@National Basketball Association

Kevin Durant gets the triple double in the win against Houston: 27/10/16 on 9/16 FG and 3/7 3P

Suns for the first time I’ve seen in a while decided to use KD as the “point guard” rather than Booker

Certainly seemed to work well tonight with KD’s extra height proving quite helpful at times in that regard so we’ll see what they do moving forwards


by honestnbafan


  1. CookingLikeChef

    Not bad for someone who quit on his team and is mentally checked out

  2. Comfortable-Heron378

    16 assists is pretty good for someone who can’t pass the basketball

  3. Bballopinion

    Kevin has had 25+ points in 24 out of 26 games this season.

  4. petrichormus

    ‘Damn that 24 year old on the other team last game was inspirational’

  5. swapan_99

    27/10/16/2/1 with 9/16 shooting, 3/7 from three and just 3 turnovers.

    Not bad for someone who can’t playmake at all huh? Also had a 10 assist first half.

  6. Otherwise-Fun-8242

    Will this thread get as much traction as a the game against Dallas? Where people were saying he’s not top 20 alltime because of “leadership”?

  7. Embarrassed_Hold_901

    KD called Brodie to get some tips by the sounds of it

  8. AlexRusso-FanAccount

    KD average a triple double as the primary ball handler and I dont wanna hear anymore debates about who the best basketball player ever is man 😂

  9. SandyMandy17

    That Houston pick is gonna be delicious when teams
    stop shooting 30% from 3 against them

  10. TheNatureBoy

    How many hours did Brooklyn have a better record than the Suns? There was already two posts in the top 10. This sub is amazing.

  11. orngebreak

    All I have to say is fuck r/nba and their bias ass mods. I scrolled through at least 15 posts before this shows up, and that’s a damn shame. Give the man his due. KD didn’t quit and won’t quit on the Suns. You have been deleting positive posts about him all night. You guys are a bunch of frauds. 🖕

  12. asumhaloman

    Point Book out, point KD in. I’m all for it.

    Honestly tho, when Booker was the main ball handler, he was doubled so hard. I feel like if KD was doubled like that he’d have a much easier time considering his height. And if they find a way to blend both point Book sometimes, and point KD most times, this could be a recipe for success. pretty sure this was the thought when constructing this big 3, but we’ll just have to see how well it works moving forward.

  13. CoolHandChuckles

    I can pinpoint when Durant is going to go and do GOAT things by just reading the r/nba comment section. Fuckers couldn’t wait until after this game.

  14. LothCatPerson

    I would be mad, but if KD is putting up 27 points and 16 assists, no team is winning. Dude was incredible tonight.

  15. zgamer200

    The Suns fans who are blaming KD are ridiculous. Trading for KD was not the issue. The issue is your FO/owner trading for a non-defensive big and a 3rd ISO scorer instead of role players that actually fit around Booker and KD.

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