@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers vs Hornets Live Watch Party

Lakers vs Hornets Live Watch Party

Those whoa what’s up y’ what’s up Daniel what’s up pyro up blink what up Dexter I’m get some water I’ll be right back POS first what up Blaker fan thank you blink oops thank you Laker F I appreciate that still got a couple minutes left but we could just watch this game together

Oh Jimmy Butler is not playing what’s up Anonymous I know I was just watching the I was just watching the game too the refs were calling everything for Pingas in general I felt like whenever porzingis was getting touched the ref will just blow the whistle it’s not like that He Flops but

He like flails in midair if that makes sense what up snow you guys are here early yeah what’s up ler fan I saw you unless you’re talking to them oh I forgot Thomas Bryan is with the heat huh I thought he stayed over there with the Nuggets but I guess they didn’t want

Him I actually forgot that Thomas Bryant was over here whoa over there Miami I know man me too this game should be good no Gordon Hayward for the Hornets and one of their other big guys or is he let me see I I haven’t seen the lineups that’s interesting I thought

They were going to go with Austin but RI hamuro will start in place of Cam Raiders tonight alongside LeBron Prince Vanderbilt and Davis well holy [ __ ] we’re tall tonight I don’t know how I feel about the Lup well we won’t know until we see it so we’ll see M Bridges okay

What okay so for the Hornets no lamelo no Gordon Hayward who is this again Frank n k Lina is that the guy that was with New York this is one of their Center their bigger guys good Defender Mark Williams so T Terry Rosier Brandon Miller Nick Smith Jr who the [ __ ] is that

That no cam Rish I got to see this no but it’s not that Bridges it’s the other Bridges miles Bridges is with the Nets this is the other Bridges um right I [ __ ] tripping oh no yeah yeah yeah he’s right here but who’s this Nick Smith Jr I don’t know who that is

He’s a guard that’s crazy so they’re going really small m bridg is at Center for them so that means they’re going to be probably running a lot of Zone today I I was watching the Hornets versus the Clippers the other day and I saw who that who what’s his name the

Bryce McGaw he’s like a 66 guard Brandon Miller is pretty tall Nick Smith Jor is another guard miles Bridget is at what best 69 so AD should be feasting tonight we’ll see though is it I’m gonna mess with my OBS real quick guys give I’m going try something okay give me a

Second oh it doesn’t let you do two yeah looks like LeBron’s running the point again this is another lineup by the way that has not played a single minute together this season so LeBron at the one toan at the two Jared vanderbur at the three three

Ruy Haim at the four and Anthony Davis at the five it’s kind of weird but we’ll see it should have been Reeves yeah ruy does need minutes you got to point there so I don’t mind that hard but this lineup has never played together on the floor

So we can’t expect it to work right away but then again the Hornets are not the best so if it’s ever a time to try [ __ ] out it’s going to be today yeah he has to play I wouldn’t see why not not with Cam out they’re going

To probably throw ruie a lot at the three uh unless unless Max just takes the minutes cuz remember Max hasn’t been playing either and people have been begging for Max to play so expect some maybe some Max Christy Reeves I mean Max Christie uh minutes if if Christian Wood doesn’t play

Today then I don’t see when he’s gonna play but Max hasn’t played either and he’s our sophomore so we need him to get some minutes too I rather have Max play some minutes tonight to be honest and if wood is going to play then just go ahead and bench um Jackson ha

Uh just cuz I’m tired of that experiment to be honest but expect some Max chrisy minutes with cam shot tonight all right the game should be starting pretty soon it says 7:30 but it’s usually like 7:36 so like another 10 minutes he is a fing machine he doesn’t

Know how to keep his hands down he thinks he’s going up vertically but that’s really never the case the Warriors are losing right now by five to the Heat we have the Suns in a couple weeks I think like in two weeks and Bradley Bill was is scheduled

To play tomorrow he’s questionable so that means when we play the Suns in two weeks it’s going to be the first time we play them with their whole big three lineup so I’m excited for that game it’s going to be here too what’s up pale yeah that’s why that’s why Ru is

Starting um snow because camish is growing that’s what they listed it as we didn’t hear nothing about this over the weekend so kind of weird what’s your prediction for the game I’m hoping I’m wishing for a stress free game you know like just decent defense knocking down the simple

Shots with like I said said with the Hornets not playing any big men and Miles Bridges being their Center I expect ad and LeBron to be feasting inside um but it just depends on how Darin uses them obviously the Hornets are going to be running some Zone today so we got to

Pound it inside and kick out pound it inside and kick out but ultimately I I’m predicting a win that’s the important part this game should and better be an easy win that’s what I’m saying bro it’s literally what I’m saying I wanted to be stress free no overtime no close game

Just beat him by 10 plus points let me go to bed so I could go to work tomorrow and then enjoy my weekend cuz if we lose today I’m going to be pissed like I’m generally going to be pissed I haven’t been pissed lately not even for the Celtics game but

I’ll be pissed if we lose tonight I won’t show it on stream obviously but like going to sleep and stuff yo Le show if they don’t win this game I swear to God I know jungle jump out this window right here yeah I’m I’m expect that’s what I’m hoping for Joshua Darvin ham

Pockets look at this emote that I made I had somebody make for me this is Darin ham with that clipboard meme you guys have seen it so whenever something happens with Darin I’m not going to say anything I’m just going to put that now that’s going to be Darin ham whenever something

Happens that’s the the Darin ham meme where he’s holding up the clipboard now I’m back oh what’s up pyro we were just talking yeah the ball meme we were just talking about how um how what do we expect out of tonight because the Hornets are not playing any

Big men to start off the game ad is playing so we should be able to win easily this one is Austin screaming this one is Braun and then ad right here yeah it’s nothing serious bro it’s just right now you’re GNA sound stupid but I Dro water in my

Nose I’m drinking out of this jug it’s like they won this game this season TR in comp I know it’s like they don’t want to try anymore after that Jesus if we get rid of Darvin ham will we who we get to replace that’s what I’m saying that’s kind of what sucks people

Are saying to go for Doc River since he’s over there just announcing games but I don’t even know how I feel about that one yeah we can definitely use a win man but then again you guys got to remember it is barly December bro we’re 30 games in almost halfway through the

