@Chicago Bulls

2020 NBA Redraft: Who do the Bulls select at No. 4?

2020 NBA Redraft: Who do the Bulls select at No. 4?

Hi everybody welcome into the Bulls Talk podcast brought to you by Toyota Let’s Go Places I’m Kevin Anderson joined by our Insider at NBC Sports Chicago and NBC Sports Casey Johnson um casy let’s start with just the incredible game Tyrese halberton had um it h honestly reminded me of the Klay

Thompson game back in 2018 where he hit four threes just in terms of the dominance from one player I mean 21 points 20 assists zero turnovers that’s just an incredible statline and he was just like they had no answer for him yeah it’s funny because before the game

Rick Carly was talking about Andre Drummond’s big night the the game before and mentioning how 25 rebounds only happens you know about once a season if that and uh 20 assists happened about once a season if that I mean it’s a pretty rare occurrence particularly when you balance it with the zero turnovers

And um you know he just is having a season where he plays at his pace and you can’t speed him up you can’t slow him down and with that shooting range it’s almost impossible to guard him because he can let it fly from anywhere so um yeah incredible stuff and took

Over the game in that 120 run you know with those two threes um after the Bulls had had a race at 25 points deficit so that was uh kind of the last gas for the Bulls and uh hton kind of Slam the Slamm the lid on that game that was

Unbelievable stuff yeah I mean he is he’s trending towards uh starting the All-Star game uh in Indie uh in February which I know that the Pacers fans would would love to see and it’ be certainly a good like hat tip to to the league and to the Pacers and the the development

That halberton had has had this year um what did the Bulls from donov been on down everybody talked to after the game what did they have to say about halberton and just just how much of an impact he had on that game yeah I mean actually it was a pretty quick post game

Guys weren’t you know it’s holidays and they were M they lost so we didn’t there wasn’t a lot going on post game but you know obviously Donovan acknowledged um what I just said that he’s very hard to guard because of his shooting range and you know his ability to um get off the

Ball if you try to trap him that’s theing I mean if he makes the right play I mean when you’re passing 20 assists you know you can try different coverages on a guy and he’s going to beat you either with a shot or the pass and when

You have a player that has both those working for them like he did uh it makes it extremely hard against the defense the Pacers offense is obviously playing at a historic rate right now um they’re first in the league in nearly every offensive category uh they play at an

Extremely high Pace um they’re potentially going to set an NBA record for most points per game by one team in a single season um the the entire offense to me is predicated upon pace and the decision- making that halberton brings to him and just the the the range

That he has is I think what is kind of separates him from other point guards um you know certainly uh we’ve seen Steph and Dame extend Trey young extend to where he is but the assist making ability uh also kind of separates halberton apart from those other guys to

Me um they the Bulls the win they had uh against the Pacers earlier in the year they actually held the Pacers I think 104 um in that game they ended up putting halberton in a lot of switches late like pick and roll switches and to kind of he’s not a great defender trying

To expose him that way uh they didn’t have much of an opportunity to do that last night do you think that was part of not having Zack being out there not having vich out there just ter terms of limited options offensively to what the Bulls could do and take kind of take

Advantage of what they did that last game a couple months ago yeah and then I would add that Kobe’s shooting struggles are playing into that as well I mean and and you know if you if you watch the way they were defending Kobe they were trying to turn him into a driver and

Turn him into a decision maker they were crowding him on the perimeter and um you know they don’t have as many options for him to get downhill kick it too and he’s struggling with his shot um so it’s a lot of factors why um you know they

Didn’t have the same success they did in Indie um but uh yeah you know the halberton defensive thing I know it’s focused on here and there but when you were that good offensively sometimes you can just St scor what is an offensive minded league and you got to give Rick

Carlile a lot of credit I think he’s obviously long been one of the elite elite coaches in the game I mean he’s a guy who coaches to his personnel and uh you know kind of embrace this offensive philosophy it is kind of starting to wear on him a little

Bit though that he did just make a starting lineup change and you know put in three new players uh to try to sh up the defense and was talking about how that’s a focal point for the team right now um in his pregame remarks um but

They’re a fun team to watch and uh I you know obviously that inseason tournament run that they had was great and uh that was quite the show that halberton put on last night uh Kobe is um you know struggling to put it you know mildly from from three last several games um

