@Toronto Raptors

POINT SCOTTIE! Raptors Change Starting Lineup In Win | Toronto Raptors vs Washington Wizards Recap

POINT SCOTTIE! Raptors Change Starting Lineup In Win | Toronto Raptors vs Washington Wizards Recap

Here’s Pascal he’s got Jones on him the flash cut oh you got to love it it didn’t take until the new year for the Raptors to incorporate some new things tonight against the Washington Wizards they trotted out a new starting lineup with Dennis Schroeder coming off the

Bench and Gary Trent Jr in with the starters and the Raptors absolutely dominated in Washington it was um a change that we were looking for for some time uh we decided that it was a good opportunity today to put Scotty Barnes more on on a as a ball Helder and also

We we wanted to have uh Dennis to help more uh with a second unit and uh our guys did good job today and you know I didn’t play with that group last year year before that so you know we’ve been together for a minute now but again it

Was second nature again we trying to go out there get as many wins as we can and put a performance together and I think we did that today it’s not like there aren’t guys in that group who can play make and carry the ball up the court and

All that that but without a true point guard does it sort of put a bit of an extra emphasis on everybody to kind of share that load uh you could say that kind of you know uh we believe in four at the point guard so we can see what he

Does with it how he been passing the ball the movement his growth his development you know but you could say that kind of not having a traditional point guard would cause us to want to share and look for each other and rely on each other more but you know again

It’s either way we going to make it work and either way we going to try to you know get a win that’s our goal it wasn’t just the start lineup that saw changes though the Raptors ran an entire different bench unit led by Dennis Schroeder alongside guys like UT Porter

Jr jayen McDaniels and Chris bue notably no precious at trua or Malachi Flynn in the first half at all so these are full scale changes for the Raptors as they continue to tweak to find good Solutions on the court they look good jumping out to a nine-point lead at halftime and the

Main change would be that they found a way to divvy up the usage between Scotty Pascal and Dennis schroer and have it be interchangeable throughout the game with Schroeder specifically dominating with that bench unit with having eight of his 10 assists in the first half it is about

That but it’s also about uh Scotty getting more of a ball handing rooll and as a part of his development and growth Dennis is a big part of what we do and uh you could see today like he embraced the role uh he came off the bench played

Great defense uh he dished 10 assists and really our second unit and uh you know just uh stabilizing those minutes and having more continuity there is something that we’re looking at obviously it’s a one game we’re going to continue looking at and then learning as we go the Raptors in general just looked

More balanced throughout the game there was breathing room for everyone’s game to thrive and maybe that’s because they were facing the Wizards or maybe it’s because of the lineup changes but the Raptors dominated and one by 30 OG finished with a game best 26 points on 16 shots Pascal akam finished with 22

Points six rebounds and 11 assists Scotty Barnes with 20 points 12 rebounds eight assists three Steals and two blocks on 16 shots and the Raptors as a whole had 43 assists on the night their second best total in franchise history and their second best total so far this

Season while we do need to see the starting lineup play together more and work out their Kinks it was a good start so let’s look at the four Ripple effects of this change in the film room all right ladies and gentlemen there’s a lot to get through here today for the film

Room there’s just a lot to be honest with you because there when you make such a drastic change like changing the starting lineup taking out one of your high usage guards putting in a different guard in there and really changing up the entire rotation it gives people like

Me ample room to be like okay what changed what looks different what what are we expecting here and there were I I thought there were four things that kind of stood out to me that changed the way the Raptors looked and potentially change the way the Raptors will look for

The next 6 weeks as we approach the trade deadline the main thing is that they were putting the ball in Scotty Barnes hands more often especially with that starting unit this time you see a high screen en roll with him and yaka purle Barnes gets down hill and uses it

To find OG in the weak side who knocks down the corner three at its best the basis of their offense with the starting lineup should involve something like this High screen rolls with Scotty Barnes he uses it to get downhill and he’s able to find Shooters it’s also

