@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 1st QTR | Dec 28 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 1st QTR | Dec 28 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

Going half court to half court get up and down as much as you can the Audi starting lineups RJ Hampton Tyler hero haime hakz aw with high Smith and Bam outo and outo has it facing up against Looney the heat taking care of Philly on Christmas 9 and0 on Christmas for Eric

Spola Steph Curry Brandon psky Klay toson Jonathan kaminga cavon Looney the Audi starting lineups for the does shot clock at eight Step at three and launches the three now Curry and Klay Thompson were 10 of 33 on Christmas and the Splash Brothers they want that to be an anomaly

Is out of AO misses again they would tell you it’s time for a bounce back Domingo and he threw that one away I Smith is in in there for defense with no Josh Richardson tonight and St playing some D in his own right the push ahead kaminga ahead of everyone that is

How you get back in transition stiff arm them and then Counterattack was serious you talked in Warrior pregame live not going against a set Heat defense and pushing it and trying to dictate the tempo that was a great example your defense sets that up as out of Bio

They’re trying to establish him inside early first two possessions or two or three possessions he’s getting the ball inside going to work yeah bam averages 22 points a game but no Jimmy Butler so he’ll need to do more of thaty missing that running hook the heat first game of their Western Road

Trip hakz had a monster Christmas game with 31 shot clock at seven everything runs through out of bio and they take their time Dam fading firing and hitting he’s got great back to the basket game he’s doing a lot of work from the mid-range this year he’s not

Scoring in the paint as much a little less there but more midrange and he’s really effective play Thompson he hits the three for his first shot of the night that’s a good sign running off his screens that was not an easy look Tyler hero riming it up in he can score from

Anywhere play another three that one halfway down and Al jsky keeping it alive there were three members of the Heat and he took it away play back to Brandon hump fix everywhere domingus sets his feet so her will push it back Styler hero psky couple Milwaukee guys and see

Hero get all the way to the cup me when I say live he’s always in attack mode so if you’re on defense you better be down and ready clay working on hakz pretty good defense made that shot tougher Looney owns the glass and he gets the foul this is important because

The heat are actually a really good defensive rebounding team so if the Warriors can get to the offensive boards like they have we saw that big boy rebound from po jimsky there’s Eric spola one of the longest 10e coaches in the league it’s interesting that they’re first when it comes to three-point

Shooting percentage cuz they lost Max stru and Gabe Vincent two really good Shooters well you have guys stepping up and shooting it better than you maybe thought haime hawz in college wasn’t a great three-point shooter he must have figured something out they’ve won three in a row they get

To the finals last year is an eight seed they’re the fourth in the league or in the East right now so maybe you don’t sleep on them ever now they they give you an examination they’re going to find your weaknesses they’re always prepared they’re super deep they play really hard

Jimmy Butler has a calf injury and they’re being careful with that cuz you go ret that you’re going to miss a really long time HZ inside to put it up an in that’s how smart he is but two Defenders went with Tyler hero as he was

Acting like he was going to come off and get that that hand off the Warriors have done that naked hand off to opponents they got a little taste of their own medicine play getting all he could eat but the Warriors have open one of five

On threes and then a foul on the rebound so Looney is saying they crashed into each other but the officials are going to give it to him he Smith and adabo trying to work to get those offensive rebounds they realize I mean defensive rebounds they realize they got to do more to get

These against the Warriors Warriors are all over the glass there’s a push in the back yeah Looney went bowling pin I’m going to knock you into your other guy and you’re both going to go down he tried to subtly do it so the officials wouldn’t see it little 710 split got a

Mo hero terminated the dribble your bowling game isn’t like that oh we’re going bowling that we’re going oh yeah ping pong forget it bowling I’m in a little I’m bringing Bob fit Senor he was a near Pro level bowler let’s do it I got to buy my own ball I got my own

Shoes you have your own bowling shoes yeah I’m not I’m not that good if you’re not that good you just got to try to fake it till you make it try to look the C Tyler hero fireing there Steph fighting for that rebound but that is good old school officiated by James

Williams there yeah might have been a little bump and grind I’m giving you the ball I’m not calling a foul keep it moving see the war going to be tested defensively heater so meticulous offensively good word JY long and strong and as good as the heat are defensively you got to hit

Those threes to get them out of the lane they will pack in the paint give you nothing easy you got to hit from Deep keep him Hest and Looney got underneath out of Bio he’s called for the foul bam is a beast this is the matchup

Here it’s him and Tyler hero are going to be super aggressive crab dribble crab dribble he’s another onee Kentucky guy I know I know Notre Dame is jealous of that but the two Allstar four time all defense adri out of Bio calling bam he actually said being a Kentucky

Help it transition to the heat culture I’ll tell you why in a second Warrior basketball is brought to you by door Dash official partner of the Golden State Warriors so Kentucky to the heat what was the transition he had to work so hard when he was at Kentucky because

He’s playing with other great players D Fox just to work hard and get your shot you know they frown on like if you’re there as a sophomore junior senior so he’s trying to make sure he got out of there in one year so that kind of work and then translating to heat culture

Type of work it made it a little easier Curry elbow jumper Ratt that out kaminga fighting on the glass I’d like to see JK go to the rim and his rebounding has really picked up in the last couple weeks HZ okay I’ll tell you what he was

11 of 15 on Christmas the Heat have opened already at seven of 11 shooting he had that one year at UCLA where he was 39% the other years he was there he was not a good three-o shooter so you don’t usually become a great three-point shootery down that was a big right there

Because the Warriors have been clanking threes early and they needed one to go through just came off the drive Klay Thompson created collaps the defense High screen roller hero and out of bio and Tyler hero rattles it home so hero with six and then out of Bio with

Six this is a perfect beginning for Eric’s folster MinGa and he missed the layup had a beautiful move but didn’t finish and hero transition three St fight for that rebound mean the heat right now they’re just out playing The Warriors in every facet that’s why High Smith is out there

For his defense how hard he works his high motor death Came To Hell nicely and then Looney knocked it away play on the run out play to beat two Defenders to put it in I don’t know how he double pumped through those Defenders but he kept his concentration that was crafty see when

The Warriors get the Run outs so they’ve been effective but you got to get stops to run with the ball hero around it out can make it with a rebound Ray can take

Golden State Warriors vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 1st QTR | Dec 28 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

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