@Atlanta Hawks

The Hawks NEED To Change, Before It’s Too Late…

The Hawks NEED To Change, Before It’s Too Late…

The Atlanta Hawks right now feel like one of these teams that is on the edge that is at this Tipping Point for their franchise what Atlanta Hawks basketball is going to look like for the next couple of seasons is going to be determined by what they do with the

Deadline as well as in this upcoming off season and there’s a lot of reasons for that but it makes them one of the most interesting teams in the league to me right now now when you’re talking about Atlanta it does feel like the conversation has to begin with Trey

Young he’s a very divisive player he’s someone that I’ve had a lot of opinions on in the past and still do and he’s someone that this conversation kind of all gets based around and there’s all these takes about how oh my gosh is Trey young actually all that good despite

What I’ve said about Trey young in the past and some of the annoyances in terms of the way that he plays in terms of trying to draw fouls in terms of taking 35 Footers in the middle of the play he’s extremely extremely good so I don’t

Want any of this to come off as oh my gosh Tucker thinks that Trey young is bad that’s not what I’m saying but it’s more about how you can evaluate your roster figuring out what to do with the team it’s not about Trey it’s about how do you build a competitive roster and

Some of the negative stuff that people are saying about Trey I think is more so just twisting this idea that actually is true into something that isn’t which is that he isn’t very good at basketball that’s not true what is true is that there’s a specific play style and

There’s a specific way that you have to play when Trey young is on your team and it’s it’s a play style that isn’t always conducive to great chemistry and camaraderie and morale within the team because he controls everything and there are moments during these games where you

Can tell that the other guys are a little bit fed up with that and I think that feeds into this idea of this Tipping Point in Atlanta where ordinarily a team performing the way they have to begin the season wouldn’t be you know super catastrophic it would

Be annoying but it wouldn’t be the end of the world but because of kind of The Vibes around the team and I think a lot of that has to do with Trey and his play style and the team’s play style this feels like a massive massive moment for

Atlanta and it feels even more like that because when you look at the roster I’m really not sure what the solution is moving forward for this team because at this point it is very clear that not only in their current construction or they not a title contending team but

Also their ability to get there to raise up to that level seems extremely limited as well within the current roster that they have like Trey young is very good Deonte Murray is very good they don’t always work super well together but individually they a very talented back

Cour they do have some other guys on the roster that maybe you could see continuing to go and improve over the next couple years aung being one of those guys Jaylen Johnson being one of those guys maybe your big DeAndre Hunter guy whatever the case may be even if you

Account for some improvement from those players over the next handful of Seasons this roster construction is not one that is going to be making the Conference Finals or contending with the other really good teams in the Eastern Conference and when you’re at that point and when you’ve invested in multiple

Coaches in the trey young era when you mult when you’ve invested in multiple different versions of the roster trading future stuff for Deon Murray and you still haven’t gotten to that point of yes they made the Conference Finals the one year but you haven’t gotten to the

Point of a consistent roster that the year starts and it’s like wow the Atlanta Hawks are a top three team in the East you haven’t gotten to that point and it makes me wonder if they’re going to try and solve that problem in one way or the other of course the only

Two ways in which you do that are you continue to invest in the group you trade away some of the younger guys and really try and improve from there or potentially you break some things down and reset and that decision that Tipping Point that we’re at for Atlanta is

Extremely extremely interesting to me because theoretically on paper from a talent perspective they should be really really good yet it feels like year after year we are disappointed with them now for me personally it it’s a very difficult conversation to have because Trey young as I said is very good and is

Extremely productive for Atlanta but if you were to go around the league and say hey we’re going to trade try young because I think that’s a conversation that some people are going to start to try and have and say that Atlanta needs to reset they need to get stuff for

Trade they need to change things you know specifically going towards that mindset I was talking about earlier of the way you have to play and how that kind of changes the chemistry of your team if they did that let’s just say for example tomorrow Atlanta says you know

What we’re ready to move on Who wants Trey young I don’t know that there would be a lot of teams jumping up and down to trade a lot of stuff there’d be plenty of teams that would like to have Trey Young on on the team but to trade a lot

Of stuff like to trade a a Donovan Mitchell level trade package from a couple of seasons ago from Utah to Cleveland to trade that level of stuff in exchange for Trey young I think there would be a lot of teams that would hesitate to do that because of his size

Because of his his lack of effort defensively how bad he is defensively he’s been a little better this year but that’s not saying much because he was the worst individual defender in the entire league prior to this year all that stuff combined makes him a very

Difficult player to trade and to try and break down and tear down the roster with in comparison to some of these situ ations have talked in recent videos about where you know obviously Oklahoma City trading Away Paul George and Russell Westbrook building to what they have now Brooklyn trading away Kevin

Rant Kyrie iring because they were forced to um and trying to build what they have now kind of that mindset of let’s trade Trey for a ton of stuff and build something else I don’t think that that that works for Atlanta because I don’t think that his value strictly from