Which is complete opposite of the the stretch he was on uh you know hitting nearly 50% plus of his threes over the 11 12 game stretch um is the wrist a significant part of this or is this a combination of wrist isn’t 100% And The Way defenses are playing him is

Drastically different than than how they’re playing him him uh they were playing him during that stretch yeah so I’ve asked him directly about the wrist now twice the first was in that Miami when we were down Miami for that two game set that was some time ago when it

Was when he was during his hot streak and he downplayed it then and then I asked him about it after Saturday’s practice and he’s like I mean look you know I I was hot with this wrist it’s it’s the same so you know I’m not going

To use it as an excuse uh but it is an issue because he does say it’s sore he does get treatment on it he does tape it and that’s kind of injury that’s not going to go away during the season you know so he’s going to have to keep

Playing through it I don’t think it’s a huge factor and I think it’s combination of defenses the wrist um just a Flatout slump and I do think it’s a little mental now because he’s missing some wide open looks I think he’s starting to try to guide the ball in a little bit

Rather than just let it fly like he was during that odd stretch but it with with LaVine and vuich out his struggles are are significant um because that’s a third OB obviously offensive Cog that is not connecting on all cylinders yeah and I add that having vich out also impacts

Kobe a little bit like you miss 100% yeah you know vich draws so much attention from fans and he’s a polarizing player but I guarantee you that his teammates are missing him right now because he is such a facilitator and a hub and it’s not even sometimes you

Don’t even get the hockey assist he gets like the assist before the hockey assist just makes the right read to keep the offense moving he’s such a high IQ player and uh you know Drummond obviously drew the headlines and rightfully so for that first game and he

Had a decent game in India particular in that first half until he started getting into foul trouble which I thought broke up his R Rhythm and this isn’t a knock on drama but he just doesn’t do the things that vvi does offensively I mean they have completely different games V

Drummond actually is a pretty good passer but he’s not like a high Hub you know read the defense uh passor like a sabonis um or yic or a vfic and I’m not you know for those those listening or watching I’m not saying bich is Nico yic

What I’m saying is that they have the ability to you can run offense through them they make good decisions they survey the floor they’re quick decision makers they you can run run a lot of stuff through him up top and while Drummond can make a good pocket pass and

Is pretty Adept with the ball he’s not the same type of player so regarding vuich is the team still optimistic that we may see him by the end of next week or is that something that’s just completely up in the air right now it’s just dayto day because it’s just

Completely how he responds I mean the seven to 10 day um guesstimate was you know I I said it on our pregame show it’s been reported since um that’s kind of the initial time frame that’s been floated but I mean it could be a little bit earlier than that it could be a

Little bit later than that no one no one really knows with the groin um I said hello to him last night and I didn’t ask him weird his pass in the hallway I just that I was focused on something else but I said hello to him last night I mean

He’s walking around he’s and Billy says he’s he’s improving every day so it’s just a matter of when they feel he can get back in the court I mean two days off between Sixers games helps I would think that that window would open maybe after that second Sixers game that’d be

My kind of just guesstimate that’s a guesstimate um we’ll see where that goes so uh let’s dive into the drum a little bit in the game that he had against the Pacers clearly as you mentioned coming off a absolute incredible 24 and 25 uh game prior uh foul trouble was a

Significant impact on Drummond you know only getting 21 minutes he was in terms of rebounds to minutes ratio he was still still pretty good 16 rebounds in 21 minutes which is great uh point total obviously down a little bit from the prior game um but the foul trouble is

Really really what kind of caused him to miss you know not have anywhere close to the minutes that he had but also in the fourth quarter um we saw some success from Terry Taylor in the lineup um was that part of it too why it felt like

That Drummond wasn’t out there as much as he maybe could have been in the third and fourth quarters I mean it started with foul trou and Billy City kind of lost his rhythm a little bit and then you know they they they got on a run with that small ball lineup so Billy

Just you know as most coaches do he just left out there um and then Taylor came off and Caruso went on but it was still a small lineup with Williams Caruso dumu um I’m not gonna remember everybody yeah Kobe was out there for a stretch right Kobe yeah yeah um so you

Know I think it was a reflection of that more than anything uh and Indiana was going small Turner was off for a long time in that second half Indiana was playing small as well so it was a matchup thing as well so multiple things you know I you know

