@Golden State Warriors

[957thegame] Steve Kerr: “We got outcoached, outworked and outplayed.”

[957thegame] Steve Kerr: “We got outcoached, outworked and outplayed.”

by shanks_you


  1. Kdog122025

    I appreciate how Kerr thinks the world of Spo. To be fair the Warriors missed a ton of open shots.

  2. PettyPettyKing

    We play like dog shit today. No energy like the crowd and this sub. They drank too much eggnog and ate too much primerib.

  3. surfer415

    Steve says the same shit after every loss and nothing changes.

  4. BrunoMarsGuo

    We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!

  5. Kerr getting outcoached is a common occurrence these days.

  6. Dar8_Vader

    It’s been the same story for 16 losses now.

  7. cock-a-dooodle-do

    Steve, they would obviously get demoralized if they see their coach pouting on the sidelines.

  8. CarryOnUptheMorning

    He’s coached shite all year he’s got zero answers always.

  9. Spirited-Cap-9779

    Prepare the team for the next game and learn from the mistakes. That’s all they can do now.

  10. SummerGoal

    What offense did we run tonight? It felt like we hardly moved the ball or ran any pick and rolls. Just a listless, gutless performance against a well coached team missing multiple starters

  11. Bahamut_Prime

    “I was texting Spo today on who to play” -Kerr

    I think we need another voice in the coaching staff. Before we had Brown to call if we were messing up the defense but now Kerr is just carrying everything while also being stubborn on who to play.

    How many times has it been that we have a player cooking and he sits them down? Today it is Moody and the last game was JK in 2nd half.

    Add to the fact that the team just wasn’t engaged this game, and yeah this was our game to lose.

  12. primeyield

    Lacob aint taking beat downs to bench players at Chase lightly. Changes will be made from top down

  13. hellahomebody

    What happened to the Steve Kerr that first got to GS? The guy who benched David Lee and Iguodala (former all stars) for young guys in HB and Draymond. The guy who benched Bogut (former #1 pick) in crunch time for the death lineup. We need 2015 Kerr to coach this team.

  14. Pootahtoo_Man

    Is there an echo here? Words can only mean so much

  15. Unjuicedgangsta

    Steve Kerr gets outcoached 9 times out of 10 nowadays

  16. L45TPH45E

    Felt this with the FIBA run, should have put spo in charge

  17. No. The starters and kerr got outplayed badly…again. dont clump the bench with that group. I thought the bench crew were great.

  18. KnownGarlic4695

    Realistically if Kerr is going to re-up with this team he will be looking at Monty Williams contract to start his negotiation. Is there any world where Lacob would pay him that for these past two seasons? There is like a 90% chance Kerr isn’t coming back unless this team makes a surprise run in the playoffs….

  19. ziggy_zigfried

    He got out coached by the best coach but it’s mostly the players. He can’t get anything to work because talent level is not there

  20. ButGodOwnTheBuilding

    Spo should have head coached Team USA

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