@Boston Celtics

THE HERD | Colin reacts to Celtics rally from down 21, extend Pistons’ losing streak to 28 games

THE HERD | Colin reacts to Celtics rally from down 21, extend Pistons’ losing streak to 28 games

W to the Pistons who have lost a billion games in a row and Boston rallies to win an overtime uh porzingis was amazing in this game a good year he has been excellent thank goodness he’s still healthy Monty Williams poor Monty Williams man you know we like him a lot

Great gu been through a lot of adversity off the court um got a huge contract in the off season and he he looks like a beaten man here he is talking after the game and as bad as they hurt right now I hurt for them but I told them if if we

Bring that kind of grit and toughness and execution you know minus the turnovers we’re not just going to win one game we’re going to put something together and it doesn’t matter what people say we don’t have to shut people up we just have to continue to to get

Better and grind and and produce or put something on the floor that’s productive that our fans can be happy about I’m locked in on NFL and I’m actually dabbling in bowl games we hit Arizona yesterday right um but I think I’m going to start betting on the

Pistons every night cuz I mean listen they’re going to be putting Max efforts in to all these let’s talk about the Celtics when I said this at the beginning of the year if por zingas is your fourth best player and there are Knights he’s their second best player

That’s a championship level two oh Drew holiday right right right yeah yeah Boston is let me tell you something this porzingis thing people acted like it was a throwin porzingis was the first unicorn he was the first 73 guy you’re like he can put it on the floor he can

Shoot he just you can’t be a one or he he’s I don’t think his personality is that of a one but production wise he’s absolutely a really good two in this league and by the way as a four for Boston that’s what Championship looks like so I’ve been trying to sell you

This on Zack lvie dude he’s not a one or a two he goes to the Lakers and is their fourth dude he is behind ad LeBron and who else Austin Reed he’s coming off the bench just don’t Austin Reeves is coming off the bench starts at two finishes but

Listen this reminds me a lot of me in my men’s league right I recruit a stack team I’m like the fifth best guy on the court about seven you can’t be the seventh best guy on the court when there’s only five I’m not the best guy

On the team obviously but I’m great in that role there’s no pressure I’m hitting open threes playing defense like porzingis fits great here um you couldn’t defend that tree on myself give so hey do you want to for fun should the entire audience bet Piston’s money line against Toronto this weekend I’m not

Betting it you go ahead come on it’ll be fun we can all root together for the Pistons to win and end the 28 game I’ve never once thought I want to root for the Pistons together with my audience this is the herdline news I kind of like

That little rant from you Phil thought thought about Phil Jackson Remember how he’d hand out books and Shaq and Kobe would be like what what is this what you remember watching that MJ documentary no there was contentious relationships and Battles Through out now Phil’s got the personality and the Zen to to

Psychological U accur in to deal with it that was never easy it was often confrontational he was confrontational initially with MJ shoot less trust more he was confrontational with Jerry Krauss he was confrontational with Rodman like that was a bumpy turbulent ride that got six rings in two different three twice

In two different teams yeah I don’t I I don’t know if you’re a big Broadway guy but MJ have you heard about that the Michael Jackson uh Broadway show we just saw it a couple weeks ago my kids don’t know that much about Michael Jackson and they kept leaning to me being like

Dad this guy’s weird what is this guy’s deal I was like listen quirky genius man Michael Jackson music- wise yes came up with some wild stuff um but it was it worked uh let’s start with Brock pie coming off the worst game of his young career four interceptions prompted some

Tweets from cow herd during the game I’m sure you guys remember that uh 49ers are in a great bounceback spot this week against Washington on the road though here’s pie discussing his approach coming into this weekend’s game it’s just not being in the right state

Of mind you know as a quarterback um you know having the aggressive trigger to you know make the throw the big play um also shoot dude you don’t want to turn the ball over again um it’s just a it’s a sucky State of Mind to be and every