A trade perspective he’s an incredible player but he’s a hard player to convince yourself to trade a lot of stuff for it makes it extremely difficult in which case it seems like Trey young is going to be there for the foreseeable future so at that point you

Look at do we try and trade de Jon Murray because even though he is very good him and Trey it just it just doesn’t it’s not that it doesn’t work it doesn’t work at a at a high level like it can work from a perspective of you

Start the game well cuz Trey makes him shots he comes off the floor now Deon is doing his thing but there’s no connection there there’s no oh man dejonte and Trey young are both on the floor at the same time I’m really nervous about this that’s not a thing

It’s they’re both kind of doing their own thing separately together and it makes you wonder okay maybe that there’s a possibility there of De jonay Murray getting traded and I think that there there is a lot of value in terms of maybe not more than Trey young but there

Is a lot of value for a guy of Murray’s uh ability defensively Creator offensively all that stuff and I do think that’s a conversation that can be had but again I don’t know that that elevates Atlanta to any kind of new level and if you’re trading a way in a

Way to go backwards then that just makes things that much weirder around Trey and then like I said you have some of the younger guys you could potentially cash in on but what I’m getting to and my point here is Atlanta from an individual perspective has a lot of talent has a

Lot of players that are going to to be good and are going to continue to grow and improve but when you look at their roster right now you have to ask yourself two questions one are we a contending caliber team with this group right now obviously the answer is no

They’re probably best case going to end up right around 500 a couple of games over 500 best case scenario this season if the answer to that question is no you’ll say okay well if is this current roster capable with some internal Improvement and growth over the next

Handful of years year two whatever is that group capable of being one of the better teams in the East a semi contending roster a contending roster is that possible and I would argue that right now the answer to that is also no and they’re in a very similar situation

To a handful of other teams in the Eastern Conference a team like Toronto for example where obviously there’s going to be growth and improvement from guys like Scotty Barnes and OG but still contending status with this roster feels very Out Of Reach and I think that’s

Where Atlanta is as well and when the the answer to both of those questions is no when you’re not a contending team now when it’s hard to see a path towards becoming one without significant roster change that’s how you get to the point of okay when we need to change the

Roster we need to trade Trey younger to jonay Murray or we need to trade some of the young guys in some picks we need to trade capella whatever the case may be in order to try and get ourselves to that point eventually or obviously in a more immediate and short-term sense if

It were me I would be totally okay exploring any and all roster possibilities with this Atlanta Group I would not be concerned if I was running the team in Atlanta about this idea of oh man if we trade away this guy or that guy all of a sudden you know we missed

This huge opportunity to where the team could have really come together and been this awesome group it’s very clear that this team is going to be you know maybe the six seed in the East if they’re having a good year one year and that’s about it and if that’s where you are and

You’ve done it for a few years it’s not like this is a small sample size of a handful of seasons in Atlanta they’ve been doing this for a little while with different versions of the team but they’ve been doing this for a little while and at that point I I certainly

Wouldn’t be nervous to explore any trade possibilities I mean I really like Jaylen Johnson um I like aung wo a lot obviously we talked about Trey and Deonte I’d be willing to listen to anything on anybody if I felt like at some point point it was going to help my

Team become this like Contender semi Contender that every team in the league is striving to be and that to me is what makes Atlanta extremely interesting is that I can look at the situation and say okay this feels like a break it down kind of deal but it feels like an

Unrealistic expectation when it comes to the value they could actually get in return for their players yet also it feels unlikely that we’re going to have some massive shift in terms of what the outcome of Atlanta season this year moving forward is going to look like and

What that is is a place that nobody wants to be it’s in the middle of the NBA it’s a team with no upward Mobility it’s a team with no downward Mobility you’re just going to be a 42 to 45 win team best case scenario over the next

Handful of seasons and I’m curious if there is a you know a Breaking Point at some point for Atlanta at the deadline or in the offseason because to me this is a roster that if your goal is eventual title contention certainly needs some significant changes

The Atlanta Hawks NEED To Change, Before It’s Too Late…

#hawks #atlantahawks #nba


  1. The Hawks are wasting time trying to make Trae the franchise player right now. A undersized guard with 0 defense and isn’t good with handling physicality isn’t going anywhere, UNLESS you do it completely right by surrounding him with 3 and D wings, and a secondary player that can help the scoring load, BUT defend aswell and I don’t see it happening. Basically do what the Warriors did for Curry and that ain’t easy to replicate.

  2. The hawks cannot be a title contender with trae young on the roster, his defense is too bad and will eventually get exposed in a playoff series

  3. Atlanta needs a couple players or player types. 1st is a Draymond Green type player. Maybe Draymond Green himself, or a Ben Simmons if he ever gets healthy. The second player they need beside Trae is a Clay Thompson type player. Maybe Clay himself or a Mikael Bridges(good luck with that one) – DFS? or Royce O for D Murray?

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