@Miami Heat

WARNING! The Miami Heat Are About To Get Even BETTER!

WARNING! The Miami Heat Are About To Get Even BETTER!

I’m GNA come right out and say it I think the Miami Heat and the very near future are going to be playing at a much higher level than what we’re seeing right now and that says a lot because the Miami Heat I think they’re playing fairly decent and they’re being very

Competitive right now they have a record of 18 and 12 which is good enough to have them at fifth place in a very very talented Eastern Conference and they also have won three straight games and they won seven out of their last 10 ball games so the Miami Heat are playing

Really good and the reason I think they’re going to take things to a different level is because the Miami Heat are still dealing with the same circumstance that they’ve been dealing with for maybe over the last two maybe the last one and a half years and that’s

The injuries to their best players so far this season bam aabo has missed 10 out of 30 Games Jimmy Butler has missed seven out of 30 games and um Tyler herro has missed 18 out of 30 games so that’s a lot of games without your best players

But just like we’ve seen over the the last few years the Miami Heat just have this special talent of taking guys taking a role players and pulling out the absolute best of them so that they can be competitive against the good teams and sometimes even beat teams

Where in situations that they were The Underdogs because they are missing the best players on their team and we’ve seen this formula has worked over the for the Miami Heat over these last two seasons um we seen them get to the Eastern Conference Finals two straight

Times and then last year the Miami Heat got all the way to the NBA finals where unfortunately it came up short against the Denver Nuggets but nonetheless uh we look at the Miami Heat we look at them as a whole I think they’re going to get

So much better and one guy that I’m so big on for this Miami Heat team cuz he he received a lot of criticism over the summer he was made fun of when he was getting brought up in the Damen Lillard trade by the NBA fans on social media

And that guy is Tyler hero and I think he’s having a a a spectacular season and I think if he didn’t miss some so many games I think he would definitely be he would definitely be in the conversation for the allstar game but it’s been so many guys playing good in the Eastern

Conference and they’ve all played more games than than Tyler hero I think they’re going to get the nod over him but nonetheless we look at his numbers I think he’s definitely having an All-Star caliber season for the Miami Heat and what those numbers look like for Tyler

Hero so far this season 24 points per game right on the dot to go along with for assist five rebounds and he’s been Ultra efficient so far this season 45% from the field 42% from the three-point line and 86% from the free throw line and Tyler herro he probably be averaging

25 plus points um 25 plus points per game if it wasn’t for the game that he got injured very early where he got he was cooking early he had six points in about 8 minutes of play so he he probably would have got it to at least

20 points at least 20 points that game so his points per game could be a a little higher but nonetheless we all knew this was going to be a very important this is going to be a very important season for Tyler hero we heard Pat Riley say over the offseason I don’t

Know if it was this off season or the previous offseason but I remember Pat Riley saying they need bam out of Bio or Tyler hero to become a guy that can put up 25 points per game or um a minimum 25 minimum 25 points per game and it looks

Like Tyler Hero has stepped up and accepted that challenge and I think it all came down to um Tyler hero because he’s still playing the same way he’s still getting to his spots he’s still a three-level scorer he can still get downhill I think this season was just going to come down to

Him being able to take on more volume being able to take on more of a workload because the more that you have the basketball in your hands it it gets harder first of all it’s very tiring having like his usage rating right now is at 30% which is very which is very

High it’s very it’s very hard having the ball in your hands for that amount of time your Orchestra rating you’re trying to score you’re trying to make sure you keep your teammates involved and then most importantly the more you have the basketball in your hands the more the

Opposing teams are going to game plan just for you and they start to catch on to your moves and they start to know what you’re going to do and you still got to find a way to be effective and Tyler hero who’s still very young still

Under the age of 25 so far this season he’s handling that volume and that workload very well and when he’s scoring 24 points per game I think it makes the Miami Heat a very very different team so um I want I just want to give a lot of

Credit for um a lot of credit to Tyler herro and I think with the way that he’s playing right now how efficient he is um the more he’s having the basketball in his hands um the the Miami Heat are going to be a much harder basketball to

