@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Tie Longest Losing Streak In NBA History With Loss To Boston Celtics

Detroit Pistons Tie Longest Losing Streak In NBA History With Loss To Boston Celtics

Well they did it they have officially done it they tied the all-time losing streak at 28 after this loss to the Boston Celtics 28 straight losses 28 straight losses you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter atuka Hill I want to thank you guys for making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free and available on

All your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star view whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on it’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by priz piix

The easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockdown NBA and use code all lowercase lockdown NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 guys I ain’t got nothing more no more I don’t got nothing for you guys this isn’t going to be a long podcast

Because I just I don’t know I don’t really have anything to say man it’s not you know it’s not because because like I’ve told you guys many times before since taking over the podcast and having to cover this team daily as the years have gone on in my

Still a fan of the team yes I I still want this team to do well but as the time has gone on I’ve more and more and more started to go into you know this is my job I got you know I look at I I look

At more as just as my job so it’s not I’m not sitting here like this because simply because I’m a fan of the team and you know 28 games to 28 games I’m sitting here more I I sound like this more because I’m in disbelief and I I I honestly I don’t

Know how much longer I can be in disbelief because I feel like almost every day I come on here I’m I’m in disbelief I’m in disbelief each every time 24 hours goes by I’m in disbelief and I’m just wondering when I’m going to stop being in disbelief the Pistons just lost their

28th straight game to the Boston Celtics they just tied the longest losing streak of all time on the broadcast Greg ker was talking about how well let’s wait till the end of the season until we find out whether this team actually is the worst team of all time the fact that that’s a

Sentence that even gets uttered in the year 2023 with the Detroit Pistons the fact that that is a sentence that gets uttered let you know where this team is at the fact that that the bar that we’re that that has been set for this team now

Is to simply not be the worst team of all time that’s where we’re at right now and with that being said we had just a week ago the Pistons owner say everyone job is safe I know on the last like 20 it’s probably been like the last five six

Podcast I’ve come on here and said the same thing but I I I said it the first time I started saying it I’m gonna continue to do it you need to continue you I need to continue I I need to continue to put pressure as much as I

Can on the organization some do someone needs to everyone needs to there is no way possible that after 28 straight losses and competing with the worst team of all time that anybody should have a job still there I just I I it it’s just mindblowing it’s mind blowing I’m not

Even like the loss to the Celtics tonight the team played extremely hard man they gave it everything they had and for those of you guys who have played basketball throughout your lives you guys know that when you give this type of effort in a game like this when

You’re a bad when you’re when you’re not good in you give this type of effort and get so close and it fall apart still that kind of thing is demoralizing not even just basketball Just Sports in general you see it happen in professional sports to multiple teams

When you give just that type of effort that the Pistons were giving to you could tell how badly they just wanted this to end and for it to just come up short again despite how how how hard they all tried that can be absolutely demoralizing to everyone despite that this the Pistons

Played really hard okay their defense is horrific the team is horrific but they played extremely hard and they wanted this win they did everything they could to get the win it’s just not good enough so I’m not I don’t really want to talk about the the Celtics game at all

It’s I I I’m just confused I I I truly am confused how Tom gors how anybody I I truly want anybody to tell me how anyone has a job still it I don’t I don’t understand Monty Williams too Monty Williams is in the first year of his

Contract it’s at a point where Tom goris needs to be considering cutting cutting his losses ending it right now right here listen Monty wasn’t dealt the greatest hand but he hasn’t done nothing with his hand either it’s not just it’s not just Weaver who gets blamed for

This 28 game losing streak in this game against the Celtics by the way we have heard from Monty over and over and over and over and over again about how we are not going to see the all bench lineup anymore that they’re not going to do all bench lineups they’re trying to

Eliminate the all bench lineup and what did we get tonight in an all bench lineup again like it just I don’t understand it’s like he’s doing the exact opposite of what he’s telling Pistons fans and again like I said Monty has not been dealt the best hand at all but you

Have to do something with that hand and at this point he is actively making that hand worse now he he did press some buttons that I think are just obvious buttons which is cage spacing lob threat like who knew I think he’s he hit that I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist

To hit that one I I don’t I don’t know guys I I like I for real I I for real don’t got nothing I don’t I don’t have anything to say to you guys I don’t I don’t I I’m not I’m not mad anymore I’m not sitting