Great when you can involve those Shooters in screening actions this time OG is the screener here but they switch the action in general he kicks it out to OG who takes advantage of the switch gets downhill and the defense collapses in you see Gary Trent Jr the reason they

Put him in the starting lineup is to finish plays like this and he did that it’s also great because you can place two knockdown Shooters on the weak side of the floor and and so it really negates the help you’re seeing from the weak side when you’re running these

Actions with all of these guys all of these front Court players so you see Scotty Barnes gets a pin down set for him he rolls into a dribble handoff with yakob that gets him going downhill he looks for the lob to yakob or even from when Scotty is supposed to send this

Ball out he can easily throw that to Gary Trent Jr above the break or OG anobi in the weak side Corner because everybody is pinched in on this action focusing on Scotty getting to the rim focusing on the roller which is yakob and potentially Pascal on the other side

Cutting in as well this essentially having two shooters that are respected in Scott in OG and Gary you now have the ability to run much more actions between your three front Court players in Pascal in Scotty and yakob now obviously there will be drawbacks with this starting

Lineup as there is with any starting lineup like I mentioned in one of my videos earlier the Raptors are playing whack-a-mole with their problems so as they plug one hole another hole will persist and you know given this starting lineup you’re going to miss some of the

Things that Dennis schroer brings as a downhill attacker as just a Setter up of offense and you’re going to have to work through some of the Kinks of having Scotty Barnes a young lead ball handler being your main guy on a night toight basis there’s just going to be some

Situations where he has to get better at sometimes it’s realizing there’s an advantage when it actually happens Scotty gets downhill here something could happen here either they pass it to OG above the break but instead he goes into a postup then kicks it out to OG

And then OG drives to the basket the help is still there then they are trying to get a screen and roll here and actually it works Scotty gets the switch onto Jordan pool that’s something you got to take advantage of Scotty as the lead ball handler but he decides to

Throw a grenade to ogn anobi for the above The Brak shot and it ends in an airball that’s just you got to have more recognition when an advantage is created and right here loose dribble Denny AIA just gets the ball and steals it and goes for the fast break against Scotty

And ultimately I think this is going to be a pretty persistent issue as teams try to press up on Scotty and test that ball handling skills but for example once you throw a guy like Dennis Schroeder into the mix there’s a little bit more organization right he’s commanding Scotty to get the switch

Which he already has on tus Jones the Wizards are forced to help because it’s a mismatch and that creates an opening for Dennis schroer who is able to collapse the defense again with another drive he finds the open shot for Gary Trent Jr who makes the defense pay so

There’s a little bit of organization stuff that Scotty needs to work on and in general that starting lineup will need to work on without Schroeder but it’s not a loss cause by any means and on the other side I think this is where you’re really going to miss Dennis

Schroer is at the point of attack on defense the there was just too many miscommunications here on switches above the break for the Raptors it led to some easy opportunities to start this game for Washington like for example you see here tus Jones Scotty miscommunicate the

Switch and tus is left open with a wideopen three and right here Jordan pool just explodes to the basket there’s just no we you know there’s no real Speedy guy that’s able to keep up with these quicker guards especially because the Raptors are playing bigger um it’s going to cause some issues for

Them defensively at the point of attack how they’re going to be able to clog that issue how they’re going to be able to fix that that’s going to be something that’s persistent I don’t think that is a good defensive group to be honest with you especially when you’re asking Scotty

To be a point of attack Defender not his best trait as a Defender uh so yeah I think that’s going to be an issue with this starting lineup we’ll see how that progresses especially when they start playing better Talent a pro with this lineup is the fact that Dennis Schroeder

Was really a great organiz ier on offense for the bench he finds Chris buet for three here then you know he can get into his own bag and kind of tap into his own scoring off of the bench as well be that score be that secondary Creator feasting against second units on

This possession aut Porter Jr slips the screen and utto was great as a screener and a roller tonight um and schroer takes advantage with a nice Nifty pass set up a pin down for OG he makes them pay above the break and this is just you know Schroeder facility itting the