Season but there’s still so many many more games to go this schedule this month watch I’m going to show you guys real quick let me pull it up first and then we’ll go over it damn this is bright all right but look for December a bunch of these games

Were like look it right here we back to back right and then look at this back to back right here I didn’t like this back to back especially because where they’re at like these are cold ass cities right here and then right after each other and then these

Are like big teams too if you want to say that but the schedule was just [ __ ] weird for December in my opinion and then in January it like calms down a little bit what I mean by that look at these home stretch right here home home

Home home home away but it’s very close and then you come back home home home home home this is away but it’s technically home so it’s going to be home home home home home oh no we stop here but this is very close and then this is the Grammy trip but other than

That January is filled with nothing but close games well I mean games that are here at home and if we do go away it’s not far like Utah is just you know a quick flight come back Sunday night I mean Sunday afternoon whatever day in for

Monday and then we have a whole another week here and then again this one is going to just be home this game the Lakers are going to want to get them back and then this is going to be interesting right here these three games right here but other than that I’m excited for

January just because we’re going to be home a lot yeah it is going to be our home still but the Clippers are rolling bro so it’s not going to be easy either we got to figure it out before that game happens because I don’t want to lose that

Game George I’mma go with this one for today I’m going to try it out um this one is on the right where it says Gordon Hayward in the bottom right it’s like a how do I call it um it’s going to be updating by itself and then and also this where it

Says Lakers versus Hornets that’s going to be updating by itself too as soon as the game starts so we’re going to have it right there on the bottom yeah I’m not sold on Duck either oh yeah LeBron turns when’s LeBron’s birthday the 31st no Chris I mean New Year’s LeBron’s birthday December

30th there going be 39 in a day the game should be starting pretty soon just a couple more minutes say like two three minutes we’ll just keep watching this Warriors game for now have you ever been to a live game yeah plenty of times George but since the channel has been

Growing so much lately especially the past two seasons um I have to be here to do the video editing because remember I’m just one guy nobody else helps me with this channel it’s just me um I don’t have another video editor so if I was at the

Game I wouldn’t be able to do the highlights I mean I’d be able to but you guys wouldn’t get the Highlights till the very next day and I know you guys want it out as soon as the game’s over the most memorable game I’ve been

To it had to be I went the the year that Kobe Retired I went for my birthday if that makes sense it was March 12th that’s my birthday um we were playing here versus the Knicks and that was the year that Kobe retired but we lost I believe it was that year or the year before so I got to see Kobe um once

Be one more time before before he got to retire so I would say that one was lucky enough to see Kobe a lot of times when I was younger my mom had work worked at this like tile company and the owner was a season ticket holder for the Lakers and

Whenever he was like he couldn’t go or it was a game he didn’t want to go he would give him to my mom and my mom would take me so that was pretty dope I think that’s why I started liking basketball a lot whenever I’m at a bar when a Laker and

Clipper game is on I always y let’s go la and people reactions are hilarious Le oh that’s a dope ass game jungle I remember that game um yes Anthony I basketball is my first sport but soccer I also call it passionately um I used to play a lot of FIFA last year but I put it down this year um but yeah I like soccer a lot

Primarily from Europe though like Spain and like I follow Barcelona I like Man City PSG when Messi was there Messi is my favorite player but I grew up like Ronaldinho is who made me love watching soccer primarily football here and there um just cuz I never watched

Football but then the Los Angeles got the Rams and then I always go for everything La minus the Clippers and yeah I just started following football a lot more but that’s what I could think of baseball naturally the Dodgers just because I live like 10 minutes away not even so

Close yeah I miss I [ __ ] up on not seeing Messi right here when he came to lafc this year I [ __ ] up but the tickets were so expensive bro it was like I think it was like 800 bucks just to [ __ ] get in something like that

Like $600 $800 just to get in to see him play I was like God damn I want to see him play but I didn’t have the bread at the time ah dude that [ __ ] was too expensive though I think the tickets were like at 80 bucks before he announced he was

Going to Miami and then he announced it and the cheapest ticket to get in was like $600 was insane what’s your opinion when social media lot great work you do in the license do you think NBA is more popular on the road than before it is um it can be

More but um how to explain it like with the way that the refs officiate a lot of games like I was watching that Celtics versus Pistons game right now like I I don’t like how they reward players for flailing a lot like Ping get shot over this guy that

Was just like this and he like got underneath him and they called the foul like I feel like they got to let those go and then Kate CUNY hand blocks Tatum at the rim and then they call go tending when it was a bang bang play like you

Should just let it go like you got to let the excitement roll more if it wasn’t for the refs it’d be even more popular to be honest with you but yes obviously with all these Europeans balling out arguably the best three players besides take out LeBron are all

European with [ __ ] Giannis yic and donic is donic is a different Beast Man he’s so [ __ ] good I remember back when they when that year I was young fan back then I swe I couldn’t really remember my screaming yeah yeah that’s funny bro same

Here I just want I need a a win here bro like I need one with me finally living in downtown like I need to experience the win and I wouldn’t doubt the prey go through here on figurilla I would not doubt it at all yeah see I’ll tell you it is a different

Bridges cuz the other Bridges is in the Nets this mes Bridges is the one that got suspended for beating up his girlfriend I think yeah it it’ll be pretty tough cuz the world has you’ll have sh sh gild will be your point guard your shooting guard would be who would be your shooting

Guard Jamal Murray probably and then Don at the three jannis at the four and yic at the five and [ __ ] I forgot about embiid so embiid at the five yic at the four Yana at the three donkin at the two and Sh gooders at the one that’s [ __ ] disgusting that is disgusting yeah

Exactly pyro all right game time we talk about this [ __ ] half time or something let’s get it but yeah that that that lineup right there the world is disgusting sj1 Luca two embiid five yic four Yannis three oh hell no good luck the Hornets have lost eight games in a row holy [ __ ]

Give me a second guys I’ll fix this they should be updating like a box score no I didn’t want that though oh they changed it [ __ ] okay we’ll delete this one yeah Melo rolled that ankle bad bro really bad Al the Hornets did end up putting the S I guess they had just