Here mad ready to rage or anything I I’m not raging I don’t have the energy to rise I I I don’t really want to rage about this team anymore it’s not worth raging about because to be honest as long as the owner as long as the Pistons

Want to not care and show their their lack of care about what’s going on why should we care why should anybody care why should anybody care about this team the longer this team continues to show that they don’t even care because if a team did care if anyone cared there is

No way that we’d wake up in the morning and everyone would had their jobs still there’s just no way it’s it’s it’s impossible it’s impossible and my greatest fear my my absolute greatest fear as of December 28th 10:42 pm. eastern time is that this team this organization this front office is going

To see that they went to overtime against the Boston Celtics and decide oh this roster is coming around we don’t need to make any changes they’re starting to come around just be patient I that that is quite literally my worst fear it it that is a worst fear of mine

Than seeing the groom Reaper pop up in the corner of my bedroom and say it’s time like that it it’s it’s more that I am more scared of that being the case than that happening like and the craziest thing about it the craziest thing about it is I think everyone probably agrees that

It’s on the board that they actually could feel that way like that’s that’s where we’re at like it’s that it’s crazy to think if we said that about anybody else if anyone else said that we’d be like that’s insane man what’s CRA that’s crazy hahaa funny funny joke no with

This team it’s a legit chance that they actually will feel that way like it’s an actual chance that that’s actually a sentiment that they may Echo to the fan base they might actually have an interview and point out will we just went overtime with the Celtics I think

They’re trying hard and starting to develop I swear to God it’s something that we may actually hear from them whatever man whatever this is it’s it’s over with man it’s just it’s it’s gotten to such low deaths it’s it’s gotten to just such a low point

That I I it’s like you don’t there’s nothing else to say there’s no there’s literally nothing else to say nothing else to say when we come back I’ll tell you guys why I find myself and you know the the crazy thing is oh my goodness this is

This is how crazy this team got to me man this is how crazy this team got to me if you guys are watching on YouTube you guys will see I didn’t even change the subject I didn’t put the right subject on the side of the screen let’s

Go ahead and put it up there there you go sorry guys sorry when we come back you guys will find out why I find myself praying to God and begging God please please don’t allow this streak to end please God you guys will see why we come

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If you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast so I find myself and I than to every single piston fan out there every

Single piston fan and honestly NBA fans not even just Pistons fan NBA fans across the world should be sitting down and begging praying that the Toronto Raptors beat the Detroit Pistons this Saturday night they should be begging everyone should be begging should be praying that they lose even more after Toronto Raptor

Game and why is that you may be asking who why would you be rooting for the Pistons to lose and continue the losing streak for this simple reason it’s very very self-explanatory it’s very easy to understand 28 games isn’t enough apparently to make change simply tying the losing streak isn’t enough to make

Change I have to believe like I just have to believe that if this team breaks the all-time losing streak record which I think they are going to do this Saturday night against the Toronto Raptors and they lose 29 games in a row if they end up losing 30 games in a row

If they end up getting to a point where there’s a three where there’s a three in their losing streak the first number is a three and it’s not a three- game losing streak if they get to that point and they still choose to not make changes

All hope lost like you could argue that all hope is lost now but there’s no way I just can’t believe it I like I I’m sorry maybe I’m naive maybe I’m being dumb for thinking this but there is no there’s no way that if that happens that doesn’t Force change maybe I’m naive

Because I’ve been saying been saying this for weeks now I’ve been saying this for weeks now about change but come on guys come on there is no way that if you break the record and you are officially in the history books as arguably the worst team of all

Time like once you are officially in that history book like that there is no way that any s human being on this planet Earth would then not look at this and say okay I might need to change them things up there’s no way there’s no way

So I am begging you Pascal cakam I am begging you ogan noi I am begging you Scotty Barnes yaka podal I am begging you guys please please Dwayne Casey is no longer the coach okay they don’t have no more this magic of gaining 30 point attribute boost when

They go against the Toronto Raptors no more okay they the Pistons don’t got that no more okay Dwayne Casey is not even GNA be at this game please show up please show up and beat the Detroit Pistons this Saturday night please for the sake of NBA fans

Everywhere no one wants this product to continue to go on no one wants this this team to keep going on without any kind of changes no one wants this to be something that continues to happen no one wants this to be a storyline that continues to happen every single day no

One wants this okay so please you are the final hope you are the very best that we have you have to you have to make the Pistons break this losing streak you have to it’s all on you you are the last hope that we got you have