Offense here and once again Schroeder setting up OG again from the exact same play OG this time steps into a mid-range jumper I think by the way um a sort of byproduct of Schroeder being on the bench a little bit more is that he’s able to facilitate for OG more as well

And OG can have his platform in those second units to take advantage against defenses and get those on ball reps that he wants to have uh developmentally this makes a lot of sense and that’s why he won the the player of the game chain because he was doing a great job of

Facilitating off of the bench and the fact that he was willing to come off of the bench in the first place shows that he was a leader in this scenario and if you’ll remember I I just mentioned that there’s going to be some growing pains with Scotty Barnes it’s great because

Scotty will also be paired next to a guy like Pascal cakam in the starting lineup and with Schroeder off of the bench zakum will be able to just Feast get more on ball opportunities be a facilitator himself you see him kind of creating in the third quarter against

The Wizards here he gets the mismatch in the post and now the Wizards are forced to help great 45 cut by Scotty Barnes recognizing that there’s you know multiple Shooters on the floor that the Wizards can’t help off of and he gets a dunk here here is a pick and roll

Between Scotty and Pascal Pascal gets the switch and then he’s just able to take advantage of it going all the way to the basket with his patent spin move and here the rap is you know dying clock they’re not able to get anything Pascal gets downhill again strong side kick out

And Scotty Barnes who’s been knocking down 39% of his threes makes them pay and so you have a night where Scotty Pascal and schroer combined for like 30 plus assists of the 43 assists that you have they are being given ample room to tap into their playmaking because

They’re being staggered and spaced out more pass took over in the third quarter Scotty Barnes took over in the first quarter it was Schroeder in the second quarter and I think that kind of shows you the way that the Raptors could potentially stagger out these Playmakers and have them have their opportunities

In these games it worked out well against the Wizards the one drawback of this new rotation is the fact that precious atua wasn’t in the rotation as much you only play 10 minutes on the night five of those were garbage time minutes uh I thought in the five minutes

That precious atua played in the third quarter because of foul trouble Yak yaka purle had picked up five fouls or four fouls at that point I thought he did an incredible job defensively and I would say that if there’s any player that should be in the rotation that wasn’t

Tonight it probably is either Grady dick or precious atua grd dick has a long way to go he’s a younger guy but I do think precious atua plays an important role for this team and I think if I had to choose between him or or McDaniels I

Would probably go with a Chua instead of McDaniels now to be fair McDaniels played well tonight it slotted into his role was a great transition player for them had some nice cuts off of the ball uh played well defensively as far as I could tell like he was solid tonight and

Maybe they tap into that more as this you know as they kind of tweak this but ultimately I feel like Precious should play a little bit more and uh there was a stretch in the third quarter that kind of showed that right here he switches

Out onto Jordan P does a great job job of contesting this shot and I love the way he just never gives up on defensive possessions look he switches out onto Denny abdia he’s tracking he’s tracking then switches out onto tyus Jones he’s clearly just trying to wall off the

Paint tries to force the turnover here picks up his man again and so the Raptors get a defensive stop here actually it was an offensive rebound but regardless that’s a great possession defensively by precious sua here he just rips the ball from Kyle kma’s hands his dominant hand as well I just thought

Thought that was really impressive and once again he switches out and defends this pick and roll really well ultimately precious had some really really nice defensive moments in this game I feel like it’s something that the Raptors should try and tap into more uh and I know precious is a wild offensive

Player some you know moments he looks amazing some moments uh it’s a head scratcher to be honest with you and I I can understand people saying well look man like he’s just not ready yet or he’s just is not but at the same time like he’s four years into his career if

You’re not going to give him opportunity now when are you going to give him opportunity and and not to mention the Raptors will be trying to extend him this Summer and I imagine precious will want to extend as well so they got to see what they have in this guy and I

Understand that the Raptors want to win games and they want to be able to kind of get out of this rut they’ve been struggling in December and making a change like this is is part of the cards when you’re struggling like they have but I do think that you should be