Drummond’s not going to obviously do 24 and 25 every night I mean but he still got double digit rebounds in a short amount of time that’s what he’s going to do I don’t expect him to score at that level but he he’s certainly you know a better backup center than most in the

NBA for however long boit is out the bulls the bulls are lucky to have yeah M Donovan’s now got essentially an eight-man rotation that he’s working with I think he usually prefers to go with nine but just with three of your uh key rotation players is just not

Available right now there’s not a ton of options of guys that I think he trusts in extended minutes on the floor um and we’re seeing that you know when you have when you have two starters and one of the first guys off your bench out it’s going to impact any team and we’re

Seeing that right now for the Bulls um let’s talk about Patrick Williams uh he is quietly having a great stretch of play uh he’s averaging uh 14.2 points per game in the month in December uh shooting nearly 52% from the floor and while the volume is not high he’s

Shooting 51% from three in the month of December uh what kind of U Improvement have you seen from P will specific to how he’s played the last several weeks this month versus the start of the year to me he is now being much more consistent he’s being aggressive he’s

Being assertive every night we’ve seen some incredible just dunks from him over the last several weeks which I think is great to see um but he’s also looking for his shot and getting to he’s developed a decent mid-range game he’s not deferring to his teammates as much as he was those first

Couple weeks what have you seen out of P will uh recently well I’m glad you brought up Patrick Williams Because I’m gonna answer your question then I’m gonna surprise you with a podcast topic idea that will we I think be a lot of fun uh so uh yeah I mean I’m seeing the

Same thing you are I’m seeing a much more decisive decision maker I mean he’s recognizing close out and you know choosing to attack them or get off the ball or shoot it uh quick more quickly and and more right than wrong in those decisions I think just in general his

Decision making has been on point and it’s been uh decisive and quick um so um you know his three-point shot is back up to over 40% you mentioned the dunks I mean he’s seems like he’s good for at least one or two of those a game and he

Doesn’t always make them but they always uh there’s some pretty spectacular attempts in there and I’ve also noticed the thing off the court like you know he has started to lapse into this response because when we ever we talk about his improved play or bring up his aggressiveness he he’s now totally

Downplaying that I think he’s kind of getting tired of that um line of questioning he just says you know I’m just playing basketball you know I’m just make you know I’m just I’m comfortable making the plays I know I can make you know he he is I think he’s

Got and he’s he’s such a nice guy he’s not going to get mad or anything but I I noticed that he started to shut down that line of questioning of do you think you’re playing more aggressively now so that’s just like an off the court observation but my uh fun quick podcast

Topic idea since we’re talking so much about Tyrese halberton yeah and Patrick Williams we got to go to through 12 we can do this quickly let’s let’s redraft okay I’ve got it up so I’ll blab for a little bit while you pull up p and we’ll

Just go we’ll just go back and forth and it’s only the 12 players well let’s just let’s see is there anybody below uh uh halberton at 12 that oh yeah there’s some good oh Tyrese Maxi’s at 21 yeah yeah you gota include Maxi there oh so this is actually G to be more

Desmond Bane is down there we we can still redraft we can still redraft the top 12 though we don’t necessarily have to pick the first 12 uh and keep those 12 players but we can just redraft the top 12 for sure all right you want to do

It I got I I even got a coin um I even got a coin Co okay please let’s yes let’s do this love it okay heads or tail am I calling heads Heads I got the first pick first pick of the 2020 NBA draft I’m going with Anthony Edwards you have

To right like you you like he he still despite the play of Maxi and halberton uh who could be a perennial Allstar um like Edwards is still a superstar in a perennial Superstar right like like you can’t you can’t pass him up despite what we see from hurn right absolutely yeah just like

He’s just incredible um okay so uh with the second pick I think Golden State Warriors uh I I think don’t think we’re gonna see James wisman picked in the top 12 here um I I think I think they go Halle Burton what we know now I I don’t

Think any team um rightfully can pass on the ability that that we’ve seen uh from him not just last night but just the Improvement this season from last season um is range is fantastic he’s a playmaker um he’s a young better shooter than Chris Paul was at this time uh in

His career um Golden State I think if they had halberton on this team right now instead of wisman um things would be very different conversation uh in in Golden State in terms of what their Championship window looks like with Steph uh despite Clay’s um you know up and down inconsistent season they they

