@Golden State Warriors

KERR: “elevated athleticism” (Wiggins+Kuminga); SPOELSTRA on Heat/Warriors struggles; HERRO on Curry

KERR: “elevated athleticism” (Wiggins+Kuminga); SPOELSTRA on Heat/Warriors struggles; HERRO on Curry

Yeah we uh we didn’t see Draymond or Gary downstairs at practice um do you have anything to share about either of their statuses uh Gary practiced today so um he’s I don’t know what his status is for tomorrow’s game but he’s um you know he’s making making strides and we

Didn’t scrimmage but we did have some live you know half court stuff and he went through everything so I don’t I don’t have any updates beyond that and the Draymond stuff everything is is just private you know that’s behind the scenes and really don’t have anything to uh to comment on on that

Front we know obviously there’s a lot of players to get into a rotation already and then when gb2 is back when Draymond is back you know still up in the air but you know you do have two more players coming back in do you have to start making some real solid decisions there

Or are you thinking about that realizing you’ve got even two more coming how what’s kind of the mindset with all these things kind of floating around with your rotation I think about it every day um that is my job of course but um it it’s it’s really hard because

Um I think I’ve I’ve told you guys this but some years it’s just really obvious who your top nine are and um and you just roll with those guys and you know the the the guys 10 through 14 understand roles and you work with

Them and you try to you know fit them in to keep them going but uh this year is um very different in that regard I think um we could we play 13 guys um you know in in the rotation um any one of them is

And every one of them is qualified to to be out there and could make the case that they should be out there but you can only play nine or 10 so um very difficult decisions I had to make one the other night and you know Moses only played the two-minute stretch in the

Second and Moses has has played well for us this year and that was that was difficult ult um I talked to him before the game to let him know that was happening um but to your point we get Gary back we get Draymond back um those

Those questions um get louder and and we have to figure that out as a staff Steve kind of in that same vein when when you made a change to go to Brandon instead of w Wiggins you said hopefully sometimes guys need a jolt how Wigan seems like he’s responded kind of the

Way you wanted him to what’s been your evaluation of how he’s played these last I think five or six wigs has been great um looks like a different guy um he’s uh attacking the rim he’s getting fouled he’s looks more fluid um shooting the ball um he’s really responded well and

Uh was um you know maybe our best player um you know in Denver and so I’m really thrilled with the way he’s he’s responded and the way he’s playing and hopefully that continues you like him having him anchor that second unit because I mean the whole second unit has

Been playing well for you all year but having him kind of be that one main guy out there is is that a good role for him or do you want to see him keep pushing and try to work his way back into the starting yeah I mean again we could we

Could have this conversation about um so many guys on our team um but um I think wigs has been a nice addition you know the way I look at it Chris and Dario kind of anchor that that second group they’re they’re the constants um and we’ve tried different people around them

But those two guys um in every lineup combination far really well um so that the that that unit is is really based around them but wigs has really given that group another attacker and a postup guy you saw in Denver he scored three or four hoops right at The Rim um and

That’s what we need from wigs but he can do that with the starting group too so if he keeps playing well then he very well could end up back in the starting line but you know we’re just kind of taking it day by day you probably saw

Kaminga wasn’t I don’t think he was complaining but he was on the borderline of that about how much game he has that he can show and then sometimes he’s right back on the bench he’d like to play more I’m sure uh how much communication do you have with him just

About that I’m sure it’s continuous but uh I’m sure you want all your players to want to play more but sometimes you do see in him that he does different stuff how much is it on your mind like I really have to get make sure he plays

But then you’ve got obviously the roster crunch too yeah yeah I mean it’s we talk every day we we watched a bunch of film today together um so I’m thrilled with JK’s development um I think um what he’s doing a better job of right now is just

Getting the ball out of his hands quickly um when it comes to him so it’s a it’s a quick Swing Swing when we have an advantage I’ve I’ve seen him get five or six assists over the last three games where he’s caught it and immediately