Playing precious Chua pretty much regardless um now 10 minutes tonight maybe it changes to 15 minutes who knows maybe uto Porter Jr who did play a lot tonight um isn’t in the rotation next game who knows right maybe he is maybe he isn’t we actually really don’t know

The consistency at which Auto Porter Jr is going to be playing because we really haven’t got any kind of indication from that ultimately the Raptors made a change they changed their starting lineup tonight the starters didn’t look the best but it was a change regardless and if you are heading to an all

Important trade deadline in 6 weeks you’ve tried pretty unsuccessfully one starting lineup for over 7 weeks now you have about 6 weeks until the trade deadline to try this lineup see how far it gets you and not to mention you’re headed for a really really tough stretch

Of the schedule of their next nine games are on the road they have one game on the at home over the next I think three weeks they go on a long 11-day West Coast Road Trip coming up and 16 of their 22 games are on the road until the

Trade deadline that’s tough ladies and gentlemen the Raptors are 4-9 on the road after tonight’s win so I it’s a tough road there’s going to be a lot of questions a lot of rumors that pop up about this team over the next next six weeks but they are trying things they

Are trying to do something different they Tred to change the starting lineup tonight maybe it’s a permanent change maybe it was just situational but ultimately something happened something changed and it gave us more to talk about which makes me very excited as a person who covers this team thank you

Very much for tapping into these Recaps if you’re interested and talking listening about the NBA we host the objective basketball podcast that releases Tuesday in Friday mornings you should tap in you should listen to it and uh yeah that’s all I got ladies and gentlemen thank you very much oh one

More Note One More note for the people who have listened this far uh I will not be doing Recaps for the next two games that the Raptors have um I’m kind of tied up and busy for those games sorry I it’s New Year’s it’s sort of a holiday

Break but at the same time if the Raptors do lose to the Pistons on the 30th will be getting a live show or recap or something out of me because that will definitely be necessary so that’s all I was going to say thank you very much for tapping in uh and we’ll be

Back soon take care

The Raptors moved Dennis Schroder to the bench and put Gary Trent Jr in the starting lineup and absolutely dominated the Wizards 132-102 to win their 4th road game of the season — notching 43 assists as a team in the process. Schroder chipped in for 10 assists off of the bench, meanwhile Scottie Barnes, Pascal Siakam, and OG Anunoby all pitched in with 20+ points.

Originally aired:

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  1. Precious is two years away from being a good bench player 😅 jokes aside, I’d put him on the court with starters to limit his offensive shots and haven him focus on defence

  2. Just to put things in perspective, the Wizards have the worst defensive rating in the league. In addition, the players play harder whenever there's a line up change or even a change of coach because it breaks the psychological component of it. They'd get a win against this team regardless of a lineup change but it's nice to see they won by a lot. I'd reserve judgment after a dozen of games.

  3. On one hand I hope this is the missing peice to unlock this team BUT, on the other hand I’am worried that if they start to play well Masai might not trade ANYONE. And I really believe we need to trade OG

  4. This team is written – OG is overrated, Pascal is a third option (think Middleton), Scottie needs a running mate at guard position, another guy who not only gets numbers, but knows how to win, wants the spotlight and shines in it, plays with Lowry-type heart, and can hit 3's. Flynn and Achiuwa are not as talented as most other guys on other benches, and Boucher shows up game by game. GTJ is a hot and cold guy who if he isn't shooting well, he's doing nothing – he ain't Powel, and he ain't Mo-Pete, he doesn't bring the intangibles or defense.
    Till then – if it were me – Young and Porter, Schrods – first three of the bench, then it's up to Achiuwa and Boucher to see who is playing better as they are very inconsistent, and at times make very bad plays. Young is solid, not flashy, the 5th option scorer, but he can ball against second units and a vet who is an anchor for the second unit, he knows how to set proper picks to free up guys like Porter, and is an underrated rebounder (especially on the weakside) where gets most of his baskets, he's sneaky, you can count on him. BTW – does Achiuwa ever pass?
    But I think Nurse-burner was right – GTJ and Flynn are uncoachable.

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