s Show is brought to you by prize pick prize pick is daily Fantasy Made Easy made fun because it’s you against the projections it’s not you against sharks it’s not you against high-powered Computing it’s you against the projections and they set the

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With B ever ready and the Celtics have the easiest remaining schedule in the league um so that bodess well there are upcoming games Toronto uh Detroit Toronto on the back toback San Antonio then at OKC home for Utah Indiana twice one of them’s a backtack in a third game in four nights Minnesota

Milwaukee Houston Toronto San Antonio Denver Houston Dallas Miami Clippers New Orleans and Indiana Again three games against Indiana can we shake the Pacers at all come on yeah five games against the Pacers uh so five games against the Pacers and five games against the New York Knicks uh that’s that’s one of the

Weird quirks of the uh inseason tournament but let’s just start short term Detroit Toronto San Antonio those should be three wins OKC is going to be tough but you got Utah should be a win let’s just say split those Indiana games Minnesota’s gonna be tough Milwaukee’s

Gonna be tough so there’s a chance there that the C can pick up a few wins the Celtics have been getting a lot of wins that you know maybe uh you’d think hey this is this is just an opportunity for for them to lose Y and they still feel

Like they’re stepping up and and winning these games do you think that this is an opportunity here for them to to get some separation they’re only a game and a half up on on the Milwaukee Bucks yeah game and a half up on Milwaukee three games ahead of the Philadelphia

76ers uh I would love to see them get some separation here by the All-Star break absolutely I mean I think that that’s what Joe’s got to be preaching to them you know in the locker room is hey you know we have the easiest remaining schedule we need to you know go ahead

And finish strong I mean definitely through the allstar break you know they should you know I would say in a perfect world you know be five up on on Milwaukee by by the All-Star break that’s what I would like to see you know um will they I mean that’s well because I mean

When you talk about you know OKC Indie um Milwaukee Minnesota you know those are some tough games coming up and um you know those teams what I hate you know is the uh you want to say like the Gabe Vincent effect or the uh yeah M the

Strauss effect right you know you got guys who come in and they got this game circled on their calendar they know it’s going to be Prime Time television they’re facing the best team in the league everybody’s watching okay I’m gon put on a show for all my folks who are

Watching and then you know you you come out and you have you know Evan fornier getting 30 points off the bench and it’s like okay right right and then they go back you know and they can’t see the court you know in the next 10 games so

Yeah you know outside of you know those kind of outlier performances you know I think we have a good chance to to get some separation here’s here’s the the part about the schedule and I you know who knows what’s going to happen moving forward because the Celtics are due for

Some sort of skid right they they have only lost two games in a row once at some point it’s going to happen again uh and andell maybe it’ll be three maybe it’ll be four um every team goes through it the Celtics will go through we all

Have to like get ourselves in that head space the Celtics will go on a losing streak at some point because it’s just naturally gonna happen but here’s Here’s the the the the maybe the the stat that should be the most encouraging stat for Celtics fans Celtics are 17-5 against

Above 500 teams and not only are they 17-5 which is a great record right 17 wins is the most in the league right that’s 23 games out of their 29 that are um above or 22 games 17 plus 5 is 22 yes that’s that’s you know I get I get

Figure I’ll figure it out at some point 22 games games my math is so horrible 22 games of their 29 that they’ve played so seven against teams below 500 which as quick scan I it looks like it’s the lowest the fewest in the league and against teams

Below 500 uh the 22 is the most in the league against teams above 500 tied with Denver who is also uh played 22 and they’re 12 and 10 so um the Celtics have played a lot of tough teams right and if if you want the best sign the reason it’s so

Encouraging they’re 23 and six they’re at the top of the league and they’ve had this incredibly tough schedule where they’ve played 22 games against good teams or teams with winning records or 500 and above they’ve won a majority of those uh and now they’re heading into a spot where

Things should be kind of easing up a little bit and I guess the biggest question moving forward is do they do they carry that same mentality against the Lesser teams that got them to 17 and five against the teams that are 500 and above yeah that’s that’s the main

Question honestly like we were talking about earlier can they maintain the level of focus that’s required to accomplish task I mean that’s really it because we know from a talent perspective and a performance perspective they’re the best team in the league and they’ve played as such so

