@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks’ Clint Capela After Loss To Kings

Atlanta Hawks’ Clint Capela After Loss To Kings

What do you think is the issue when it comes to finishing these fourth quarters for you guys you guys are right there all these games are super close what do you think is ISS yeah I just felt that um the way that we play first half and second half fourth quarter was toally

Different uh I felt that whenever the game was getting tighter we were not uh finding open open shot as open shots as we were in the first half whenever whenever get his contested shots or you don’t find a you don’t create a find the open guy it’s it’s not it’s it’s harder

It’s just harder um their defense went up and uh shot selection was not as good as the first half so so it was just harder for us to to make shots and and when their or when their offense is kind of starting to click on all cylinders how do you guys not let

Your defense dictate how your offense kind of goes yeah I mean it’s kind of hard because uh whenever you don’t want to allowed that to happen to you but whenever you uh whenever you see that you like like open guys don’t get shots is just obviously it affects you a little bit and

Obviously on defense you’re still going to work it out to to to make it play and in defend the right way but the other team got even more confident the other teams getting a defensive rebound and just push the ball and play with more confidence so uh it was yeah it was

Almost day and night with the the first and second half uh especially fourth qu M um and uh yeah I feel like yeah every time this year it’s been every time we’re kind of tight fourth quarter we we have to we have to get better at making

The the right plays I asked coach Snider about you taking on another you know dominant big man and you RIS into the occasion you had a double double you held sa bonus to I think see digit rebounds tonight um what allowed you to be successful um in this matchup against

Him yeah I mean I’ve played for for a couple years um I kind of know his game I know I just trying to make his his job tougher um as best as I can and uh yeah I just want to by making stop and and

Our team whenever we had a chance to run to run on a fast break and final open shots and make layups dunks it lift our whole team and um that’s why I felt that we did in the first half and we have to create in the second half Clint just to

Go back to what you were talking about you saying tight do you think it’s more mentally than anything else uh it’s obviously it can’t just be one thing it’s it’s both uh mentally physically mindset wise we just have to to to keep that mindset of finding the open man an

Open shot uh this is the best way to give Alf a chance to to to to get back in those tough games uh because whenever a team comes back and we keep on taking tough shots contested shots and and I mean trying to you know sometimes

Talk to the ref it’s not going to help us uh especially in the fourth quarter whenever you had to lead the whole game uh it’s not going to help you um and uh it did it definitely didn’t help us this year because we really have this feeling

That every time we kind of tipe in the fourth quarter in the last four or five minutes with the team we we we we can we have to do a better job at at finding Open men and and make better play Clint when you look at Chicago and then you

Looked at the first half tonight it kind of seemed like guys were putting more bodies on the Kings what is the difficulty with kind of transitioning that into the second half so that you guys can you know continue to rebound as well as you tell that I mean the game’s

Not over after the first half second half especially whenever uh the whenever we’re beating them that way in the first half we know that they’re going to come harder in the second half and try to give thems a chance to get back in this game

Which is why they did and in our in our side we have to tell oursel that we have to keep going the game is not over second half is it’s it’s tough uh NBA games are long and we can’t get bored of thinking that oh game’s over and then

And then like we can’t slow down we cannot slow down because the other team on the other side is trying to come back to the game so they playing faster making stops and running shooting threes playing confidence so we have to we have to do this we have to do the same thing

And we can’t get bored and this this this has been not a problem Clint you’ve been around in the NBA for a number of Seasons now when you’ve seen ruts like this end in the past like what what does it take to sort of get a turnaround just from a

Emotional psychological point of view I mean just it just get harder and harder to take uh honestly um because it’s just sucks like it sucks to lose like that I mean especially tonight because I really felt they would look better uh and I and and also felt that

We just we just almost help them feel more confident and yeah it’s just yeah we we just got to do a better job and I don’t know talk to each other scream out each other argue I don’t know got to do something and um yeah thanks

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