To make it happen you just have to make it happen I don’t know about you guys but I am tired I am tired of seeing people like Kyle kman come on tweet the score of the Pistons game and say at this point it’s like everyone doesn’t

Want to be that team with a bunch of Laing faces I don’t want to see metro boomman metro boomman tweeting about the Pistons and laughing that no one’s getting Wing Stop because they can’t get a win I no longer want to see WWE Superstars or aw Superstars whoever the

Wrestler is going in the Pistons lock room and making fun of their making fun of the losing streak and posting it around and everyone getting jokes off I no longer want to be a part of this I don’t I don’t want to see this no more I

Can’t I can’t get I cannot continue to see this any longer for the love of God Toronto I don’t ask for much anymore I like I don’t ask for much anymore when it comes to basketball okay all I do I come on here I do my job I have fun with

You guys and that’s it you know that’s it I do my job I go home okay I don’t ask for much no more but right now I am asking for a late Christmas gift Toronto please send the Pistons to the history books and force Tom gors to make a

Change please you have to do this for us you have to do this for us and matter of fact I’m gonna get greedy I’m gonna get greedy with it Houston the game after the game after the Toronto Raptors please defeat the Pistons please please defeat the Pistons and make them have

That three in front of their losing streak have the first number be a three because they’ll be the only team has there ever been someone fact check this for me has there ever been another sports team that has lost 30 straight games in any sport baseball football

Basket like has there ever been a team that has done that before I have to believe not so if the Pistons end up being the only sports team of all time in any sport to do it that has to force change right right guys that that that has to be it that

Has to be the one that forces change we’re screwed we’re so screwed Pistons fans I’m sorry I’m sorry to tell you this you’re so screwed you’re just so screwed this is not going to force change it’s not going to force change they don’t care they don’t care man they don’t

Care so screwed man this you got I I hate to say it to y’all man I hate I hate to do it to y’all I really do I really do but I I don’t think it’s going to work man I this is the last hope that you got

This is the last hope Pistons fans can have is that officially going into the history books will force it it’s Last Hope last the hope we got the crazy thing is the the craziest thing about this actually I lied not the craziest thing one of the crazier things about this

As that AAR Thompson’s barely cracking 15 minutes in in the last few games and that’s not even something we can come on here and talk about assar Thompson’s only played 12 minutes this past game the previous game same thing AAR Thompson start off this year looking fantastic as a rookie and now

The Pistons have completely W won away from him not using them at all just just it’s they’re not using him at all basically and remember that whole talk of using him as a screener and dhos and getting him going to the basket like that kind of thing yeah we don’t see

That at all anymore we saw maybe for like three possessions but now we don’t see it so now their fifth overall pick is just washing away on their bench like it’d be different if he was washing away on a bench of a team that was winning games he’s washing away on the worst

Team of all time because for some some reason I guess he doesn’t deserve to get minutes on this team and his development shouldn’t be prioritized like I we spent so much time talking about the losing streak and needing change that we can’t even focus on all the

Other terrible things that are going on with the team all the other teams like this is just alltime horrific scenario alltime horrific scenario for the Pistons if if changes doesn’t happen after Saturday I’m just going to believe it’s never going to I’m just going to believe it never will and we’ll just

Have to give it up we’ll just have to stop assuming that change will ever happen and I’m just going to assume we’re going to see a notification that says Troy weer get a lifetime contract by Trum by Tom gors that’s what I’m just going to assume that we see on Sunday

Morning so uh that’s it man when we come back dude the one positive there is one positive Happening Here K Cunningham is showing the world who he is he has National media talking about them about him in a incredibly positive light and maybe this wouldn’t have happened if

They W on this losing Stree because now everyone’s watching to see if the Pistons break it and they’re seeing how great Kate has been how Kate’s coming around how they’re giving him spacing how Kate is getting back to full strength how he’s getting his legs back and how he’s dominating these games and

Playing incredibly well and now everyone’s talking about him in such a great light Kate is showing the world who he is we’ll talk about talk about that a little bit more in just one moment but first I’ve got to tell you guys about one of our sponsors fandu as

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Every single day freom available on our podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at loon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review over the last I’m see I’m over fumbling over my words now because of what what to see

Got me thank you guys basically what I’m trying to say hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on great way to support the podcast appreciate all of it these this is what K Cunningham stats look like over the last six

Games going all the way back to the Bucks game on December 16th against the Bucks 25 points 10 to 17 shooting 25 and six against the Hawks on December 18th 43 points 16 of 24 shooting three five from Deep seven assists five rebounds three steals against the Utah Jazz 28