Messed up let’s get out get out dunk that nice all right so they got Vanderbilt Guardian Terry Rosier they got Prince on the rookie Miller LeBron is over there on the other rookie oh no he’s a sophomore never mind he’s a sophomore and he makes a

Three so the Hornets were here two days ago versus the Clippers and they kind of gave the Clippers some problems they ended up only winning like by five or some [ __ ] like that ad left hand so the Hornets have been in town for the past like three four days good defense by Prince

Nope that guys came out shooting no he missed ruy gets blocked ru’s aggressive but out of control at the same time M bridges for three cash so Ru is coming out very aggressive but like I said he’s kind of VC LeBron hasn’t put up a shot yet yet I

Know we just started but still they’re not even looking at him at all that’s a bad pass oh good oh what a pass by LeBron and AD banged it ter Roser he’s got that yeah he has that tear drop in his game so he do got the switch and he has

A small one on him May gets fouls didn’t look like a foul to me yeah that LeBron pass was nasty he was looking at like The Hornet’s bench oh here’s a replay hey he let out a scream look like he wanted to let out some steam with that

Dunk it’s funny how you can see lamelo over there standing out so much in his tracksuit technically he’s back home too Terry Rosier for three shees so that’s five points for Terry Rosier let’s see how how he comes out tonight lot of standing around for the Lakers right now High pick and

Roll ad jump shot short that’s a bound LeBron asking for a horns but Vandal gets off LeBron three ball oh yeah it’s a fon Prince LeBron has been shooting the ball very very well from three it’s crazy that his birthday is coming up in a couple days and how old

He is and still playing like this yeah 40% is pretty nasty for anybody like forget the age 40% is so good pyro um I made you a moderator snow you’re always here so I’m G make you a moderator too LeBron for three a that’s cuz it’s funny like uh with pyro

Like I told him last time I was going to make him a moderator but I made I made him a moderator and he already knew what to do without even asking him that’s why I made him a moderator cuz he’s always telling people so might as well give him what’s the word

Eligibility but Snow’s always is here too I would give it a k dog but K dog’s not here today I don’t know where he’s at probably busy or something I need you guys man dude just became a starter stupid I think Jamari just for right now

I think it’s not that they can’t defend it’s just like they’re having like discrepancies on like who to pick up cuz all our players are literally the same height tan is like 67 vand 610 ruy 610 LeBron with shoes is 610 ad is 7 feet with shoes so it’s pretty

Crazy I don’t know drew that shit’s just like that bro cuz definitely what’s his name Terry Rosier is a good player and when he gets hot and streaky he’s streaky so we got to watch out for Terry Rosier today what’s the box score looking like who has six points miles Bridges

Cuz miles Bridges has has two threes ruy has two points ad has eight points J vandero has yet to put up a shot LeBron has three yeah Terry’s not all that bad damn since December 11th the Hornets are 0 and8 all worse than the NBA all those categories

Jesus and that’s a reason why because my boy metal over here can’t stay healthy I like how Darin in in the first timeout went to the subs though it’s since you guys are saying let me see ad at the five LeBron at the four Prince at

The three Austin at the two and Dow at the one so it should be more ball movement right now I get that they want to defend but we still got a score too Bridges hits that over LBJ pick and roll If Prince stay still right there he might get that that

Foul so they’re going at DLo right now on defense Brandon Miller jump shot no rebound for the Lakers the same guy that shot it got the rebound Bridges looks like he has a yep Bridges is feeling it o he missed it but it look good oh I saw that that Lonzo might be

Coming back soon that’s good well at least start running the boy can’t even run nobody’s stopping the ball nobody stopped the ball minut can’t play him a you can’t blame him pale I’m used to it with Kobe like it’s just literally it’s weird weird to say

But it’s just a privilege that you get once you’re at that stardom it sucks but think of it like with Messi like towards the end of his career like he would well I mean even in the beginning oh good move by Prince that’s not Messi wouldn’t really get back on D

And everybody else would have to run around and play defense for him in a way so it’s kind of the same thing with Braun but I get it it’s different with basketball he does have to get back on defense regardless I feel you though pill don’t

Worry I feel you so Lakers can’t find anything right now and I think with the starting lineup coming out like that it’s hurting the way that they’re playing right now the Lakers have not scored a field goal since the eth minute bro the eighth minute so Lakers are about to go almost

Four minutes out of field goal if we don’t score in this next possession anybody will take a seven-point lead if you’re down if your other team is not making any field goals for four minutes and then they are not boxing out ad comes and helps out and nobody helps out ad on the

Rebounding ish Smith is in for the Hornets another Laker killer he always plays good against the Lakers good defense by ad good job there was going to be a timeout if we didn’t get that offensive fou yep so I called it in the beginning at pregame I said that with no cam

Reddish with no C reddish I was um somebody was saying it wood would have played but I was like nah Max Christie is another person who has not been getting minutes either so with C reddish out Max Christie comes into the game so I was right on that but let’s see if Max

Takes advantage of his opportunity because a young guy like this like I understand it’s not a big team that we’re playing against but you still got to show that you’re capable of playing and Max’s last game didn’t go too good from what I remember that’s D shot yep called it

Yep so Dow gets his three the Lakers announcer just called Austin Reeves Austin Rivers DLo backto back triples good Lakers ball movement yep so D has eight points just like that Off the Bench I’m GNA need this all game though DLo good defense by Austin get up dowlo get up dowlo

Do’s too flat footed He needs to come up a little bit with his waist he’s like punching forward on defense come on ad pick a roll baby Austin that was a foul come on call it ref the sutic were getting that call the whole time versus the Pistons and us on

Christmas and Austin can’t get it it’s crazy how many threes get hit in Anthony Davis’s face bro happens all the time I don’t like these quick shots that ruy has been taking lately this game here already came out with three three like quick shots they didn’t

Even look to like take a step in or anything Max chrisy finally has the ball let’s see if he takes advantage of it or passes it up I wouldn’t pass it if I was in oh D he has a small guy on him swing it one more D open for three

