@Orlando Magic



Coach when you when you look at this one you know how much did additional opportunities and points in the paint you know really play a factor that was a major factor they outworked us on the glass um and we turned it over so you don’t get their possessions you can’t

Get them back and so I think that’s where we are going to have to look at U but you got to give them credit for how hard they played uh they were sitting here waiting and ready for us and you know they they they showed that talked

Before the game excuse me we talked before the game about the different opport that some of the other guys would get with multiple players out what did you make of chumo Kiki’s o K’s performance tonight well you know I think he did a great job in his minutes

I thought he did a good job of trying to defend the right way uh finishing a couple possession The Rebound with with the rebound um making some spray out passes I thought he was active that a lot of your offense is predicated on on getting to the paint

Score scoring out the rim getting to the foul line what was Philadelphia doing to kind of keep keep you guys from scoring at the in the pain at the at the rate that you guys are used to you know they just showed their help early I thought

They did a really good job of plugging the paint and um our ability to navigate that you know we did a great job early on finding Cuts finding movements and again you have to give them credit for recognizing the game plan in that and ex executing it to at a high

Level coach uh 16 turnovers tonight um turnovers have been a struggle at you know different points this season what do you think is is causing those and how can you guys improve on that moving forward well going back and looking at the film tonight will be one thing we’ll

Do for sure uh but just off of the top of my my my head it’s it’s trying to force the pass when it’s not there uh I think that’s a big portion of it teams are packing the paint in you know we’re seeing different coverages in zone so I

Think just being able to trust the easy early pass is probably the the the one thing that I can recall from tonight more than anything coach a little lot oh excuse me a little lot of left field here but during the game news broke that Brandon Williams signed a two-way with

The Mavericks uh he was in training camp with you guys you know what do you think about his game and how do you feel about him going Dallas that’s awesome for him I think that’s a great opportunity for guys that just shows what you know how

Important it is for those guys in the G to continue to work to continue to play hard to continue to do the right thing you know coach Murphy does a great job with those guys down there in order to get them prepared for that you know their call up or whatever is

Necessary kind of building off the the turnovers I know it’s been a point of maybe frustration this season and some losses when you know the shots don’t fall and the defense kind of loosen loosens up a a little bit how do you maintain that maintain that Focus especially ton night when when they’re

Struggling to shoot and kind of keeping you in the game even even if the shots aren’t falling for you guys well just being able to hang your hat on the defensive end we say it all the time and that’s just that’s going to be our our calling card you know you have to

Recognize that shots aren’t going to fall but then you can’t beat yourself by turning the ball over and then we talk about detailing our work and tonight you know we didn’t do that but you have to give you know Philly a ton of credit for how physical were they how physical they

Were early on uh disrupting a lot of things and so like I said they were sitting here waiting ready to go and they did a great job of executing their game plan anything else all right thank you thank you guys jayen Jaylen you know I know you guys Pride yourselves on not beating

Yourselves but how much do you feel you know giveaways and giving them opportunities in the paint you know really set you guys behind tonight um no it’s hard uh you know I take a lot of responsibility for that I thought I I set the tone and being a little loose

With the ball um you know I told the boys that um you know so just you know me understanding I’m going to if I’m going to be in that position have the ball my hands and you know and make plays for others you know I got to take

Care of it um you know so you know I take a lot of the burden on that I think I I started that off for the boys but yeah just continuing to I mean we got to be us you know and mo says don’t beat yourself every night and you know from

Turnover the fast break points to you know open looks um you know we kind of gave him this one it didn’t seem to bother your shot I mean you made your first six you went eight of nine but it seemed like at times you were grabbing at your left

Wrist cool how do you how do you feel and and I feel good I feel good history what was working for you early on offense you started the first seven points for the team all the credit really goes to to the rest of the boys I mean I wasn’t doing anything but cutting

You know off of off of their looks and their actions um you know and they’re finding me so um yeah I really just was you know out there trying to you know make an impact you know create space for guys um you know and they’re finding me

So a lot of the credit goes to them when teams pack the paint and you’re you’re down 9 11 12 points and three-point shooting isn’t exactly the strength of this team is that frustrating when you guys aren’t hitting those shots absolutely not um I mean they’re great looks I agree we wouldn’t

Trade any of those uh you know Caleb good looks P had I think two Great Wide Open threes and he’s been shooting the ball he’s at up damn near 38 40% this year so like those are shots that we’re living with um you know I’m going to

Keep telling the boys who shoot it every time um cuz if you don’t shoot it you know then it looks crazy you know and uh we we’re in the gym and guys work on it every day so you know I full trust that they’re going to knock it down some

Nights you know I think that’s part of what the NBA is make make Miss league and uh you know sometimes you knock those open ones down sometimes you miss and uh you just got to find different ways to to win the game you knowed early

In the game you’re were able to kind of getting the paint off of cuts and movement what what was Philadelphia doing to kind of uh to to to choke that choke that off or or or keep you guys from getting in the paint and scoring at

The rate that you guys are accustomed to in there um I think in the second half they were a lot smarter a lot more discipline um you know keeping eyes on balling man um you know not giving up free easy ones um which I think is

Contrary to what we did um you know and kind of giving them you know easy buckets free buckets and uh you know not not making them have to work you know for for for their offensive uh uh for scoring on the offensive end so yeah they I mean good second half from them

Uh you know we had to come out and and respond and um yeah we’ll watch it we’ll get better Jaylen you touched on your turnovers individually but as a unit it’s something that you all have struggled with at certain points throughout the year what do you think is

Causing that and how do you think you all can improve on that moving forward I think it taken pride in in having the ball and you know that’s a that’s a big responsibility um you know not only are we playing basketball at the highest level against the best

Competition um night in and night out uh you know it is tough man um you know we got to take more responsibility in doing that it’s not it’s not something the coaches can change for us you know you can’t drill it you know what I’m saying they can’t there’s nothing more they can

Teach us you know we’re we’re grown men and we have to take care of the basketball so again yeah I think a lot of that was on me I set the tone for it and uh yeah I got to be better Jaylen back to back are never easy especially

When you play a team that has some rest uh but in that fourth quarter it was a three-point game with about 9 minutes to go what do you think happened in that last 9 minutes and how can you overcome you know these backto backs in these especially those fourth quarters um I

Think continuing to to stay together as a unit uh continue to play basketball that that we had played um you know leading up to that point um cuz we’re getting good looks we’re getting great shots um you know part of it was the turnovers and part of them we just

Missed open looks you know and they they had some tough buckets it’s tough fast break buckets and um and got to the line so yeah I think in the fourth especially you know never met you know it matters but you know the first three quarters

Are what they are you know if you you’re in the in Striking range in the fourth you know you can’t ask for anything more and uh you know we got to be more disciplined and more solid to close those out thank you jayen thank you

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  1. They need Jalen more than they realize. Franz just drives into traffic. Paolo needs to shoot more consistently. This is Jalen’s team and without him they look bad. Maybe they need Markelle back sooner. Black is a liability

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