Have they have to go they have to go hurn there yeah and so I got the third pick Charlotte Hornets and you know this is a tough one because Maxi is such a good player now and is on a good team so he it sound it seems like he has

Momentum to jump all the way to three but I’m I’m actually G to stick with lamelo ball who I think you can question it’s hard to judge him because he’s been in such a difficult situation such a losing franchise but just from sheer Talent level alone I think he puts up

Eye popping numbers and plays with the unselfishness and joy and shooting range that I think could resonate in a winning situation so just from sheer Talent level alone I’m sticking with Lamela ball at three so I my my job’s been easy so far I’ve got one and three staying

Where they were you’ve moved H Burton up to two we’re at the fourth pick and the Bulls are on the clock yeah and so um I’m putting in a bad spot yeah quick quick comment uh about Lamela despite the um injuries that he’s suffered recently um you’re right though

Like he’s like he’s a very very good player High upside um fun to watch so yeah I I totally agree with your pick there um this is a tough one um because I think you I think you have to go Maxi to the Bulls in this situation um you

Know even though um you question in the moment does he fit with Zack LaVine with that pick um knowing what we’ve seen on Maxi this year in Philadelphia um I like Devon Vel a lot um you know even quickley who’s I think is gonna be in

Our top 12 later on um will be there but yeah I I think you’ve got to go Maxi um he he is he is the leader for most improved player in the league this year for a reason uh he is likely going to win that award uh come the off season um

He he’s doing great great things in Philadelphia and so I I think a redraft 100% puts us with the bulls taking taking him no question in my mind yeah I I would agree with that yeah I think we I think we’ve got to the fourth the four

Best players in that draft at this point I mean that’s to me kind of where we’re at um this is tough because now you kind of move into a bunch of guys who are like solid and good A lot of them are good role players but I don’t stars like

I really like sadique Bay I I really like J Jaden McDaniels I like Desmond Bane um but man who am I going with at five the fifth pick is Cavaliers I’m definitely not going to Coral there that’s who they pick like I like AO um yeah you know and Jaylen Smith played

Very well last night I mean he’s he’s decent at 10 um this is tough this is tough I think I’m going to stick with uh I’m going to move a kongu up one fifth pick I I I like this guy’s potential I think he can still grow into more I like

His length I think he fits the modern NBA game I think he’s got a lot of two-way potential um he’s he’s not flashy and he’s definitely not been a St at this point but um that’s kind of where we’re at with these guys now I

Think uh a lot of them are solid but not spectacular so I’m going with a Kong five so uh there’s one guy I think you’re missing okay late in the first round uh and that’s who then if you’re if you’re taking him there at five I’m taking Desmond Bane at six okay I

Mentioned him I said I like him yeah ban Bane to me is a Allstar potential um I think he gets a little bit overshadowed uh in Memphis with his teammate but at the same time um he’s he’s just an incredible player he does a lot of things really really

Well too yeah yeah oh gosh yeah exactly right and I I think in terms of uh Atlanta I I think him alongside Trey young um would be a fantastic uh Duo had that occurred so yeah I’m going uh I’m going Desmond Bane at number six okay uh

We’re up to seven and unfortunately our budy yeah unfortunately for our buddy Patrick Williams He wherever you put him in my for my SE Jade McDaniels has to be put ahead of him because they actually have very similar statistics but I like Jade McDaniels a little bit more maybe

That’s because I see him less because sometimes when you’re in the weeds with a player you you see his flaws more than his strengths um but I think they’re pretty similar players or at least put up pretty similar stats so I don’t know if I’m moving Jaden McDaniels to six

You’re not taking kilan Hayes no he hasn’t done enough for me yet no I like Deon vassel too I mean you mentioned him yeah see we haven’t we we’re this is kind of more visceral we don’t have deep dive stats as I’m quickly looking up vassel stats

Um I mean he is he’s I’m going dein Bassy yeah next he’s he’s he’s a really smart player tough um yeah I’m going him next um shot 36% from three through four years positional size um two-way player yeah I’m going Devon vassel next uh all right uh number eight um

Ironically the Knicks uh not going to take Obi toppen but they’re going to take Emanuel quickley in that eighth spot um he he is primed to get a very good contract um this offseason he’s playing really really well um he’s got a great skill set that clearly fits in New

York very very well and so I think it’s easy pick you go uh you go with quickly wow you jumped him up quickly yeah uh so what what are we at here uh now we’re going uh to number nine the Wizards took Denny abdia in the original