Short D’s got to make those bro yeah that’s a foul he tapped him in the back bro but good thing for DLo to come out like that we needed something off of the bench since the starting unit is not getting it wasn’t getting it done so good for DLo and his confidence really

Ch Kevin Love in the building damn Tyler hero is so nice they’re beating the Warriors ass right now fast the Neymar I like Neymar I used to um I mean I still watch a lot of Barcelona’s games but back when there was MSN with Neymar Luis Suarez and

Messi I was even calling off of work just to watch those Champion Leagues games I felt like I was good luck CU every time I would call out they would win it just sucks that Neymar took the party party life route and he could have became one of

The best I mean he is one of the greats don’t get me wrong but he took the party life so many injuries bad luck man yeah I don’t like Real Madrid but Bellingham is a [ __ ] monster it’s so funny that you bring up Bellingham because I was actually thinking about um that

Team Real Madrid at work and how like that dude just won’t stop scoring Bingham would just not stop scoring it’s a [ __ ] go machine and I like his character I think that’s what I I hate love the most I love people that are humble like in any sport any [ __ ]

Sport like in general I love humble people and Bellingham is very very very humble that dude is going to be such a good player I mean he already is oh no MSN all day every day MSN all day every day Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday we do need back I would love Caruso back man imagine a lineup of Caruso Austin LeBron Bando ad oh my Lord all right so D bringing up the ball high pick and row with ad little dump off and nice I like to see that a lot more out

Of the Lakers is a high screen and roll with ad but I’m talking about high not by the three-point line I want it above good block by ad oh he dunked it I thought he blocked it damn bro we give him 31 Points Austin re wide open for three

Dude Austin is so good man whatever trade the Lakers do next month I do not want Austin Reeves involved in it at all I’d be pretty pissed to be honest but I know they’re not been thinking about it so there’s no point of even thinking about

It blocked by yep you can see it ah but a foul on Austin yeah what the hell was there a light behind me I don’t know if you guys saw it that was so weird was that a oh [ __ ] the cops are looking with the lights into buildings what the

[ __ ] that was so weird all right so only down three down three with bad shooting it’s all right it could be a lot worse but the way that they’re shooting it could be a lot worse I I really don’t get where these lineups that Darin ham comes

Up with I don’t get them at all what I mean by that is that starting lineup was pretty weird to me to be honest I didn’t like it if he was a smart coach after halftime he wouldn’t come out with that same lineup but that’s only if he

Was a smart coach the fact that I don’t think he kind of is is probably the reason why he won’t do it fin six threes are you really Jamari [ __ ] oh you’re right they do have 6 threes [ __ ] what city is outside your window La I stay in downtown thank you um

At it happens locks I swear that happens with me too bro hey I swear that happens oh [ __ ] wait we got LeBron in the bench bring him in but LeBron always sits around the around the 6 Minute Mark in the first quarter and then plays as much as he can

In the second second quarter to start the second quarter I mean the streams are dope bro thank you thank uh thank you for pulling up Bentley thank you Elise yeah it is an Asus thank you D wood is in oh you’re right he’s in holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did this ref

Call oh my God he literally just put his hands on his back it wasn’t even like a push no wonder I see snow say what the [ __ ] ref this literally like he just he just had his hands there it wasn’t even a push so they got max out there guarding

Terry for right now I don’t think they want DLo on Terry at all so Christian Wood at the five ruy hatur at the four LeBron at the three max CHR at the two and D’s running the point guard position dribble handoff Ry tough midi very tough all right so they went straight

Back to R posing up the sophomore o Nice n one I like it really Dell why do you say that I would have think opposite that they would treat him like a god but then again there’s so many many up and cominging Brazilians like I mean Venus and Rodrigo already

Top Notch but with Barcelona getting Vito Rock and then andri coming to Madrid next year and then there’s MSO who I barely found out about the other day so Brazilian Talent is always there no matter what all right LeBron backing up M Bridges Fade Away tough Shot the Hornets are playing the Lakers are switching everything on defense I mean LeBron’s giving too much sprace to Miles Bridges good block by Max Christie LeBron Fade Away nice that was a nice defensive block by Max Christie Lakers keep switching everything on defense so far I helped it

Damn so the Hornets are just flying everything from Three Man the Hornets are seven of 12 from three shooting 58% from the three-point line Jesus Christ good pass DLo come on Max there you go Max there you go good move by D I said max had to take advantage of his

Minutes and gets two nice stops and a three I’m going need some more defense though travel y see turnovers for the Charlotte Hornet six believe it or not the Lakers have zero turnovers please don’t let me Jinxx him be aggressive Max be aggressive good Ball moving but I would

Have liked three to finally take that three good defense Max rebound there you go brown with the rebound pick roll with wood nope wood for three oh see Jack Jackson Hayes ain’t gonna do that Jackson haes is definitely not going to do that see what I mean that wood does at

Least something anything Jackson Hayes wasn’t even giving us a rebound that was the most frustrating part for me vctor Ro has everything to shine at Barca here at Athletico parz he did very well that’s all I keep hearing man so I’m just hoping that he does the same

For Barca I’m not going to lie I love Barca that’s my team um so I really want to see Rock shine oh d how you missed that baby wood looks like Scotty Pippen he kind of does low key taller skinnier version that’s a foul yeah that’s a foul

Damn yeah I wish I could be more closer pyro but I don’t know why even though I’m freaking 5 minutes away from that damn building everybody’s ahead of me regardless so max Cy got good eight minutes that’s really good 12 pick and damn he’s 25 PJ Washington that’s the one that got

That girl pregnant right I need the LA crowd to wake the hell up they’re all sleeping but then again they probably all went to work and [ __ ] ah there’s the first turnover give it to Austin give it to Austin swing it there it is I said it give it to

Austin switch switch switch switch switch but they’re not talking bro good defense by wood just take it ah W no come on Brothers timeout by dark well wood did play already a good six minutes bro so I would not be surpris if he gets benched right now to be

Honest AD should be coming back so unless he’s going to throw a lineup of AD and wood together which I would like to see which I but I doubt he will do do looks like Christian is going to go to the bench right now I would not doubt