Swung it to staff or clay for an open shot and those plays early in the season he wasn’t seeing he was catching and holding and our offense was um getting stopped and so um plays like that he’s starting to improve upon um they’re still um a lot that goes into to winning

Um you know I don’t mind those comments at all every every guy wants to play and JK’s a really talented guy um but um you know every game I have to read the game you know and and wigs wigs was um our best player he’s playing you know in

That position um you know we we decided to go with wigs down the stretch and um you know it was um that was a pretty those were easy decisions um for me so um the game before I think JK finished and he was playing great and it’s like

It’s just going to vary from game to game for everybody you know um and that’s just where our team is right now where JK is too one one thing that he said in that story is that sometimes he comes out of the game not knowing what he did wrong I

Guess how much teaching has to happen in those moments for him in particular compared to maybe someone else um yeah more with the young players for sure and so um you know a day like today we had yesterday off so a day like today I show

Them those reasons I show him the plays that we need him to improve upon and do something different and and so he’s still a young player with very little experience you know as foundationally and so there’s a lot of plays that um you know you just have to show them

Where the cut is where the box out is where uh the right position to be in is because all these things um matter when it comes down to a one possession game like most of our games are and so you show them show them on film and you know

You move on to the next day and he’s done a great job of really U embracing coaching and uh um and we’re going to continue to coach him and and help him you know be in the right spots and make the right plays asked you this before um

I don’t know if we get a different answer this time but can you play kaminga Wiggins together more or is that just the what the equation it doesn’t work with those two on the FL I I think um it’s something we um uh will will try um with some um

Maybe some new people around them um their numbers are not good together frankly they’re very redundant um so um you know the the the the the tape and the numbers um haven’t been great so but we recognize too that we have a level that we need to get to to Really compete

At the highest level and if those two guys can coexist on the floor it does give us an elevated athleticism um and and elevated potential but we have to find the right combination uh of people around those uh still is is there it’s evident um I think the whole

League is trying to figure this out right now and that’s why you just can’t pay attention you know to what everybody’s saying on the outside uh it’s not like they a bunch of teams that um have been playing consistent basketball there are a handful and then basically everybody else is trying to

Figure it out and Golden State like us has had some really good moments where they looked like you know bit of who they’ve been and they’ve had some moments where they’re trying to figure it out uh we feel like we’re in a similar area they still play an

Incredibly Unique Style with carry and Thompson and all the movement that they have uh it’s different than your typical spread picking role basketball so you have to be totally locked in and focused and then that’s just a great environment to play there I think it’s a good uh way

To kick off this road trip um because you’re going to have to play you know good consistent basketball all the way through varable uh from a life experience and basketball experience it was incredible everything uh that I had hoped for obviously we wanted to um come back you know with a goal but

Competition is tough it’s tough in the NBA and it’s tough in FEA and I think that helps you grow uh you know you you get humbled and uh you know you have to to figure out you know how to do better and looking forward to this summer and

Have that continuity the staff I really enjoyed my time with Steve I had gotten to know him you know over the years you know particularly when he was doing TV and head coaches meetings um I really admire him great player obviously one of the best Shooters of all time is not the

Best so um you know he he presents a lot of problems and uh things to work here negotiate on our defensive end and trying to stop him in their off offense so uh we work today tomorrow morning shoot around and you know try to try to prepare listen I knew what’s going to

Happen but I had to share that story just because we know how and we know how passionate UD is you know all of us who’ve been around him who really talk to UD you know he’s really passionate about us you know he’s passionate about he’s passionate about you know who talks

About us how they talk about us uh you know he’s one of those guys that we don’t listen to the noise but he articulated to us uh in his own way so you know how that goes but you know it’s one of those things where we going to be

Upset but I feel like it was a great story to share just because you know just him at his his utmost like motivating but slash like just him being himself and just explaining it you know we have no I I respect we all respect Bill Russell for what he’s done