Draft who I am going to guess or not you’re not going to be taking them right now not seeing that so who’s still on the board uh yeah I’d say in terms of the best of yeah in terms of best available uh sadique bay uh is going to be there um

Isaiah Stewart’s there KJ Martin’s there Jaden McDaniels Obie toppen like these are guys you know who are um who are potential are still role players who are still improving in their game but they they’re they’re clearly getting into the role player aspect right now yeah I I’m

Gonna me I’m gonna go with who I mentioned before because I think we’re kind of near Patrick Williams territory so I gotta go with Jaden McDaniels first I’ve always liked this game again this could be um seeing him only sporadically but he just seems like one of those guys

Who is a smart player you know defensive minded average a block of game through four seasons has reached into double figures the last two seasons he’s a guy that just fits with people around him um played 79 games last year started them all so he’s durable um yeah I I like J

McDaniels there so uh the original uh 10th pick went to uh Jaylen Smith out of Maryland uh to Phoenix um I think in a redraft I think Patrick Williams doesn’t get out past 10 I agree I I think you know certainly what we know of Phoenix now which is very different than when

They made these picks um I still think that Williams for even what we’ve just talked about this this month and play of December he’s still got a lot of upside and a lot of potential on his career and maybe he hasn’t developed at the raid that that some fans would have wanted I

Think if you’re looking at 10 and a guy that um you know certainly has the potential to be a very good Defender and a a decent third or fourth option on offense I think that’s what P will we’ve seen from him so far I don’t think he gets past 10 in this

Situation yeah we’re definitely in the role players now so it’s almost like Eye of the Beholder and kind of you’re you don’t you’re almost like I don’t remember we’re on 11 now I don’t remember the Spurs like needs at that point they took they took Vel at 11 originally and obviously Halle Burton

Went 12 originally to Sacramento yeah so you don’t know if the drafting best player available for for need so I mean we’re I mean at this point you’re kind of we’re just kind of throw you’re eyeballing you’re you’re taking guys he I like Aon Smith and and you know he

Fits kind of similarly to their so I mean we’re definitely in the solid role player aspect of our redraft Jaylen Smith is still on the board Obie toppen yeah Smith um you mentioned Isaiah Stewart oh sadique Bay’s still on there I’m going sadique Bay I I I think he’s

Tailed off a little bit from when when he first came in the league but I I’ve liked his game he can shoot it tough two mind two-way player um I’m going sadique Bay there 11 okay um I’m going to go with the guy we just saw last night Obie toppen um I

Thought you’re gonna say Jaylen Smith did you like Jaylen Smith last night I liked him last night yeah yeah no he’s he’s yeah I like I like toppen I I think in terms of a redraft I think toppen still does some things well and still

Has a lot of game to develop um so I would I would to Sacramento I think Obby top and uh instead of the original Tyrese there all right I wasn’t writing those down it was kind of a spur of the- moment fun podcast yeah I like that and the only

One I probably want to redo is you got me there I picked a conu and you and you picked Desmond B I want that one back so can’t do it and we got Patrick Williams down to 10 I believe um and that might be a little low uh this is not a great

Draft that’s one thing you have to come away from this exercise with it’s a lot of solid role players not many stars Anthony Edwards is a star Tyrese hurton I’m putting him in the star category already on the asent um Lillo ball borderline star it’s it’s just so

Hard to judge anybody from Charlotte because that situation is so poor um but he’s got star All-Star talent for sure but that’s about it in terms of stars then you’ve just got a lot of really I I think it’s a I think it’s a solid draft but it’s not a spectacular draft all

Right I’m gonna ask you since we’re on the topic of redraft I’m gonna ask you extremely loaded question here okay if it’s a big if if there isn’t a front office change for the Bulls prior to this draft do gar foreman and John Paxton draft Tyrese

Halbert I think so and it’s it’s it’s not even because of the um it’s not even because of the Iowa State connection which I know people are going to have fun with um I I’m I I have to boy I remember this oh yeah so

Um a big part of who who do the Bulls have in 2020 we have to look at their roster first oh going into it yeah so they had Kobe they had Zach um I mean they were from what I understand they were not only sold on Patrick Williams