It but remember remember in the beginning of the season when we played those Suns and the Clippers and we beat them Christian Wood was in there at the end of the game and he played good like good defense good rebounding and who was he alongside LeBron and AD every time he was playing

Them lately he wouldn’t play him alongside ad so that was kind of bothering me which team is it who do you choose to support um I can’t really say because I don’t watch the Brazilian League like that but if I have to choose I would I don’t know man that’s

Hard um the teams I know are Flamingo athletic um Santos but they just got demoted right Santos got demoted if I’m not mistaken the only reason I would root for Santos is because of Neymar but and Bella but I heard that they got demoted or Something e so we got ad at the five Vando at the four LeBron at the three oh no I’m sorry ad’s at the five V’s at the four Toran at the three Austin at the two two and LeBron at the one Jesus this team what’s it with everybody just making threes against

Us Austin gets hit in the face and it’s a foul on him typical reing game for the Lakers that’s crazy he got elbow in the face how is that see it’s exact that’s the exact play I’m talking about from earlier why the NBA is not so popular is because of play like

That Austin has his that’s insane to me Austin has his hands up Brandon Miller hits Austin in the face but it’s a foul on Austin make it make sense make it make sense bro these are the type of things we shouldn’t even be like reviewing looking at nothing like that we shouldn’t even

Be looking at it this is what I mean that the NBA could be more popular if it wasn’t for stuff like that like right now we should be watching the game we should be the the ball should be dribbling the clock should be running but yeah here we are

Watching commercials because of a competent ref trying to make it about him so annoying here’s the briest crowd really from the biggest Flamingo sakuras for giving you a yellow card Flamingo yeah they just went all the way to the the club World Cup so I can see why very good

Team I don’t know what that ref was thinking bro that’s [ __ ] disgusting I feel the same way pyro cuz it’s like like we’re not paying anything our [ __ ] cable bills our tickets our gas to go watch these games and watch these refs call that [ __ ] [ __ ] makes zero sense

Austin is just trying to play defense but you’re going to call a fall on him because the player hit him in the face like huh let’s be real Dennis Dennis the Menace was a b Hawk on defense D doesn’t do that a can do it AR

Can do it to some capacity but I agree with DLo versus the Celtics the Celtics just hunted DLo all game every single minute he was on the floor I’m G need some more defense out of these guys looks like the Hornets are just going to be playing shooting some threes the whole damn

Game that little boy getting lit with the Kobe jersey too ad has 10 points four of nine from the field goal three rebounds in 13 minutes ad is supposed to come back right now too that’s what I feel for all NBA players man the Lakers lose the that’s the most stupidest thing ever

Bro he was on the side of him so now we can’t be on the side of players guys apparently we have to just let him shoot a jump shot apparently we can’t play defense guys according to the refs Jesus Christ that [ __ ] just makes no sense

Though like they don’t even want us to play defense at all I hate how you can’t even touch anybody but yet LeBron drives every single game only averages six free throws a game it’s pretty insane to me that [ __ ] is insane Yeah Austin did look mad as

[ __ ] so Austin has three fouls he’s done for the rest of this half good ball Movement by the Lakers but with all this sitting down that we just did looks like the Lakers are going to be kind of cold right now know yeah some [ __ ] rules that’s what we’re talking about like nobody

Wants to watch basketball when it comes to that [ __ ] bad spacing for the Lakers right now they didn’t even run a play at all vanderbel with a tough hook shot they didn’t that wasn’t even a play Ram that’s D’s job like you got to cost something

Bro the Hornets on a n90 scoring run in the last two minutes again nothing is called turn over by Prince D gets a hand on it thankfully but we’re not running anything they’re literally just passing the ball and moving around it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] yes that is definitely the coach’s fault LeBron is

Pissed again this isn’t a play Rant at all it’s just oneon-one give it to ad and hope for the best darham has not called One play look at him with his hands in his pockets over there he has not called One play this damn quarter yeah I hated two sports clips [ __ ]

Hate it too bro but it all comes down to the coach look at Darin does not even talking to his team at all he just has his hands in his pocket right there ad with a nice block still not saying anything nice Vando very nice Marcelo H damn I have not seen that

Name in a while n pyro forget even calling plays the guy doesn’t even talk that’s what pisses me off the most me when I was a coach for these kids at elementary school I could not stop talking offense defense whatever the [ __ ] it was I would not stop

Talking move here switch here hedge here something anything but if you look at Darin literally just has his hands in his pockets like a damn civilian like any of us you guys have no idea how bad I’ve been wanting to buy a ticket why I almost did it with vogo I almost bought

A ticket just to the go to the game get behind the the bench and yell at him to do something and I badly want to buy a ticket go to the game and tell Darin to get his hands out of his pocket and to talk to my damn team and Coach them or

Get the hell out of my city CU I know his ass can hear me all right so I finally got what I wanted which was ad and wood at the same time ad at the five wood at the four good defense get the they didn’t box out at all Jesus

Strong V come on yes good job ad rebound yes there goes W with the rebound again so a good rebound there V nice pass du on his ass baby he called the T on ad of course he did it’s exactly what I’m talking about with the refs I don’t even think he tried

Screaming in his face though Jesus ad I think he was just trying to scream in general I think he was trying to taunt him [ __ ] ad oh no he did scream in his face [ __ ] can woo what a dunk LeBron’s back into the game that’s princess shot that’s princess shot I said

It ad with a nice block holy hell follow your shot follow your shot see wood nice good defense LeBron’s right there baby what are you doing I cont yes sine I am in Los Angeles Al damn they just let him walk into it all right guys um halftime equals

Editing time so pyro and snow please hold it down for now I am going to start editing l e Det r way PA e not make C e are e your e e this BK is spe e ch e C e re sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

Sorry I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back sorry sorry I couldn’t catch up at all what’s going on did I miss anything put his hand in the cookie jar agreed too man but fortunately we don’t have snipers Down’s over the back sheesh all right so Darin stayed with

The same five out there are they running a play they’re kind of running a play now there it is finally some action at the end of the second quart we were running any plays at all oh you got to give me those ad so we are freaked I wonder what trade the Lakers

