@Cleveland Cavaliers

Jarrett Allen | Cavs at Mavericks Post Game | 12.27.2023

Jarrett Allen | Cavs at Mavericks Post Game | 12.27.2023

Jerry I mean 24 and 23 what was working for you tonight uh just playing with effort um and just getting the right people in the pick and roll and sharing the ball making sure everybody was able to touch it so he get the best shot does

It feel like you have a better control of the game when the ball at least comes to you at least once each possession could you at six assist too right uh I just feel like I’m able to contribute more you know I feel like one of my

Strong suits is pick and roll but I feel like I worked on my passing aame enough to be able to touch it every now and then did it feel like you had a mismatch tonight on the boards because you guys out rebounded them by 20 right

Uh not necessarily uh honestly I’m a big fan of Derrick livley and I keep up with him as a rookie uh he’s been excellent this year at getting rebounds and just uh positioning so not necessarily A A mismatch I just feel like he didn’t have the best game for himself

Tonight how much of a lift is it to win a game lot you guys are waiting for Don to get back and down the way you were you come back and get the win what kind of lift is that it’s it’s a big lift for

Us as long as we can hold down the fort until we get healthy again that’s what we’re looking forward to but uh can’t get discount this team we’re ready to play every single night we’re going to step up to every single matchup and give it our

All it feels like every game you guys have somebody step out Sam Isaac today was Caris right how is it knowing that not only you guys have players who are stars that are hurt right now that can do that but also somebody like Carris who comes off the bench and can

Contribute in that man right uh we’re a deep team a deep team with a lot of different skill sets so any single night anybody can uh break out of their role and have a great game like you said Sam had a great two games tonight we relied

On Carris to help us through the end of the game uh especially Craig Porter you know he’s been having a great stretch of games so we just have a deep roster of guys with uh diverse skill sets so any night could be anybody’s night what was the conversation at halftime I mean

Luuka at 29 at half and then also just knowing that you guys are down 20 mhm uh we knew that we could come back in the game I know uh before the half I don’t know we cut it to six at one time I don’t know what that was after or before

But we just used that momentum to carry us through the game I ask coach this I’d love to get your perspective as well one of the phes we often hear is keeping the lines of communication open but what does it take to have that honest line of communication no ego just holding

Everyone accountable uh it takes building camaraderie I think that at the end of the day if you’re not like friends with somebody if you’re not teammates with somebody and something somebody says something constructive but still be criticism you’re not going to take it the right way I truly believe that but with this

Team um we’re all together we have this camaraderie where we’re able to tell each other the hard Truth uh without taking it personal without you know getting down on ourselves and going out there and being better the Mavericks went small numerous times with you on the floor what was

Most important for you to kind of punish that small ball right uh attack the offensive boards U when rebounding that’s height is a big advantage on the offensive boards I think it was one possession we had like five in a row or something you know we all were attacking

So we just took advantage of that and tried to get extra shots anything else Mar I just one more and you mentioned uh you know Derek Lively as a rookie you know there’s a lot of ups and downs for a player what advice you have for him as

A big man continuing to find his way to the NBA uh you know for me uh growing up or from my rookie year just watch a lot of film of the guys that’s been in your position and you know try to take things from everybody ahead of you uh he’s

Lucky to be able to play with Luca to be able to get a lot of reps a lot of shots CU people are going to collapse on him and don’t get down on yourself you’re going to have a long career in this league and uh enjoy every step of the way

Cleveland Cavaliers center Jarrett Allen spoke to the media following a 113-110 victory over the Dallas Mavericks at American Airlines Center on December 27, 2023.


  1. This is the definition of a man. Speaks like a man like a real person. Well done Jarrett. He doesnt care about stats for himself its a breath of fresh air.

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