For us uh as players you know and as you know black you know all stuff he had to go through so just clear that air uh before people started talking about that you know we we all know we respect that man you know B some players have New

Year resolutions some don’t uh where do you sort of lie in that and is there something you specifically want you want to see out of yourself and the team going into 2024 uh you know my resolution is just keep trying to be consistent you know that’s

The hardest thing to do in life it’s the hardest thing to do to do as basketball player baseball player no matter what your profession is or what your occupation is uh you know the hardest thing to do is be consistent getting up every day you know wanting to well for

Y’all wanting to write a story finding a story having to go through all that uh so you know for me is being consistent Caleb as we end 2023 pretty soon is there any New Year’s resolutions that you might have not just for yourself but maybe for the team as a whole what

You’re looking for uh I don’t know I mean we always can get better at you know a lot of things um I don’t have any really things specific but uh you know just like I said I mean just paying attention to detail and just you know um try to take advantage of

Every game and uh you know it’s just another year going to do what we love you know what I mean so just not taking advantage of that and U you know continue to count blessing


See transcript in Comments although it might (or might not) be truncated due to 10,000 character limitation. Full transcript on our website later today, thanks for your patience.

FULL TRANSCRIPT: in due time!

0:00 Steve Kerr, day before MIA-GSW
8:02 Erik Spoelstra, day before MIA-GSW
9:46 Tyler Herro
10:08 Bam Adebayo on Udonis Haslem, Bill Russell
11:57 Caleb Martin

(See Comments for full transcript)

#Warriors #JonathanKuminga #SteveKerr



    0:00 Steve Kerr, day before MIA-GSW
    8:02 Erik Spoelstra, day before MIA-GSW
    9:46 Tyler Herro
    10:08 Bam Adebayo on Udonis Haslem, Bill Russell
    11:57 Caleb Martin


    Yeah, we didn't see Draymond or Gary downstairs at practice. Do you have anything to share about either of their statuses?

    STEVE KERR, DAY BEFORE MIA-GSW: “Gary practiced today. I don't know what his status is for tomorrow's game, but he's making strides and we didn't scrimmage, but we did have some live half-court stuff and he went through everything. So I don't have any updates beyond that. And the Draymond stuff, everything is just private; that's behind the scenes and I really don't have anything to comment on on that front.”

    We know obviously there's a lot of players to get into the rotation already, and then when GP2 is back, when Draymond is back, it's still up in the air, but you know you do have two more players coming back in. Do you have to start making some real solid decisions there, or are you thinking about that, Realizing you've got even two more coming? What's kind of the mindset with all these things kind of floating around with the rotation?

    “I think about it every day. That is my job, of course. But it's really hard because, I think I've told you guys this, but some years it's just really obvious who your top nine are. And you just roll with those guys. And the guys 10 through 14 understand roles and you work with them. You try to fit them in to keep them going. But this year is very different in that regard. I think we could play 13 guys in the rotation; any one of them is and every one of them is qualified to be out there and could make the case that they should be out there. But you can only play nine or 10. So, very difficult decisions I had to make the other night. And Moses only played the two-minute stretch in the second. And Moses has played well for us this year. And that was difficult. I talked to him before the game to let him know that was happening. But to your point, we get Gary back. We get Draymond back; those questions get louder and we have to figure that out as a staff.”

    He's kind of in the same vein – when you made a change to go to Brandin instead of Wiggins, you said, ‘Hopefully, sometimes guys need a jolt.’ How has Wiggins seemed like he's responding kind of the way you wanted him to? What's been your evaluation of how he's played?

    These last, I think, five or six weeks have been great, looks like a different guy. He's attacking the rim. He's getting fouled. He looks more fluid, shooting the ball. He's really responded well and was maybe our best player in Denver. And so I'm really thrilled with the way he's responded and the way he's playing and hopefully that continues.”