Are going to end up oh that’s too easy V come on baby but it is a little hard cuz Terry Roser could get down there compared to them bad pass by LeBron oh got in somehow and one we needed that I thought it was a bad pass by LeBron

But he got it in somehow V still trying to get his legs back to be honest going to get V’s going to take some time is going to take him like another 10 games to finally get into game Flow we’ve only had him for like what five games I think six games some

[ __ ] like that officially like back to back to back to back just give V another like 10 games he should be all right and coming off the bench wasn’t helping him either good shot by Brandon Miller yeah that Hill’s been [ __ ] him up huh LeBron with the J oh I almost got

The end one good good drive by LeBron Reeves is in the bench he got his third foul so he’s been out for a while but he did not start either way Bakers get the ball and a good stop LeBron spins oh what a spin by LeBron

Damn every time I look down I feel like I miss something oh what a pass by Prince what a nice little dumb pass oh yeah nobody respects his jumper that’s a fact he’s going to have to knock it down some more damn I said it earlier when there anybody ever shoots a

Three over ad it feels like it’s always a freaking bucket ad with the layup did LeBron syst him right there I can’t tell what a spin by LeBron oh he got fouled right there too that’s crazy I’m trying to be neighbor Mak some smooth beats every

Night I mean if you make beats you could probably put your song at the end where the stats are I’ve been using the same beat for like a long time but it’s cuz a lot of people like it but if you could come up with a better beat than I do in

My highlight videos in the end when I put stats i”ll be down if you nice with it ruy tough shot o ruy with a tough shot all right so I’m very behind on the highlights right now so I’m GNA get back to editing I’m not done yet so give me a

Second I’ll be right back run it down snow please damn that [ __ ] got hot for spe e PR t pringus wasn’t even guarding hopefully he’s just missed all right so lers got a seven-point lead just got to stop I’m going to need them to run a

Little bit more stuff on offense cuz in the first half it was just a bunch of One V one post-ups and isos and I didn’t like that we keep running this like oh that’s a bad pass but yeah you got to push you got to call that

Push ad had a move him out the way cuz he was going to trample him and he did I mean he did trample him but he had to move him out of the way oh yeah yeah that’s a f it’s crazy how big of a human being ad is man he’s so [ __ ]

Big good defense by Vander but don’t pass it V Just Go baby go oh never mind he probably should have passed it let me see we should have v no he never saw Bridges that’s why but V should have went up for like a dunk forget a layup ruy mid-range oh get

In there yes at least we vand got blocked but at least we still ended up with a two points was that good defense by Vando oh no same [ __ ] that heal doesn’t let him explode properly I think you got a point on that Jay we were talking about his heal

Earlier and maybe that [ __ ] is bothering him but I feel like he usually gets up more than that no nice ad LeBron pick and roll ad gets the nice and one why your thought Izzy what your thoughts on the jont Murray deal with you willing hell no I do not

Okay I want I would like the jont Murray a lot cheaper than Zack LaVine but I do not want to involve AR in it bro like I would love to like you know throw like DLo Gabe if you have to and then like ghs I think that’d be enough that that

That enough covers the money but I I wouldn’t I don’t want to trade Austin at all it would really bother me if we traded Austin Lakers on a 10-0 run in the last two M and two minutes that’s crazy good defense by ad Prince with the rebound LeBron bully ball oh LeBron just

Punked them threw it high off the air and get gets glass freaking LeBron ah we missed that one had it LeBron with some more bully ball doesn’t get the foul pale earlier was saying how he doesn’t like how LeBron doesn’t get back on defense and he didn’t get back on

Defense there that’s the same play LeBron just had and they didn’t give it to him by the way but okay no I don’t think Murray like Murray’s not oh wait but his contract goes up next year that’s right never mind never mind never mind he is going to be a little

Fit I’m not going to lie though I I kind of agree with with Izzy I mean you could add AR to that list list but de jonte Murray was known as a great defender with the Spurs I think he made one of the all defensive teams I think

I’m not sure it’s just that like he with the Hawks it’s the it’s the Trey young show so you can’t really see much out of dejonte Murray but like I said the only way I would like dejonte to come is if we don’t give up a lot that’s the only way

Yeah I I see what you mean by like expensive trade I I I get you by that 18 to 27 18 mil is not a lot in today’s NBA game 27 is kind of up there um but like I said if DLo is not going to be producing then what’s the point

You know like at least try something different but I love DLo I love anybody that puts on a Laker jersey in general but you just got to try hard for me to stay on this team LeBron with another rebound the Lakers are up by 11 I didn’t even notice

That to be honest with you guys another pick and roll between AD and LeBron ad doesn’t see it why is LeBron looking at ad I feel like that was on LeBron the Lakers have to do T win championship now that’s how I feel because Boston like they’re they they’re up there it’s

Going to be tough for a team to beat it’s crazy that between the Sixers the the Bucks and and the Celtics like you got to think about it one of those teams are not going to be in the Eastern conf oh nice by LeBron is not going to be in the

Eastern Conference Finals and that’s pretty crazy that one of those three teams are not going to be in there and one of those teams might I wouldn’t say blow it up necessarily but stuff has to happen damnn that Martin brother is not that good huh compared to his other brother BR jump

Shot LeBron gambled Lakers are shifting DLo misses the box out ad gets a foul that’s Ono damn this smartin brother has oh I didn’t know that but that jump shot did not look like his brothers at all that form was kind of off that sucks for them I hate injuries

Man ad has four four fouls 26 points he going to be done for the half I mean the quarter LeBron sitting down too [ __ ] I don’t like no LeBron and no ad lineups I never like them but like I said versus teams like this this is the time to I guess you can

Say quote unquote experiments but these guys are professional so they got to hold it down there’s no way that every single game we have to depend on ad and LeBron so for the next four minutes this unit has to get it done luckily both a AR and D are

Out there be aggressive Max there you go there you go oh ref that’s a bad call let me see turned in turn he just went up for it see what I mean by the refs though bro like he just clean him for I didn’t even think he hit

Him Martin Ry fell asleep a little nice switch switch again there you go ish Smith Laker killer Laker killer Laker killer I said it before he even shot the shot that dude just loves playing against us it’s crazy Ry has a small on him back him down there you go and one