Points 10 of 22 shooting 10 assists seven rebounds two steals against the Nets 22 points not the greatest game nine of 20 one of five from Deep six assists then against the Nets again 41 points 15 of 21 37 points in the second half only missed three shots nine

Rebounds five assists a steal and a block and then this game against the Boston Celtics 31 points 12 of 22 shooting four of six from Deep six rebounds nine assists for your franchise play player Cade Cunningham basketball reference doesn’t have his numbers up for this pass game yet but we can get

His numbers for over the last five games over the last five games before this one he’s averaging 25 and a half points 6.8 assists 4.8 rebounds shooting 57% from the field 41% from Deep 83% from the free throw line drawing 7.2 free throws a game and over the last five games as

Well he has also excuse me he is also sitting oh that’s last six games my apologies over the last five games he is also sitting at a true shooting percentage of 66.3% and now he has worked his way up under the season because of how strong

He’s been playing over the last 15 games he has worked himself up to 44% from the field 33% from Beyond the arc 49% on all twos 87% from the free throw line 4.6 attempts would be the most of his career he’s averaging 23 points a game 7.0

Assists 4 point 4.1 rebounds one point0 steals and he has worked true shooting percentage on the year up to 54.1% if he even went back to his last 15 games it gets even better Cade looks better and better and better each time he touches the floor after knocking off

Some early Rush after missing an entire season worth of basketball and he’s been picking it up even more as of late you go over the last 16 games 25 points a game seven assists 48% from the field 35% from Deep on five .2 attempts 88.6% from the free throw

Line K Cunningham the number one overall pick K Cunningham the Pistons franchise player has arrived over the last 15 games 58.4 true shooting percentage he has been efficient he has been scoring at all three levels he has looked absolutely fantastic and over the last six game he has looked like a Bonafide

Allstar and at times has looked like a superstar for the Detroit Pistons the Pistons are a horrifically terrible team they are historically arguably the worst team of all time because of their roster construction they have no wings they started Kevin Knox because that’s their best option

Kevin Knox was out of the NBA at the beginning of this season no shot Kevin Knox I think he’s actually played decent for the Pistons but come on despite all that if there’s one positive that you want to take away from this if there’s any positive that you

Want to take away from this at all from this season it’s the fact that K Cunningham after missing the entirety of last season and after falling under Fire in the first 10 to 15 games of this season for how the Pistons looked and for being relatively inefficient from the

Field he has found his Groove he is getting his legs back under him after missing a full Year’s worth of basketball which people underrate they’re starting to put a little bit more spacing with what they ever have on the roster they’re putting a little putting a little bit more

Spacing around him he’s figuring it out he’s looking like the number one overall pick he’s looking like a franchise player and if the Detroit Pistons had a better Squad around him he would 100% be an All-Star this year no doubt about it no doubt about it he is playing at an

All-Star level and like I said at times over the last few games he has looked like an absolute Superstar he has been absolutely fantastic in everything that you’ve wanted to see in the number one overall pick over the last 15 games especially over the last six

Games yes at the end of this game against the Boston Celtics I think he clearly was gassed in overtime he didn’t he wasn’t aggressive with the ball I think he only took two shots at the very end of overtime wasn’t even looking to score was letting bogie try to go do his

Thing let Ivy go do his thing he looked completely gassed he played 43 minutes I believe 42 or 43 minutes he’s playing a lot of minutes he’s carrying a lot of load offensively and despite that yes he wasn’t he didn’t close the game for the Pistons in overtime he didn’t play fantastic in

Overtime despite that he is still playing like a star he’s not perfect still he still can get better which is a great thing he can still get better and he’s going to continue to get better where he’s at right now where he’s getting to is amazing for the Detroit Pistons and it’s

Quite literally the only glimmer of hope for the Pistons it quite literally is the dimmest of Lights at the end of the tunnel because with a losing Street like this and a team like this there should be absolutely no light anywhere it should be pitch Darkness but K

Cunningham is bringing the dimmest of Lights at the end of the tunnel for the Detroit Pistons and if the Pistons do not make any kind of changes if they don’t make trades they don’t start firing people all they’re doing is disrespecting Kade Cunningham and what he’s bringing to the floor and basically

Saying we don’t care that’s what they’re doing Kay has been great pistol fans should be happy about that it looks like that their franchise player is going to be a franchise player now he just needs help not only on the floor but behind the scenes as well he needs help from

