@Phoenix Suns

Does Bradley Beal’s return solve ALL of the Phoenix Suns’ problems?

Does Bradley Beal’s return solve ALL of the Phoenix Suns’ problems?

With Bradley Beal hopefully returning in the near future what percentage of the sun’s problems does he fix by being back in your opinion 40 to 45 I think he helps I mean that’s pretty solid I think he helps with the the ball handling we saw last night KD getting involved in

That helped immensely I think the more you can give Devin Booker support in that situation the better off this team’s going to be as a whole so I think it helps there and I think it helps in the swag like Flex said if he comes in

And he’s that guy that’s trying and put back dunks and and giving you a little athleticism that we know he can do that we saw in Washington I think he fixes 40 to 45% of it he’s not changing the defensive fortunes but I think he helps

In that I I I’m a little higher I think it fixed about 70 75% no and I’m GNA tell you why for for all the reasons that we talked about Swag energy just uh overall good feeling around a team I think he helps get book off the ball a

Little bit more I think he helps with the ball handling and I I gotta I just gotta frame it this way though if we’re getting the Brad bill that we know he can be the Brad bill with some bounds the Brad beill with some shake to his

Game the Brad bill that just two years ago came off a 30o uh scoring season in the NBA if we get that Brad bill that guy’s a Difference Maker and and I it’s just just look to Memphis look to Memphis that team was atrocious they add

One job Morant they go on a full game win streak I think Brad Bill fixes about 70 to 75% of the problems and then we slowly gradually fix the rest um as we get more chemistry and continuity man talk to me dog you know Lindsay why don’t you go next okay so

I’m a little bit in between espo and flex and I have a a thought I want to run by you guys so in the last two games we’ve seen Josh a kogi and Jordan Goodwin play less and less right yeah are and I’m wondering are they leaning

Into we need to just be an offensive team and get decent enough defense of the guys who are out there who can play good offense and not lean on Josh aogi or Jordan Goodwin to be like a point of attack defender or something of that sort and if Bradley Beal comes back and

They still lean far enough into that does it in in an Essence kind of fix a lot more because like Flex was saying earlier in the season your offense basically is your defense y i I think are they leaning that way already slightly I I don’t think that they’re

Leaning that way I think this is what it is with Josh aogi and Jordan Goodwin they are so they have been so abysmal on the offensive side of the ball that it doesn’t counteract how good they have been defensively because they have not been able to make quite the impact on

The defensive side as they once did earlier in the season and because of that you have have to measure out like okay how effective is said player and I think they’ve opted to go with other guys because they’ve been kind of neutral on both sides or slightly better

On one side than the other but not so egregiously lopsided that you couldn’t justify not playing them so that’s why I think Jo and Goodwin have kind of found themselves on the outside looking in more often than not of late right so maybe it’s not um by choice necessarily

It’s out of necessity still either which way does help I can’t remember last time Josh shog hit a wide open jumper that’s the key if you can’t if you can’t connect when you’re wide open and we talked about it from the beginning of the year you can’t have

Josh aogi on the court same with Jordan Goodwin if because it it renders everything else ineffective on offense so yeah you will sacrifice some defense if if they can’t hit any of those shots because if you don’t have an offense that’s working their defense isn’t going

To matter enough so so let’s talk about this uh Lind you make a great point and me and Saul had a lot of we were talking a lot about this watching the game yesterday that Houston team is the number two defense in basketball okay and without Bradley Bill they went in

There and put up 130 correct okay so there was a point of the game where the suns were up 15 18 20 and as me and Saul are watching I kept saying just give them twos guard the three line and give them twos because at that point when

You’re down 15 you ain’t getting back shooting shot shooting uh two-point jumpers for Houston and who’s one of the best mid-range teams in basketball the Phoenix Suns so when you’re up 15 now you go and be who you are so I I feel like the Suns right now there is an

Argument that their offense is their best defense because it puts the team in desperation mode the opponent becomes desperate they get out of their sets and they start saying there’s no way we’re going to come come back and beat this team unless we start shooting threes ill advised threes desperate pressure threes

We can’t go two for two with them we can’t go jump shot for jump shot because they got Kevin Durant and they got Devin Booker and those are two of the best in the world and by the way when Brad Bal comes back he’s pretty damn good in the

Mid-range too so I think that’s the recipe for success is go out there throw the dogs out there let them let them get a lead and then apply the pressure by what you can do offensively all right personally that’s what I think so what percentage were you at I don’t know you