Upside and you know fitting the prototypical modern day you know 34 Wing athletic physical two-way player um but also I really believe that in uris’s mind that they knew that they’re going to get Lonzo ball at some point and that was born out from the intense trade

Conversations that they had at the 2021 trade deadline and also then obviously getting him that following summer in a signning trade acquisition and so I’m not saying they drafted uh Patrick Williams because they knew they’re going Alonzo ball and didn’t need tyres s Burton but I’m

Saying that that I I think that he always knew he was going to get Lonzo ball and so that was on his mind as he made the pick that’s just a little bit it’s a little it’s more speculative than anything else but it’s just kind of

Where I’ve been led to believe in some conversations with people so um that is a loaded question I do know this there there was I do know that the Bulls there there was discussion in draft night about tyt ree halberton because some people liked him a lot yes

I do know that and that’s that’s like not I’m not like breaking huge news there I mean he was a heck of a player and he was uh you know a very impressive candidate in that draft I believe that’s the year it’s all blur now no combine

That year because of the pandemic so correct yes that that made things a little bit tougher um in the draft process and the college season got shut down so the college tournaments which are a big scouting thing I’m not making excuses for anybody but

That was just a weird draft on on on a lot of levels um but yeah it seems like there’s always somebody that drops pretty low Giannis comes to mind uh Tyrese Alberton that that then just becomes a huge star and um and you know even Steph Curry going seven so you know

So it’s it’s an exact science draft that’s for sure yeah no I I think you honestly can’t understate how much of an impact that because of where Sports and League was at that time with Co that you didn’t have the normal evaluation that you would have not only in terms of

College basketball games um which you know even specific to you know Patrick Williams right like he he didn’t start a single game at Florida State uh during his tenure you know it maybe more games you see more minutes and more evaluation um you know if halberton uh plays more

He maybe he doesn’t fall nearly as far as he does because guys seeing guys this this kid’s incredible his potential his upside is is significant um yeah I don’t think you can understate on how that draft was so wonky because of all the factors that went into it um but

There’s there’s no doubt in my mind that had it been the same front office that picked the prior draft um that Hal Burton would have gone to the Bulls um the IA State connections more of like a a fun haha type thing but he also fits

The mold of the player um that they they historically like um and I I think there would have been um no chance they would have taken anybody else at that pick but this is this is a uh we’re getting into the Multiverse with this one in terms of

Where things could have gone uh they didn’t but we you know certainly with uh the game we had last night and us doing the redraft it felt like a good time to ask that question so um uh last thing for you KC um Lonzo ball uh update we got a semi

Update from on him yesterday what can you share about Lonzo and where he is in his uh recovery to hopefully play basketball again one day yeah I’ll be all that in a second but I also now just looked up that roster because U my mind’s kind of blurry today and it all

Runs together after a while but they also had s ransy on that team so there’s another guard that they had yeah Kobe was kind of the main starting point guard though so that makes it a little bit surprising so I have to believe they just knew they were G to get Lonzo ball

One day and that’s why they didn’t pick Tyrese Albert but that’s just my theory and I’m sticking to it um yeah so Lonzo uh kind of out out of left field Chuck sski asked about Lonzo I mean you know I’ve kind of just he’s out of side out

Of mind and he’s out for the season so um I figured but good question by Chuck and and Billy uh surprised Us by saying Lonzo was in town last week um and that they had a good conversation and he admired his uh upbeat and optimistic attitude about a return um but the

Biggest nugget or news was that not only are they going to try to start running him in January but he’s painfree as of now I want to emphasize because everyone’s like oh that means the surgery worked that he’s painfree with the activities he’s doing now which do

Not include running so whenever he has run that’s when the pain has started and the difficulties have begun but I also want to emphasize and I said this on our broadcast last night like there’s a basketball element to this but there’s also a human element to this Lonzo had

That really painful press conference with us that one time where he said like he couldn’t even walk upstairs without pain and that’s like real life stuff man for that for his age to be debilitated to that level so hey number one obviously it’d be great for him and for

The league and for everybody if he got back on NBA court but if that dude doesn’t make an NBA return and he can be pay free for the Le rest of his life amen to that because like I said there’s a there’s a human element to this too so

Overall positive update they will start ramping them up uh or running a little bit in January and see where it goes and you know we’ve heard Lonzo from his mouth many times he believes he’s gonna be on an NBA court again I remain skeptical but I hope he proves me wrong