This team this franchise needs to give him that help it’s G to be a sad day I’ll tell you this much you want to keep playing around Tom gor wants to keep playing around not make changes and and you know put this kind of product around him it’s

Not going to be funny in two to three years from now after Kate signs rookie extension he request a tra a trade because this team doesn’t put anything around him they continue with with incompetence it’s not going to be funny then it’s not gonna be haha I come on

The podcast we joke around about them being terrible like it’s not gonna be funny then it’s not gonna be funny then Kate is looking great hopefully the Pistons realize that and start and go out there make some moves changes in their front office all over the place

And then get some players to be around Cade that can help him take even the next step and continue to be at this level and help the Pistons win some games man help them win some damn games that’s all I’ve got for you guys today man thank you guys for making locked on

Pistons your first listen of every single day fre Reb podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on till next time I’ll see you guys later man stay safe out

There stay up Pistons fans till next time peace out

The Detroit Pistons forced overtime against the Boston Celtics, but still could not hold off NBA History and have now lost 28 straight games; tying the NBA record for most losses in a row in history. Pistons fans’ final hope is the Toronto Raptors…

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  1. Among worlds top tier leagues, if the pistons reach that magical number 30 , it would be the longest losing streak in pro sports history

  2. At this rate you should be shilling better health ads every episode. Pistons fans finna need them

  3. Alex Burks is toxic trash no way you can tell me TJ Warren or Dion Waiters wouldn't be better than his bum ass rn

  4. Change for the sake of change makes no sense.. the reason why Weaver hasn't been fired is because he is not the one making these decisions….he has a lot to be blamed for but its not just him. Monty Williams is doing a terrible job and us being given a pass. It's firing Weaver is going to win gms this year. But firing Williams could

  5. As a nuggets fan and newer listener of the pod I can see just how passionate the Detroit fan base is including this guy who is a really good podcaster and super professional. Watching them grab defeat from the clutches of victory actually made me feel bad for the players and the fans. To blow a 20 point lead within the span of 10 minutes was jaw dropping. Some of those shots down the stretch were terrible along with horrible turnovers and maybe some of the worst defense I’ve ever seen. Tho I will say to pistons fans, if you guys build around your young core and get an actually get a competent front office (bye Weaver) you guys can get back on track. The nuggets came from the bottom of the barrel to nba champs the is light at the end of the tunnel

  6. Coming from a Celtics fan, Detroit has a bunch of young and talented pieces that just don’t know how to put it together to get a win. Just be patient and they’ll figure it out im sure. It’s time to stand with your team pistons nation and support them through tough times like these. In sports things like this happens , win or lose your time will come. Stay strong , stay positive guys.Happy new year yall

  7. I now see why the Suns fired Williams. He is absolutely atrocious. I realize this roster isn't good as evidenced by losing 28 straight but Monty continously does the same things again and again that don't work and makes no adjustments. He continues using his stupid 5 man bench lineups that literally have not worked one time all year. He plays Alec Burks 30 minutes whose been been trash all season. He refused to play Ivey at the start of the season even though he's clearly far better than Hayes has ever been. There's a litnity of awful rotation decisions. He's worse than Casey was.

  8. If change was gonna happen bro, it would’ve happened. They’re not gonna do 💩🤷🏽‍♂️
    And Cade needs to stop turning the damn ball over. It’s insane smh

  9. You don't want to be the team that LOSES to this Pistons. It's also true that the team that beat this Pistons next cannot help but feel sorry for the team's fans base.

  10. You must understand Ku that Monty didn’t want this job from day 1. He told them no but how can you turn down the money that’s being thrown at you. He would probably dance and sing if he was fired. His family is set for generations.

  11. i feel so sorry for all pistons fans. NBA fans can only watch Detroit being the team no one wants to touch. The Pistons feel so isolated and every other team is scared of them (in a bad way). This team does not deserve this treatmenet.

  12. I think you're being a bit naive unfortunately Ku. If theres no urgency to make a change when they've lost 28 in a row, I find it hard to believe they'll make any changes if it gets to 29 or more.

  13. I think the real problem with this team is that they really only have one legit NBA player and that's Cade Cunningham. The rest of this roster could be role players at best on another team but I don't know if I'd honestly go even that far, as most of them may not be NBA caliber players. That's why I say they are role players at the very most.