Team to stop on the um offensive side of the ball and Bam out of Bio he’s another player that has answered the call for the Miami Heat this season when it came to taking on more of a workload we look at at the Miami Heat right now in terms

Of usage rating it goes Tyler hero it goes bam adab bio and then it goes Jimmy Butler so Jimmy Butler he’s been playing off the ball a little bit more so far this season and I think that’s a good thing for the Miami Heat because like we

Um like I said earlier in the video Pat Riley he wants more out of bam adab bio and Tyler hero in terms of scoring the basketball and right now bam is averaging a career high in points he’s averaging 22 points per game around four assists per game are going wrong with 10

Rebounds and he’s shooting 51% from the field and Bam aab bio is still one of the most versatile defenders in all of the NBA and that’s probably my favorite my favorite part about bam Ado’s game and I think it’s very underrated when you’re one of the guys that’s one of the

Best Rim protectors in the league but you’re also really good as a perimeter Defender whenever I watch bam out of Bio whether it’s in the regular season whether it’s during the playoffs he has no problems um he has no problem switching on to smaller Defenders guarding them out there on the perimeter

And locking them up and then also he’s a great hedger he knows how to help on that screen and then still get back and defend the role so when you’re playing against bam adabo he’s one of those red Defenders that has um a control over a

Lot of things on the defensive side of the ball and then offensively he’s really good on the low block he has a face up game he has a meaty game great finisher around the rim you can play the Twan game with him because he’s super athletic and he can catch lives and then

Also he’s a very underrated passer so bam aabo he deserve a lot of credit this season because he’s elevating his level of play um which is very important for the Miami Heat and then like we we talked about this earlier in the video the Miami Heat has had a few guys step

Up in the absence of their best players being injured over the last couple years we saw it from guys like um Gabe Menon we saw it from Caleb we saw from Max stru and two of those guys aren’t on the Miami Heat no more and um coincidentally

It’s been two guys who I think has just been playing lights out for the Miami Heat and who has been um been big time so far one is Duncan Robinson and the other is Jame HZ Jr and I put an emphasis on HZ because the last video I

Made on the Miami Heat it was predicated to him and I kept saying H quz instead of highz and you guys were not happy about that and you told me how to um pronounce it correctly and I know it’s all coming from a good place and I know

How to pronounce his name the right way and you guys can enjoy the video a little bit more but Jame HZ Jr has been great for the Miami Heat so far this season right now he’s putting up 14 points per game and he’s doing very very efficiently 51% from the field and 38%

From the three-point line and last night was a prime example of what we’ve been talking about in this video no Jimmy Butler for the Miami haat last night and they’re playing on Christmas a big time game against the Philadelphia 76ers who didn’t have Joel NBA but they still had

Tyrese Maxi and all of those other really good role players Kelly U went for 25 plus I believe and so did Tobias Harris so um it was a really good game from Jame H HZ Jr where he put up 31 points and 10 rebounds a very very

Efficient dou double for him and just watching him play is no it’s no it’s nothing complicated about his game and I think that’s why a lot of people love him because he’s so fundamentally sound and he’s so simple he just makes the right plays I love the way he plays

Offensively in the half court set um in in transition without the basketball in his hands he does a great job of making himself available whether it’s flaring to a open spot in a three-point line or running the floor really hard or cutting to the rim he does all those things very

Well and we usually don’t see that from rookies coming into the NBA it looks like um it looks like Jame has been in the league for about 8 years now and then with the basketball in his hands he’s becoming a player that’s that’s um he’s creating a lot of gravity like he’s

Getting his teammates open off his threat as a post player and since he’s usually in at the three or the four spot it’s usually going to be the player that’s not a center guarding him and nowadays there’s not too many um post Defenders that AR in Center in our

League today so he just got a really good misat um a really good mismatch down there on the Block he has great post moves he has footwork and then his touch around the rim is so good whether he’s going for it off the glass or whether he’s trying to get it um or

Whether he’s just um floating it up in there it’s touching around the rim is really good and then he’s starting to make plays on the defensive side of the ball he’s starting to poke ball his loose he’s starting to get steals he’s causing turnover so the Miami he they