There’s really no excuses at this point and you know I think that’s a good thing and it’s you know a responsibility right you know they’ve gota go ahead and put that on their shoulders and you know go ahead and carry it out you know day by

Day but I think that you know from what we’ve seen so far the mentality is is there you know starting from the top from Brad from Wick from Joe you know they’ve really kind of you know taking that you know day byday mentality you know we’re gonna put on our hard hat and

And go to work every day so um you know we’re seeing the right things um you know and they’re saying the right things you know when you listen to them like postgame and you know what they’re focused on in terms of you know sharing the basketball and sacrificing for each

Other and and you know locking down defensively I mean because that’s the thing I mean when you have a team that’s you know shooting 40 53s a night you know you have to be able to rely on your defense every single night you know what I mean because those threes aren’t gonna

Always be there as we’ve seen in game but I mean but beyond that right I’m telling you it it burns me it burns me I know yeah you are not alone you are not alone yeah yeah yeah but um no I mean like I said they you know

They’re they’re right there I think um you know if they push the way that they need to you know they should be able to cruise into you know the number one overall seed going into the playoffs you know hopefully we have everybody healthy you know that’s really the main thing

Honestly regardless of seating I think we’ve seen like based on how they played this first quarter of the Season listen it’s not going to really matter about seating it’s not going to matter about home court they can beat any team in the league anywhere I mean it’s just they

Have to go out and do it that’s right all right well this was a fun show do you want to share with the folks what you were doing earlier today ah well just so everybody knows we’ve been working on a updated theme song a new theme song for pod um listen John

Graci gracious enough to you know uh fall for my little bit of uh IG bait when I put it out there because I’m I’m not too active but I said man I I I really think that you know we should put you know a new spin on the theme what do

You guys think John was the first one in the comment let’s do it yes less hell yes you know what I mean yeah absolutely you guys will get that uh soon as we can we can you know get some finishing touches on it uh hear it

Excited John John gave me the SE seal of approval so I was happy yes I heard I heard the early version I am I am very excited about this this is going to be fun it’s it’s different it’s different than the one we have now absolutely absolutely I thought the first the first

One was a little West Coast type flavor so I wanted to make sure that this was a little bit more you know kind of East coasty Boston yeah you know flavor for us a and you know I think appropriate for the Celtics playing playing faster a

Little bit more a little bit more upbeat a little bit more uptempo that’s right this one so I’m EXC I’m excited for that I’m excited for that uh be ever ready uh you want you want to plug anything you want to plug your stuff there real quick man absolutely uh appreciate uh the

Opportunity on the platform like I said um you guys can follow me uh you got bever ready on Twitter uh b. ready onig uh my website is beever so you know you guys can follow me there and band camp as well I’m there all my music

Is there got about 14 projects in total hoping to drop about four more in the next 12 to 18 months so we can we can uh you know really continue to you know drop some some consistent uh quality music for the people I just have one

Thing that I have to get off my chest John I hope you enjoy all right my issue with sports media talking about why the Celtics aren’t the greatest franchise in NBA history and kind of a downer but I gotta say it because these guys always want to

Put the Lakers ahead of us but they never acknowledge Reggie and Lyn yeah if we had those two guys and know everything is different the whole league is different yeah and no other franchise has had to deal with those type of losses and nobody still caught up to us it’s not even close

And I think that anybody who has that conversation and doesn’t mention that is disingenuous and they don’t know the history of the game so we gotta say that listen we’re the number one franchise we will remain so and that’s just all the isk to it man hey that’s a great way to

Go out so on that note I appreciate you very much thanks for hopping on man absolutely man so a lot of fun yes uh a lot of fun over here over here with B ever ready uh this was this was great so this is the first of I when I put out uh

That the uh I was taking donations for my sisters GoFundMe for her uh you know her late husband who passed away uh before Christmas for uh with uh pancreatic cancer uh I want to make sure that I note that that b ever ready was generous enough to make a donation I had

Been saying like I’m raffling it off to have like co-hosts um I I I’ve kind of reconsidered that I’m not gon to do a full raffle I’m just going to have like as many of the people I can have on because everybody so many people stepped

Up for my family and that was just so heartwarming and touching and I personally want to thank everybody so this is this is number one and and I wanted to have B ever ever on first because he’s our our theme song uh because he’s working on a new one he’s a

