@Golden State Warriors

The cycle has spoken

I just wanted to see Moody and TJD with more minutes…

by rafale0n


  1. motherthrowee

    we actually broke the cycle, at no point did we have a big lead

  2. SummerGoal

    We are so cooked… until we beat the Mavs and then we are so back… until we lose to the magic

  3. To be fair, we were a game up on .500. Just means we’re guaranteed to beat Dallas. And then lose to Orlando.

  4. Steph-Paul

    here we go again, time is a mffing flat circle

  5. IntentionNo8605

    This year is similar to last szn lmao except its flipped on the bench and starters. We had a 5 game winning streak last year too against like Charlotte, Blazers etc, which i think 4 out of 5 was close games and we went on to have a 3 game losing streak to go back down .500 lmao.

  6. gr8aanand

    I think we’ll get like 5-8 games with Draymond and GP2 back and us being at “full strength” before the trade deadline and all star break.

    Really wonder if that little stretch will also dictate a lot about the direction this team takes.

  7. Calm_One_1228

    Ladies and gentlemen your 2023-2024 warriors season !!!

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