  14. (not a Piston's fan) IMO, there are some positives coming out of it. Guys will realize what it needs to take to win in the NBA. Need to prepare, be fundamentally sound and play hard for 48+ minutes.
    Effort is getting there. Lacking experience and a poorly constructed roster is the tough part to overcome.

  15. They played solid asf tonight.. Cade has leveled up since the MSG Knicks game, and Ivey showed his potential tonight. I know they lost this game but I walked away from it proud

  16. Bro Killian & Livers is complete trash… .Stanley should be playing over Livers….no way he miss all those open 3s that Livers missed…he even missed two FT

  17. Weaver’s first and only big free agent signing was Jeremi Grant. He outplayed his contract. Since then he has only built through the draft. priorvto this summer at least when he punted he took on 1st round picks to take dead salary. This past offseason was the biggest wash of all his years.

  18. Bring someone like Bill laimbeer or Rasheed Wallace to the front office and let Dwight Howard and anyone else that’s healthy and wants a chance to play have a try out because we been desperate so we need players that can play with desperation

  19. Only hope is that the NBA steps in and prevents worse. Gores will do nothing & just cares about the franchise as a rentable business, while Weaver & Tellum destroy the franchise from the inside.

  20. Why don't they ask the Knicks what they'd be willing to give up for making our protected 2024 pick an unprotected one?

    At this point it's a lock to be top 5, and even in a bad draft, a top 5 or better pick is pretty valuable. A few future 2nds, plus unlocking 2 more future 1st and 2 future 1st round pick swaps on top of the 1 future 1st and 2 1st round swaps we can do opens up a lot of options. They could also see what Chicago would give us to take Lonzo's contract for our expiring money out-of-rotation dudes (which Chicago would love to do to start retooling faster).

    You pull off both removing the protection and getting stuff back for it and taking Lonzo gives you a pot of picks to attach to other expiring contracts for a trade or two without having to move off our young upside players.

    2 unprotected 1sts, a 1st round pick swap and some seconds plus salary filler bums should be enough to get a starting power forward. We've got more young players than we can develop and if adding better fitting vets help them, then those 1sts should be in the high teens and 20s anyways by the time they convey.

  21. at this point, i think the league should get involved with the organization to sell the team, if thats possible. tom gores, you are putting bad product out on the court. and fans, stop buying merchandise and going to games till he sells the team. like seriously. this shit embarrassing.

  22. We need a ex piston to be coach for 3 reasons nostalgia excitement and culture for the older and younger fans like a sheed stack or grant hill but my choice would be bill laimbeer proven winner in coaching and playing

  23. Cade and Ivey need to be staggered Ivey has proven he is just as good as last season if not better after his performance last night Monty continues to ruin this team if he isn’t fired nothing will change and he better be fired! I don’t care if they overpaid for him they should still fire him and have to deal with it because it’s not our fault as fans that this front office is idiotic if gores isn’t selling then Monty has to go id keep weaver over Monty easily it’s pretty easy to tell almost all the issues on this team could be changed with a young head coach please stop hiring old men who get carried by teams with all stars

  24. This was a good game and finally i see them improving. Great game guys keep moving forward…..I Love The Pistons ❤ It hurts but it is what it is. Stew has heart but shouldn't be a starter I like what Knox brings .

  25. I feel your pain. It feels like Cade is the only one getting paid in dollars and the rest in gummie bears and choco chip cookies. We can even see some players smiling and laughing after the buzzer like it was some pick up game. The team might get better result if the front office dumps half the team to the G-League and fill the spots with top performing G-Leaguers on limited contracts. Even if just to get the team to feel some urgency

  26. The Lions went 0-16 and turned it around. I have FAITH that the Pistons will do the same…..Go Pistons!!! Screaming from a empty bandwagon..😅..

  27. Criticizing the front office for holding out hope that a garbage team isn't that bad cuz they have flashes of competence is ironic coming from a Killian believer

  28. at this point you got to root for one more lose. to make that undisputed losing record. put you hands up for Detroit!!!

  29. I don't understand how this team could have so many smiles at the end of the game. That was the most sickening part of it. You tie the longest losing streak in the history of the game, and you are not walking off the floor mad at the world.

  30. Your team sucks dude. The starting 5 is a bench in multiple teams from 1 to 5. It’s no one’s fault really but just a harsh reality 🫠

  31. I didn’t mind the starting lineup with Knox tonight. We looked good. But what are we doing playing livers or burks at clutch moments

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