Because I’d love to see him back on the NBA court yeah and we’re uh just a couple weeks away from that two-year anniversary of that original uh injury it’s it really is um in some ways it feels like it was longer I don’t know just because the during Co of that time

And just the you know the people working from home and just way time moves they’re just like that stretch is very weird for a lot of people um but yeah and and he is not playing this season so don’t anybody like listening say oh well

What if he’s gonna be good and can play in April no um he will not be playing the seasons all at all uh but it Reigns to be seeing what we see over the next uh you know 10 months from him if a uh possible uh return during training camp

Uh next year is an option so that that certainly remains to be seen um Casey last thing I want to bring up is the uh formerly it was the Pacers that were the best team to watch on League Pass uh they have been surpassed by the Detroit

Pistons who now and in full disclosure I messaged this to casc last night that during the third quarter when the Bulls started to go down the Pistons Celtics game was getting towards the end of the fourth quarter uh and it was a close game I I’m switching to Pistons because they were incredible

Uh they now uh unfortunately have uh lost an overtime last night and have now lost 28 straight games um which is tying the alltime record for longest consecutive games lost in the NBA spanning across two seasons the Pacers the Pistons rather of course have done it in just a single season um but

They find new ways to lose every game uh they made some really good plays down the stretch um to to force overtime but once they got to OT Boston just kind of it was too much they they had some incredible defensive lapses at times um

And now it’s 28 in a row but um they are they are mustat TV for NBA fans fans if you have league pass and you’re W you Pistons are an option um we are seeing history right now with that team uh certainly not in a good way and not in a

Way that they want it but um it was just my entire timeline uh on NBA Twitter last night was it’s all we they were talking about and he could he couldn’t look away um but um it just is a it’s watching history unfold like I don’t

Know like in today’s NB KC with parody I me we have had what five different NBA champions in the last five years like with the amount of teams that are contending every year and the star plow power that we see around this league um the the league is thinking about

Expansion it would not surprise me if for the next five years we see an expansion team in Seattle and an expansion team in Vegas I think are the two most likely cities right now so the the the league with the influx of the European players a global game um it’s

As good top to bottom as we’ve ever seen in the history of the league uh to so to get 28 in a row right now from a Pistons team that has still been relatively healthy uh bogdanovich missed a huge chunk of the Season uh but he’s back but

To lose 28 in a row like right now with the roster they have uh it’s just honestly astounding um yeah I know you don’t get a chance to watch a lot of um non Bulls games with your um roles or Insider for the team but at the same

Time just what have you seen from Detroit and the games that you have and in the minutes you have been able to watch well to your point the other thing about the league parody like you think just there’ be one outlier night where they just you know hit like 23es or

Something like that I mean that’s crazy part is that just you know teams get hot in this league and just there there are quote unquote poor team teams on paper that beat good teams all the time it happens all the time in the league so that’s been the craziest part of the

Streak you know I just go back obviously it’s well documented their last win is against the Bulls I go back to that night October 28th seems like a long time ago it is it’s two months ago but uh it it’s just memorable because the they completely outplayed the Bulls that

Night Jaylen dur Jaylen dur looked like Hakeem elijan out there I mean and obviously Kate Cunningham is a very good young player um you know Ivy is decent um they’ve got you know Knox has hit come on and had some games where he shot the ball well baggley you know can still

Get you offensive points every once a while you mentioned killing Hayes before he’s having a decent season so it’s just astounding that that collection of young Talent has not been able to eek out one Victory and I remember that postgame locker room distinctly too because I

Mean it was game three and we were shifting into the should they break up the big three themes that’s what I wrote that night you know like we I remember we went to LaVine and to Rosen and just it was like a sullen locker room you

Know is the big three not working I mean because it was just our so like you know it was game three and we were focusing on the Bulls future and here now two months later the Pistons haven’t won a game since so it’s absolutely crazy I’m

Checking to see when they play the Bulls next since it’s not it’s no time soon um and that was the game LaVine at 51 and he wasn’t even the best player on the floor just because how how dominant Duran was the Pistons started the season two- one right

They’re two and 29 now uh it is incredible so the the Pistons next five games uh home against Toronto at Houston at Utah in which probably was their most winnable game with the amount of players that sat um Utah on December 21st um at Golden State at Denver and I’ll even