Play has a life of its own you have to take it one play at a time and not try to win the game by a couple big plays um and when I’m thinking like that I just wasn’t in the right state of mind you know towards the end when we’re trying

To get back into it so um that that’s the learning experience you know who was in the right State of Mind MVP Lamar Jackson from the very first snap right state of mind we’re not we’re not going to do the MVP thing are we today cuz you know some somebody pointed

Out to me that Lamar four games under 60% completions this year he’s not leading the league in I mean in stats he hasn’t been amazing stats like he’s had better Seasons nice I don’t know I watch the games he looks pretty amazing he’s good he’s very blew out Detroit blew out

The ners blew out seatt by the way have I asked you what happens if Baltimore loses at home to Miami let’s say Miami win they could it’s going to be a very good game not I’m not putting it the blazing five because I think it’s going

To be such a fun game to watch I don’t want any emotional bag I just want to watch the game well Lamar I’m not going to hear Lamar MVP if they lose to Miami at home I’m not going to hear that right depends on how he plays oh my goodness

You get he’s got nine of his 12 wins nine of his 12 against winning teams Dak can’t beat winning teams two had just got one nine of his 12 wins winning teams kind of contextualized out of Tad interesting okay let’s move on to another struggling quarterback Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs listen they’ve

Been held under 20 points or fewer in eight of their 15 Gams this is not the dominant Chief team we saw a few years ago two games left to the playoffs Mahomes knows they are running out of time to correct these mistakes you have to be critical with yourself you have to

Be true to what’s on the film and what’s happening um I think a lot of people will make excuses and and that’s why they don’t take that next step or become better because of it um you got to see the film I mean you look at the film you

Made a lot of mistakes that you can’t make in this league if you want to have success and from and get better from them they’ll be fine oh really they just won’t be great this year they’ll be fine what is fine Define fine win a playoff game we’re fine I believe Mahomes has

Been to the AFC title game or Super Bowl every year he’s been around well you’re not that’s obviously not going to happen forever you’re going to if your down years are yeah we wanton ouris and went to a playoff and won a game that’s a

Fine year you don’t have to go to the Super Bowl every I know you start looking around you’re like all right we don’t have any receivers Travis Kel is looking Washed by the way um I think he’s going to have a big game this week

Did you listen to his podcast at all I know you you have a lot you don’t have a lot of time I’m very aware of that podcast yeah he had some uh had some comments about the Bengals passing on him in the draft back in the day he went

To Cincinnati oh yeah and I looked at his numbers historically versus the Bengals this feels like a good bounceback spot for Kelsey uh this weekend just you know I want to give you guys some gambling crumbs final Story how about this in the NBA last night Celtics were down 21 harsh man but

Well I’m just being honest with

THE HERD | Colin reacts to Celtics rally from down 21, extend Pistons’ losing streak to 28 games


  1. Poor Monty Williams? Why? You should be say "poor Pistons fans" for being subjected to this shit show. Adam Silver needs to step in and clean house, because this is beyond pathetic.
    Edit: Also, poor Cade. He's playing his ass off and the team is filled with corpses that he simply can't drag across the finish line by himself.

  2. Isaiah Thomas don’t want no affiliation with this pistons team at all this year!! Every player on that team needs an individual ass whoopin.. Starting with Monty Williams.

  3. Ausar got a whopping 12 minutes of playing time and Sasser never even saw the floor. Monty, to his credit said he didn't want to coach this season – and from what I've seen so far he's been true to his word – because I wouldn't call what he's been doing "coaching." Livers will be gone next season but he's playing twice the minutes of Ausar? Burks will be gone next year by he gets 30 minutes while Sasser sits? Monty's lineups make no sense, his substitution patterns make no sense and his minutes distributions make no sense. Other than that Monty's doing great.

  4. If you guys think it’s the Raptors that are going to break this spell you guys have another thing coming. If the Raptors lose to these Pistons automatically our coach must be fired 🔥 on the spot. No sir not Raptors to before the end of year.

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