@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers’ MPG. What stands out?

Lakers’ MPG. What stands out?

by lakerconvert


  1. LoveTheHustleBud

    I had cam winning the backup 2 over max this summer (and got hell for it), but man if I said he’d play more than Rui, yall would’ve sent all the emojis.

    Not as mad at taureans mpg as every other wing has been in&out with injuries, but with Vincent out, dlo/reaves each should be well over 30mpg

    Lebron at 34 surprises. Would’ve guessed high 30s.

  2. FeminismIsTheBestIsm

    Rui numbers need to go up, LeBron and AD numbers are surprisingly low (and should ideally be lower but it’s fine for now)

  3. lets_talk_basketball

    The 3rd best player on the team is 5th in MPG

    Cam is playing more than Rui

    These are fireable offenses man

  4. GutsTheSwordsman

    Really makes no sense that basically all the hard work a bunch of the players did during the playoffs is basically null and void..

    No reason Rui cant get some good will from the FO and the coaching staff so he can play like 28-30 mins a game and e.t.c. like for Reaves as well

  5. BrainEuphoria

    Would’ve preferred seeing 11 players in the graphic, but Lebron at 34 isn’t really surprising. Prince at 30 and Reddish at 24.7 is surprising.

    Prince at 30mpg and the third most minutes is what surprises me. Reddish at 25 is also scary. What this tells me is that we have mostly bench players and need 2 more solid 2-way starting quality players.

  6. chugalaefoo

    Cam should be getting 10-15 min a game only.

    And half or more of his minutes should be going to Max.

  7. CrobraCrommander

    Cam is younger than AR15? I wouldn’t have thought that.

  8. KingNephew

    I think now that D’lo has been benched, his minutes will likely be around 18-25mpg. I’d say slightly increase Rui/Maxs’ minutes by slightly decreasing Prince/Reddish minutes.

  9. lionking25

    reduce tp mins by 5, add that to Rui. Dnp Hayes instead of Wood.

  10. and we play so much AD and Bron also because we play Hachi and Reaves too less.


    Reaves and Hachi should be at like 32 mins. this team doesnt have the quality fot them to play less.

  11. poporing30

    Reaves a better PG than Dlo. Give more minutes to Rui less on TP and Cam.

  12. pinktwhite

    Don’t know if the math checks out but 6-8 of those Prince minutes should go to Rui and Austin

  13. Background_Nature_32

    For a minimum contract, Osama Bin Hamas sure does love him some Taurean Prince

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