Ruie yeah ruie W needs more minute he could easily get 12 points that’s what everybody has been saying that for the past like two weeks I he but Darvin ham just has him rotting in the bench I mean he’s B he’s getting burned right now so he’s got to take advantage of his

PT Lakers are in a zone for some reason don’t like it at all Lakers fall back into a man off by Bridges good job Dow and one yep ah good take though good take by Dow all right you guys are going to have to excuse me I’m going to be editing really

Quickly see how this Warriors game is going though it sounds like the heat are winning that’s good for us cuz the the Warriors are like right there with us in the standings it’s important that we win today it’s very important I don’t care who the hell is that we’re

Playing but I’m not trying to be under 500 anymore well I mean we haven’t been in a minute but like I never want to see being under 500 ever again it bothers me so much through 10294 Warriors are losing good good good good good lose more lose some More Sur ver Lakers out there in a Zone again Christian Wood at the five ruy at the four Max at the three Austin at the two and Dow at the one oh tough foul D was trailing on defense so max had to help Max yeah Max tried helping but

Terry was was coming way too damn fast I wonder if Terry Rosier will end his career right there in that team or I wonder if they’ll trade him with like lamelo’s I mean this is lamelo’s team right I don’t think anybody can say that D oh tough shot he thought he got

Hit in the back so Terry Roser got that hop to his step when he usually has that hop to a step he usually plays very good there it is yep that’s off though rebound by Max Christie Al let to dowo run something call a play call a play shoot that

Max that’s all day every day Max has that ni little jumper good shot by Max bers are still in the zone for some ugly ass reason off good rebound all it out to Austin in the wing here comes a double Hammer between d and a I mean Christian Max Christie aggressive

Baby D for three all because Max was was aggressive in that drive if Max doesn’t get aggressive and just kicks it out that three doesn’t happen I agree with that Jay I need maxu a little bit more I just need him to be a bit more aggressive when he catches

Those balls and doesn’t dribble right away that’s what irks me a little bit sometimes d Almost commits a turnover but ruy gets there going oneon-one with the midi and it rims out lers up by 15 good position good defense travel yep the zone is working it is

Working but it’s working against a bad team so that’s kind of another thing Lakers are doing very good in the turnover only eight turnovers not that bad I hope we could keep it under double digits nice pass oh and how is that not a foul see exactly what I mean that we

Get we just get officiated way differently like look LeBron and AD are just laughing at this point like all we could do is just laugh he climbs all over ru’s back climbs all over it look it good very good pass by DLo Bridges climbs all over over ruy and

Nothing but if we do that beep good defense they at the clock Austin yep Austin and one finally oh it’s about time man shees need Rosier to get over 5.5 in the fourth and the L get over 2.5 sure you’ll get it I’m pretty confident with that one

Based all right so the Lakers are up by 18 points it honestly feels like eight points am I anybody agree with me on that one I know we’re up 18 but it only feels like [ __ ] eight I don’t know why oh what’s up tux you’re here Boston gets a steal lay it up

Oh almost got it all right guys so Lakers 99 to the Hornets 80 Lakers are going into this fourth very comfortably I wanted a stressfree game today thank God the Lakers are giving it to me going to be able to go to sleep with

A smile on her face bases go to work and then enjoy the weekend if we choke I’mma go support the nuggets the No No Tu you stay here with the lake show brother we need you here all the fans we can get it’s plans for New Year’s to be honest

Um what should I call you toar to tarun um well there’s a game that day my girl’s actually sick like she’s really sick she she’s been sick for the past few days and today was just bad and she said she doesn’t really feel like doing anything if she doesn’t feel well and to

Be honest there’s a game on the 31st so I’m just going to stream um and just probably watch the fireworks from right here drink it’s about it nothing too crazy if ad gives me four points I win 1.8k Bando I would say that usually would happen but a if the Lakers are

Winning by this much I don’t think ad will come back into the game I hope you get yours though I really hope you get that money man all right guys Lakers with the big lead here to come out in the fourth we have same lineup Christian Wood at the

Five ruy at the four good shot by Christian Wood um Christian Wood at the five ruy at the four who is that Max at the three Max at the three D at the one and Austin Rees at the two the Lakers come back out in that zone again if it worked the Lakers

Only up like by 10 they went into the zone and now they’re up by 22 ugly shot the Hornets can’t break this Lakers zone right now so so don’t don’t fix it’s not broken here comes a pick and roll between oh no Austin swings it Max B strong

Oh Max wanted to explode at The Rim I thought Max was going to yam that well you you answered your own question Daniel cuz it’s a bad team brother oh no B jiny I mean big Benji or is that Benji Benji no there will not be overtime it always happens in the first

Half dude it’s so annoying uh base right now D’s in there so you better hope he put some shots up because very soon he’s going to go down and they’re going to just bring in JH um I call him JHS but Jen Lino so you better hope DLo starts

Slamming that ball up into the air good defense by the Lakers good pass by D Austin behind the back okay what a nice play by Austin ree put it behind the back when we win every time we were up 10 fourth right something like that I believe

So yeah there’s no way I do not I’m sorry bro but I don’t want to see ad and LeBron playing this game anymore I want you to get your parlay but I can’t have those guys playing no more I need them to rest as much as possible they got to fly to New

Orleans tomorrow it’s New Orleans first right and then it’s these f are stupid [ __ ] ad and LeBron um but yeah this game is chocked already for the Hornets Lakers did their thing easy win block that like a charge to me okay Minnesota first then then New Orleans thank you p

God damn it man I hate when they play those songs I’m trying to avoid copyrights as much as possible High pick and roll between DLo and Christian Wood oh dowlo where are you passing that ball my friend Christian Wood dowlo putting up a three there it is whoever needed that 2.5 from

Dowlo there it is what’s up kiwi d That’s funny how have I never heard that or even thought about that D it’s [ __ ] hilarious to be honest the day that the Lakers oh nice Austin Jesus so smooth the day that the Lakers don’t have their freaking g-league

Team in the lineup and the Lakers are blowing teams out nah Rosier is not going to play anymore bro unfortunately he’s in right now but they’re probably going to yank them I wouldn’t doubt it they have a lot of young players in their bench so they’re just going to go give all the

