@Minnesota Timberwolves

“The End Goal Is To Win.” | Naz Reid Shootaround Sound | 12.30.23

“The End Goal Is To Win.” | Naz Reid Shootaround Sound | 12.30.23

Guys there was kind of a lot talk after last game just about the improvements that you guys can make offensively just kind of playing a little more efficiently what do you see out there in terms of room for improvement for for you guys on that end of the floor um I think turnovers

Uh turnovers and I think it’s mainly turnovers I mean I think last couple games we been in the mid to high 20s that’s a lot uh I mean I think that’s a lot of possessions where we’re not getting the ball at least getting the look at The Rim shot at The

Rim so I think turnovers for sure do you see any kind of like common threads in the turnovers or is it are there one or two things you guys can do just to kind of clean that up a little bit clean up passes I think that’s the biggest thing

Is clean up the passes and then uh playing in M crowds when we can kick the ball out uh I think those two are just amazing yeah the spacing like kind of spr other a little bit so you’re not a lot of times the spacing isn’t that bad

It’s just you know driving into the crowd and either try to make a tough play or just you know not realizing you know you have a guy right behind you or beside you and you know just forget to or not forget but you don’t really see

That read I I don’t think it’s obviously purposeful but uh I mean I just you just playing into the crowds and cleaning up our passes I think that’s a big biggest major things is it kind of exciting to think about like how you guys are still

Being being able to pile up wins even while you’re making these mistakes so if you can clean up a few things the the steps you can take 100% I mean I mean at the end end of the day the end goal is to win so we kind of find a way and pull

It out um but I think you know it would be much easier and more uh I would say much easier and a more like satisfying when if we you know clean up that one area I think it could be a lot better it seems like you know

As long as P here you guys kind of have on offense like sometimes you’re you’re really in rhythm you’re in sync and sometimes it kind of falls out of it for a little while when it when it goes through kind of one of these walls what

Are maybe one or two things you have to get back to doing that that is happening when you’re really running on allers just moving the ball side to side uh playing through our actions uh cutting you know just making those extra plays or extra reads uh you know kind

Sometimes the ball get stagnant which happens on any and every team uh it goes for the possessions where you know we might have to Mike have the ball he call something you know just just things like that I mean it happens with every team so when it comes to the the turnovers is

There is there a line between being aggressive playing aggressively and both taking care of the ball kind of how how does that how does that balance work this team um being aggressive but also being careful at the same time I mean we have a lot of freedom on this team uh

Like you said with Coach uh kind of like kind of lets us play for the most part so you kind of like if he doesn’t help us at that time kind of got to figure it out ourselves which kind of plays into the maturity that I was talking about

Going into the beginning of the year uh kind of knowing when to slow it down and like I said get the ball to Mike JM or you know one of those Kyle one of those guys and you know call something run something just you know just having that

Awareness now Lakers have a bunch of guys that you played with like what’s it like kind of when you’re TP Vandal like what what’s that Dynamic like going up against those guys I mean it’s always fun it’s always good you know those are guys that I actually uh gravitated to a

Lot too as well so you know you’re going out there again to compete against him uh while they’re playing as well playing well as well so I mean you kind of get to congratulate them on their success th far on how they’ve been doing especially

TP um I mean it’s been great and then going going to compete against each other and then you know having that that last laugh before you know hit the road or whatever the case may be before you guys leave is it’s always good to have

He was on fire the last time he was he’s been on fire the last couple games so he’s some that you know we we’ve been uh you know looking to uh you know do a couple things with so uh we just got to maintain him and you know do do our best

Job now I’m come out of town so please be with me you probably talk about these things but um when you resigned here did you see this coming as opposed to curiosity about how you fit other places knew this place what what was it that went into the fact

I mean I think last year was just a little rusty because it was our first year you know two big line up you know everybody was kind of finding their way within contracts and so so so forth and so on I think kind of going into this

Year I kind of we kind of knew like where we were where we were heading I mean just it was really just one big factor and that was just the maturity thing uh I think that’s something that we obviously not completely fully figured out but we have kind of our

Heads above uh at this time I mean but I think I think I think winning was definitely uh something that I knew coming into this year I think we it was a fresh start um I mean it was just I I just that’s the biggest thing I can say

I think I already knew like what we heading into it’s a it’s a luxury for a team to have three bigs um how has that been an advantage the game by game um well like cat now like we got a smaller guy we can go on the post have a

Bigger guy we go outside then with Rudy you know he’s super good he’s a I think defensive player of the year um he goes outside he goes inside gets rebounds uh fakes a tough play I mean it’s kind of like a kind of match up problem if if I will uh

I mean I think it’s kind of just it’s tough because you don’t really see big on a day well on every other day game you know when you’re playing so kind of gives a team a different look to or how to guard and things that nature and like

I said with cat and I we we can go inside outside you know it’s just it’s kind it’s a different look so there’s a lot of talk about Anthony taking a step this season have you seen that that I’m going and what strikes you as 100% I mean basketball speaks for itself but

This his character I’ve been with him for last four years now and it’s just like the way he’s grown off the court uh how he can take care of his day-to-day business and how he know approaches one another and uh just his everyday life I think that that was the

Biggest thing for me I mean obviously his b like I said his basketball is speak for itself his numbers go up his the game play is going up he’s helping everybody on the court uh but yeah just like his his character for me and his maturity than thanks awesome appreciate you for

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