They hit the jackpot on drafting him this season he has been spectacular for the Miami Heat so far this season and so has Duncan Robinson and Duncan Robinson may not bear the same responsibilities as Duncan Robinson but this was a pivotal season for him as well and last

Season Duncan Robinson had a bit of a shooting slump and he kind of got out of it in the playoffs and me personally I think he played fairly well in the playoffs not just his three-point shooting but his overall play I thought Duncan Robinson was really good and he

Has carried that over to this season and I say this was a pivotal season for um dun Duncan Robinson because when he was going through his shooting slump to Miami he had another Sharpshooter that they could put out there and that guy was Max ruse who shot the ball fairly

Well for majority of the time for the Miami Heat and we all know maxu is now on the Cleveland Cavaliers so they needed Duncan Robinson to be that Sharpshooter that they all know that he can be and he has um taken his game to a whole new level this year Duncan

Robinson right now is averaging 15 points per game 49% from the field and 45% from the three-point line and there’s this stat I read today before I made this video um out of the three-point shooters in the NBA that’s taking at least seven attempts per game Duncan Robinson has the highest

Three-point percentage at 45% and guess who’s right behind him Tyler hero and he’s around at about it was like 42.9% for Tyler hero according to the numbers and according to the efficiency the Miami has the two best volume three-point Shooters in all of the NBA so that’s a great thing for the Miami

Heat and then other than the the the three-point shooting Duncan Robinson has taken his game to a new level he now has the ability to comfortably and consistently put the basketball on the floor create shots for himself or create for others and then also his finishing

Around the rim has gotten a lot better so I’m looking at the Miami Heat they have a lot of great things going for them they’re playing well right now if the season was to end today they will be in the playoffs and we really hasn’t seen this team at full strength we

Haven’t seen them knowing how good jameh HZ Jr is now we haven’t really seen too much of bam Jimmy and um Tyler hero out there so it’s going to be really interesting to see the Miami Heat at full strength and I know um all we keep talking about is Milwaukee

Philadelphia and Boston but I really don’t think the Miami Heat should be slept on we saw what they did last year in the playoffs and I think this team is a little bit better than that team we saw last year but nonetheless that’s what I want to talk about with you guys

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Todays video will be on the miami heat and we will be talking about how dangerous this team will be at full strength! Please enjoy the miami heat news today and subscribe for more weekly content

WARNING! The Miami Heat Are About To Get Even BETTER!


  1. I fully agree with what you said cause that's I've told some people and I believe they are better than last year they just haven't played together enough because of injuries and when they get their chemistry together I still believe they can beat any team in the Eastern Conference.

  2. Herro shot selection is poor. He needs to figure out how to be more efficient. The ball sticks when he plays. And the pace is stifled by him. The team is better with Tres J on the court. He makes poor decisions out of the double team as well. And struggles to score on more talented defenders. We need to be able to have Bam, Jimmy, Caleb, Herro and Tres J on the court together in the fourth but Herro is a poor defender.

  3. No doubt we a better than last year. Robinson for me is the surprise. He has developed better quickness, defense, passing and rebounding. When it comes to the playoffs its mostly coaching that makes the difference. Enough said. New subscriber here. Thanks for the excellent content.

  4. Im glad they didnt trade everything away for dame kept the young guys and they putting in work. Dont get me wrong dame is good but im not about trading our young guys for a 33 year old dame

  5. I honestly want a real center Bam could have better numbers at the 4 and a younger PG would be nice

  6. Bam is getting better and better each year being one of the best defenders in the league, Herro is healthy playing at an all-star level, Robinson not missing from 3 and becoming more versatile in offense with more cuts and drives, the same Jimmy from last season, and now JJJ being the most well rounded, and most «playoff- ready» rookie

  7. Herro has had the highest usage rate for the past 3 seasons straight. What’s improved is his decision making, his decisiveness in his actions and most importantly his shot selection is in the flow of the game so the ball isn’t sticking as much.

  8. first time watching and i gotta say, great video and a silky smooth voice, cheffs kiss keep up the good work🥳

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