Throw in the sixth game uh at home against Sacramento on January 9th will will the Pistons win one of those games vers Toronto at Houston at jazz at Golden State at Denver are they winning I say no yeah I say no so I think this is going

To be dragging on a little bit longer it’s crazy I I think they beat Toronto oh okay I think they I think the streaks gonna end I think they beat Toronto um Toronto’s not playing great this season I think the Pistons uh they were up by

19 over Boston at one point in that game they they were feeling good about themselves and they let it collapse in nearly seven minutes um it went away and obviously lost in in overtime I I think I think the streak is going to come to

An end put it this way if they don’t win against Toronto on Saturday it’s gonna be a long time their next best chance is against Sacramento or San Antonio rather on January 10th which if then then the losing streak would be at 34 wow entering that game so um yeah uh God bless the Pistons uh and pistons fans um what they are going through this year uh is is is historic um for all the reasons we just talked about but to like lose 208 in a row in today’s NBA you’re

Right like you think you would get hot one night I think that they were shooting really really well last night against Boston like that that was a great chance and they just let it slip away um a lot of people want a coaching change they want a front office change

They want an ownership change when you get when you get in this way your fan base just wants something different if only there was a All-Star caliber player who is a great shooter available on the trade market if only that type of player existed the Pistons

Might try and go out and get that player uh but that got just wishful thinking on their part um so uh for casy Johnson please check out his work at UH on Twitter SLX casy J hoop yeah my next my next piece is going to be an apology letter to Desmond

Bane are you looking at his numbers now and you’re like really that that was I said we were doing that real time and it was a surprise topic appearance so I did not get deep into the numbers and I ow I ow Mr Desmond made a sincere apology I’ll just say

That uh that was that was a good topic though I love that you just kind of sprung it on because it’s good to go R back and look at those things yeah do not sleep on Desmond Bane uh so for uh Casey Johnson who is now the second

Biggest Desmond ban fan in the world uh I am Kevin Anderson we hope you like And subscribe the Bulls Talk podcast brought to you by Toyota um bulls have a a couple tough games on the stretch coming up we’ve got home against Philly at Philly at New York uh homing at

Charlotte and then at Charlotte so um we’ll just see what the next week and a half uh brings you happy New Year everybody uh we hope you have a great 2024 we hope you had a great 2023 we’ll see what the next year brings in the

Bulls fandom and in with us so 4kc I Kevin have a great year have a great week everybody and go balls

On this episode of the Bulls Talk Podcast, K.C. Johnson and Kevin Anderson are redrafting the first 12 picks of the 2020 draft. But first, they talk about Tyrese Haliburton’s big night against the Bulls (:22), Nikola Vučević’s progress (7:20), and how Andre Drummond has looked at taking over the role as starting center (9:30). Later, they redraft the top 12 picks for the 2020 NBA Draft (14:37). Who do the Bulls pick at No. 4? Finally, they discuss the minor update about Lonzo Ball’s rehab (31:54) and the Detroit Piston’s historically bad season (35:06).

#ChicagoBulls #PatrickWilliams #TyreseHaliburton

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2020 NBA Redraft: Who do the Bulls select at No. 4?


  1. Honestly you guys spent a whole podcast talking about the wrong thing. We should be talking about how the bulls dropped the ball and there no way in hell we should have lost to the bum ass pacers

  2. If it’s a redraft, top 3 would be Anthony Edwards, Tyrese Haliburton, Lamelo Ball…that being said, Wiesman would be available and knowing the Bulls FO that has drafted poorly since they’ve been here would take Wiesman. But that’s all what if’s…the reality is Haliburton was available and the FO missed on that superstar, they also missed on Tyrese Maxey, Desmond Bane, and I would even throw in Saddiq Bey.
    But the clear mishap by the FO was missing on Haliburton and Maxey. At the time of the 2020 draft the Bulls desperately needed a PG. And to miss grossly on these 2 players tells me the FO did not do their due diligence. Otherwise they wouldn’t have selected Patrick Williams.
    That was their 1st draft in the first round (#4 pick).
    Then in 2022 the FO missed in the first round picking Dalen Terry over Walker Kessler.
    Your #4 pick in his 4th season should be averaging more than 14ppg. You should be expecting a lot more from that pick and you would be getting more if they had taken Haliburton. And it was reported that Haliburton wanted to be drafted by the Bulls. That’s FO malpractice.

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