    You like him having him anchor that second unit? Because the whole second unit has been playing well for you all year, but having him kind of be that one main guy out there, is that a good role for him? Or do you want to see him keep pushing and try to work his way back into the start?

    “Again, we could have this conversation about so many guys on our team. But I think Wiggs has been a nice addition. The way I look at it, Chris and Dario kind of anchor that second group. They're the constants and we've tried different people around them. But those two guys, in every lineup combination, fare really well. So that the unit is really based around them. But Wiggs has really given that group another. He's a great attacker and a post up guy you saw in Denver. He scored three or four hoops right at the rim. and that's what we need from Wiggs. But he could do that with the starting group, too. So if he keeps playing well, then he very well could end up back in the starting lineup. But we're just kind of taking it day by day.”

    You probably saw that Kuminga wasn't – I don't think he was complaining – but he was on the borderline of that, about how much game he has that he can show, and then sometimes he's right back on the bench. He'd like to play more, I'm sure. How much communication do you have with him? Just about that, I'm sure it's continuous, but I'm sure you want all your players to want to play more, but sometimes you do see in him that he does different stuff. How much is it on your mind? Like, I really have to make sure he plays. But then you've got obviously the roster crunch, too.

    “Yeah, yeah. I mean, we talk every day. We watched a bunch of film today together, so I'm thrilled with JK's development. I think what he's doing a better job of right now is just getting the ball out of his hands quickly. When it comes to him. So I'd say it's a quick swing-swing when we have an advantage. I've seen him at five or six assists over the last three games where he's caught it and immediately swung it to Steph or Klay for an open shot. And those plays early in the season. He wasn't seeing, he was catching and holding and our offense was getting stopped. And so plays like that, he's starting to improve upon. There's still a lot that goes into winning. I don't mind those comments at all. Every guy wants to play and JK Is a really talented guy but every game I have to read the game and Wiggs was our best player. He's playing in that position. We decided to go with Wiggs down the stretch. And those were easy decisions for me. So, yeah. The game before, I think JK finished and he was playing great and it's like it's just going to vary from game to game for everybody, and that's just where our team is right now, where JK is, too.”

    One thing that he said in that story is that sometimes he comes out of the game not knowing what he did wrong. How much teaching has to happen in those moments for him in particular compared to maybe someone else?

    “Yeah, more with the young players for sure. And so, a day like today; we had yesterday off. So a day like today I show him those reasons. I show him the plays that we need him to improve upon and do something different. And so he's still a young player with very little experience, foundationally. And so there's a lot of plays that you just have to show them where the cut is, where the box out is, where the right position to be in is, because all these things matter when it comes down to a one-possession game like most of our games are. And so you show them, show them on film and he's going to move on to the next day, and he's done a great job of really embracing coaching and we're going to continue to coach him and help him be in the right spots and make the right plays.”

    Actually asked this before, I don't know if we get a different answer this time, but can you play Kuminga and Wiggins together more? Or is that just the equation, it doesn't work with those two on the floor?

    “I think it's something we'll try, with maybe some new people around them. Their numbers are not good together. Frankly, they're very redundant. So the tape and the numbers haven't been great. But we recognize that we have a level that we need to get to, to really compete at the highest level. And if those two guys can coexist on the floor, it does give us an elevated athleticism, and elevated potential. But we have to find the right combination of people around those two.”

    ERIK SPOELSTRA, DAY BEFORE MIA-GSW, ON TEAMS IN THE NBA STRUGGLING LIKE THE HEAT AND THE WARRIORS: “…It's evident. I think the whole league is trying to figure this out right now. And that's why you just can't pay attention to what everybody's saying on the outside. It's not like there are a bunch of teams that have been playing consistent basketball. There are a handful. And then basically everybody else is trying to figure it out. And Golden State, like us, has had some really good moments where they've looked like a little bit of who they've been and they've had some moments where they're trying to figure it out. We feel like we're in a similar area. They still play an incredibly unique style with Curry and Thompson and all the movement. It's different than your typical spread pick-and-roll basketball, so you have to be totally locked in and focused. And then, that's just a great environment to play there. I think it's a good way to kick off this road trip. because you're going to have to play good, consistent basketball all the way through.”