Minutes to the young cats cuz he was playing right now but unfortunately for them the Lakers wouldn’t miss right now in the first listen what I got right now in this beginning of this fourth quarter I got a wood three Lakers defense dowlo assist

To an AR layup DLo three and an AR layup and then there was some free throws in between so the Hornets didn’t stop us at all and then the Lakers zone defense was phenomenal versus that um Hornet’s Offense never number last so I was wrong Rosier still in the game but they’re not even looking at him they’re not even looking to pass at the ball I know I’m quiet right now cuz I’m editing cu the game is taking forever I need this game to end already

All right sorry y I caught up I’m gonna talk to you guys again oh Max Christie for three I caught up on my editing so we could talk this over going to watch your highlights until we win another game um I’m going to by the way starting next year I’m going to start

Posting even the losses now um it’s just important for people who don’t watch the games to see what’s going on in the games cuz I feel like easily five to eight games this season have come down to Darin ham just stupid rotations no play call hands in his pockets I don’t want to

Coach and it’s annoying as [ __ ] oh Austin Reeves with the dunk how many points does d have DLo has let me check the box score 16 D has 16 points he’s a plus eight so it’s good for D very solid game for D’Angelo Off the Bench controlling the game right now to be

Honest damn I did not notice that score n up by 25 in the fourth yeah he has three in the fourth yeah no Lauren that’s not going to happen bro um Haj and fudge Jay are not even in the building bro if I’m not mistaken oh vanderbel for three I need

It I need it oh I needed it for my soul look at Christian Wood ah they’re probably going to yank at Austin pretty soon for JHS there goes Terry Rosier oh foul for three n base ter just got got fouled for three right now there it is Hino is going of come in

Let’s see what the Rooks got he been out for a couple of games minut oh Jackson Hayes nice I forgot Jackson Hayes was on my [ __ ] team Jesus Christ I literally forgot he was on the [ __ ] bench oh what a brick yeah ad’s done bro he’s not going to play no

More jayen Hino pick and row with Jackson Hayes midi there you go there you go rookie so if I’m not mistaken let’s look at the box score really quickly together has every Laker that played scored yep every Laker that has played has scored R haimura 17

J JV only two Anthony 26 tan only made a three crazy LeBron quiet 17 11 assists nice nice nice nice nice nice nice I like it this quarter Austin has four six six points this quarter 80 28.5 I’m so sorry bro I’m so sorry do you think Jack is only 66 without here

No thoughts on Detroit I can’t believe they blew the 21o lead Dam they were by 21 I saw they were like by 10 I don’t know they were by 21 nah Gary um the we’re blowing him out so there’s no reason for ad or Lebron to

Even come back into the game game I’m so sorry bro I feel so bad for for that happening to everybody he what was he saying snow how I I didn’t even look oh VAB with a dunk good pass by Austin yeah Roser is done for the night

Bro Roser just sent got sit down thank God for snow and Pyro man making a mod was the best decision ever ever made on while streaming don’t foul let him have it good rebound by Max ders are up by 23 points Christian Wood and ruar coming into the game what the [ __ ] for

Who and for what come on give me one Vando give me one Vando give me one Vando I told you I was going to celebrate it I said I was going to celebrated if he made a three dunk that [ __ ] Vando oh Vando no yes Achilles Rosier sitting on the bench

Already everybody like has money on Terry then huh like that’s like the so many people pyro first win as a starter and snow snow is here holding that [ __ ] down thank God for them cuz I just had a like the other day we had some guy spamming [ __ ] too and sometimes I

Can’t see it cuz I’m editing so it’s good that you guys caught it cuz I didn’t see that [ __ ] at all until right now how do you do I still need these Lakers to [ __ ] play defense I don’t care if the game’s over Terry’s a stat patter what’s up

Sammy guys so close to 200 likes there’s 400 of you guys in here please please hit that like button helps out the stream a lot please please please R it up yes Terry’s done for the night they’re getting blown the hell out what’s uphead Jackson Hayes jump shot what in the [ __ ] for

Terry good defense a come on J chess it’s a bad pass kid I mean the coach isn’t looking at betting sites you know he’s worried about his players uh not getting hurt in the meaningless game because they already lost yeah this game is GG’s for the Hornets Lakers came out and wanted to

Get this dub good defense by Vanderbilt all right Christian we can’t handle it damn a lot of people bet on ad and Terry today unfortunately this is a blowout game well unfortunately for the betters very fortunate for us who are not swing it swing it damn J chz wants

To get his he is not shy at all that was a nice take is that banon I think that was Cannon GG’s pill good pass by wood very good pass in six minutes Jackson Hayes got 10 points nice good rebound by Wood looks like the Lakers are still going to go for a shot they’re not going to run the clock at all take the shot Rook ah all right so the Lakers are going to end up winning this game by a lot very great stream yes great stream thank you

For you guys all being here oh the leakers are not going to get talk and when you go to staple center I mean cryp there go calling stable Center if you go to crypto Arena and then the Lakers hold the other team to under 110 points um they pass out free coupons at

The exit to get tacos at Jack In The Box so that’s crazy no tacos what’s up Brazil what’s up Matas yeah thank you Mars for being here yeah thank you Bianca yeah I heard that [ __ ] too all right um that’s it for this game chat very good [ __ ] stream very good

[ __ ] game can’t complain at all thank you pyro thank you snow for being moderators and handling this [ __ ] um yeah not much to say thank you for everybody that was here toak you’re here pale like always Anonymous like always Jay it’s good to see you again base you were here for a minute

Thank you if I missed you Alise you were here thank you all so much um Lakers win 120 to 93 I got to get to any of these videos I will be streaming Saturday I will be streaming Sunday versus the Pelicans and the Timberwolves so please please please come back to the

Stream um love you all um I’ll catch you guys peace

Disclaimer : This live stream is NOT footage of the game, it’s a watch party of me reacting to the game live while interacting with my subscribers.

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All footage belongs to Spectrum Sportsnet Network and the NBA

Song credit goes to – Anno Domini Beats

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