Said 70 you said I said 75 you said 40 so I’ll say 58 oh man nice number 58 all right uh so I’m uh the lowest of the group but you all know how big I am on Bradley Beal I think initially it’s it’s GNA be more of like 20% initially

Initially okay because I again I just think that he’s gonna have to work himself back up to to find that bounce again that confidence again not being hesitant all that stuff right and then also the chemistry issues like trying to fit another new guy back into the this

Roster after you know so many days out so I think there’s going to be a little bit of adjustment period I think at its peak we’re looking at about 50% I think at its peak at its peak it’s about 50% because Bradley Beal isn’t isn’t going to solve the sloppy ball handling from

Time to time from all the other players the laxidasical passing the turnover they still had 19 turnovers last night yeah Bradley Beal coming back is going to margin helped that just a little bit but the bad tendencies that a lot of these players have had or shown this

Year AR going to be magically fixed because Bradley Beal’s in the lineup right so that’s that’s number one and defensively I think that’s also their their Achilles heel right now is they have not been able to find that connectivity on defense and I’m not so sure Bradley Beal coming into that

Lineup Bradley Beal is a is an okay Defender he’s not a world beater he’s not a Jordan Goodwin type of Defender he’s all right um is he more vocal though when he’s on the court than others maybe I mean I don’t I don’t know I can’t hear him I mean that could

Potentially play but he’s never been he’s never been known as a defensive connector so I I I just I I hesitate to think that he’s going to have the only way Bradley Beal goes above to that 75 80% to in terms of impact is if Bradley

Beal goes back to like 2018 where he was averaging like 35 a game like that’s the only way this changes and I don’t see that happening I think Bill coming back if he averages 25 a game [ __ ] you won this trade by a million miles so let’s

Talk about go ahead go ahead go but but I just don’t I don’t see his impact being that significant to where everything just flips so so I I don’t have the numbers in front of me but I’m gonna go ahead and say in the in the

Time that Brad has played minus that if you take away the game where he just started and spring the ankle he’s averaging like 21 having like 21 and four right in a little bit of time that he’s played and he hasn’t been healthy so so to think that Brad can’t average

That 25 that you’re talking about I don’t I don’t know that we’re in that I don’t know that that’s not possible said 35 was like that that 35 would take it to like the 75 8% here here’s what I will say about Brad we we we can the

Pulse of this team we talked about I think we stumbled on something yesterday when we talked about Grayson Allen and Eric Gordon consensus 25 shots per game from the two of them is starting to look like a legitimate plan to get this offense going and so I think it’s safe to say

That if you go into a game and you get 20 points from Eric Gordon and bradbe will you take it yeah well not I’m sorry Eric Gordon and Grayson Allen if I tell you Grayson and combined they gonna give you 20 points Grayson Allen and Eric Gordon you’ll take it right yeah I’ll

Take it that’s where I think the difference is because I think Brad by himself does that I think Brad comes in and says hey Eric and and and Grayson I’m gonna take that pressure off you I can give you 20 a game and now everything y’all do is gravy on a match

Potatoes and so I think that’s the difference with Brad that’s why I think I lean toward 70 to 75 I want to agree with you I really do because I want this team to succeed very very much however comma um I just don’t think that they

Have the offensive system in place to be able to maximize everybody at the potential that you hope that they could they reach I think if you had a guy listen if if your offense is going to be your best defense then you should have got a guy like

Dantony to be honest with you like you should have got an offensive Guru that knows how to utilize these guys in a different different ways different spaces different uh you know uh playing Styles like because this slow it down walk it up [ __ ] ain’t it it ain’t it

Not with these three dudes you got to get out and run and give them as many opportunities as possible that’s how you get your Rhythm and your flow but you walking this [ __ ] up like you’re the damn nuggets and you got yic just kind of surveying at s foot tall like that

Ain’t happening book isn’t doing doing that neither is Beal NE KD did an admirable job last night but he doesn’t do that on a night toight basis so I I don’t like their offensive I don’t like their offense at all like me personally still the Terry Porter I I will stand by

This this is still the Terry Porter with 7 seconds or less Sun it doesn’t make sense and I I still think we may be headed for a coaching change whether it’s in the in the near term here you know or in the off season because it doesn’t Mak sense that way

Bradley Beal will make his return to the court with Kevin Durant and Devin Booker agains the Charolotte Hornets, but just how much does he change for the Phoenix Suns? The PHNX Suns podcast broke it all down.




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  1. I believe come playoff-time, Beal is going to help to get us wins in close games. He is a baller and he wants to win in a playoff atmosphere. The only things i don't think Bradley helps is Vogel's lackluster coaching and the role-players sometimes laziness.

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