Great Celtics fan I now have known him for a little while and and I’m very excited for the new theme song but also very generous uh supporting my family so I can’t thank him and everyone else who made a donation enough more co-hosts on the way more people hopping on for

Segments along the way it’s going to be spread out for you know throughout the course of the season so if you made a donation you’re wondering when it’s it’s definitely going to happen but not like it’s not going to all be at once so thank you all so much thank you for

Listening thank you for watching if you’re a regular listener I would love it right now if you shared the podcast spread the word tell your friends that they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast right here on the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

The Celtics are a third of the way through the season, so it’s a good time to take stock of where they are, especially heading into such a nerve wracking game. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal and special guest B.Eveready (the man behind the theme song) discuss all that and look ahead to the Pistons game and why it might be good that Boston could be missing some key players. Also, an even deeper look ahead to whether Boston can get some separation in the East.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

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  1. This might sound terrible of me…. I already feel bad for the Piston’s…..god I almost would feel happy for them if they beat us….just because they are legit suffering….imagine working so hard towards your career….only to be labeled as the worst all time….god that’s a hard story. if you really think about the sacrifice they made to get where they are only as individuals to feel like the worst failure in NBA history, god I feel this could lead to a mental problem down the road for those guys. It’s just a thought, and probably my love towards the game overriding my fan self. 27 losses in a row is a huge stain, I’m gonna be rooting for them, after the Celtics game for sure.

  2. It was nice having you B.Eveready🤘🏽 hey John I hope Mr. Underbite and the stud got plenty of bones for Christmas 😂😉

  3. Shout out to B. Eveready! Thanks for giving locked on Celtics the best intro in the locked on universe

  4. For the Love of Virgin Mary, The Burning Bush, and the Soldier who was tryna arrested Jesus and Simon Peter bit his ear off. DO NOT LOOSE TO THE DETROIT PISTONS. Please Celtics Please!! Don't do that to us.

  5. I am not nervous. Last season I would've been, but not now. They've been sufficiently ruthless this season. I'm 2.5 out of 10. Play the game already.

  6. Well, I'm guessing they'll rest Porzingis or Al just because, and Luke might still be out, so I say rest Jaylen because they'll need JT's size vs. Detroit. Maybe, given they're facing tiny Toronto the next day, they'll play two bigs in the Detroit game.

  7. Yeah John, while it's certainly possible, as you said on BSJ, to momentarily fall a game behind Milwaukee, I don't see it. Unless the C's actually hit a rough patch–say a rash of injuries–I don't see it. As you've pointed out, they've been all-business, winning the games they should. I guess they might hit a skid… but what is a "skid" for this team? Losing 3 out of 4, maybe.

    Regardless of the GSW game or whatever, here's one thing they have shown, in spades: when they DO have a hiccup or reversion to bad habit… it lasts about 5 minutes. That's why I don't see a swoon unless it's injury-driven. Sure, they might lose a game or two they shouldn't… but then they'll come out and destroy everyone for the next week. I don't see this team going into a two-week funk ever again.

  8. Oh, and FRANCHISE is a convenient category that allows the Fakers to claim all of their Minneapolis titles. Aside: B and no one else want to say it, but there's another little agenda that drives this, amiright? It's partially why, for the past 30 years, "experts" have gotten away with saying things like, Magic was better than Bird because he won more titles (Sure as hell didn't outperform him on the court. And from '79 to '86 Bird was CLEARLY better), but then turn around and dismiss that metric when comparing Wilt The Wilt to Russell. I still haven't forgiven ESPN for their Sports Century rankings.

    Wait LA… your FRANCHISE had to MOVE? MOVE itself… and to the Land of Leave the Game Early, of all places. Indianapolis Colts itself. That alone should count against any "franchise" being called The Greatest Ever.

  9. John scared of the pistons 😂😂just throw PP in there and he will get a triple double and leads the team to victory👀. ☘️☘️☘️☘️💪💪💥⚡🔥

  10. i'd be nervous too given the injury report: JB, JT, Svi, Brissett and Lamar. the only wings we have available would be hauser and banton. on the bright side, we'd probably get to see more double big. i expect the starting lineup to be d.white, jrue, hauser, horford and kp. then off the bench; queta, banton and pp. may see some kornet too or walsh plays in his 1st game.

    hoping the C's stay focused and blow them out like they should. lets go C's! beat detroit!

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