    On coaching under Steve Kerr for Team USA:

    “From a life experience and basketball experience, it was incredible. Everything that I had hoped for. Obviously, we wanted to come back with a gold. But competition is tough. It's tough in the NBA and it's tough in FIBA. And I think that helps you grow. You get humbled. You have to figure out how to do better and look forward to the summer and have that continuity with the staff. I really enjoyed my time with Steve. I've gotten to know him over the years, particularly when he's doing TV and head coach's meetings. I really admire him.”

    TYLER HERRO ON STEPH CURRY: “He's a great player. Obviously one of the best shooters of all time, if not the best. So, he presents a lot of problems. And I think the work we negotiate on our defensive end is trying to stop him and their offense. So, they worked through what they're doing today. And, I'm going tomorrow morning to shoot around and I'm going to try to prepare for that.”

    BAM ADEBAYO ON UDONIS HASLEM’S COMMENTS ABOUT BILL RUSSELL’S JERSEY NUMBER BEING RETIRED BY THE MIAMI HEAT: “Listen, I knew this was going to happen, but I had to share that story. Just because we know how passionate UD (Udonis Haslem) is…”


  2. I admire Steve kerr over the years as a coach. But i dont think he is making the right decision about the young payers. Too much excuses and lock of trust in the young payers. Out side of Stephen curry and a few good flash with some of the vets.The young players are the most consistent. There coaching staff just need to make the right decisions.

    with the

  3. Steve did disservice to this team by playing Ty Jerome & Anthony Lamb last year for 50 games. Had he payed Kuminga & Moody the story would look different

  4. Warriors need to trade Wiggins, for someone or even just for draft pick. Keep Kuminga and start him in place of Wiggins. Then if Kuminga preforms sign him to a new contract and save money because he would be cheaper than Wiggins contract. I think that’s all we need to win. We have a solid team.

  5. How many young hopefuls are burnt out before they reach their basketball maturity. Let’s see Kuminga and Moody as mainstays of the Warriors for 10 years not a couple of seasons then permanently injured

  6. With all due respect but I think Kerr is using Kuminga WRONG !!! He’s a gifted athlete, capable of drawing 2-3 players to the paint, potentially giving better looks for Klay and Steph… why would you want him to swing the ball fast ??? I don’t get it. 😢

  7. At some point a decision has to be made on the rotation going forward looking at the playoffs. Especially when Markannen or Siakham join the team.

  8. Jk ,wigs and Davis…or Davis ,looney,jk. We need a big lineup🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿just practice three man pick and roll

  9. I've been a big fan of Kerr for years, HOWEVER, during his tenure the Warriors have ridden the 3 HOFers and not developed a single new, young player…..NONE!!! Poole was the nearest but they chose Dray over him and sent him packing. Both Kuminga and Moody have languished on the bench for nearly 2 1/2 years while the Warriors starters, aside from Steph, have grown old. Wiggins was a trade, not a fresh draft choice. It is time for both Kuminga and Moddy to start receiving more court time. I'm beginning to wonder if Draymond should be coming of the bench now. I can see a time when Steph, Podziemski, Wiggs, Kuminga and Jackson- Davis might be the best 5 with Moody the 6th man followed by Thompson, Green, Peyton II and Loon in no particular order. It is time foe growth. Enough of the stale feeling.

  10. Starters : Steph Moody jk dray TDJ
    Bench : Cp3 klay wiggs Dario Looney
    Gp2 Bp
    That should be the playoff rotation strength in numbers
    You got play making rebounding scoring and defense in both line ups

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